Pythen Blessing: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 6)

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Pythen Blessing: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 6) Page 3

by Erin Raegan

  Yilt shook his head. “They will not harm you.”

  “They look terrifying,” Roxy whispered, shuddering again.

  Jyn huffed another laugh. “They are the king’s interrogators.”

  “Why are they with us?” I asked, looking out the window at the three of them.

  The one with the milky-white eye, Ignyt, looked up as if he could feel my stare. I quickly looked away.

  Yilt sighed. “The dahkling is coming. No one else wishes to miss the birth. They volunteered.”

  Roxy and I shared a look again. I doubted Peyton would let all those Dahk take a look at her pushing out a baby, though it was Dahk tradition to witness a birth and the following blessing. I was kind of sad I would miss it. A Dahk blessing was talked about like a fairytale. Vivian once said it was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever witnessed.

  We didn’t know Peyton well, not like Vivian, so we hadn’t been invited. That stung a little, but I tried not to let it bother me. I had been chosen to take care of Prin, and that was humbling in a way an invite to Peyton’s birth might not have been. Vivian trusted me with her daughter. Me.

  Vivian could have asked Bailey. Not that Bailey would have agreed. That girl had an attitude that clashed with Peyton most days. She had been invited to the birth but said she couldn’t handle watching it. I thought it might have been something more than that though.

  Still, Vivian liked Bailey even though I was pretty sure Bailey didn’t like Vivian. Vivian hadn’t even asked her to watch Prin. She came right to me after Mona, and that made me feel useful in a way I hadn’t on Home World.

  I clutched Prin a little tighter. I had shown the baby love from the beginning. I held Prin any time Vyr or Vivian would let me. I was often at their house lately, helping her around their house and keeping an eye on Prin while Vivian cared for the many female Dahk bringing their own babies into the world. After Mona had talked Uthyf into allowing his House members to return home after the battle, there wasn’t much work left at the castle for Roxy and me. We had to find other ways to occupy our time. Roxy hadn’t found hers yet, but I was content nannying for Vivian. It had been easier lately, since Vivian had been staying at the castle as we got closer to Peyton’s delivery. But after the baby was born, leaving the castle would become part of my life if I still wanted to help Vivian.

  We arrived at Bailey’s, and Fihk was there to help us inside. He’d wanted to be at the castle for Peyton, but Uthyf wanted Olynth near for Tahk if he lost his cool—which he did—and the two of them rarely left Bailey on her own. I wasn’t sure why Bailey hadn’t given in for Fihk’s sake, so he could be near his commander and Peyton.

  Lately, Bailey had become kind of a homebody, worried about Nathan too much to leave their home often. Once Uthyf opened the castle back up, her visits became more and more rare.

  We were guarded on all sides while entering Fihk’s House. They lived in the typical Dahk home, a monstrosity carved into the side of a mountain. The natural caves were smoothed out and widened until they looked like miniature castles sticking out of the mountains. They were beautiful but high in the air. Roxy and I didn’t do well with the Dahk flying us anywhere, so Borv had landed the ship on Fihk’s upper balcony.

  Star waited for us inside, her dark hair flying around her face as she raced over to me. Star had recently turned seventeen and was settling into Home World better than most of us. The Dahk didn’t make it easy for any of us humans, but Star had a desire for the world that most of us didn’t. Her dad, Nick, had trouble keeping her with him most days. She traveled with Fihk and Olynth as often as her dad let her.

  “Baby!” she squealed as she slammed to a stop in front of me, making grabby motions with her hands. I passed her Prin. “Yilt called ahead and said you were coming.”

  The younger Dahk flushed as Star beamed at him. Nick walked in behind her and Yilt quickly looked away. Prin let out a cry and Star winced.

  “She’s tired,” I told her in apology.

  Star nodded and handed her back. “Fihk sent for her crib at Peyton’s. It’s set up in my room.”


  I only got a few steps down to the lower floor before I realized I had a crowd behind me. Stopping, I looked back to see Yilt, Star, Nick, and Roxy, as well as the three interrogators. Ignyt? Ignite? Igneet? He met my eyes with a cool stare. I swallowed heavily and looked at Yilt.

  “They are to stay by Prin at all times.”

  “What about you, and Borv, and Jyn?” I asked.

  Yilt smiled gently. “I will be with you, but Borv and Jyn will stand outside your balcony door.” Yilt seemed to read the unspoken question in my eyes and stepped in front of the terrifying interrogators. “Vyr knows them well. They have worked closely these last few sunrings.”

  Right. Vyr had helped interrogate the Head House leaders that attacked the castle. I guessed that kind of violence bonded guys? What did I know? If Vyr wanted them close, then that was that.

  Ignyt bared his fangs and grinned at me, and the shorter, stockier interrogator at his side snorted.

  I cleared my throat and walked to Star’s room. She led me inside and lit the blue fire bowls around the room. Home World was perpetually dark. Without the toyl stones to light our way, we wouldn’t be able to see a thing. Their sun died long ago. It was just a dark rock in the sky now. A ticking time bomb.

  I didn’t like to think about that. You could see the flares coming off the back end of it sometimes, gearing up for an explosion, and I couldn’t bear to think about what would happen to the entire solar system when it decided to self-destruct. That was a long way off, but still, the idea of it was terror-inducing.

  Sometimes I wondered why I’d chosen to stay here but then I remembered that Earth was no better off, after having survived a massive invasion and preparing for another from the Galactic Council. But also, there was nothing left there for me anymore. My parents had been alive when I was taken by the Juldo, but they’d had me late in life and had a lot of health problems. I couldn’t bear the idea of going home just to find out they hadn’t survived. The likelihood they had was very low.

  Then there was Tim. He didn’t deserve my concern. He didn’t deserve me rushing home for him either.

  Ignyt brushed by me, his shoulder nearly grazing mine, and I jumped back, startling Prin. I looked away from his intense gaze and followed Star to the cradle at the side of her bed. Prin was squirming but her eyes were heavy and I knew she was ready to get some real rest.

  “My room is yours.” Star smiled over her shoulder at me as she shook out a thick fur and laid it in the crib. Star had been staying here as Peyton got closer to labor.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “You need anything, just shout. I’ll help with whatever.” She gave me a bright smile before sweeping out of the room with Nick.

  Roxy huddled by the door and looked between me and the four Dahk in the room. She knew Yilt and trusted him as much as I did, but the other three were unknowns to us.

  “You don’t have to stay, Roxy.” Though I didn’t want her to leave me with them, I didn’t want to make her stay either.

  She bit her lip and looked over her shoulder. “You sure?”

  I nodded a little hesitantly, then more firmly when I noticed her picking at her arm. She did that when she was scared. She already had too many scars on her arms. If staying was going to make them worse, then I needed to let her go. “Really, I’m fine.”

  Her eyes grew glassy as she searched my face.

  “Go, Roxy, I’m fine.” I looked away from her, turning toward the crib before she could see my own tells. I was never good at hiding my feelings. My mom used to say I was an open book.

  The door clicked softly behind me and I tensed. Looking over my shoulder. I’d hoped she hadn’t listened to me. But she was gone. I swallowed my emotion and laid Prin in her crib. Ignyt and the other three were lounging against the walls of the room, and Yilt was murmuring to Jyn and Borv at the cracked door
of the balcony.

  I felt their eyes on me and it made me hyper aware of my every movement. Prin relaxed into the crib with surprising ease. I expected her to cry out and fight sleep, but she must have been more exhausted than I thought. She didn’t close her eyes but seemed content enough to lie on her own.

  I sighed and sat on the end of the bed, stretching my arms out in relief. She barely let me put her down at the castle, and my arms were aching from rocking her for so long.

  Noise to my left had me freezing and looking over. Ignyt watched me quietly as one of the others shifted beside him. I didn’t like Ignyt’s eyes on me. They sent prickles of awareness up and down my spine. I scooted back to sit against the headboard. From there I could see Prin but still keep my eyes on the males in the room.

  Yilt approached me. “Why don’t you try to rest, Lydya?”

  Hah. There would be no sleeping for me in this room. If it were my usual guards at the castle or just Yilt, I would be fine. But with them in the room? I didn’t have the courage to close my eyes.

  I smiled at Yilt until he sighed and walked away then slouched against the wall. From there, it just got awkward. Well, for me anyway. Everyone else seemed content to either stare at Prin or, in Ignyt’s case, me. I tried not to show my discomfort, but it was really hard.

  Ten, maybe fifteen minutes passed in silence before Prin made a soft cry. Yilt stiffened and stepped closer to her, but the others didn’t move a muscle. I scooted to the edge of the bed to pick her up, but Vyr misted into the room, clawing a shout from my throat. I felt more than saw Ignyt stiffen and step closer to the crib.

  “You scared me,” I cried.

  Vyr ignored me and picked up his daughter. Prin immediately cooed and curled into his chest. I watched them for a few minutes before realizing this would be a longer visit, so I sat back and pulled the fur at the end of the bed over my legs. The silk gowns worn by all females on Home World were beautiful but didn’t do much to stave off the world’s frigid temperatures.

  “How’s Peyton?” I was dying for the littlest bit of information. The birth of a new baby was exciting, made doubly so by Peyton’s child being the first ever human-Dahk baby.

  Vyr sighed. “I do not know.”

  “Is she okay?” I asked.

  But this was Vyr we were talking about. He may have been a human at one point and may even remember little bursts of that life before he was turned against his will into a Juldo, but he was still an alien. And a male.

  “She is in pain. My Vivian says it will not be long now.”

  That was probably about all I would get out of him. I nodded and relaxed against the mound of pillows.

  He spoke softly to Prin, and I must have closed my eyes at some point because it was another of her cries that woke me. She would be hungry soon, and though Vivian had been feeding her at the castle every break she could, there was no good way to pump milk on Home World. As far as the Dahk were concerned, it was a barbaric practice. Vyr would be bringing her here or taking Prin to her in seconds.

  I pulled Prin from the crib and she immediately rooted at my chest. “Sorry, little bunny, I don’t have anything for you.”

  I rubbed my eyes with my free hand and walked around the bed, but I stumbled over the bench there. Hands grabbed my arms, steadying me. I looked into the eyes of one of the interrogators and stiffened. I had been so tired, I’d completely forgotten anyone else was in the room. Ignyt was on my other side, his hands outstretched to catch me, but he had seemed to freeze when I did.

  The other male slowly released me. “I am Ohta.”

  I swallowed the dry ball in my throat and nodded. “Lydia.”

  His bald head nodded, and he looked at the rooting baby.

  “She’s hungry, I think.”

  “I will call for Vyr,” Yilt said from behind me. The door clicked open then closed. I didn’t bother to stop him even though I knew Vyr was very aware of Prin’s hunger. He was probably trying to drag Vivian here right now.

  I looked between the two males in front of me, and they stepped aside. I laid Prin on the bench and rummaged through the pack Vivian had given me for a cloth diaper—a silk wrap fortified with thick fur patches. The Dahk called them wraps.

  “Ignyt,” a rough voice said behind me.

  I turned to see Ignyt watching me.

  “I am Ignyt. That is Hylg.” He nodded at the other interrogator lounging by the door.

  I forced myself to respond. “Igneet?” I understood Ohta and Hylg, but Ignyt was hard to pronounce.

  Hylg snickered. “We call him bastard, but others call him Igs. Either will do.”

  My burgeoning smile wavered when Ignyt bared his fangs threateningly at the male.

  Ignyt looked at me and his eyes snagged on my trembling frown. “Igs.”

  I nodded hesitantly. Igs, like eggs but with an i. Turning away, I went about changing Prin, trying to calm her while she wailed for what only her mother could give.

  “Loud babe, isn’t she?” Hylg asked, dipping down to inspect Prin. He looked at her with a curious frown.

  Prin looked at him and let out a piercing wail. Ohta and Hylg both winced and shook their head, backing away. It must have been several minutes now. Vyr should have been here by now.

  I pulled her up against my chest. She latched onto my tiny decorative braids, yanking on them in her fury. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a claw creeping close to my hair. Freezing, I held my breath as the claw nudged another of my braids. Another claw met the first, and the fingers rubbed the braid slowly.

  I jumped when the door opened. My braid fell from the claws, and I searched Ignyt’s face with terrified eyes. He didn’t look the least bit sorry for touching it.

  Yilt cursed and I stood, startled again. Yilt rarely cursed. “She cannot leave. The babe is coming. Vyr will come for Prin the moment it arrives.”

  I looked around, expecting Vyr to pop in.

  Yilt sighed. “Veeveen will not allow him to leave.”

  “Tahk?” Vyr must’ve had to restrain him again.

  Yilt snorted. “Haytu.”

  My brows went up in shock.



  Tahk was a stiff slab of granite behind me as I bore down. His arms and legs cradled me as I screamed through the pain, but I felt the helplessness and fury flowing through him. I had to give it to him though— ever since I had begged him, he had kept a lock on his emotions.

  My father-in-law though? He was a hot mess.

  Haytu thrashed under Vyr and Uthyf on the floor at the foot of my bed. I loved my father-in-law. He was amazing and I adored him. But he needed to put a lid on it.

  “Haytu!” Myrna shouted, exasperated, over his roars. “Contain yourself!”

  Byda was watching her mate with wide, concerned eyes while Pyntera and Wayka gaped at him in bewildered shock. He had lost it about when my baby girl tore me wide open from vagina to ass. I didn’t know if it was the visual—even though I had cursed him to holy hell and back for peeking when no one was supposed to look—or if my screeching and bawling had finally done him in. I had no idea he had it in him to lose it like that. He’d seemed so much calmer than his son.

  But for the Dahk, this birth had upended their understanding of bringing new life into the world.

  Gryo had long since passed out. Apparently, it was much too gory for him, particularly when I shit the bed. Literally.

  Vyr snarled at Haytu. He looked about ready to take off his head. The room was packed and I did not need this shit.

  “Go. Away!” I snarled.

  Vyndor, my brother-in-law, was here now, along with just about every single Dahk left in the castle. The room was overflowing. I had been promised they wouldn’t go overboard with my delivery, but it seemed no one gave a damn about promises now that it was happening.

  Tahk was no help. He had barely said a word since climbing behind me. It was almost as if he feared if he opened his mouth, he would lose all control. I would kill him i
f he did so now.

  “Peyton, I love you, but seriously, you are the biggest bitch in the world right now,” Vivian said from between my legs.

  “Shut up!” I shouted through another push.

  “Don’t you tell me to shut up! My girl is screaming for me right now, but I’m stuck with my hands in your vag and can’t do shit until you push this baby out!”

  “I hate you!” I screamed at her.

  “Peyton!” my mom scolded.

  “I hate you too! Why didn’t you tell me it would hurt this much?”

  “Would that have helped?” she asked serenely.

  I bore down again, and Tahk’s grip on my thighs tightened. “You did this!” Cliché sure, but that didn’t make it less true. “We are never having sex again!”

  Vivian shot me exasperated eyes, and Vyndor howled with laughter. Myrna and I glared at him and he gulped, backing away.

  Twenty minutes later, I had passed furious, injured female and was well into the sobbing stage of this mess. It was only then that Tahk let me know he was still breathing.

  “Oh, my yula, you are magnificent. You are brave. You are my love, my life, and I am humbled by your strength.”

  I sobbed as I pushed and he rained kisses down my sweaty face and neck. My fingernails were so imbedded into his arms, I didn’t think he would walk away without permanent damage, but he didn’t flinch. He was a wall of support at my back.

  “I see the head,” Vivian exclaimed. “Push, Peyton!”

  A crowd of Dahk eyes roamed my naked half with curiosity and vibrant excitement.

  I pushed and pushed, my stomach a hard rock of tension and everything below it on fire. If I could see over my enormous belly, I wouldn’t have been surprised to see Viv down there with a blowtorch.

  The room came alive, everyone chanting at me to push and push some more.

  Then there was a pop and a rush of painful relief.

  “Keep pushing!”

  “Don’t stop!”

  “One more!”

  I growled and curled up, my heels digging into Syn and Uthyf’s hands.


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