Power Reclaimed (D.C. Power Games Book 2)

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Power Reclaimed (D.C. Power Games Book 2) Page 1

by Ivy Nelson

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  Ivy [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Ivy Nelson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected].

  First paperback edition March 2019

  ISBN: NA www.ivynelsonbooks.com

  Chapter 1

  We look forward to seeing you soon.

  Adara Kent stared at the text message. The number wasn’t in her contacts. She frowned and typed a response.

  You must have the wrong number When the message showed as sent, she set the phone on the vanity and picked up the mascara wand sitting next to it. She brushed the black makeup across her already long lashes. When her eyes looked the way she wanted them to, she stuffed the wand back into the tube and placed it in her makeup bag. A quick swipe with some ruby red lipstick and her makeup was complete. Soft curls settled at her shoulders. It was a far cry from the simple knot she typically kept her hair in, but she felt her best friend’s wedding called for something a little more fun and elegant.

  A quick glance at her phone told her there was an hour before she needed to leave. There was no reply from the wrong number. She time to read for a bit, so Adara crossed the room to the reading corner that held a cushy love seat with lots of pillows and her favorite blanket. A book sat face-down, splayed open onthe cushions where she’d left it. She spread the blanket over her lap and soon became engrossed in her book.

  Three paragraphs later, the sound of her phone ringing from across the room nearly sent her jumping out of her skin. She set the book aside and scurried to answer it.

  “Adara Kent,” she said, trying to calm her racing heart.

  “Miss Kent, it’s Leslie Hanover. I was wondering if you’d given any more thought to running.”

  Adara grinned. Nothing else had been on her mind the last few days. “I have. And I want to do it. I was going to call you on Monday. I also have the perfect campaign manager in mind.”

  “Excellent,” Leslie said, with a squeal. “I’m so excited Adara. There is no way you lose this campaign.”

  Adara wasn’t so sure, but after eight years of keeping her head down to please her parents, she was ready to follow her dreams. Bradley had been pushing her to run for office for years and she avoided it. When Leslie Hanover, chair of Elect Progress, a local organization focused on electing progressive candidates, approached her about running for an atlarge D.C. Council position, she’d promised to think about it. After a week of weighing her options, she decided to go for it.

  Leslie was still rambling about how to put together a launch and how her organization could help secure funding. Adara laughed and interrupted her. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m heading to a friends wedding soon. Let me call you back on Monday. By then I should have a campaign manager for you to run these excellent ideas through.”

  “Sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to get started,” the woman exclaimed. Adara ended the call and glanced at the clock on her screen. Only twenty minutes to get dressed and call a ride share. Her pulse raced a little faster than before the phone rang. Was she ready for this? She had avoided the media for almost a decade. It felt right though. What would Michael say?

  Thoughts of him brought a smile to her face. She had been casually dating the tall police officer since they had met in Senator Atleigh’s office—before he resigned and left her without a job. Thinking of that might have sparked bitterness in some, but Adara was grateful. If she hadn’t lost her job with the senator, she might never have taken the leap and agreed to run for office. Michael’s opinion about her election run wasn’t a deal breaker. They weren’t that serious, and she didn’t want to be serious. In her mind, they were just two people having a good time. A good time indeed, some of his proclivities made her unsure, but so far he had never pressured her to try anything she wasn’t interested in. Even without the kinks he had, the sex was fantastic, she had to admit. Heat crept up the back of her neck and onto her cheeks as she thought of the number of orgasms he had given her just two nights ago. She couldn’t wait to see him in a tux again at the wedding. Her phone told her she had been daydreaming for too long. She hurried to slip on her dress and call a car. Taking the Honda sitting in her driveway would have been easier, but she’d agreed to ride with Michael after the wedding.

  Ten minutes later, she was in a Lyft on her way to the swanky downtown D.C. hotel where Bradley was tying the knot. Everyone had to get their early to go through security since presidential candidate, Steve Givens was attending. Secret Service would have the place locked down tight. At least he wouldn’t be at the after-party. She smirked at the image of Bradley’s dad setting foot in a BDSM club.

  When the car arrived at the hotel, she hopped out and hollered her thanks to the driver, promising a five star rating and a tip. As she was tapping out the quick review, her phone buzzed and the text message notification appeared at the top of her screen. It was that damn wrong number again.

  You look nice today Adara glanced around. Could this be a stalker? She shook her head, no way, she was being paranoid. Best to just ignore it, she thought as she slipped her phone into her clutch. Probably just some poor schmuck who got given the wrong phone number at a bar last night. It was a trick she had pulled more than once in college.

  ### Michael Silas stood with his back against the wall and watched Darci pace. A smirk spread across his face. High-strung was an understatement with Darci, and now, she appeared to be mid panic attack.

  “Darci, sweetheart. Calm down.” Crossing the room to her, he placed both hands on her shoulders, attempting to steady her. “I’m terrified Michael. Why am I terrified? What if I’m not enough for him?” Her voice rose with each question.

  “What would he say if he heard you talking like that?” He put on his best ‘stern’ face.

  Darci swallowed. “I know you’re right. I’m just panicking.”

  “Well stop. You’re more than enough for him. I think this alone should tell you that.” His finger traced the thin necklace she wore. “Why would he collar you if you weren’t enough?”

  Her shoulders slumped, and she relaxed before pulling him into a hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she murmured into his chest.

  He planted a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Sweetheart. Are you going to be OK? I need to step out and check on Adara. She hasn’t messaged me yet.”

  The pretty redhead nodded, and he left her to pull his cell phone out and text Adara. His brain referred to her as his girlfriend but he wasn’t sure she saw it that way.

  Hey Angel. You here yet?

  The bubbles floating at the bottom of the window told him she was typing a response.

  Just got through security. I’ve never been to a wedding that had security before.

  He grinned. Steve Givens was certainly complicating things. It would be worth it
though. Darci would get the wedding of her dreams. He fired off another message.

  Save me a seat?

  More dancing bubbles.

  You got it! :-) He wanted to keep texting her. Maybe flirt, but he needed to say hello to the groom and his groomsmen before returning to Darci to escort her down the aisle. The groom’s waiting area was just down the hall from where Darci and her bridal party were getting ready. Peter Mercer greeted him when he stepped into the room.

  “Michael, it’s good to see you again, brother.”

  Michael hugged the tall man. “I’m glad you and Carrie could make it out.” He spotted the groom, Bradley Givens. He was the newest in their circle of friends but since he was Darci’s lover and Dom, they had all embraced him as one of their own. And he had become good friends with him over the past few months. That he treated Darci a lot better than the last man she’d let collar her earned him a lot of credit with their group. A scowl crept onto his face as he thought of Damion, the man Darci had dated before she met Bradley. It wasn’t a habit of his to interfere with his friends love lives, but keeping his mouth shut about Damion had been hard.

  Peter offered him a glass of whiskey. It didn’t take him long to down the amber liquid before letting Peter fill his glass a second time.

  “Your girl was about to hyperventilate when I saw her a minute ago but I think I got her calmed down. I have to say it’s a whirlwind of makeup and hairspray over there. I much prefer the amenities here.” He raised his glass.

  Bradley chuckled. “Why am I not surprised? Speaking of our girls, is Adara here yet?”

  Michael smiled at the thought of Adara being his girl. She may not see it that way, but he was enjoying the time they spent together.

  “She just text and told me she was here.”

  “Excellent. I’ve missed working with her. It will be good to see her again.”

  Adara and Bradley had both worked for a senator, but when his campaign for president fell to scandal, they both left and were doing other things. Adara hadn’t found solid work yet but had been consulting for a few people on capitol hill. Glancing at his smart watch he said, “Almost time my friend. I’m going to head back to Darci.”

  “Tell her I said calm the fuck down and give her the look.” Michael laughed and tossed back the rest of his whiskey.

  “Done and done.”

  Back across the hall, the wedding planner was putting the bride and bridesmaids in place. Darci approached him and looped her arm through his. “Let’s do this Michael,” she said. He grinned down at her.

  “Let’s do this kiddo.”

  The ceremony Darci had planned, checked all the boxes for sweet and traditional. A perfect event for someone who was becoming the daughter-in-law of the man who had a real shot at becoming the next president. The people who knew the couple well though could see the hints of power exchange that defined their relationship.

  Months earlier, Michael had been present at a collaring ceremony at the private BDSM club they were all members of. In many ways that had been the more meaningful ceremony. This was just a legal extension of that. There would be a traditional reception here at the Hilton, but later tonight there would be a party at the club for a more adult celebration that honored the kinky side of their relationship.

  Michael was looking forward to it because he planned to take Adara to the club for the first time.She had been asking questions about his lifestyle but hadn’t worked up the courage to attend with him. Despite being excited about showing her more of his lifestyle, he had been careful not to put any pressure on her.

  As he stepped into the ceremony hall with Darci on his arm, Adara caught his eye. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and she wore a red dress that showed smooth shoulders. The feeling of her silky skin was imprinted in his memory and it was as if he could feel it now just looking at her. He wanted to wink at her as they passed but decided against it. It was easy to embarrass her, and he didn’t want to do that.

  Once his role in the ceremony was complete, he stepped back and made his way to the row of chairs where Adara sat. When he reached her, he leaned down and whispered, “excuse me, is this seat taken?” Her blush was instant, but she gave a slight shake of her head and he settled into the empty chair next to her. When he slipped his arm around her shoulders, she stiffened for a moment, but after a minute she relaxed. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that she wasn’t fond of public displays of affection. She didn’t pull away though, so he left his arm where it was. A few minutes later, she surprised him by placing her hand on his thigh and scooting closer to him. It made him smile.

  As the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, and Bradley dipped Darci for a ridiculous kiss, Michael slipped his hand into Adara’s as they stood to cheer with the rest of the crowd. Instead of withdrawing her hand, she squeezed his fingers. Things were looking up.

  The reception would be in the ballroom next door. Darci insisted Michael stay back for wedding pictures, so he kissed Adara on the cheek and told her he would find her as soon as he could. As she turned to walk away, her phone sounded an alert. A frown marred her face when she glanced at her screen.

  “Everything OK?” he asked, stopping her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  She nodded. “Just a stupid wrong number that won’t quit texting me. I’m about to block it.”

  The police officer in him kicked in and he fought the temptation to ask if she was sure it was just a wrong number. Darci was always telling him he was too overbearing and overprotective even for a dom, so he didn’t ask. Instead, he kissed her cheek one more time and let her walk away.

  ### Adara scowled at her phone. This guy was pissing her off. A few taps of the screen, and she was on the block number window. She confirmed she wanted to block the number and put the phone away. That should take care of that little problem. Inside the ballroom, the open bar looked appealing, so she ordered a whiskey sour before finding her assigned seat at the table nearest the bride and grooms—perks of being a good friend of the groom and dating the bride’s best friend. Guests filed in and she waved at the o nes she recognized—which was most of them. Working with senator Atleigh on his various campaigns had garnered her a lot of connections. There were several people here she knew she should talk to since she was running for office. But before she did any of that, she wanted to ask Bradley to run her campaign. Just then, a familiar face approached and sat in the seat next to her.

  “I know this isn’t my seat, but I had to come give you a hug.” It was Leslie Hanover. “I should have known this was the wedding you meant.”

  Adara accepted the older woman’s hug.

  “I should have guessed you would be here too,” she responded.

  “Oh Adara, I’m just so excited. The democratic party is going to be lucky to have you on the ballot.”

  “I’m just proud to be able to serve.” She patted Leslie’s hand as she took a sip of her whiskey sour.

  Just then, Michael approached and placed a hand on her shoulder. She smiled up at him.

  Leslie stood. “I do believe I’m in your seat, Detective Silas. Or should I say Chief Silas?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. Michael shifted next to her, clearly uncomfortable with this conversation. Was Leslie referring to Chief of Police? The mayor had the power to fill that position, and Adara hadn’t heard any rumors lately.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean,” Michael said after a moment.

  “The word around town is that you’re the mayors appointee to be the next chief of special investigations.”

  Michael shrugged and said, “You know how the gossip mill is.”

  The older woman laughed. “Playing it close to the vest I see. Well, I’ll let you have your seat. Enjoy the party.”

  Adara just stared as Leslie crossed the ballroom to her own table. Was there nothing that woman didn’t know?

  “Something you forgot to tell me?” she asked as Michael settled into his seat.

  “Not exactly. She is right, I�
��m going to be the next chief, it’s just not official yet, and I was under strict orders to keep it quiet until the announcement on Monday.”

  “I guess it’s OK since I have something I need to tell you too.” His brow rose as he waited.

  “I’m running for an at-large council position.”

  “Adara, I think that’s wonderful. You’re going to do great, Angel.”

  She grinned, grateful for his support. “Thanks. I’m super excited.”

  He picked up her hand. “Will you still join me tonight?”

  She nodded. “Between you, Bradley, and Darci, I’m convinced of the security and secrecy of the place. I know none of what came out months ago would have come out if a public club hadn’t been part of it.”

  He smiled and looked relieved. She was nervous about going to Exposure for the first time but she was interested to see what the appeal was for her friends. The emcee for the evening came across the sound system and announced the bride and groom’s arrival. Everyone stood and clapped as the couple made their way to the table next to the one Michael and Adara sat at. She grinned at her dear friend from college. She didn’t know where she would be without Bradley.

  Once the line of people stopping by to wish the happy couple well died off, Adara motioned for Bradley to come and visit her. Darci had set off to visit with party-goers around the ballroom so he obliged her and settled in at the empty chair next to her.

  “Congratulations, boss,” she said with a quirky grin.

  “Oh cut it out Adara. I haven’t been your boss for months,” he said with a chuckle. “But thank you. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “I have something to ask that might make you at least a bit happier.”

  “Oh?” his eyes widened and sat back with steepled fingers as he waited for her to tell him what was going on.

  “Leslie Hanover has been talking to me.” An unexpected wave of nervousness flooded her system, and she twisted the table cloth in her fingers as she spoke.


  “Well… She convinced me to run for the at-large seat as an independent with democratic backing.”


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