by Peter Warren
A few days later still
The swimming pool re-appeared this morning.
I think they got it wrong, as the shallow end is (deep) in the hole where the deep end used to be, and the deep end is in (or rather mostly sticking out of) the hole where the shallow end used to be.
We need a ladder to get in the deep end now as it is 6 feet up in the air.
This all happened when there was a tremendous crash at first light this morning (about 5 am, as I am told the duck Heavy Transport Unit only works daylight hours) when they dropped the pool back in its hole (the wrong way round).
There was a message stuck to the windows with what looks like duck spit, as there were some fish bones in it, and what looks like a half-digested shrimp.
The message said:
“Pool sorry (they are sorry, or the pool is sorry?) It does not look very comfortable.
Connections don’t understand. (I guess not, the skimmer pipes are trailing across the lawn).
Pontus not in region. (Oh. They figured that out).
Scouter Duck who gave wrong report made into fussy grass and sold for benefit of Duck Heavy
Armor Brigade. See evidence below. (Duck spelling is not the same as human spelling. I think he means “foi gras”).
Always call Duck Central for your Light and Heavy Lift needs.
“We Drop What We Lift”
Duck Central Lift Control”
Lying on the ground below the note was what looked like a charred duck beak (minus its owner) with a clean hole right through it.
Duck was sitting in the water-less pool balancing on top of his thermometer trying to pretend nothing had happened and that everything was normal. He was reading the newspaper, but I think I saw him take a quick glance over the top of it as I read the note on the windows.