From Another Point of View

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From Another Point of View Page 10

by Peter Warren

  As we sit up here on the moon looking at you guys on that pretty earth down there, we’ve got to admit we are puzzled.

  If we didn’t know better, we’d come to the conclusion you guys are not thinking.

  You do think don’t you?

  You do know how?

  As we see it, Al Hitler – Alright, OK, Al Kidya if you want – and the other Muslim mafia leaders are not at all important. Those guys are not about to fly airplanes into buildings personally, or fly crop dusters distributing the benefits of smallpox to the wide population. No Sir. They use brain washed idiots to do that.

  Now even if you are lucky enough to use a few billion dollars worth of cave-penetrating bombs and happen to give Ben Laden or his henchmen a taste of the 47 virgins in heaven they are promising everyone else, it won’t do you the slightest good, because as long as the support is there, other leaders will emerge anyway. They’d just thank you for getting rid of the competition.

  It seems to us, you’ve been picking a fight you can’t win that way. Pretty silly of you, if you ask us.

  The Al Kidya gang is pumping out daft ideas and getting people to follow them, and you seriously think you can counter those with bombs, bullets, bribes and a carton of cancer?

  Now come on fellas. When did you last see a bomb flatten an idea? Can you point to one single idea lying dead on the ground ANYWHERE and say “There, see, a bullet got it before it did any more harm?”

  You got a big stock of Idea Bombs or Idea Bullets somewhere we don’t know about? Do they come in neat packets labeled “Mk 9 Idea Bomb. The deadliest bomb an idea ever ran into, Made in US of A?”

  Has it occurred to you that if you cut off Al Kidya’s support then you can win? You need to get to the Muslim man in the street who supports Al Kidya, and you need to expose Al Kidya for the liars and antireligious persons they are.

  When you have an enemy, you have to look for where and how this enemy is vulnerable and then you need to attack that vulnerability.

  You know, the Achilles stuff. The stuff they figured out in ancient Greece several bombs ago.

  Or didn’t they teach you that in Which Point and your compass is all poxed up?

  Did they teach you, “look for where the enemy is not vulnerable and then bomb the shit out of where he isn’t vulnerable?”

  Do you mind if we go over this, ‘cause you seem to be missing a thing or two, we just hope it is not you marbles even if it does look rather like you lost them somewhere. Maybe you left them at Which Point.

  So let’s look at what your good friends at Al Kidya are really doing. They’re actually taking a very risky course, if any of your guys from Which Point wake up to it.

  They’re telling lots of pretty illiterate people, none of whom can read for themselves, that the Koran says X Y Z - when it does not – and therefore, go fly a plane into a building or spray your guts over any available American. And they believe him and go and do that.

  Now that is a very dangerous and risky way of doing things for Al Kidya, because if someone shows them clearly to be the liars they are, their support and their supply of suicide-hungry idiots is going to vanish like butter in the summer sun.

  Now Al Kidya are getting people to support them, starting with their version of the SS – pretend-Mullahs who are spreading the lies. Clearly, for these would-be religious gas chamber operators, getting up and Shouting “death to America” is a good thing to do, because that way they get support and at the end of the day, that feeds their egos and probably doesn’t hurt their wallets either and makes sure they eat.

  So you’ve got Al Kidya, together with the SS pretend-mullah corps, doing exactly what Hitler did in Germany – feeding massive lies in a continuous propaganda stream to a somewhat sleepy lot of followers.

  And you are going about handling this by flinging bombs, bullets and bribes at it? Or have we got fog on our telescope?

  Now in charge of this propaganda war – this war of ideas - you seem to have President O-Ha-Ha, who is doing his best not to understand anything much except that nobody is allowed to say “no”, and a woman who is about as invisible as you can get. Maybe Al Kidya got to her with a tube of glue and glued her lips shut.

  Meanwhile the Al Kidya crowd are doing nicely thank you with their own private pocket TV station, which publishes verbatim whatever they want to say.

  Now we know it is not so easy to see things up here on the moon, but have we got this wrong or what?

  Now we are really sorry, but we do not think that you are going to win ideas and support the way you are going about it. One thing we would definitely not recommend, is distributing a hurricane of leaflets from the air over Afghanistan that show in pictures “we are here to help” and following that up with the sound of bomb explosions as the leaflet-finder tries to puzzle out this weird message. Personally, if we were Afghan and got one of those leaflets with the bombs coming down and the bullets flying, we’d think someone must think we were seriously stupid.

  Now look, you’ve got a lot of resources to fight a propaganda war, and win the war of ideas. We don’t want to do your work for you, but think about it.

  Half the population in the world, last we heard, was women. We assume this applies to Afghanistan too, and so far as we know, Al Kidya’s idea of female heaven is that women are consigned to a sort of slavery as suppliers of sexual favors and cheap home labor. So since you already have 50% of the Afghan population on your side right from the word goes if you play it right, how about organizing those women? Turn the bed heat button to "cool” until Al Kidya is delivered up?

  The vast majority of Muslims are very religious and constructive people. Where is the fatwa against Al Kidya Muslim terrorists giving Moslems a bad name? Or is the CIA defunct and no longer able to organize a handful of lousy fatwas? They say it is a religious war. Right on! Their twisted version of religion versus the

  true religion. Let’s Go! Box up the F111s and haul out the Fatwas. Religious war here we come. My religion versus your religion, may the best truth win.

  Start a heavy propaganda campaign – The Koran says X, Al Kidya says Y. The Koran says C, Al Kidya says the opposite. PROVE they are liars about the Koran. Show that those who back Al Kidya statements are Koran violators.

  Lots of religious edicts. “God has declared that the 47 virgins are all tied up with those who did not commit suicide and if you commit suicide all you will get from God is a bed of pig dung”

  “The Koran declares that killing someone is bad, so if you kill someone you will be condemned to an eternal life within the entrails of the uncleanest heavenly pigs they have available”

  Come on guys, wakey-wakey.

  You were born with at least one brain cell.

  Wake it up

  Dust it off

  Give the thing a bath and a cup of coffee.

  Tell it holiday’s over, hibernation is all done.

  Time to get to work and come up with some ideas that are idea killers.

  Read our Lips:

  Bombs bullets and bribes do not kill ideas

  Only thing that can kill one idea is another idea.

  You kill a lying idea with a truthful idea

  Works every time.

  So you guys from Which Point.

  Its That Point, got it?

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