The Temple of Arrival

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The Temple of Arrival Page 25

by Matthew Olney

  Still, she came, swatting aside his own weakening

  attacks with terrifying ease to strike him with devastating blows. A punch to the midriff, a kick to the side of his skull, an uppercut to his jaw; with no mercy she delivered each strike. With a punch to his chest he flew backwards, every rib shattered, and skull fractured to crash to the ground next to Vavius.

  “Pathetic fool. I gave you life. I will take it away.”

  She strode forward grabbing him by the scruff of his cloak and dragged him towards the Oracle and the beam of Power. Elian tried to struggle free of her tenacious grip, but it was no use. His legs kicked weakly, he tried to prise her hands from his cloak with broken, useless arms to no avail. One of the snake like metallic tentacles manoeuvred menacingly towards him, a vicious spike snapping out of its end ready to impale him and feast on his Power. Just as all hope seemed lost Vavius slowly got to his feet and with a pained roar tackled the Supreme to the ground. The two Empowered Ones struggled raining punches on the other. Elian scrambled away to see that the chamber was now empty save for the bodies of the sacrificed. Beyond the doorway came the sounds of musket fire and battle. He crawled towards it and freedom.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  He turned to see Cassia standing over him. She raised a booted foot high and stamped on his already injured back. Elian screamed in pain, his vision exploding with stars. His limbs went limp as all feeling left his body; she’d broken his spine. He was at her mercy.

  “You can’t win Elian,” she snarled as she grabbed his cloak and dragged him back toward the Oracle.

  Marcian and the others ran into the chamber.

  “Let him go!” Lizella cried.

  Elian tried to shout a warning, but the words came out as no louder than a pained croak. Stood at her side were Rea, Marcian and Visp. He wanted to tell them to run, that it was over, but Lizella aimed her musket at Cassia.

  The Empowered One laughed in surprise and stopped.

  “So, this must be the Lizella. The girl that you love so much, the one that broke your heart. I suppose it would be fitting for me to rip out her heart before offering you to the Oracle.”

  “Try it, bitch!” Visp snarled her White Steel sword at the ready.

  Cassia chuckled, leant down and whispered in Elian’s ear “Don’t go anywhere, brother. This won’t take long.”

  He tried to move but only numbness was his reward.

  Meanwhile, Vavius was locked in a brutal fight with the Supreme. Despite his injuries, he fought on using every trick he knew to keep her distracted. The two fought in a whirlwind of attacks the use of their powers violently shaking the chamber.

  Lizella fired her musket, but Cassia leapt to the side in a blur, the musket ball missing its intended target. She ran forward using Fear to enhance her speed and crashed into Visp sending her flying. Using Disgust, she dropped Marcian to his knees, his hands clutching his throat as his own immune system attacked him. Lizella drew her sword holding it out before in a two-handed grip. Cassia advanced easily deflecting the blade with her gauntlets. She grabbed Lizella’s wrist, twisting it painfully so that she was forced to her knees.

  Cassia looked at Elian cruelly. He tried to focus, tried to heal himself, do anything, but his head swam. It was then that Rea acted. She had stayed back, waiting for her opportunity. Now it presented itself. She closed her eyes and focused on Cassia. Using Positivity, she reached into Cassia’s mind.

  Cassia flinched and shook her head as though to dislodge the alien presence now infiltrating it.

  “No. Get out of my head,” she snarled.

  Rea held on, intensifying her focus. Pushing ever deeper it was clear that it was one that was damaged. She could feel the trauma the woman had sustained. Waves of emotion filled her as she witnessed through Cassia’s own eyes the brutality she had experienced at the hands of the Supreme and her followers. The torture she had endured as a child to speed up her Emergence, the Breaks she had suffered as sought to grow her powers and impress the Supreme. Rea saw how fragile the woman was, that underneath her strength she was nothing more than a damaged weapon. She focused on the Breaks and pushed. It was a strange thing witnessing the breaking of a mind, it was like a pane of glass chipped and fragile. Rea pushed without mercy.

  Cassia let out a blood curdling scream as her mind shattered. She released Lizella, grabbing her head screeching. Noises liked a pained and caged animal escaped her lips; her eyes rolled back into her skull as she clawed insanely at her face. Marcian gasped as Cassia’s grip vanished. He got to his feet, snatched up his sword, rushed forward and plunged it into her heart. Blood spurt from Cassia’s mouth, her eyes snapping back into focus for a split second before life left them. She crashed to the ground unmoving. Marcian pulled his blade out of her torso and rushed to Lizella who was holding her wrist.

  “Elian!” she cried.

  Rea was already at his side. She took his hands in hers and closed her eyes. She reached out once again, this time into his mind.

  ‘You must use Joy Elian. You must find it. You must heal, you must stop her. There is a way, you must get her close to the Oracle, it must feed off her,’ she told him. With a nervous sigh, she opened herself up to him, showing him her feelings. He looked at her with surprise. The numb feeling he’d had where his Joy had once been, faded and the familiar sensation of the emotion he’d feared lost forever returned with force. Rea kissed him deeply, pouring all of her passion into it.

  Instantly, feeling returned to Elian’s body as the healing Power created by Joy flooded through his body. His broken bones fused together painfully, his damaged organs repaired themselves and strength filled him once more. Their lips parted and despite the carnage, all around them, he grinned. He got to his feet and looked at his friends.

  “I’m okay,” he said, before turning his attention to the Supreme and Vavius.


  Chapter 30.

  Vavius’s head rocked backward as the Supreme delivered a savage punch to his battered face. Despite the pain, he felt no Fear, he had saved Elian-his son from death. He glanced to his left to see Elian rising, surrounded by his friends. He was going to die, he knew. But even as that realisation filled his mind, he was content. He had made so many mistakes, committed so many heinous acts, killed those who had loved and trusted him, it was the least he deserved. If there was an afterlife, then he would surely be sent to one reserved for the most wicked of men.

  Another blow broke his jaw, sending teeth and spittle flying from his mouth.

  He was ready and unafraid, for despite all his evil deeds he had brought one positive into the world, his son. He looked at the Supreme, the woman he’d hated all his life and knew that her reign would end.

  Another blow to his already battered face. He felt his nose disintegrate under its impact.

  His mind was drifting thanks to the pain, he didn’t feel it when the Supreme punched a fist through his torso taking his still beating heart through his back. He spun to the ground. The last thing he saw with his fading vision was Elian running towards him. He smiled.


  The Supreme, covered in Vavius’s blood grabbed his corpse and hurled it across the chamber towards the Oracle. The tentacles descended, impaling the body and consuming the Power that lay within. The light grew brighter and pulsed faster at the new source. She fixed her gaze on the body of Cassia and with a gesture floated it into the air. With a flick of her wrist, she sent it toward the Oracle where the tentacles did their alien work. The Temple shook violently, and the hum grew louder and louder as it devoured the two Empowered Ones.

  “All that remains is you, my son. Can you not feel it? The Oracle yearns for more,” she said. “I must admit that I am impressed with your friend’s tenacity. For the first time ever, someone has come close to thwarting my plans. For that, you have my respect.”

  She raised her hand again and an invisible hand gripped Elian, yanking him violently across the room towards the Oracle.
Once more the snake like tentacles descended but this time Elian channelled Anger and dug his heels into the metallic floor. One tentacle approached but he reached out, grabbed it and yanked it violently. With a shower of sparks, the tentacle was ripped from the Oracle.

  “Remember what I told you!” shouted Rea.

  Elian nodded. He opened himself up to all his emotions. Fear, Anger, Joy, Positivity, Anticipation, Disgust, Love. The Power surged through him, whereas before he had only dared use two emotions at once. Now, he unleashed them all. At first, the turmoil of emotions threatened to shatter and break his mind, but he could sense Rea, Lizella, Marcian and Visp all urging him on. A calm replaced the whirlwind and his eyes snapped open.

  Power, like he had never felt before surged through his body. He felt stronger, faster and more attune with the lifeforce of the world itself. He could sense his friends, the fleeing prisoners, the Arikar, everyone and everything for a thousand miles. The Supreme filled his vision, except now he saw her for what she truly was. She was radiant, brighter than the sun, but tinted with darkness. The sickness of madness and hate had corrupted her Power that had once been so pure. She snarled and threw herself at him, he easily sidestepped her fist. She attacked again but he dodged and weaved them all. Not one came close to striking him. He now knew what he was. He was greater than the Supreme. The Supreme’s eyes widened in realisation that he was stronger than she. Fear poured off her to join desperation. Even with all her Power, she was faltering. It was then he countered with a single blow that sent her soaring. The impact shook the Temple, the shock wave knocking Marcian and the others off their feet.

  The Supreme flew backwards to crash to the ground at the base of the Oracle. The tentacles emerged, seeking their prey. Elian leapt, covering the distance between him and the Supreme in a single bound. He landed in front of her.

  “You are spectacular. If I am the Supreme then you, my son, are surely the Ultimate,” she said looking up at him in awe. The tentacles wrapped themselves around her lifting her from the ground. A spike stabbed into her back and pulled her towards the light. The Oracle’s light grew in intensity as it fed on her. The Supreme’s screams filled the air as the Oracle tried to devour her Power. She resisted, ripping one of the tentacles clear of the Oracle in a shower of sparks.

  She was fighting her way free!

  “Elian, you must strike her now, the Oracle is weakening her,” Rea shouted.

  “Here!” called Lizella who drew the White Steel dagger on her belt and threw it to him.

  He caught the dagger by the hilt. The Supreme had destroyed more of the tentacles, soon she’d escape. Dagger in hand he launched himself through the air to land in front of her. Her right arm was enveloped by a tentacle.

  “I will kill you all!” she snarled.

  “No; You won’t.”

  Elian punched the dagger into her chest, the White Steel blade stabbing deep into her heart. Her eyes widened in surprise and then she coughed up blood.

  “Impossible,” she gasped before going limp. Without her resistance, the tentacles swarmed hungrily over her body and pulled her into the Oracle’s centre.

  Elian shielded his eyes against the glare and watched as she was absorbed. A riot of emotions filled him. He’d done it, his friends were safe, the world freed. His attention snapped back to the Oracle as Rea called over the now deafening din.

  “How do we stop the Ritual!”

  Any happiness Elian felt at defeating the Supreme quickly fell away as he realised what he’d done. He’d just given the Oracle what it needed. A massive source of the Power.

  “It’s going to wipe out everything, just as I saw in her memories,” he muttered in horror.

  The beam of light grew in intensity until it was almost blinding.

  “We have to stop it!” Visp shouted.

  A deafening whine filled the Chamber, whatever the Supreme had wanted the Oracle to do it was now charged enough to do -something.

  “There must be some way to stop it,” Lizella cried.


  Marcian watched in horror as energy erupted from the Oracle. It pulsed rapidly, and then, an invisible force erupted from it pulling everything in the chamber towards it. Visp stabbed her sword into the ground and caught Lizella before she was dragged off her feet. Rea grabbed one of the alcoves, holding on for dear life as the pull grew stronger and stronger. Elian punched his fist into the ground, shattering the metallic surface and anchored himself using Anger. Marcian felt a tugging sensation come from around his neck. To his surprise, the amulet he wore was shining brightly. He looked at it and then to the Oracle. A shadow stood in the light its arm raised at pointing at him. Suddenly an invisible force gripped the amulet yanking it violently. He tried to resist the pull, but it was no good. His boots slipped on the metallic floor. He tried to remove the amulet; too late. With a startled cry, he was pulled off his feet and sent flying towards the Oracle.

  “Marcian!” Lizella yelled.

  Tumbling through the air he crashed to the ground. He reached out desperately seeking a handhold, anything to grip onto. The mysterious figure was drawing him and the amulet in. He looked up into the light pouring through the Oracle, and the figure, their features hidden by the glare raised its other arm. His eyes widened in surprise. He called out, but the figure stood unmoving.

  Elian leapt through the air to land beside Marcian. He reached out grabbing Marcian by the leg.

  “Don’t let go!”

  Using all his strength Elian tried to pull him to safety, but the invisible force was too strong. Even using Anger, he could feel himself slipping. The two men were being pulled towards the light. He roared as he pulled with all his might to no avail. It was then he spotted the figure in standing in the light.

  “Who is that?” he said his voice lost in the tumult.

  The invisible force grew in strength, and even with every muscle straining his Power wasn’t enough to resist its tenacious grip.


  “No!” Lizella screamed as Elian and Marcian went tumbling into the light. A blinding flash forced her to look away. The deafening hum ceased; the light faded. Slowly, she lowered her arms. The Oracle stood dark and silent. Of Elian and Marcian there was no sign. They were gone.

  “We have to flee!” yelled Visp.

  The Temple shook violently, and a rumbling came from beneath their feet. Bron had accomplished his mission and detonated the explosives.

  Rea and Lizella stared in disbelief at the spot where the two men had vanished. The rumbling grew in intensity until the Chamber started to vibrate violently snapping Lizella and Rea out their shock.

  The three women turned and fled the chamber. Once in the main hall, the floor exploded upwards and great gouts of flame erupted from rapidly expanding chasms. The Temple was collapsing. They ran as fast as they could. The ground split with a loud crack, forcing them to leap the gap or else fall into the abyss below.

  With a desperate final sprint, they reached the exit, just as the Temple began to collapse in on itself. The spire crumbled raining huge slabs of rock on the land below. Breathless, they made it outside to join the Arikar and prisoners in fleeing to a safe distance. With one final deafening crash and an expanding cloud of dust and debris, the Temple of Arrival was no more.


  The world had changed. The constant was gone. The Supreme was no more.

  Lizella sat on the hillside looking out across the vast plain below. She was lost in her thoughts. Where literally the day before Aeranyth had been a desolate wasteland, grass and plants now grew in extravagant abundance. No one could explain how life had suddenly appeared, it was as though the land itself had somehow been ‘reset’ by the Temple. It wouldn’t be long before nature fully reclaimed it. She watched as new shoots of greenery pushed themselves through the once dead earth. The place hummed with energy, even she could feel it.

  She turned at the sound of booted feet on the grass behind her and for a heartbeat, she expected to see Marcian
crest the hill. She fought back tears as instead, Rea came into view. At seeing her the Gifted walked over and pulled her into a hug. They held each other, each sharing their pain.

  “They can’t be gone,” Lizella said, doing her best not to break down in tears again.

  “I don’t know how, but I think all this was because of them,” Rea said gesturing to the now verdant landscape.

  Lizella pulled away and looked at the Gifted.

  “Can you- can you sense him?”

  Rea shook her head.

  “I’ve tried. I wish I could say yes, but then again, I can’t say no. I can’t explain what I sense when I focus on him,” she answered confusion in her voice.

  “But you feel something?” Lizella pressed.

  “I think so. I’m sorry.”

  The two sat in silence and watched the sunset.

  “What happens now?” Lizella asked.

  “As hard as it is, we can’t let their sacrifice be in vain. Despite the Supreme’s death, the Imperium still stands. Marcian’s spies have reported that General Rickon escaped the battle and the Hollowed are out there free of the Supreme’s will. Dangerous times remain ahead,” Rea replied stoically.

  Finally, the sun dipped beneath the horizon to bathe Aeranyth in a fading red glow. The sky turned purple and orange before fading to darkness. Lizella stood, squeezed Rea on the shoulder.

  “Are you going to be alright?” she asked.

  Rea nodded.

  “I think I’ll stay up here a bit longer. Go and be with your family, I’ll be fine.”

  Lizella nodded and walked away leaving Rea to her thoughts.


  She closed her eyes and reached out with the Power. Knotting her brow in concentration she focused on Elian. It was as before, she could feel him all around her, as though somehow the life around them was a part of him. She concentrated harder, harder than she’d ever done before. Suddenly a presence made itself known, alien and cold. It was that of an Empowered One, power radiated from it.


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