A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set

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A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set Page 2

by Sharon Cummin

  Rachel slid her hand beneath her covers and under her panties. She closed her eyes as she rubbed her finger through her already wet folds. Her kiss with Brad played through her mind. The way his hand felt as he held her head and claimed her mouth had her breathing deep. She thought about how amazing it felt when his hand rubbed up her stomach to her chest. He cupped her breast and took her nipple into his mouth. She could feel her nipples harden beneath her blankets. As her other hand went to her breast, she rubbed her clit with her fingers. She could see herself pinned against his door with his knee between her legs. The way his body felt against hers was hot. She could see herself being with him. Her mind wandered to what he looked like under his clothes, as she rubbed herself a little quicker. What would have happened if she hadn't left, she wondered?

  She pictured his hand going beneath her jeans and cupping her mound. A moan escaped her lips as she thought about him rubbing her wet pussy with his fingers. She had pleasured herself many times, but she knew it would be different with him touching her. She rolled her nipple through her fingers as she arched her back. Her palm slid across her clit as she entered herself with one finger. Her head went back and her chest went forward as she squeezed her breast and fingered herself. The entire time she thought about Brad's fingers being inside of her. He would kiss her hard as he fucked her with them. She ground against her finger as she took it in and out with speed. When she slid a second finger in, she had to bite her lip to stop the noise that wanted to escape her. Thinking about Brad, she fucked herself hard and deep with her own fingers. Her palm continued to hit her clit as she ground herself against her hand. The more she thought about his mouth on her, the closer she got to edge of her release. She thought about him stripping her naked and thrusting his huge cock into her as she moaned his name and felt her pussy tighten around her fingers when her orgasm took her over. She continued to thrust them in deeper until her breathing returned to normal.

  She rolled over and closed her eyes. One dinner, she thought. She could get through one dinner. Only three more days and she could go back to school and not have to think about him.

  When she opened her eyes in the morning, she grabbed her phone to see if Karen had text her yet. It was noon and Rachel couldn't believe she had slept so late. There was one text, but she didn't recognize the number.

  Unknown: I'm not the same person either.

  Who the heck was it, she thought? The only person she could think of was Brad, but how did he get her number?

  Rachel: How did you get my number?

  Instantly there was a reply.

  Unknown: I looked through my sister's phone. That one kiss meant something to me. What makes you think it didn't?

  Rachel: You never mentioned it again. Then, you turned into someone else. It doesn't matter anymore anyway. That was a very long time ago.

  She programmed his number into her phone so he wouldn't catch her by surprise again.

  Brad: Yes, it does matter. I looked forward to seeing you each time I came back home. I've waited two years to see you. When I opened that door, I couldn't believe it was really you standing there. I can't believe you purposely blew me off all that time.

  Rachel: Just go back to treating me like I'm less than you, please. You were always good at that.

  Brad: You were my sister's best friend and only fifteen when I left for college. Things were different then.

  Rachel: Yes, they were. Bye.

  Brad: I'll see you at dinner.

  Rachel: I'm not feeling well. I'm not coming.

  Brad: Yes, you are. My parents have been waiting to see you. I'll leave you alone as long as you agree to show up.

  Rachel: I'll come for one hour. Then I'm leaving.

  Brad: Fine.

  She threw the phone down on her bed and went to take a shower. Her mom knocked on her bedroom door just as she was finishing her hair and makeup. They sat and talked for a few minutes before heading to dinner at the neighbors. Rachel's mom had picked up a pie to take with them. As they stood in front of her friend's door, Rachel let out a huge breath. I can do this, she thought.

  Karen's parents were so excited to see Rachel. They both wrapped her in a hug and pulled her into the living room. She sat down on the couch and answered all of their questions. It was strange how much they wanted to know about what had been going on with her. She felt like they cared more than her own mother did. Her mom sat and quietly listened to the conversation.

  Brad and Karen walked in laughing and joking with each other. Rachel could see how much Karen loved her brother. He seemed to have a different attitude than he had when he first left for college. Maybe he was different, but she wasn't willing to take the risk of finding out. They all sat around the big dining room table. Karen's parents began by saying they were thankful to have all three kids home at the same time. Rachel's mom said she was thankful for family. Karen was thankful for four days at home. Rachel wasn't sure what to say. She looked up and noticed that Brad was watching her. Finally, she said she was thankful to be home. Brad looked her in the eye and said he was thankful for life, friends, and family.

  They all filled their plates and separate conversations began around the table. Rachel's mom asked Brad what he had been doing the last two years. She hadn't seen him either. He talked about school and how good he was doing. Football was going well and professional teams were looking at him. He said there wasn't much time left for anything else. She asked him about his summers. He worked during the summer and played football. There was a soup kitchen close to campus that he said he volunteered at three days a week during the summer. Rachel looked up at him. She had always been into volunteering and helping those in need, but he always laughed and messed with her about it.

  Rachel needed to get out of the room. Was he just saying things he knew she wanted to hear, she wondered?

  “I'll be back in a few minutes. I need to get some air,” Rachel said.

  She stood up and walked outside, down the driveway, and onto the sidewalk. There were footsteps behind her. She knew they belonged to Brad.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he said.

  “What was that about soup kitchens? You used to make fun of me for helping people,” she said.

  “I told you, I'm not the same person anymore. When I first left home for school, I partied. By the end of my first year, I was done. I needed to do things that made me happy. You used to love helping people, and a friend asked me if I wanted to go and help at a nearby soup kitchen with them. It was summer, and I missed my family. I went with them and realized I liked it and enjoyed talking to the people that were there. Each week I helped and got to know them. That was it. I really do like it.”

  “Good for you,” she said. “It's good that you do something to help other people.”

  They walked back up to his house in silence. When she got inside, she asked her mom if she was ready to go home. They had only talked for a few minutes earlier, and she wanted to spend some time with her. When they got home, they watched a movie together and then Rachel went to her room. She couldn't get her mind off of Brad.

  The next day Rachel and Karen went out for the day to do all of the things they used to do. They shopped at the mall, went to the movies, and went out to dinner. Just as they were coming home, Brad was leaving. He looked so gorgeous. His brown hair was still wet from his shower. Rachel looked up at his blue eyes. She noticed his tight jeans snug around his perfect ass. His t-shirt hugged his muscles. She found herself thinking about what was under that shirt when she heard him laugh. Her eyes went back to his. He had the biggest smirk on his face. She heard a grunt escape her lips before she could stop it.

  “You got a hot date?” Karen asked.

  “Just going out with a few of the guys,” he answered.

  “That sounds good,” Rachel said. “Maybe we should go find us some hot guys, Karen.”

  They pushed past him and disappeared into the house.
When they got to Karen's room, they both fell onto the bed.

  “Do you really feel like going out?” Karen asked.

  “No, do you?” Rachel answered.

  Karen shook her head no. They turned on a movie and relaxed back against some pillows. All of the plans they had made for when they went home never happened.

  Rachel felt her phone vibrate and looked at the screen. She saw Brad's name and hurried off to the bathroom to check the message.

  Brad: Where are you?

  Rachel: Why? Where are you?

  Brad: I went to a friend's house. We're playing cards. This is boring. Did you go out?

  Rachel: Maybe.

  Brad: Don't fuck with me. I want to know that you two are okay.

  Rachel: We're good, dad. Thanks for looking out for us.

  Brad: You piss me off.

  Rachel: Good. My mouths full at the moment. I've got to go.

  Brad: Not funny.

  Rachel: Bye, dad.

  She put her phone in her pocket and went back to the bedroom. Karen was laughing when Rachel walked back into the room.

  “What's so funny?” Rachel asked.

  “My brother,” Karen answered. “He just text me that we better be at home.”

  “What did you tell him?” Rachel asked.

  “I told him we were,” she answered. “I have no idea what's up with him.”

  Rachel sat back down so they could watch the rest of the movie. She remembered them turning it back on, but that was it. When she opened her eyes, the room was dark. She looked at her phone and noticed it was midnight. Karen must have turned off the lights. She was asleep next to her. Rachel slowly got up. She didn't want to wake her friend and wanted to get home. As she crept down the stairs to leave, she saw a light on in the living room. Quietly, she bent down to put her shoes on when she felt arms wrap around her waist. She gasped as she jumped up and hit her back against his chest. He turned her in his arms and pulled her into the living room.

  “Was that shit supposed to be funny earlier?” he asked.

  She looked into his sexy blue eyes. He was looking back at her with an emotion she wasn't familiar with. She felt her panties dampen just from that look. Rachel sucked in a deep breath.

  “Do that shit to me again, and I'll give you something to fill your mouth,” he snapped. “I came straight home.”

  His hands were around her waist, and she could feel the warmth coming from him. She pushed against his chest to free herself, but he wouldn't let her. He continued staring into her eyes, and she couldn't help herself. The look in his eyes as they darkened was so sexy. She reached up, grabbed the back of his head, and pulled his mouth down to hers. He worked her mouth and shoved his tongue between her lips as she opened them for him. Their tongues each fought for control. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled him as close as she could. He sucked her bottom lip as she moaned. Her ass was in his hand as he pulled her against him. She could feel the outline of his cock through his jeans.

  Without thinking, her hand went to the front of his pants, as she grabbed him and he growled into her mouth.

  “You're so hard,” she whispered.

  She wanted him so bad. Her hands tore at the front of his jeans to open them. Once she got them down enough, his cock sprang free from his boxers and she gasped. He was large. She had never been that close to any man's cock before. Were they all that large, she wondered? It didn't matter. She was tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along. He had been her first crush and first kiss. Why not let him be her first in that as well? He had experience. Why not have her first time be with a man she had known for so long? If anyone was going to be good at taking her virginity, it would be him for sure. She knew what she wanted, as she pushed him back onto the couch and dropped to her knees.

  Rachel looked up and could see in his eyes that he wanted it as much as she did. She wanted to feel him in her mouth. How good would he taste, she wondered? There was a nervous feeling in her stomach. Would she do it right? Would he make fun or her later? It didn't matter. She was going back to school the next day. It would be easy to avoid him for at least a month. After that, she would have a few more months away from him.

  When she wrapped her hand around his shaft, he was rock hard. She couldn't believe how smooth his skin felt over the rod that was beneath it. There was a drip of liquid on his tip. She leaned down and licked across the wetness. Her tongue swirled around the tip of his head before sliding all the way down his shaft. His veins and smooth skin felt so good on her tongue. She loved the taste of salt mixed with Brad. He moaned as her tongue licked all the way back to his tip. She stroked his long, thick shaft as she licked him. Her other hand cupped his warm balls. She felt herself getting wet between her thighs. How good would it feel to have him inside of her, she wondered?

  Rachel covered the tip of him with her mouth and slowly slid down inch by inch. He growled and she felt it vibrate through his entire body. It was so sexy. She took him all the way in until he touched the back of her throat. His hand wrapped in her hair as he pulled and pushed her up and down. She sucked him hard as she took him deeper. He was even harder than before. He reached down and pulled her up by her arms.

  “Your mouth feels amazing wrapped around my dick, but I want you up here,” he said.

  She straddled his lap on the couch and kissed him. It felt so good to be close to him. It was better than any of her dreams. He lifted her shirt and ran his fingers up her stomach and around to unsnap her bra. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked it hard. She arched her back, as she shifted toward his mouth. He held her breast in his hand as he moved over to her other nipple. When she looked down at him with his mouth wrapped around her pointed peak, she knew she had to feel him inside of her.

  “I want you, Brad,” she said as she watched him.

  His hard cock was pushing against her jeans. She ground down against him. Quickly, he flipped her back onto the couch. She let out a giggle as she looked up at him.

  “You have to be quiet,” he whispered.

  She pulled his head lower so she could kiss him. He reached down and undid her jeans. She moaned as his hand went beneath her panties and cupped her mound. His fingers slid down her wet folds. He entered her pussy with one finger.

  “Fuck, Rachel,” he said. “You're so tight and so damn wet for me.”

  He slid another finger in as he kissed her. She moaned into his mouth and pushed her hips against him.

  “I want to feel you inside of me, Brad,” she said.

  “Are you sure,” he moaned into her ear.

  “I've never been this sure in my life.”

  She looked into his eyes, as he pulled her jeans and panties down her legs.

  “You're so fucking perfect. I want to taste you. We need to be quick tonight. Next time, I'm taking my time with you. I'm going to taste and feel every inch of your body.”

  She was nervous, but she didn't want to stop. He was the one she wanted inside of her for the first time. With his tip against her entrance, he looked into her eyes. How would she be able to forget her feelings for him, she wondered? In one deep thrust, he entered her wet pussy as he kissed her. She cried out into his mouth and he stopped. He pulled his head back and looked into her eyes again.

  “You're a virgin?” he asked.

  She nodded her head.

  “Why didn't you tell me?” he asked. “Shit.”

  She grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him to her.

  “Don't stop,” she said. “Please, keep going.”

  She covered his mouth with hers and wrapped her legs around him to pull him into her again. They needed to hurry. She didn't want them to get caught. It would be devastating if his parents or sister came downstairs. He plunged into her hard and deep and her back arched against him. She couldn't believe how amazing it felt once the initial pain went away. It was unbelievable. He continued to fuck her as he leaned down and took her nipple between his teeth. It took all she had not to cry out
. She pulled his t-shirt over his head and ran her hands up and down his muscular chest. It would have been even better if the room were brighter. She could see the muscles in his neck flex and relax as he pumped into her. She knew she would want to be with him again. How could she ever forget what it felt like to have him inside of her? It would be amazing to be with him and not have to hold back. The fear of getting caught was so real for her. It felt almost like it turned her on even more. She wanted to experience more with Brad, so much more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He thrust into her deep, as she bit down on his neck to stop herself from crying out. He growled as her teeth sunk into him. His hand slid down and his fingers circled her clit as he fucked her hard. She couldn't take it and bit down hard as her pussy tightened around his cock. She came harder than she ever had by herself. He held her hips and continued to fuck her even harder. His cock hit places she didn't know even existed. He pulled her closer to the edge of the couch, pushed her knees back against her, and fucked her hard and fast. She loved the way he threw his head back and closed his eyes as he came. The way his cock released over and over was so fucking sexy. She knew she wanted to be with him again.

  He let his body down on top of hers. She could feel his hard abs against her and wanted to lick every bit of his body. When they both caught their breath, he pushed himself up and stood up. Brad pulled his t-shirt over his head, pulled up his pants, and walked to the bathroom. Rachel wasn't sure what to do. Should she leaved or wait for him to come back. She hurried to pull her panties and pants up, redid her bra, and fixed her shirt. She was just reaching for the door when he walked up behind her.


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