Hungry for Her Mates [Wolf's Pass Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hungry for Her Mates [Wolf's Pass Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  Levi noticed his mom’s hand rubbing both of his fathers’ thighs, trying to help them calm down. It was part of what a female wolf could do for their mates—help them remain calm in tense situations. He couldn’t help but wonder if, even in his present state, Gabrielle could do that for him. He knew she would be able to for Aaron. For the first time in his life, Levi envied his brother. It didn’t sit well with him.

  “Approaching them won’t change anything except alert them that we know about them,” Aaron said.

  Levi agreed with him. Showing their hand wasn’t a good idea. Neither was going to the local authorities. Most still didn’t believe in magic. They only accepted shifters because they could see them with their eyes. No, the police weren’t going to help them.

  “We need a witch,” Phillip said.

  “No,” Deland said, shaking his head. “You can’t trust witches. You know that.”

  “Then who can help us with magic?” Phillip asked, throwing his hands up in the air. “We need someone who can counteract their spells and show us how to protect ourselves. Who would that be if not a witch?”

  Deland looked over at their wife as if he was searching her eyes for something. Levi had a feeling they were about to find out something that would shock all of them. He wasn’t sure he could handle that with everything else that had happened in the last few days. Why was his father looking at his mom like that? He had no doubt they were conversing, using the link that all mates shared between them.

  Finally, they seemed to come to an agreement. Deland turned to the council members and dismissed them. They appeared more than ready to leave. The guards escorted them out then closed the doors behind them to stand guard outside. Deland cleared his throat before speaking.

  “There is a race of people who have very few of their species still living. They can no longer mate their own kind without fear of horrific circumstance in the birth of their children. They are born hideously deformed and crazy. They won’t risk it anymore. They have not been able to find their mates among the humans and have resigned themselves to dying out as a species. They can help us.”

  Aaron spoke up for the first time, “Who are they?”

  “The Sylphies,” Deland said.

  “I’ve never heard of them,” Levi admitted. “Why haven’t you talked about them before?”

  “Because we’ve kept their existence a secret for hundreds of years. They are a dying race and have been our allies in the past. We don’t talk about them in deference to that,” Deland told them. “And each of you must now guard their existence as well. It has been long enough that I don’t think there are many humans who would know about them, but if even one remembered anything about them, the Sylphies would be in danger.”

  “How can they help us, and will they?” Levi asked.

  “They are able to detect magic and nullify it. They could probably help us with some type of protection ring,” their mother added quietly.

  “Would they be able to tell what is blocking me with my mate?” Levi asked. He hadn’t meant to ask that. It just came out, letting him know he was more affected by it than he was admitting to himself.

  She sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know for sure, but maybe. It’s not something I’ve ever heard of before.”

  “Where are they located?” Aaron asked. “How do we contact them?”

  “I’m going to send a message to them once we all agree to contact them,” Deland said. “They live deep in the mountains. I don’t even know where, but they have Internet. They are a very techy species, unlike a lot of the paranormal society. They don’t have the issues with the technology that some of the preternatural beings do.”

  “How long before we know anything after you send the message?” Aaron asked.

  “It will depend on if they are sitting at their computers right then or not. It might be within minutes, or it could be twenty-four hours.” Deland shrugged. “Until then, stay close to your mate and keep her safe. We’ve already spread the word that no one runs alone, and they are to keep out of the west woods altogether for now.”

  “Have we checked all of the land surrounding ours?” Levi asked.

  “Yes. This won’t happen again. From now on, they will monitor multi-layers to assure someone doesn’t try and cover something like this up again.”

  “We better get back to Gabrielle,” Aaron said as he stood up.

  “Go and take care of her,” Phillip said. “We’ll call you as soon as we know anything.”

  Levi stood up and followed his brother out of the house. A tiny kernel of hope took root in his soul that the Sylphies might be able to help him concerning the mating heat. He wouldn’t let it grow his hope too much in case they couldn’t help. He didn’t think he could stand being disappointed about this. The pain was already so deeply lodged inside of him that he could barely breathe around it.

  As they pulled out of their parents’ drive, he wondered if Gabrielle would still be awake. It was closing in on eleven now. She was recovering from being shot, so she might have fallen asleep out of sheer exhaustion. He wanted to see her beautiful blue eyes and feel her rose petal-soft skin against his.

  He might not feel the full effects of the mating heat, but he’d always been attracted to her, and knowing that she was his and his brother’s mate only deepened her appeal for him. She was a very sexy woman with her generous curves and squeezable ass. He could easily see spending the rest of his life with her, but first he needed whatever was wrong with him made right.

  They pulled up outside of Gabrielle’s house and Levi cut the engine, resisting the urge to jump down and race to the door to see her. He almost smiled when Aaron pretty much did just that. Levi followed in the wake of his brother to step inside the modest cabin. He closed the door softly behind him in case Gabrielle was sleeping.

  As he approached her room, he could hear voices. Evidently she wasn’t asleep after all. Levi stopped just outside the doorway to watch Aaron with her. His brother was completely besotted with their mate. It was cute to watch, but also a little hard. He wanted to feel what his brother felt. He wanted to be at the receiving end of her sweet smiles and gentle, unconscious touches. As long as he didn’t feel the mating heat, she would be reserved with him. If they couldn’t figure it out… Well, he didn’t want to think about what that might mean.

  Pushing off the door facing, Levi walked into the room and smiled at Gabrielle. She smiled back with a hint of shyness apparent in her eyes. His wolf stirred for the first time, seeming to react to that small gesture. It gave him a little more hope.

  “How are you feeling, Gabrielle?” he asked, moving closer to the bed.

  “I’m fine. My hip isn’t hurting at all now.”

  “What about the headache?” Aaron asked.

  “It’s gone, too. It’s been long enough since I had the pain medication that if it was going to return, it should have by now. I think it’s gone for good.” Again she smiled, the brilliance of it catching him off guard.

  “Do you need anything, honey?” Aaron asked. “Something to drink? A snack?”

  “No thanks. What did you find out? Do they know what to do?” She looked from Aaron to him in expectation.

  Levi walked around the bed and climbed onto the small bed to sit next to her. Aaron was sitting on the other side already. Her mouth fell open with shock when he settled himself next to her, having kicked off his shoes so he wouldn’t get dirt on the covers. Her mouth snapped shut, and a cute blush blossomed over her cheeks. He wanted to kiss her but held back. It wasn’t the right time.

  She leaned into him as if drawn, her eyelids at half-mast. She couldn’t help the mating urge that flowed through her veins. Guilt burned like caustic acid in his stomach that she was suffering because of him. If he wasn’t so worried that having sex with Aaron without him would cement their bond and leave her wolf hurting for him, her other mate, he’d urge his brother to take care of her. They couldn’t risk it, and especially not when there might be a way to h
elp him.

  Aaron briefly described the meeting and what they had learned. Different expressions flowed across her face as his brother filled her in. He could tell she was worried by the creases in her forehead and the way she kept catching her lower lip with her teeth. He wanted to kiss away the lines and soothe the lip she tortured. Instead, he contented himself with sitting close enough to her to smell her aroused scent. She had to be uncomfortable by now. Being so close to her intended mates without doing anything about it would be torture for her.

  Levi would make sure she was comfortable before they left her to rest. They could give her some relief without taking a chance that she would accidently mate Aaron and not him. That could spell disaster for them all, but especially for Gabrielle.

  “The dads know someone who might be able to help. They’re contacting them tonight over the Internet. If we’re lucky, we’ll have an answer in the morning,” Levi told her.

  “What if they won’t help?” she asked.

  Aaron smiled at her, “They’ll help. You’ll see.”

  “Let’s get you comfortable. It’s past your bedtime,” Levi said, scooting off the bed.

  “I doubt I can sleep right now. I’ve been in bed all day. I’m sort of wound up right now.”

  Levi caught Aaron’s attention and nodded toward their mate. His brother caught his meaning almost instantly and grinned. He stood up as well and pulled the covers all the way to the foot of the bed, leaving Gabrielle exposed to their gazes. Her surprised shriek was cute.

  “What are you doing?” She sat up and groaned as she reached for the covers.

  Aaron gently pushed her back down until she lay flat once again.

  “We’re going to help you relax so you can sleep,” he said.

  “How are you going to do that?” She looked a bit worried. Levi wanted to assure her they wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  “Trust us, baby. Aaron and I are going to take good care of you,” Levi told her.

  She hesitated for a second before lying back and giving them a trembling smile.

  “I trust you, both of you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Anticipation sang along her nerves as Aaron and Levi smiled down at her from their position at the foot of the bed. She didn’t know what to expect from them. They were highly dominant men who were used to people obeying them. She didn’t know what they had planned for her, but she could guess since they had pulled her covers down to the foot of the bed. Neither man removed their clothes, though. Maybe they expected her to.

  With that thought in mind, she started to sit up in order to climb down the bed toward them. Aaron shook his head at her, so Gabby sank back down and stretched out once more. It killed her not to be able to touch them. She ached to run her tongue over every inch of their sculpted chests, paying particular attention to the flat discs of their nipples. Those she wanted to nip and suck on. But they weren’t pulling off their clothes. They were pulling off hers.

  Levi had her to lift her hips so he could pull off the boxers she was wearing. Aaron rolled the T-shirt up over her head then removed it in one quick tug. Both men climbed onto the bed on either side where they knelt looking down at her. She lay completely naked between the two men. The feral look in their eyes as they gazed down at her left her wet. She was sure her juices were already leaking from her pussy to wet the bed.

  Levi’s hand hovered close to her breast. She longed for him to touch her there. Her nipples were already hard and pointing straight up. They throbbed in time with her heartbeat. Still, he didn’t touch her. She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her lips.

  Aaron chuckled, drawing her gaze over to him now. His broad teasing smile irritated her when she was so turned on and afraid they might leave her wanting. She was sure that Levi wouldn’t risk mating her when he wasn’t in full-blown mating heat. The danger wasn’t worth the risk. Deep down she knew that, but right then, all she could think about was how much she wanted her mates to fuck her. Her wolf side was on board with the idea, but her human side felt a little slutty thinking that way.

  “You are so damn pretty, Gabby,” Aaron said as he slowly lowered his head over one breast.

  She gasped when his hot, wet mouth enclosed her nipple. All she wanted to do was grab his head and keep him there. She moaned in pleasure as he rasped his tongue over the hard nub over and over before closing his teeth on it and nipping it lightly. The resulting sensation whipped through her body like a bolt of lightning, swift and fiery.

  Another dangerous mouth sucked in the tip of her other breast, teasing her nipple into a hard pebble. Levi flattened it against the roof of his mouth, then released it to suck harder. Dear God, it was too much, and yet, not enough. Gabby fought to stay still, but the pure pleasure of having both of them tormenting her at one time was overwhelming. She dug her fingers into the spread to keep from raking her nails down their backs. Marking them would be wrong on so many levels when they couldn’t mate her.

  If the marks took and became permanent, it was a first step in the mating process. Should she mark them while they were having sex, it would be an incomplete mating and still lead to her demise one way or another.

  “Fuck! You taste so good,” Levi rasped out. “I’ve got to have that pretty pussy.”

  Gabby gasped when he slipped down the bed to shoulder her legs apart. He was really going to go down on her. The thought of him licking her there sent a wave of panic through her. Would he lose control and mount her? Then he dragged his tongue down her slit and everything, all her worries, just melted away.

  “God! Yes!” she hissed out.

  Aaron continued to torment her nipples with his mouth and hands. He twisted and pulled on one with his fingers while his mouth did devilish things to the other one. The combination of both men drove her to the edge of control faster than she would have ever believed possible. It was too much and not enough all at the same time.

  Levi spread her pussy lips and slid his tongue up to circle her clit. Two fingers explored around her slit, causing her vaginal walls to flutter with need. She wanted, no, needed his cock buried deep in her aching cunt. Somewhere deep inside her brain, Gabby knew it wasn’t a good idea, but she couldn’t remember why at the moment. All she understood was the immense need she had to feel them moving inside of her. Her control broke, and she thrust her pelvis against Levi’s face as he ate her like a man starved.

  “Please!” she screamed. “Do something. So close.”

  Aaron released her breast from the tight suction of his mouth and chuckled. “Let go, honey. Come for us.”

  Levi closed his lips around her throbbing clit and sucked while tapping it with his tongue. Aaron pulled and twisted her sensitive nipples to the point of pain, and Gabby lost all sense of time and place. She exploded from the inside out, bowing her back with the force of the climax. It tossed and turned her until she didn’t know which was up. Then the men slowly brought her down until she was a panting blob of flesh that quivered with each aftershock that flowed through her body. Nothing had ever prepared her for this type of onslaught. They had all but decimated her body and captured her soul. She was well and truly fucked. Oh, they hadn’t actually done the deed, but she belonged to them, heart, body, and soul.

  * * * *

  Aaron nudged his face between her awesome breasts and absorbed her pleasure as she lay panting under him. She’d exploded around them, giving him a glimpse of what it would be like to make love to her. She would tear them apart with her passion. He couldn’t wait, and waiting was killing him. Even now his wolf snarled at him to shove his brother out of the way and enter her, fuck her until she was well and truly theirs. He shook it off and slowly lifted off of her to let her catch her breath.

  “Aaron, you have to taste her. She’s pure ambrosia,” Levi said, moving out from between her legs. “Taste her, brother.”

  He slowly slipped down her body to lie at the apex of her body and licked her from the bottom of her slit to the top, savoring her
spicy flavor with a hint of sweet. He groaned at how she exploded over his tongue. He wanted more but knew she would be super sensitive after having Levi’s tongue on her until she’d climaxed. He couldn’t resist one more taste, though, and delved deep inside her cunt to drag more of her juices into his mouth.

  “Mmm. You’re right. Nothing tastes as good as our Gabby,” he said.

  She moaned, her stomach rippling as they watched. Another aftershock lifted her back from the bed as she arched with the delayed wave of pleasure. Aaron enjoyed watching her, taking some of his own pleasure in knowing he’d help to bring her to such a strong climax.

  Of course he had the hard-on from hell right then. His dick was aching to possess her, fill her with their seed, make her theirs forever. He looked over at his brother and saw the same mixture of tortured need and pride on his face. Yet they couldn’t have her yet. It was too dangerous.

  A male wolf wasn’t always able to control himself, and if they marked her during sex while Levi didn’t feel the full effects of the mating heat, it could still be an incomplete mating where she was bound to Aaron and not Levi. The results would be the same as those if they didn’t mate her at all. Her wolf would continue to fade.

  “I–I. That was amazing,” Gabby managed to get out in a breathy voice. “But what about you?”

  “We’ll be fine, baby. This was all about you and showing you that we will always care for you, put you first,” Levi assured her.

  Aaron jerked off his shirt and stretched out beside Gabby, snuggling close to her. He needed her touch, if nothing else. Levi hesitated, then he removed his shirt and climbed back on the bed on the other side of her. She groaned in pleasure as their skin met hers. He could feel the electricity arc between them. Their wolves rubbed against hers beneath their skin. The heated touch of her body against his helped to lessen some of the ache in his cock but not enough to allow him to relax.

  “I could touch you, make you come that way,” she said.


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