Indiana Wild (Spirit Pass Book 1)

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Indiana Wild (Spirit Pass Book 1) Page 8

by S. E. Smith

  Indy was furious he would wake her up just to insult her by telling her he was taking her back to her greedy brothers! She let out a loud whistle for the dogs to come back in. She waited silently fuming until they charged by her before stepping back into the cabin and slamming the door in his face.

  She couldn’t believe he had the nerve to wake her up at the crack of dawn to tell her he was taking her back. That was so not going to happen. Once she collected her pay she was heading back to the mountains. She would lose herself so far in them she wouldn’t even know where the hell she was. Moving over to the warm pan of water, she dished some into the washbowl and washed her face. She quickly changed into her jeans and a flannel shirt before braiding her hair. She grabbed one of the breakfast bars she had to give her enough energy to get through to lunch. She was almost done packing when another knock sounded at the door.

  Growling under her breath, she swung the door to the cabin open yelling in frustration. “What the hell is your problem? I told you I would be up to the damn ranch house in an hour…” Her voice faded as she saw Jake standing before her, not Jonathan.

  “Oh, Jake. Sorry about that. Come on in,” Indy muttered, moving aside so Jake could enter.

  “Indy? You’re the naked woman?” Jake stuttered out turning red.

  “Naked woman?” Indy looked at Jake for a moment before shaking her head. “Forget it. I really don’t think I want to know. Did you need something? As you can tell I’m a little busy right now,” she said waving her hand toward the table where she had her saddlebags, sleeping bag, and other items in various stages of packing.

  Jake looked puzzled as he watched Indy pack her stuff up. “You going somewhere?”

  “Yeah. The boss man fired me so I turned around and quit. Guess he doesn’t like the idea of a woman working as a cowpuncher on his ranch. That’s okay. I have other places I can go to anyway,” she said with a dismissive shrug.

  “Where you going to go? You heading to Meeteetse?” Jake asked as Indy pushed more items into one of her saddlebags.

  She shook her head trying to decide how much she wanted to tell her old friend. “No, I figured I’d head back toward the mountains. I know them pretty well. That’s where I was living before I came across you and Cal. With winter moving on it will be a little easier. I can build a primitive shelter and hunt for food for the boys and me.” Indy figured telling Jake she was headed to the mountains couldn’t be too dangerous considering there were a lot of mountains around. She didn’t have to tell him anything specific.

  “The mountains? That’s damn dangerous even for a man. You could get yourself killed up there,” Jake said looking at Indy with a puzzled look on his face. “You still afraid those men are looking for you?” He asked shrewdly.

  Indy looked up sharply, surprised that he remembered. “I know they are. One of them will never give up, not as long as I’m alive,” she replied bitterly, thinking of the look Hayden had given her before she stormed out of the den.

  “Why would they want you dead?” Jake asked looking intently at Indy.

  He couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. Even when he thought Indy was a boy he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt someone so nice. A dark thought crossed his mind at the same time as Indy spoke the words out loud that he was thinking.

  “They don’t want me dead necessarily although what they want to do to me would kill me eventually,” Indy said shortly thinking about how her older brother wanted to force her to give up her animals and move her to a big city.

  Shaking her head, she looked at Jake with tears in her eyes at the thought of being forced to live the kind of life Hayden wanted her to. She knew the first thing he would do is sell her off to the highest bidder that would benefit him both financially and politically. That was probably one of the reasons he was trying to force her to move. He never did anything unless it benefited him in some way. Indy couldn’t hide the shudder that coursed through her at the thought of being some uptight lawyer’s trophy wife.

  “I can’t let them catch me, Jake. It would be a fate worse than death. I’d be better off dead than living the life they would force on me,” Indy whispered brushing away a stray tear that had escaped with trembling fingers.

  Jake just stared at Indy as he took in what she was saying. He could tell that she had been hurt by the men chasing her and she was damned scared at the idea of them catching her. He had to let the boss men know she was in danger. She had saved his and Cal’s life that day on the range and he would do anything he could to protect her.

  Jake stayed for a little while longer before telling Indy he had to get back to work. He joked with her about how he had wanted to come meet the woman Indy had working on the roof of the cabin. They laughed about the confusion it had caused when it turned out to be her instead. Jake blushed a bright red when Indy gave him a big hug and kissed one of his wrinkled cheeks, telling him she had really enjoyed meeting him and would miss him when she was gone. Waving goodbye to him, she turned and finished packing everything before moving outside to get the horses ready for the long journey she had to make.


  Jake made it back to the ranch house in record time. He had to talk to the boss men. He had to tell them about the danger to Indy before they decided to do something stupid like turn her over to the men looking for her. Seeing Jonathan getting the buckboard ready, he walked over to him and stood waiting for him to finish talking to one of the other ranch hands.

  “Boss, can I talk to you a minute?” Jake asked, nervously twisting his hat around in his hands. “Alone,” he added gruffly looking at Carl who was standing nearby.

  Jonathan nodded tiredly. He jerked his head, motioning for Carl to step away. He waited until Carl had moved back toward the barn before he glanced at Jake.

  “What do you want, Jake?” Jonathan asked, exhausted from his sleepless night. He was not in the mood to deal with ranch problems right now but Jacob had ridden out to meet up with Ed so he figured he didn’t have much choice.

  “I went to see Indy this morning,” Jake began haltingly when Jonathan swung around staring at him with narrowed eyes. Jake cleared his throat. “I thought to ask about the woman who was helping him. I was a might surprised when I discovered they were one and the same,” he added with a wry grin.

  Jonathan’s eyes turned even colder at the mention of Jake seeing Indy in so little clothing. “I’m taking Indy to Meeteetse this morning to find out who sent her out here.” He figured he didn’t have to add he was marrying her while he was there. The men on the ranch would find out soon enough.

  “I don’t think that is such a good idea, boss,” Jake said softly looking at the dark expression on Jonathan’s face.

  “And why is that?” Jonathan asked in a suspicious voice.

  “She’s in danger. She don’t want to say anything but she let slip three men are looking for her. She was crying when she talked about them catching her. Said that what they wanted to do to her was a fate worse than death. Boss, she’s mighty scared of ‘em. She said she would rather be dead than let them get a hold of her.” Jake rushed through what he had learned from his earlier conversation with Indy.

  He was getting more nervous as he spoke due to the cold, hard look that came into Jonathan’s eyes when he mentioned Indy being in danger. He knew the bosses were good men and wouldn’t let nothing happen to a defenseless woman.

  “Damn it, why didn’t she say anything to me?” Jonathan bit out savagely.

  “She told me a little the day I met her. I asked her if she was wanted by the law. She said maybe but she didn’t lie, steal, or hurt other people. She had been living in the mountains hiding from the men. She says she is going back there,” Jake responded.

  Jonathan stared down the road towards the cabin feeling frustrated as hell. She should have told him she was in danger. He and Jacob would do everything in their power to protect her. Had those men treated her so badly she felt like she couldn’t trust them? What had those
men done to her that would drive a fragile, beautiful woman like her to live in the mountains all alone? Hell, he would have a hell of a time surviving up there and he was a man. How had she done it with just two dogs and two horses? He admired her courage but it didn’t change his plans on marrying her. If anything, it made him even more determined as she would have the protection of him, his brother, and all the ranch hands.

  Making a quick decision, he called Carl over. He spoke rapidly, giving Carl his orders and told him to make haste. He watched Carl nod in understanding before the cowpuncher quickly climbed up onto the buckboard and swiftly pulled away. Staring thoughtfully at the departing wagon, Jonathan decided he had his work cut out for him. With luck, he would be enjoying the life of a married man in a few short hours and Indy would be safe from whoever was after her.


  Indy finished packing her remaining supplies on Kahlua and saddled Midnight. She double-checked to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She also made sure the fire was totally out of the wood stove before reluctantly shutting the door to the cabin. It was hard to believe she had only stayed there two days. It didn’t even look like the same place.

  Settling her hat on her head, she whistled for Chester and Tweed. Mounting Midnight, she gave the order for the dogs to move out ahead of her. She would collect her paycheck, though she didn’t have a clue as to when or where she would cash it, and head for the mountains. If she was smart, she would just head for the mountains and skip the paycheck. She would have if she didn’t have the overwhelming need to see Jonathan Tucker one last time, not that she would ever admit that to him. The kiss they had shared yesterday had her thinking things she had never thought before. Things like, how sweet he would taste elsewhere? Things like what she would do if she ever got him naked. Groaning, she tried to push her errant thoughts away. She had read enough romance novels and had even watched a couple of soft porn movies with Sam’s girls one night to see what could happen between a man and a woman. She blushed when she thought of what she would like to do to Jonathan if it had been him and her naked together.

  Dreams, that is all they would ever be, Indy thought bleakly, nothing but dreams.

  Indy was surprised to see Jake come out of the barn when she reached the ranch house. She had thought he meant he had work elsewhere on the ranch. She really was going to miss the old cowpuncher. In some ways, he reminded her a lot of her granddad.

  “Indy, boss man said for you to go to his study to get your pay. It’s the last door down the hall on your left. I’ll take the horses and dogs for you while you’re in there,” Jake said before calling out to Chester and Tweed.

  Indy was surprised but figured maybe Jonathan didn’t want the dogs in the house. Some people didn’t like having animals in their home. It surprised her because she didn’t get the feeling Jonathan would mind all that much. Taking the steps two at a time up to the front porch, Indy admired the beauty and size of the house. Knocking loudly on the front door, she opened it enough so she could poke her head inside and called out. A little Asian man came scurrying out of the kitchen. He was talking so fast Indy wasn’t sure what he was saying.

  “Mr. Tucker,” Indy said slowly to the man. “He told me to meet him in his office.”

  “Yes. Yes. You follow Wally,” Wally said looking and grinning at Indy. “You not a boy. That is good you are not a boy.”

  Indy let out a small chuckle. “Yes, I guess so,” she responded, taking off her gloves and shoving them into the pocket of her jacket before she reached up and removed her hat. She twisted the dark brown Stetson nervously between suddenly sweaty palms.

  Indy followed the him down the long hallway stopping to wait as Wally knocked on the door and introduced her. Wally turned and ushered Indy into the room bowing as he left saying it was a good thing she wasn’t a boy again. Indy looked bemused at the little man and thanked him for his help.

  “Is he always like that?” Indy asked with a small smile as the door closed behind her.

  “Yes. It can be quite entertaining at times,” Jonathan said, standing rigidly behind the desk.

  He looked Indy over carefully. For the first time, he paid really close attention to the way she was dressed. She was wearing dark blue trousers covered by a pair of finely made leather chaps. He couldn’t see what she was wearing under her coat but the coat itself was made of very high quality material. It was stitched like he had never seen before. It was obvious she probably had it for a while but it was in excellent condition. She had removed her gloves which were sticking out of one pocket while she held her hat tightly with both hands. He could tell by the way she was twisting it that she was nervous, as if she was waiting for him to say something else. He let his gaze run over her neatly braided hair before noticing she was wearing what appeared to be large diamond studs in her earlobes. Everything about her screamed she came from money yet she appeared unaware of it.

  “Indy, where are you from?” Jonathan asked quietly watching her expression harden as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

  Indy stiffened at his question. “Since I am no longer employed by you I think that is a moot point. If you have my paycheck ready I’ll take it and leave,” Indy said trying to keep the tremor out of her voice.

  She couldn’t help but think in the back of her mind that she would have been better just heading to the mountains instead of giving in to her own desires. God, he was so damn good looking it hurt to look at him. Not in a pretty boy way but in a real man way. Why did he have to ruin my last few minutes with him by asking questions I can’t answer? She thought in despair.

  “Who are you running from? Why are those men looking for you?” Jonathan asked point blank.

  Indy jerked back a step as if she had been hit, paling. “Who told…. Jake,” Indy took a deep breath before replying. “It doesn’t matter. As soon as you give me my pay I’m out of your hair and off your ranch. You don’t have to worry about anyone coming to bother you,” she assured him coolly.

  Jonathan watched the fear flash through Indy’s eyes and her face turned a deathly white at his questions. Jake had been telling the truth when he said she was afraid of the men looking for her. Jonathan felt a rush of fury at the men who would cause her such distress.

  Moving around his desk, Jonathan walked over until he stood in front of her. He gently raised her chin, softly asking her to tell him the information he needed to know. “Tell me who they are, Indy. What do they want with you? Who are they to you?” He pressed, refusing to let her look away from him.

  Indy tried to jerk her chin away from Jonathan’s grasp but he refused to let her. Her eyes filled with tears at the thought he might betray her to Hayden, Gus, and Matt. Firming her lips, she stubbornly shook her head.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” she insisted.

  Jonathan’s fingers tightened on her chin at the blatant lie. “I’ll find out sooner or later. I won’t let them hurt you, Indy,” he quietly promised her.

  “Why should you give a damn? If you would just give me my paycheck I’ll be out of your hair and you won’t have to worry about what happens to me,” Indy declared huskily, silently begging him to let the subject die.

  “I’ll pay you when you answer my question. Who are the men who are after you and why do they want you?” Jonathan demanded again roughly.

  Indy jerked away from Jonathan and moved several steps back to put some distance between them. She had a hard time thinking straight when he was touching her. She stood staring at him for several long minutes. What could she say? Her oldest brother wanted total control over every aspect of her life? Her other two brothers just wanted the money? That they had taken almost everything she had ever loved away from her and would if they ever caught her?

  Shaking her head back and forth, a silent tear slid a path down her cheek. Indy looked up into Jonathan’s eyes in resignation. There was nothing to say just - goodbye.

  “Keep your money, where I’m going I won’t need it
anyway,” she responded in a quiet, firm voice. Slamming her hat back on her head, she turned and started to yank the door to the office open. “Goodbye, boss man,” she muttered hoarsely.

  Jonathan was stunned by the look of utter hopelessness that flashed through Indy’s eyes. A fierce anger swept through him. Striding over, he slammed his hand on the door shutting it with a loud bang. Indy turned startled only to find herself trapped between Jonathan’s hard body and the door. Jonathan slid his other hand up, removing Indy’s hat and tossing it towards the long sofa sitting across the room near a fireplace. Running his hand along her jaw, he murmured something she didn’t quite catch before he claimed her lips with his own.

  Indy was lost. She was drowning in his kiss. Never had she felt the emotions swirling through her like they did when he was close to her. She kissed him back with a passion she never knew she had inside her. She didn’t fight as he carefully slid her thick coat off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor at their feet. Her body felt like it was too warm all of a sudden and she relished the feel of her breasts pressing up against his broad chest. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, moaning as she arched into his hard body.

  Jonathan had no intention of ever letting Indy go. Right now he was fighting the urge to take her right there on the floor of his office, claiming her forever as his. The only thing stopping him was the knowledge she deserved better and she would be his legal wife before the night was over. Wrapping his large hands around her wrists, he pulled them down so he could hold them in one hand. He quickly wrapped a soft rope around them, tying them together.

  “What are you doing?” Indy asked huskily, staring at her wrists in confusion as he tied them.

  She was so lost in the aftermath of his kiss it didn’t register he was tying her hands together until she felt him jerk the rope tighter. Pulling back, she tried to push him away from her. She began to panic when he jerked her closer and pulled on the rope to make sure it was tight.


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