Indiana Wild (Spirit Pass Book 1)

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Indiana Wild (Spirit Pass Book 1) Page 21

by S. E. Smith


  It took almost two full days of riding to get home. Allie had ridden up to Indy shortly after they made it through the narrow Pass to talk. She had confided to Indy that she had been a little spooked going through it and was glad when she could see the opening on the other side. Taylor had wanted to come but Sam had put his foot down with his youngest son, telling him he had much to learn before he could even think of traveling to the ‘other side’. Allie had joked that her dad had sounded like Rod Sterling from the Twilight Zone for a minute when he talked about Spirit Pass.

  They reached the western pasture and were greeted by several of the cowpunchers that Indy recognized from her first few weeks out on the range. Trace and Butler had the grace to blush a little when they saw Indy again but their eyes opened and grins lit up their faces when they saw Allie.

  “Howdy ma’am,” Trace said, pulling his hat off his head and nodding.

  Allie grinned back at the two men. They looked like some of the rodeo clowns that hung out with Taylor after an event. Both were trying to smooth their hair down before wiping their grubby hands on their pants.

  “Hi guys,” Allie said with a chuckle. “How’s it going?”

  “It’s going just fine,” Jacob snapped, stepping closer to Allie. “Don’t you two have work that needs to be done?” He demanded giving both men a look that told them in no uncertain terms that Allie was off limits.

  Allie rolled her eyes at Jacob before she turned back to check the straps on several pack mules. “You need to get a life,” she muttered under her breath to Jacob before moving away.

  “I’m going to….” Jacob started to say before he bit his tongue.

  “She’s like that with all the guys,” Indy assured him. “They are drawn to her like a bug to a bug light and then she zaps the hell out of them,” she added before walking over to help Allie.

  “What the hell is a bug light?” Jacob asked absently to Jonathan who had come to stand next to him.

  “Damned if I know,” Jonathan said appreciating the way his wife’s pants hugged her sweet little bottom. “I have a feeling it is one of the million things we missed on our trip and not one I would regret failing to learn about.”

  They only rested long enough for Jonathan and Jacob to catch up a little on what had happened at the ranch while they were gone and to give the horses and dogs a rest before they finished their last leg of the journey. Indy stopped next to Allie on the small rise above the ranch house. She heard Allie’s gasp at her first sight of the beautiful homestead.

  “Gosh, Indy,” Allie muttered. “This looks just like the Tucker place over near Meeteetse. You didn’t tell me that Jonathan and Jacob were related to them. They own one of the biggest ranches in the Montana/Wyoming area. It makes Papa’s ranch look like a kiddie farm.”

  Indy had never paid much attention to the other ranches in the area. The Wild ranch wasn’t as profitable so Indy and her granddad had their hands full running it with fewer hands. Sam’s ranch was almost twice as large and he had turned to adding crops as well as breeding horses and cattle.

  “I never thought of it,” Indy replied honestly. “Allie, there is something I need to tell you,” she said hesitantly.

  Allie turned, looking at the serious expression on Indy’s face. “What?” She asked curiously. “If you are afraid I’ll act all weird because your hubby is related to one of the richest families in the country, you don’t have to worry. I mean, I don’t really give a damn if a guy has a lot of money or not,” she said awkwardly.

  “It’s not that,” Indy replied gazing down at the ranch house. “Do you remember telling me about how weird you felt when we went through Spirit Pass?”

  Allie frown in concentration. “Yeah, it was all misty and cold and stuff. The hair on the back of my neck was like standing on end. Even the animals were all freaky. What was up with that?”

  Indy drew in a deep breath and released it before giving her closest friend a smile. “You are no longer in 2013, Allie. Welcome to my new home. The year, by the way, is 1867.”

  Allie’s mouth dropped open before she snapped it shut. “You’re shitting me, right?”

  Indy shook her head. “Nope. I felt the same way too. You should have seen the preacher and his wife’s face when Jonathan was tying me up so he could marry me. I don’t think she liked the comment I made about her dress,” she said with a grin. “It shocked the shit out of me when I signed the marriage certificate.”

  Allie’s shocked expression turned to anger. “What do you mean, when he tied you up? Why the hell did he do that?” She demanded.

  “Because a woman’s reputation is ruined if she is with a man and has no chaperone,” Jacob said riding up behind them. “Jonathan had to marry Indy to protect her.”

  Allie turned sharply in her saddle to glare at him. “That’s bullshit. Shit like that doesn’t really happen,” she snorted. “It would be a cold day in hell before I let some guy tie me up and force me into marriage just because I spent some time alone with him! Hell, I’d have been married dozens of times by now if that were the case.”

  Jacob’s face darkened and a look of grim determination glittered in his eyes. He moved his horse closer until his leg brushed against Allie. He smiled as he looked down at her defiant face.

  “There is one thing you forgot about, Allie,” Jacob said in a low, deep voice.

  Allie tossed her head, refusing to give into the urge to move her horse away from him. “Yeah, what’s that?” She asked sarcastically. “That all guys are assholes?”

  “No,” Jacob replied, reaching around her suddenly and pulling her off her horse and into his arms. “That you are no longer in your time but mine,” he whispered in her ear as he wrapped the cord he had hidden in his hands around her wrists.

  Allie’s frustrated scream and loud curses filled the air as Jacob kicked his horse. Indy started in surprise at Jacob’s sudden behavior. She would have chased them but Jonathan had come up on the other side of her and grabbed Midnight’s reins, holding the huge horse in place.

  “Jonathan,” Indy said worriedly, looking at him then back at the fading figures on horseback. “Jacob…. Allie….” She half way wondered if she should be more concerned for Jacob’s safety since she knew what a handful Allie could be when she was riled. She also knew Jacob would never hurt her friend. She was just worried about whether Allie felt the same way about Jacob as he obviously did about her from the heated looks he had been sending her friend.

  “Let him handle it,” Jonathan said quietly. “I want to take my wife home.”

  Indy didn’t resist when he lifted her off of Midnight’s back and onto his lap. She slid her leg over his horse’s neck and leaned back with a groan as his hand moved up to cup her breast. He let the reins rest on the arched curve of the gelding’s neck and used his knees to guide it down the slope towards the house while his other hand moved to rub her intimately.

  Her soft gasp and arching into his hand, spurred him to increase the speed home. He had known his brother had something up his sleeve when he saw the determined look on his face as he rode over to Allie. He also knew his wife would jump to the defense of her friend. Now, he didn’t give a damn about anything but getting them down to the ranch house. Tweed and Chester moved up and down the long line of horses. Several of the men, including Jake, Ed and Carl had ridden out when they first spotted them coming in. Jonathan moved his hands when Jake came riding up to them.

  “Howdy boss, Indy,” Jake said, spitting tobacco out onto the ground. “Glad to see you made it back safely. We was getting worried something might have happened,” he said, before glancing at the long line of horses and pack mules. “Hell, if you come back loaded down like this every time Indy gets kidnapped, we might have to build more corrals,” he added with a grin.

  “Hi Jake,” Indy said with a grin at the old cowpuncher who reminded her so much of her grandpa. “How is the training going?”

  Jake smiled beneath the covering of s
ilver whiskers covering his face. “Good, there are only about a dozen left. The men have been working real hard to get them ponies ready. The commander of the fort and a couple of his men came out a few days back. They seemed real pleased with them,” he added.

  “That's good,” Jonathan said. “Anything else I should know about before I take Indy down to the ranch house?”

  Jake leaned over and spit again before he glanced worriedly at Indy. “There's been talk that some of the Indians are getting stirred up by all the military coming in. They have attacked a few of the smaller homesteads, running off with some of the cattle. Ed decided to move some of the cattle in a little closer just in case.”

  Indy's mouth tightened in disapproval. “What do you expect when their lands are being taken from them and their food sources wiped out?” She started in angrily, only stopping when Jonathan gently rubbed her stomach in warning.

  “Let me know if there is a problem,” Jonathan ordered Jake. “Spread the word that under no circumstance are the men to fire on any Indians if they come onto Tucker land. That includes if they see them taking cattle. I want to be informed immediately and I'll deal with it.”

  Jake's eyes widened in surprise but he nodded. “I'll spread the word, boss.”

  They watched as Jake pulled his horse back and headed back toward Ed and Carl. “Now, if anyone else tries to stop us before I get you to our bedroom, I think I'll shoot them,” Jonathan murmured in her ear as his hand slid up to cover her breast again.


  The only one who stopped them was Wally who was beaming from ear to ear and talking non-stop. Jonathan was able to get a request for hot water in between the Chinaman taking a breath. He even helped out by carrying the huge copper tub upstairs and then hauling buckets up as fast as Wally had them heating. Indy fixed them a light meal of cheese, biscuits, and sliced beef that Wally had cooking and carried them upstairs. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw the large box that Jonathan had marked 'For Jonathan's eyes only' marked on it. That was the one full of lingerie that he had ordered. She turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow as he and Wally brought in the last buckets of steaming water.

  Jonathan grinned and wiggled his eyebrows back at her, forcing her to turn around to hide her laughter from Wally. “Thank you, Wally,” Jonathan said in a deep, husky voice. “That will be all for now.”

  “What of Mr. Jacob?” Wally asked puzzled. “Jake tell Wally Mr. Jacob was with you but he not now. Should Wally heat more water?”

  Jonathan shook his head and placed his arm around Wally's shoulders, gently steering him towards the bedroom door. “No, Jacob had something he needed to take care of. He might not be back for a few days.”

  “Oh,” Wally said glancing over his shoulder and smiling again at Indy who waved to him. “Wally go see if men need help.”

  “That is an excellent idea,” Jonathan breathed out in relief. “I'm sure they need a lot of help. We brought a lot of things back with us. Just put the boxes downstairs in the living room and we'll take care of them later.”

  “Wally take care of all that for you, Mr. Jonathan,” Wally said with a quick nod before he disappeared down the stairs.

  Jonathan let out his breath as he finally closed and locked the door to their bedroom. “Final.... ly,” he said before his voice faded and his eyes lowered as he drew in a sharp breath.

  “You weren't the only one who did a little shopping before we left,” Indy admitted as she let her shirt slide down her arms to fall to the floor. “I never got to show you what a bathing suit looked like while we were at Sam's,” she whispered as her fingers went to the button of her jeans. “Do you want to see what I wear when I go swimming?”

  “Holy shit, Indy,” Jonathan croaked out as her jeans slid seductively down her legs. “I saw women in the flat box wearing things like that but....” He swallowed as she stepped out of her jeans and raised her arms to release her hair from the ponytail she was wearing it in. “I hope you never wore that in front of other men,” he muttered hoarsely. “I think I just might have to kill them.”

  Indy's laughter filled the room as she walked toward him. “I'm afraid you would have to kill a couple of thousand then,” she admitted in amusement. “This might be a little more daring than the ones I normally wear but not by much.”

  “Ah hell,” he swore under his breath before he pulled her roughly against his hard, very aroused body. “How do you take it off?” He muttered against her lips.

  “Pull the string.”

  That was the last words she was able to say rationally before he kissed her with a wild passion that scorched her from head to toe. In the back of her mind she could actually feel her toes curling as he tugged at the strings of her two piece. In a matter of seconds, she was standing in front of him dressed the way she was the day she was born. Her loud moans blended with his as his calloused hands ran over her sensitive skin.

  “You have too many clothes on,” she muttered as her hands worked desperately to fix the issue.

  Jonathan cupped her breasts in his hands, pulling back just enough so he could suck on the engorged nipples. Her hands fisted in his opened shirt and a low mewling sound broke from her lips at his tugging. She threw her head back, closing her eyes as hot liquid formed between her legs. She cried out when his fingers slid between the silky folds, testing her.

  “Damn, you are so ready for me,” he whispered, standing up and pulling back away from her. “Get in the water, honey. I need to wash some of this trail dust off me before I take you the way I want to,” he demanded. “And Indy,” he paused waiting for her to open her eyes again and look at him. “I mean to take you every way I can.”

  Indy's eyes darkened at the promise. She smiled and ran her finger along his chest, flicking one of his nipples that hardened immediately in response. She turned and walked over to the huge copper tub. Bending over, she stuck her ass up in the air in invitation as she tested the water. It was perfect. She glanced over her shoulder just in time to see the last of Jonathan's clothes hitting the floor and a fully aroused male coming at her with the promise of retaliation in his eyes.

  His fingers bit into the soft skin of her hips as he lined his throbbing cock up with her moist lips. He was so hard he didn't even have to guide his cock to her slick channel. It was as if his cock knew the way and couldn't wait to bury itself inside her heated channel. Both of them groaned as he pushed forward along her vaginal sheath, not stopping until he was fully buried deep inside her. Jonathan swore he could feel her gripping him, as if daring him to try to pull out. He was panting loudly as he did. The pleasure and pain of being so aroused stroked every nerve ending. Hot waves of ecstasy ran through him as he began moving faster. In the back of his mind, he knew he was holding her roughly, pounding into her too hard but the primal need to mate, to claim, to possess overwhelmed all rational thought until all he could do was feel the heat, smell their combined arousal, and hear her soft pleas for more. When her body exploded around him, he couldn't contain the cry that ripped from his throat as his own body surged forward in answer to her. The orgasm was so intense he actually had to lean over her and wrap his arms around her to keep from collapsing to his knees as his legs gave out underneath him.

  “Oh baby,” he groaned over and over as his cock jerked in response to the continued spasms along her vaginal walls. “Oh baby!” He groaned loudly, trying to draw in a breath.

  He let his head drop down, resting his forehead on her shoulder as his body shuddered over and over until he felt as weak as a newborn babe. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around her bent form, his eyes pressed closed as he felt the last wave of his seed pulsing deep into her womb. The thought of them creating a child at that moment caused his cock to jerk one last time, pulling another moan from both of them.

  “Damn, baby,” he muttered hoarsely. “I've never felt anything like that before.”

  Indy's arms trembled as she tried to hold her body up above the copper tub. The steam fr
om the water, combined with the sweat she had worked up during their lovemaking had turned her skin slick. The feel of his chest sliding against her skin made her want to rub against him and start purring. Damned if she didn’t feel like a cat who had just been given the richest cream ever served.

  “I love you, Jonathan,” Indy murmured, rubbing the side of her head against his chin. “I love you so much.”

  Jonathan slowly straightened, cursing as he slipped from her body. Holding her tightly against him, he lifted her up and set her in the water before climbing in behind her. Once they were settled, he pulled her back against him so she was sitting snugly between his legs with her head lying up under his chin. He reached over and picked up a bar of her scented soap that she had used before her kidnapping. A shiver went through him as he remembered how close he came to losing her forever.

  He slowly lathered a small cloth and began gently running it over her skin. “I love you, Indiana Tucker. I love your spirit. I love your strength. I love your passion. It is going to take me the rest of our lives to show you just how much,” he said quietly. His hand moved down over her flat belly. “One day, our child will round your body. I’ll still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world when it does.”

  Indy tilted her head back, pressing her lips against his cheek until he turned his head crushing her lips with his in a fierce, passion-filled kiss that had her twisting around to face him. He cursed at the limitations of being confined in the copper bathtub. He was going to have to talk with Jacob as soon as his brother got back about building one of those indoor bathhouses like Sam had. He had loved making love to Indy in the ‘shower’.


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