The Commander

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The Commander Page 27

by Kevin Groh

  On the long table lay grenades, adhesive bombs, pipe bombs, package bombs, suitcase bombs, bomb packs, some modern looking spheres and a reddish stick next to a bottle of liquor. »Bombs are a really great thing. In principle, they’re nothing more than what the wise guys in the lab call an ›exothermic reaction‹. An explosion. Triggered by an external impulse like heat or electricity. Explosives are incredibly versatile. Setting traps, tearing down buildings, killing or scaring the shit out of someone. But not very suitable if you work quietly. It is usually deafeningly loud and visible over long distances. Nevertheless, you can use it precisely, contrary to the prevailing opinion.«, she explained.

  She showed through the series of models.

  »Explosives aren’t very complicated. Simple things, like a Molotow cocktail or dynamite, can be made quite easily with the right materials. Fuck, I do this every third Thursday of the month. Experts can make shrapnel and incendiary bombs out of household items. Ultimately, the question is what you want to achieve.«

  Rod said: »Building bombs doesn’t sound like an easy thing to me. And what are they supposed to do except tear a hole into something?«

  Dunn laughed knowingly: »Bullshit! You obviously have no idea, so shut up and listen! Bombs consist of four components: a case, a detonator, an explosive and a variable element. The case decides how the bomb detonates. Fragile materials like glass, thin plastic or special lightweight cases should lead to immediate detonation. If the hull strikes sparks, the detonator is omitted. Otherwise, this is decisive for the time of the explosion. There are fuses, pens, time fuses, receivers, what you want. Any form of external influence can detonate the bomb if you take the appropriate detonator. The explosives are also freely selectable. C4, gun powder, nitroglycerin, radioactive materials or alien explosives. Depending on the choice, the detonation is different. This also enables quieter and more precise explosions.«

  »I wasn’t even aware that explosives are more than a bomb or grenade.«, Nambur had to admit. Dunn crossed her arms. »You’re not alone with that, Green. What you certainly don’t know is the benefit of a variable component. Not every bomb explodes to cause damage. You can use poison bombs to silently eliminate people, EMP bombs against electronics, smoke bombs, light bombs, shrapnel, et cetera. There are no limits to a creative spirit here, and there are some in the military. I’m one of those experts, which is why the 13th Infantry Division still uses the Dunn Grenade today.«, she said proudly.

  None of the recruits wanted to know exactly what was special about it. The following hours, she showed them how to disassemble grenades, detonate explosives, place bombs and what kind of explosives were best for different targets. In the coming weeks, they would learn how to build and disarm complex types of bombs.

  After class, Leena was asked by Clemm to accompany him while the rest of them went to dinner.

  On their return to the barracks, a nasty surprise awaited them. Carter and Kelly wanted to enter the room, but the door was open and several military officers carried Leena’s things out and down the stairs. She sat on his bed with empty eyes, staring straight ahead.

  »What happened here?«, Kelly asked worriedly, but Carter had a dark premonition. Leena’s answer confirmed it. »I was charged with sabotage and summoned to a hearing. Tomorrow morning. There they decide what to do with me. Maybe I’ll see Billy again sooner than I thought.«

  Kelly was completely irritated and after Leena was taken away by the military police, Carter told her how she had sabotaged the Salvani negotiations on their guard mission. Her hacking skills were good, but not perfect. Although the cameras hadn’t captured her, her changes to the ship’s system left traces that had been read and tracked back to her. Carter went to the computer and contacted his father. He told him everything he knew and hoped Magnus could help somehow. He didn’t find her deed particularly bad or despicable because he thought similarly. He also said that this particular diplomat was quite a son of a bitch, known for his ruthless methods. He promised to talk to some people.

  The next morning was tense. Leena was at the hearing and the rest of her group had melee lessons with Jazzir but could hardly concentrate because they all wanted to know what would happen to her. As soon as the lunch break had finally arrived, she came to the mess for dinner. She looked tired, but also relieved. She sat down and started to report.

  Apparently, William Grant, the diplomat, had struck a totally inappropriate tone during his statements and accusations. The method of negotiation he had planned had no legal authority and any result would have been worthless in case of doubt. Nevertheless, Leena’s arbitrary and potentially harmful behavior had been the subject of the hearing. Contrary to expectations, she was not imprisoned like Billy and she was not excluded. Some members of the jury had spoken to Magnus Sanders and changed their minds. The result was that Leena had to move into her own room without a ComNet connection. Her bracelet would be constantly monitored and her movements tracked. Each instructor was encouraged to keep her under close observation, and she was no longer allowed to perform duties outside the base.

  »If my behavior is inconspicuous and otherwise exemplary until the end of the second year of training, I may spend my last year without restrictions. I had enormous luck ...«, she said.

  She knew she wouldn’t have gotten away nearly as well without Magnus. When she sat alone in the room with Carter and Kelly in the evening before she had to go to her own room, they talked again.

  »Thank you, Carter. I suppose you asked your father to help me. That probably spared me jail. But I still can’t regret what I did. Even if the diplomat had acted legally according to the law, I could not have turned a blind eye. But for the rest of the year I’ll keep a low profile ...«, she smiled, as if there was a choice.

  Carter nodded calmly: »You’re welcome. My father said that he would be there for you if you needed him. I know you didn’t believe that or you thought you would never have to claim it. But I could not just remain inactive. You are my friend and I am there for my friends.«

  Her and Kelly’s eyes became soft and after Leena left, he was amply rewarded by her. After an hour they lay naked on his mattress and he stroked her back while he looked at her.

  »Say, Miss Richards, a bed has unexpectedly become available in my room. And so I thought to myself ...«

  »Yes?«, she asked playfully.

  »... you might be interested in renting.«

  »Rent? And how much would the rent be, Mr. Sanders?«

  Carter thoughtfully inhaled air: »Well, in view of the current rent situation, inflationary adjustments and bail ... I would find about three blowjobs a week appropriate.«

  He grinned and she replied: » Well, I had to blow my last landlord only once a week. And once a month a ride was due. I don’t know if I like your offer.«

  »I could be persuaded to go down to two blowjobs, but then riding should happen at least twice a month.«

  Kelly pretended to think: »Hmm ... well, but only because the room is really well located and looks very comfortable. And the landlord also seems to be a pleasant guy.«

  The two of them reached out to each other playfully to seal the deal.

  He said: »As for the deposit ...«

  The fact that Kelly had moved into Carter’s room didn’t surprise anyone. Everyone had expected this and Leena was also happy because he had wished for it from the beginning. Accordingly, they hardly talked about it but concentrated again on the lessons. The week was over so quickly that Carter had the feeling that it was still Wednesday. After they had finished the close combat with Jazzir and a bit of hell trail with Banes, they took a shower and were free to go. Kelly had planned an outing with some of her friends from her student days and Rod had gotten sick. Leena was only allowed to leave the base every two weeks, so Carter decided to go home again. He hadn’t really lazed for a weekend in a while and wanted to play video games for hours. After he had wished Kelly lots of fun and kissed her extensively, he went to the landing field w
here Michael picked him up. When Carter saw the shuttle waiting there, he felt the need to fly himself. »You know, Michael, it’s been ages since I’ve been driving. How about I give you a ride home?«

  The long-time chauffeur and friend of the family smiled and said: »You want to drive me to the city?«

  »Oh, I’m sorry, I meant to my house. You are our driver as long as I can remember and for me, you belong to the family. I always forget that you don’t live with us.«

  It was true, Magnus had chosen the domestic workers very carefully and always treated them generously and respectfully. He maintained the employer’s distance, but Carter didn’t have to. His father had hired almost all the servants shortly after his ascent. They had become like a family to him. Habana, the housekeeper with her daughter Gwen, Timothy the gardener, mechanic Adam, Jerome the cook and of course Michael. Only since a few years, the security consultant Johnson had joined the family and even if he was sometimes a little suspicious because of his work, he seemed to fit into this family.

  Carter flew leisurely towards the property and was told by Michael what was new. Apparently, Jerome had had offspring and was away for a while, so his cousin Pedro had taken over. He was a motivated guy, who paid a lot of attention to fitness and also reflected this in his dishes. Magnus didn’t always seem to be happy with it, which made Carter smile. He started the landing approach slowly and put the shuttle on the landing spot a little crooked. Considering how sensitive this model was compared to the military standard he flew more often lately, he could be satisfied with himself. He got out and waved to Michael, who was still doing a messenger flight for Magnus. Carter strolled to the entrance with his backpack and when he was inside, he leaned the heavy thing against the wall next to the door. He would later exchange the books he had read for a few new copies. He was about to order something to eat from the robot butler when he heard a child scream. That wasn’t the sound he was expecting in that house. He went up to Magnus’ apartment and was surprised to find that his sister Zoe was visiting with her family. He was very happy to see her, but they hadn’t noticed him yet.

  He sneaked quietly through the dining room instead of using the hall and then suddenly stood behind her. Magnus discovered him first but said nothing. Zoe talked the whole time and didn’t let anyone speak anyway. »... and I just thought to myself: Why not go on holiday to Utopia and visit Daddy again? Well and even if I find it really beautiful on Earth, it’s good to see all the things from my childhood again. It’s just like before, only Carter isn’t following me all the time.«

  »Don’t be so sure of that!«, he said and grabbed her from behind. She squealed surprised. When she turned around, she was already beaming with joy.


  She hugged him very tightly and then came Eddy, who had got up from the sofa and greeted him with a handshake. »Pleased to see you again, brother-in-law!«

  »Likewise, Eddy.« Carter replied with a smile, for he had already liked Zoe’s husband when they were still dating. Then he saw little Terry, now four years old, waddling around the corner with a toy dinosaur in his chocolate-covered hand. »Hey, there’s my buddy!«, he greeted his nephew, but he had only seen him twice, and kept a proper safe distance. Zoe said: »Look, Terry! That’s your Uncle Carter. Do you remember who Uncle Carter is?«

  The little guy sucked on a wet chocolate bar and then shook his head before a granite sculpture near the TV attracted his attention. Zoe wanted to go after him and Eddy seemed a little embarrassed, but Carter just said: »It’s okay, Zoe. He barely knows me, and at that age, you only remember a few of the people who tell you things in a silly voice. Or those who bring gifts. When he gets older, he can certainly relate more to the term uncle.«

  Magnus agreed with his son when he said: »Carter is right. When you were little, Zoe, you always treated your aunt Abigail like a stranger. She never took it as rationally as your brother.«

  She rushed to Terry because he had run into a dresser and bumped his head. Eddy didn’t seem a bit worried, in contrast to Zoe.

  »You don’t seem to worry much about your son.«, Carter said amused.

  Eddy shrugged his shoulders: »As often as he hurts himself during the day, he must have learned it soon. The first times I was worried and panicked, at some point I realized when he was just clumsy and when he really hurt himself. Sometimes it’s annoying that he keeps running into cupboards, but you can’t prevent it. If I follow him at every turn and stop him, he never learns to look ahead himself. He slowly starts to understand things and he asks me what I am doing. Whenever I tell him about it, he listens to me. Although he does not understand many things, it is an indescribable feeling to pass on my knowledge, my passion to him. That is what makes it so special for me to be a father. I read him stories and days later he mumbles passages to himself when he plays. Only now do I really realize that he is my child and carries my qualities within him. It is remarkable and it is my responsibility to shape his personality.«

  Carter suspected that you could only understand something like that if you experienced it yourself.

  When Zoe came back to them and sat on the sofa with Terry on her lap, she asked him: »How’s the training going? I have to admit that I had imagined before that you would become a soldier. It was always clear to me that family life would be too boring for you.«

  Carter told them what he learned and what he thought about discovering unknown worlds later as an explorer.

  »You don’t want to learn the history to date, you want to write new history. I have an honest respect for that. The last few decades have already changed so much that entire libraries could be filled with it. Maybe future historians will write about your discoveries and deeds.«, philosophized Eddy as Terry began to tell Magnus about his Dino.

  »Oh well, so far I’m just one of thousands of recruits who don’t attract much attention. I try to be good, of course, but I’m still far from fame. I have no idea where my path will lead me.«

  After dinner, Terry seemed to have got used to him and he wanted Carter to read him a story. So he sat by the boy’s bed and read him the story of a Persian prince who had found a genie in a bottle. This adventure then became Terry’s favorite story. Then Carter treated himself to a chocolate bar and went to the TV for a few hours.

  In the morning, Zoe told him about her work on Earth. The construction company she worked for was one of the most successful.

  »Of the hundred largest companies in the world, seventy-three of them had us construct buildings. I started there as an assistant to one of the account managers. He handled an entire construction project in Sydney. I learned a lot from him and when he died in an accident last year, no one could quickly replace his expertise but me. I was involved in all the processes and so I was given the task on a trial basis. Two months ago I officially became a project manager for one of the next major projects in Tokyo.«

  Carter asked: »Don’t you have to travel a lot then?«

  »Such projects usually take between one and three years, so it’s not so bad. Eddy can work anywhere and there are international schools in every major city. But I was thinking about enrolling Terry in one of the new flexible education programs.«

  Magnus asked and Eddy said: »These new programs are designed to teach children in virtual classrooms using VR technology. If parents often move, the children can still keep their schoolmates, no matter where they log in. The lessons have been copied from new Scandinavian school systems and are only about half as long as compulsory lessons in the past. In return, the children are taken a few hours a day to so-called social support. These are youth centers where children of all nationalities can play together and learn social behavior. Without restraint and judgment, they do not feel under pressure and develop more freely. Even for children who are more introverted and interested in individual activities, there are theme groups where they can do these things side by side to exchange ideas and have like-minded people with them.«

  Zoe remarked: »Loners
are usually only loners because society keeps pushing them to deal with people who are completely different. Studies have shown that children who had no interest in other people are still very social and pleasant if you put them together with children who have the same interests.«

  Magnus said: »Sounds like they’ve finally learned something after centuries. I suppose, however, that the reason for this were more likely the T’zun. Because that sounds suspiciously like their educational system.«

  Eddy raised his arms in resignation: »Of course. If history has shown one thing, it is that mankind will never take the most sustainable path if no one shows it to them. They follow the short-sighted orders of power-hungry politicians. Earlier tribes were always led by the greatest warrior and the wisest elder or the most experienced shaman. These titles had to be earned. Every decision was made by the tribal member who had the most experience in this field. But since the emergence of monarchies, dictatorships, and democracies, despite the many promises, the well-being of the people has never been in the focus of attention. And that is still the case today.«

  Carter completely agreed with Eddy: »You should have a chat with my friend Leena. You could philosophize for hours.«

  Magnus said loudly: »Anyway, we are proud of you, angel. You have the beauty and the gentle nature of your mother and the economic understanding of me. A successful career is inevitable. Carter comes more after Grandpa Richard. A curious spirit who wants to reach for the stars.«

  »I married into a family that seems to be called to greatness anyway. And without having to do anything for it, I get a little footnote in the story. As a husband, son-in-law or brother-in-law of a great name.«, Eddy said with a smile.

  »Or as a father. Or as a historian. If you write the story, you can customize your own role as you like.«, Zoe laughed.


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