One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2) Page 17

by Amanda Siegrist

  Ben walked around Zeke and out of the house. Figures he’d take it personally. But Zeke had failed him once in keeping things between them. He didn’t want to take the chance Zeke would slip up to Zoe again if Rina didn’t want people to know. God, he hoped she didn’t have a serious medical issue.

  Zeke met Ben outside on the lawn just as Officer Jeffers joined him.

  “So what do you know?” Ben asked Officer Jeffers. He risked a glance at Zeke, who didn’t appear to be irritated by his blunt words back in the house.

  “Her name is Carol Johnson. Age 33, single. She works at the law office downtown as a secretary. Tollhorn and Tollhorn, Attorneys at Law,” Officer Jeffers said.

  “Wait, what? Tollhorn?” Ben instinctively reached for his gun.

  “Something about that bothers you. What part?” Zeke asked, obviously catching the way he curled his fingers around the holster. He had no idea why he reached for his gun when Anthony was nowhere near him.

  “Tollhorn, Zeke. Same jackass that Rina went out with this week. Little odd the next victim is someone who works at his law office. And maybe that accounts for Rina getting attacked.”

  “Calm down, Ben. Loosen your grip.” Zeke nodded at his hand and waited until he let go and hung his hands down. “She wasn’t attacked. Attempted B & E, at the most. He’s definitely someone we need to talk to. Late night visit?”

  “Love to.” Ben looked at Officer Jeffers. “Anything else you can tell us? Who found the victim?”

  “Her neighbor. They were supposed to have supper tonight. She never showed, so the neighbor, Ms. Nelson, let herself in with the spare key she had. She’s the one who told me where she works and that she’s single. Now, mind you, she said she’s single, but she had been on those dating websites. She had a few dates in the past few weeks.”

  “Thanks, Officer Jeffers. Call us if you find anything else out. We have a lawyer to go see,” Zeke said.

  They piled back into the car. Ben slammed the door harder than normal.

  “Are you going to be okay, partner? The source of your anger was nowhere in sight and it had you grabbing for your weapon. I’m a little concerned meeting him face-to-face will be a far worse reaction. Like actually pulling the weapon out.”

  “I’ll be fine. I won’t let that jackass get to me. Besides, Rina’s with me now. She’s safe. I’ll be sure to remind him of that if his tongue gets a little loose.”


  “I’d classify this as harassment, Detective.” Anthony held the front door firmly in his hand, just waiting for Ben’s reply and the opportunity to slam the door in his face.

  “Watch what you say very carefully, Mr. Tollhorn. I’m Detective Chance with the St. Cloud Police Department. I work with Detective Stoyer. We have a few questions about one of your employees,” Zeke replied before Ben could release his anger and frustration towards Anthony.

  “Excuse me? And just what employee are you trying to get in trouble?”

  “Do you know a Carol Johnson?” Ben asked, ignoring the hostility pouring from the man’s eyes. He could stay calm. Rina was the utmost, calmest person, even in the face of anger. He could be, too. Maybe. Hopefully.

  “Of course I do. She’s my secretary. Whatever sick game you’re trying to play, it’s not going to work.”

  “She was murdered last night. Her body was found a few hours ago. Where were you last night?” Ben asked, not losing a beat. He should feel remorseful for being so unsympathetic. Impossible, though. The man standing in front of him didn’t deserve his remorse. Not after the way he treated Rina.

  Anthony staggered back from the door. His face morphed into a sick pain that couldn’t be mistaken.

  “You were sleeping with her, weren’t you?” Zeke asked, going for the jugular right away.

  “I…I need a drink.” Anthony waved his hand in a careless gesture. “Come in. I know you have more questions.”

  They followed him to his office where he proceeded to pull a bottle of scotch off the shelf behind his desk. He snatched a glass from the tray that sat next to the scotch and poured himself a full glass, then downed half of it before looking at them.

  “Should I repeat my question?” Zeke asked, looking around the office.

  A large spacious room filled with a massive oak desk and a booming leather chair. A couch rested near the window, white blinds pulled halfway down. A small lamp sat on the desk, light spilling out on the papers splattered around. Another lamp, in the opposite corner of the room, stood lit up as well. It appeared as if they interrupted him working.

  Anthony refilled the glass, his hand shaking with obvious movements. Placing the cap back on the scotch, he lifted the drink to his lips, downing the full glass.

  “I slept with her a few times. Mostly at the office. Sometimes at a hotel.” He traced a finger over the cap of the scotch. “How did she die?”

  “We can’t go into specifics. It’s an on-going investigation. You seem quite shaken for a man who just took out another woman last week.” Ben eyed the scotch bottle and the way he circled the top.

  Anthony whipped his head toward Ben. “You mean Rina?”

  “Yeah. I mean Rina. You seemed pretty strong about your feelings with her. Did you know someone tried to break into her house last night?” Ben never wavered his gaze, the anger simmering to the top, yet not boiling over. He saw the pain in Anthony’s eyes when he relayed the nasty news. He also saw the torture on his face to have another drink.

  “Why do I get the impression you two think I had something to do with both things?” Anthony looked between the two, his finger trailing a path on the bottle. “I would never hurt either of them, especially…”

  “Especially…who? Rina? Carol? Which one held the key to your heart? For some strange reason, I’m going to say Carol. Which is odd. Her neighbor said she was trying those dating websites out. We haven’t looked into that yet. What will we find?” Zeke asked.

  “You two, you look…like you’re good at your job. But really, what else is there for you? Money is power,” Anthony said as he yanked the cap off the scotch bottle again.

  “Money is bullshit. So is power. A good woman in my arms, the love of my life. Now we’re talking.” Ben eyed the bottle as it tipped over, the warm amber liquid falling into the glass with a splash.

  “A woman so good in your life that it makes you turn to the bottle in an instant,” Zeke added.

  Anthony stopped pouring, the liquid that would soothe all his pains only reaching halfway. “I saw something in your eyes that day, Detective Stoyer. The way you spoke to me, kicked me out of Rina’s life. I played my part. I thank you for playing yours.”

  “Can you please stop talking in riddles and just start answering our damn questions? Because I’ll be honest, you’re looking like a wonderful suspect right now.” The anger was simmering back to the surface. Reaching for his gun again sounded like a great plan. Maybe scare some answers out of Anthony. No more bullshit.

  “I feel like this is where I invoke my rights to a lawyer and quit talking.” Anthony slammed the glass back, downing the contents with one swallow. “But, because you’re catching me in a moment, I’ll talk a little.”

  Anthony grabbed the back of the leather chair, squeezing hard. “Carol and I had a thing. I’m sure if you look her up on those dating websites, you’ll see her profile. Nothing much became of it. I think she dated a few losers. While I didn’t take her out on glamorous dates…” Anthony paused, glancing at Ben, “Like I did Rina, I loved her. I suspect she loved me. But what can I say? Sometimes in life, your life is chosen for you.”

  “Why did you go out with Rina if you loved Carol?” Zeke asked.

  Great question. He was dying to know himself. Holding in the anger was a testament to his patience. How in the world did Rina do it all the time? He barely could control not clenching his fists, although he still found himself doing it.

  “Because I had to. My father wanted it. Her father wanted it. Really wasn’t much choice.
While I had Carol, and I wanted Carol, I can’t say it was a horrible thing to go out with Rina. She is a knock out. Isn’t she, Detective Stoyer?” Anthony’s cool eyes turned to Ben, the devilish tilt of his lip mocking him.

  “You know, for a minute, you had me. I really thought you loved Carol and were torn up about her death. Now I just see the original jackass I first met. You can keep giving us a spiel and I’m never going to believe a damn word that comes out of your mouth.” Ben unclenched his fists. “Now, where were you last night?”

  Anthony stared at Ben for a long moment, the piercing glare never wavering, the tilt of his lip frozen in stone. “Having drinks with my father and Rina’s father at the country club near Sauk Rapids. We didn’t leave until about 11:30. I got home around midnight. Check the alarm system. I didn’t disarm it again until the next morning around eight. And yes, I was home alone the entire night.”

  “Seems convenient that part of your alibi is with Rina’s father. Even your own father.” Ben still hadn’t blinked, refusing to back down on the stare directed his way.

  “Do you really think I’m capable of killing another human being? A woman that I loved? Do I look like a cruel person?” Anthony asked, dropping his features into a deep frown.

  Ben didn’t need to contemplate that question, not even for one second. “Yes.”

  “I believe I have nothing more to say. Contact my lawyer for any future communication, unless, of course, you’re going to arrest me right this instant.”

  “Let me guess. Your lawyer is your father,” Zeke said with a bit of cockiness.

  “Wow, you’re a smart man, Detective. I can see how you earned your badge.”

  “Wow, still a jackass. If you had anything to do with Rina’s break-in, or the murders of these women, you’ll be sorry. You’ll rot in prison. Have a pleasant evening, Anthony,” Ben said with a smile, walking past Zeke and out of the room.

  Zeke’s footsteps trailed behind him. He had no idea if Zeke wanted to say more, but he couldn’t stay in that room any longer. He called Anthony a jackass. Not once, but twice. If he wasn’t concerned about his job, he should be now. There was no way that wouldn’t get back to his captain. He’d be suspended, at the least. Fired, at the most.

  It didn’t matter one bit. He wasn’t going to stand there and let Anthony talk like that. He didn’t know what sort of power Anthony had, or even Rina’s father. He had everything he needed. She was waiting at home for him. That’s all that mattered.

  “So, that went well,” Zeke said, closing the front door. “What do you think? You really think he’s good for it all?”

  Ben stopped walking a few feet from the car and turned around. “I do. But, you know, it’s still in the pit of my stomach, the doubt. We don’t know the time of death yet for Carol, but I have a feeling it’s going to fall in the same time frame when he was with his dad.”

  Ben whipped his hand at the house. “He’s more than a jackass, he’s…he’s...shit! He’s not an idiot. I think he’s capable of killing. I really do. But he’s not an idiot. I don’t think he would kill his own secretary, especially one he was sleeping with.”

  “I agree. For a minute there, I thought you lost your edge, your common sense. He is a jackass, definitely. He’s not our killer. We’ll check his alibi, though. Who do we want to verify that with? His father or Rina’s?”

  “How about the damn country club? I’m not sure I’d believe a word of either of those men. Plus, the next time I see Rina’s father will be with Rina. I promised her I would be cordial and try to make nice with him. Try to work things out. Going to his house and grilling him on an alibi for Anthony, the golden boy, is not trying to make nice.”

  “Good point. Country club it is.”

  Chapter 14

  Ben leaned against the doorframe, taking in the sight. He could watch Rina all day, every day, in her element. She was always so delicate, so precise in her movements. One would think it would look robotic or monotone with the precision she displayed. To him, it was pure beauty and grace.

  He especially enjoyed watching her dress. He liked it better when she undressed, completely naked for his taking. But watching her dress was almost as desirable. It made him crave to rip the clothes back off, to claim her body with a heated frenzy. Temptation sat on the tips of his fingers. Right this instant as he watched her slip on her skirt and button her blouse. He couldn’t stand it anymore when she bent down to grab her high heels.

  “Let me.” He bent down before she could reach her shoes, her brow lifting in amusement. He tossed his head to the bed. “Have a seat. I’ll put them on for you.”

  She glanced at the bed and shook her head no. Yet, her feet moved to his bidding. “You’re going to make us late, Ben. Won’t Zeke be waiting for you?”

  He knelt down in front of her, lifting her foot gently. “I don’t care. Do you want to know how many times he was late? I know the reason for every single time. Just one look at his ridiculous face and I knew.”

  He started to softly rub her foot instead of sliding her shoe on.

  “Are you planning on making us late so you can show him a ridiculous look on your face?”

  “It crossed my mind.” He placed a kiss on her foot, making a small trail from her ankle to her knee. “I’ve never been late for that reason. I think I want to try it out for once.”

  “Ben, I think…” Her voice trailed off when his hands slid up her thighs, his fingers brushing near her panties.

  “You think what, Rina? Tell me,” he whispered close to her lips.

  “I think…think…” She couldn’t seem to finish her sentence as his fingers dove in her panties.

  “I think so, too, sweetheart.” He chuckled against her lips, laying her back onto the bed.

  He continued his assault with his fingers as he kissed her fiercely. He loved it when she always ran her fingers through his hair, grabbing on as if she was ready to hold on for the ride of her life. Sometimes she yanked hard, making him want to cringe in pain. She could do anything she wanted. He never wanted her to stop touching him, loving him.

  “Damn, Rina, I love you.” He stood up, whipping his pants and boxers off with a quickness that said he suddenly needed her with a passion. She wasn’t planning to stop him either when he saw her unzip her skirt and slide it off with her panties.

  He climbed onto the bed, plunging into her without one word. She clung to his shirt, wrapping her legs around his waist as he took her on a wild ride. He wanted to shout it to the world how much he loved her, how thankful he was that she decided to follow her own heart. And he hoped she continued to do so. Losing her would be like losing a part of himself.

  He tried to show the depths of his feelings each time he thrust into her, each time his lips touched hers. Every time he placed a scorching kiss on her soft body, he hoped she felt the amount of his love. He needed her to feel his love. Because he dreaded the night wouldn’t end in his favor.

  It was a high probability he would be suspended, or even fired, when he walked into work today. Another reason he didn’t care he would be late. His actions last night with Anthony would bring down the trouble. Rina wouldn’t blame him. She would probably blame herself. He could see her walking away to save him, save his job. He refused to let her do that. Claiming her as he never did before would help show her why she was meant to stay in his arms.

  Sweat rolled down his shoulder blades as he thrust deeply inside her. The heat swirling around them did nothing to dispel his hunger for her. If anything, he grabbed her face harder as he devoured her lips.

  Her hands let go of his shirt and made their way to his hair where she massaged his head. The magic in the tips of her fingers drove him crazy, drove him harder into her. He didn’t slow down once as her climax hit. She pulled his hair so hard he actually bit her lip from the pain. He stroked his tongue where his teeth claimed her mouth, soothing her ache as he held her tightly as she continued to float on clouds.

  Not close to his release when she
came down from her bliss, her hands slowly dropped from his hair to his back as he continued to love her with his entire body and soul. He broke the kiss to lean up a little and grab her legs that were still tightly around his waist. He raised them to his shoulders, getting even deeper inside her.

  Not long after, she cried out again in glorious bliss, grabbing the sheets in a tight fist. He let go finally, sinking his body into her as the pleasure flowed through him.

  “That was…wow, Ben. What was that?” Rina asked in a whisper.

  “That was me loving the woman I love. You do things to me, Rina. You have since the moment I met you.”

  He lifted, bracing his forearm on the bed, while swiping a lock of hair from her face. “I hope that wasn’t too rough. I guess I went a little crazy.”

  “No, it was beautiful. You definitely made us late. I have to find a new outfit. This shirt is completely wrinkled now.”

  He laughed with her as he looked down at her nice white blouse that did indeed have a bunch of new wrinkles. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not. I would love you again if I knew it wouldn’t make us horribly late. It’s already bad enough I’ll be a little late.”

  Shit. Why the hell did he say that? He retreated to the bathroom before she could ask why. Words still failed him when he came out. She entered the bathroom without a word as well. He stood for a moment, shaking his head at the idiocy of his words and started to yank his pants back on when a soft hand hit his shoulder.

  “What aren’t you telling me? You said it went fine last night when you spoke to Anthony.”

  He turned around. “It did, I guess. Except for the part where I called him a jackass a few times. Because he is one. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Oh, Ben. I can’t have you losing your job because of me.”

  He brushed a hand over her cheek. “I’m not losing my job because of you. If anything, it’ll be because of me. Because I can’t control my emotions. I should’ve known better than to say that to him. He just brings my anger out really easily. I can’t stand the man.”


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