Broken Fae

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Broken Fae Page 28

by Caroline Peckham

  I leaned closer, carving a line with my mouth down from her collarbone between her tits and over her stomach as I dropped to my knees, my tongue stud sending goosebumps rushing across her skin.

  She ran her hands over my shaved hair with a sigh and I cast a vine which yanked them away from me and tied them behind her back. She gasped as I gripped her skirt and pulled it over her thighs and down to her ankles. I guided her feet out of it and tossed it aside then grazed my fingers up the back of her calves as I stared at my queen. I leaned forward, brushing my nose over her panties and inhaling her intoxicating scent. She moaned as I sucked her clit through the material then bit hard enough to make her yelp.

  When I looked up at her again, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were full of a carnal hunger I wanted to sate in her again and again.

  "It's gonna hurt," I warned and she smiled like a cat.

  "I want it to."

  I laughed darkly, getting to my feet and hounding her back towards my desk, gripping her hips as I did so. I turned her around, bending her over it and releasing her hands so she could brace herself on the surface. I cast vines to capture her ankles and force her legs wider, tethering each one to the bottom of the desk legs. I ran my hand along the length of her spine, pushing her lower as I unhooked her bra and she shrugged out of it.

  I pressed my crotch against her ass with a groan of desire as I showed her how much I wanted her with a single rock of my hips. She cursed under her breath and I leaned forward, reaching around her and playing with her nipples, pinching hard then massaging away the pain. She moaned louder and louder as I kept up the torment and her ass rubbed against my throbbing cock in response.

  "Every time you make a noise from now on, you'll be punished," I warned her and she nodded in agreement. "Answer me out loud."

  "Yes," she gasped.

  "Yes what?" I smirked as I palmed her tits, waiting for her to come up with an answer to that.

  "Yes, boss," she said in a sexy purr that had me getting somehow harder.

  I growled my approval then pinched her nipples firmly, making her cry out. I grinned as I pulled away from her, creating a long wooden paddle in one hand with my earth magic. Her ass was tilted up at the perfect angle, but those little pink frenchies needed to go. I reached between her thighs, rubbing so her wetness coated my hand through the material and she moaned desperately, her hips swaying as I tormented her.

  "That's two times," I growled. "You'll be spanked for each rule break."

  I clutched the material between her legs and yanked, ripping it off of her and making her gasp in alarm before she tried to swallow the noise away.

  "That's three," I murmured and her shoulders flexed with anticipation as I brushed the paddle over her ass cheeks. My heart hadn't stopped jack-hammering since I'd brought her here, but now it was hitting a pace which was entirely alien to me. If Elise enjoyed this, I was the luckiest fuck in Alestria.

  I swung the paddle back and spanked her with it, hard enough to leave a bright pink mark over her ass. She cried out then moaned a second after and my cock did the equivalent of a fucking happy dance in my pants. Her pain fizzled through my chest and I groaned at the feeling of my magic reserves swelling.

  I spanked her harder the second time and by the third she was begging for more.

  "Don't hold back," she growled and I rubbed my hand over her sore ass, drinking in her pain and smiling my fucking head off.

  "As you wish, baby," I laughed and hit her again hard enough to bruise. Her back arched and a purely animal groan left her.

  "Fuck me," she demanded.

  "You're not in charge, baby,” I reminded her, sliding a hand between her legs and finding her soaking for me. Fuuuck.

  She flexed her neck and wriggled her hips and I tightened her binds to make sure she didn't escape. I wrapped another vine around her wrists that pulled her down over the desk, yanking her arms out in front of her head.

  "Do you know how many times I've pictured you like this, Elise?" I pushed two fingers into her and she cursed. I placed the paddle down and clapped my hand against her ass instead as punishment. "I want your skin painted pink from my touch then I want to soothe all of your pain away, devour every drop of it."

  I slid my fingers from her pussy and she groaned in desperation.

  "You're not being very quiet, baby." I spanked her again and she continued to moan. "You need to learn to obey me." I created a smooth wooden plug in my hand and rubbed it through her wetness and she gasped as I dragged the tip up to her ass. I hesitated as I waited for her to give me the safe word, wondering how far I could push her. She didn't say a thing, so I slid it into her firmly and she writhed madly beneath me, garbling my name into the desk.

  I rolled it around inside her as she got used to it then freed my cock and pressed the pierced tip to her entrance. I teased her, running it up and down until my length was slick with her arousal. She jerked against her restraints as I kept one hand pressed down on her back to keep her still.

  "You don't come until I say so," I growled then drove myself into her tight hole and pounded into her ruthlessly. My movements forced the plug in deeper too and she arched and bucked and screamed as I claimed her savagely.

  I fisted one hand in her hair, pulling hard until she was flexed back as much as possible, my hips slamming into her ass as she took everything I gave and begged for more.

  I’d meant to prolong this but, fuck, I was about to explode inside her already, losing my mind to this girl. She was tightening around me, about to come too and I slid my hand onto her clit, toying with her.

  "Don't come," I insisted as she clenched me tightly and I knew she was on the verge of losing it. I gave up trying to hold her off as I ached for release as keenly as she did. This girl was a witch who had me fucking hypnotised, she always ruled me no matter how much I tried to rule her. I rolled my fingers over her clit and she gasped with pleasure.

  I slid my other hand around to her mouth, offering her the side of it. "Bite me," I demanded, knowing I couldn't finish without pain.

  "Ryder," she complained and I snarled furiously.

  "Now," I ordered, and she bit down on my hand. "Finish, baby."

  I came apart myself as she screamed and squeezed my cock with her pussy, drawing out the best fucking orgasm of my life as I filled her up.

  I crushed her to the desk as I reared over her, holding her at my mercy a little longer as I drank in the slice of pain in my hand and the sweet release rushing through my body.

  As I caught my breath, I moved off of her, untying her from the desk and dissolving the plug with my magic. I pulled her upright and kissed her as her arms wound around my neck.

  "Be mine again," I insisted. "I don't give a fuck if you belong to the Lion too."

  She kissed me gently and gazed up at me through hooded eyes. "I never stopped being yours, Ryder. And I never will. Do you know that now?"

  I sighed against her mouth, inhaling her. “Yeah, baby. I know.”

  Two Months before the Solarid Meteor Shower…

  F our months, four victims, four deaths on my conscience and four undeniable reasons why I absofuckinglutely needed to get the fuck away from the Black Card and King and Alestria and everything I'd ever been here.

  The first two victims I'd helped deliver to King for his fucked up sacrifices, I'd been blissfully unaware of what was going to happen to them. I still hadn't earned enough trust to be allowed to keep my memories of the nights of the full moons. The only thing I knew for sure about those evenings were that I'd first taken Trevor Jones then Macey Smith to meet with King so that he could 'help them' with their pain.

  I'd been given their names, a photograph and an address where I could find each of them in Alestria. I'd also been given Killblaze to supply them with and encouraged to earn their trust with the promise that I would be helping them to move on from the pain in their souls. And like a fucking idiot, or maybe like a hapless, hopeful fool, I just hadn't realised that 'moving on' mean
t moving on from this life. Willingly. Or if I was speaking plainly I guessed it was kind of like assisted suicide or, encouraged suicide...I wasn't even sure which. All I knew was that somehow, King was tracking down these poor, desperate souls who life had offered nothing but pain to, getting them hooked on Killblaze which only encouraged those most debilitating and terrifying of feelings and then promising them freedom from their pain if they just let go of this world, handed over their magic to him and died.

  Bile rose in my throat as I thought about it. Those first two months had been a blessing because stupid me, I hadn't known what I'd become a part of. I hadn't realised what I was doing to those Fae.

  I'd foolishly assumed that he was just initiating them and had thought about how fucking miserable their lives were and how little they had in the world and had convinced myself that they might actually have more as a part of the cult. Because sure, these people were ten shades of fucked up, devoted psychos with a touch of mental slavery thrown in for good measure, but they looked after their own.

  But that wasn't what Trevor or Macey had been for and when I brought him Vivienne Simmons the next month everything had become too fucking clear.

  She'd been a sweet girl. Big blue eyes and a mousy kind of face but her long blonde hair reminded me of my little sister. A fact which had me heaving over the toilet every morning when I woke up now. Her life had been so fucked up. She was twenty six, but had somehow seemed younger than me because of how shattered her soul had been. Her family had sold her to a disgusting Fae when she was just a kid to pay some debts and though she'd never actually told me what her life had been like with him, I could hazard a fairly disturbing guess from some of the garbled comments she'd made when under the influence of the Killblaze I'd been tasked with giving her. She'd been free of him for eight years, his interest in her dying once she got too old for his tastes and she'd been lucky to get out alive. But she hadn't really been free. Everything she might have been had been stolen from her by that fate and I knew she was suicidal when I brought her to meet with King. But he'd told me time and again that I had to watch her when she was high, make sure she didn't act on any suicidal thoughts. Which was why I'd allowed myself to be convinced that he cared. When all he really cared about was being there to perform his fucked up ritual.

  That night when I brought her to him, I'd watched from the ranks of Black Card members who had been gathered for the ritual and chanted words I didn't understand as my tongue bent to the will of someone other than myself. Then I'd watched as King encouraged Vivienne and two other Fae who had been brought to him by members of the cult to take their own lives.

  In the moment before she died by plunging a blade of ice she'd made herself into her own heart, she'd offered up her magic to King and he'd taken it greedily.

  My eyes had widened while I watched, horror consuming me as she bled out on the porch of that old cabin in the woods, but my tongue had never faltered in chanting those foreign words which coated my mouth in darkness. My body had been locked in place and by the time I could move again, it was over.

  King had used his power to make every assembled Black Card member pass him by and I'd been left to follow Lorenzo at the back of the line. I listened as King leaned close to Lorenzo and murmured in his ear, telling him to go back to bed and forget the entire night with a ring of magic to his tone which clearly meant Lorenzo had no choice but to obey.

  When my turn had come, I'd selfishly welcomed the chance to forget what I'd seen but instead I'd looked into his constantly changing face as he’d told me he was proud of me and my dedication to the Black Card. He'd praised my work and rewarded me by loosening some more of the ties in my mind and allowing me to keep my horrifying memories.

  The next day, I'd asked Lorenzo what he'd done the night before and he said he must have blacked out on a high or something because he couldn't remember. And that was when I'd known how fucked I really was.

  I'd done everything I could that month to try and tell someone about what I'd witnessed. I'd rung Ella, Mom, even Old Sal and had just ended up making small talk, unable to force the words from my lips, my secrets bound by King’s dark magic. I'd tried approaching Leon and Dante and some of my other old friends too, but I could never get a single word out and I couldn't even summon the enthusiasm to hang out with them for long as the bond I had to the cult just urged me back towards other members.

  So instead I'd had to accept what was happening to me and try to fight my own way out of it. When I'd been sent the name for this month, I'd tried to fight the urge to go to them, but I was compelled to track them down. Colin Denvers. He was a waspish dude with no interest in me other than in the Killblaze I could provide him with, so I couldn't say I'd really gotten to know him but that didn't make me feel any better about the fate I knew King had planned for him.

  I'd done what little I could for him within the confines of the cult magic I was bound by, which basically amounted to me pointing out as many great things that he had to live for as I could. It was kind of hard to do with a guy who clearly had no friends or family, lived in a dive of an apartment with no heating, and electricity which was often off because he didn't pay the bills most of the time and who seemed to exist purely for the sake of getting his next high, but I'd tried. He would only die if he killed himself and I'd seen other potential victims walk free when they hadn't succumbed to that darkness the drug induced, so I could only hope that he'd resist the urge too. King would just wipe his memories and send him away.

  Aside from that, my only plan could be to get myself deeper into this cult. Despite the fact that my latest freedoms had come with the price of knowing the truth about what I was helping King to do on each full moon, it had also allowed me to spend more time doing things I chose. So I needed to keep earning his trust and get him to promote me further until the ties on me were either gone or loose enough to let me run.

  I'd been making progress on my plan to get the fuck out of here with my sister and better than that, I was about to make the final payment to Old Sal to clear Elise's debt.

  As of next week, she'd be free and I'd be setting everything I needed to in place to get us the fuck away from Alestria for good.

  I'd made one final attempt to save Colin by trying not to message him about meeting me at the academy tonight, but my thumbs had scrawled out the message all the same. So as I walked down to the point in the fence where King had carved a hole in the magical wards protecting this place so that I could let him in, my heart was heavy with fear for him.

  "Hey, Colin," I said enthusiastically, waving him inside as he only offered me a scowl.

  "You got it?" he asked bluntly and I nodded.

  "Yeah, dude, here you go." I pulled the test tube filled with bright blue crystals from my pocket and handed it over with a heavy heart.

  Colin instantly shook the little tube to activate the crystals and I watched as the movement aggravated them and they turned to vapour within the little glass chamber. He popped the cap, stuffed it into his nostril and inhaled deeply with a groan of longing as he ingested the Killblaze.

  Fuck ever taking that stuff. I’d never want to be dependant on anything like that. Drugs were just one of the chains the people in power in this forgotten city of Solaria used to bind all of us here. Between that, the gangs, whoring and gambling there was always something to trap Fae here. But not me. And not Ella. We were going to be free.

  "I'm just on my way to collect a fresh batch," I said as Colin's eyes rolled back in his head and he started giggling. "If you wanna come with me to collect it, you can have a few tubes to get you through the next few days."

  "Fuck yeah, lead the way," Colin agreed instantly, a wide smile on his face as the initial high built him up.

  I nodded, swallowing down the bile in my throat as I led the way through campus, keeping an eye on the time as I made my way to the Acrux Courtyard where I was due to meet King at midnight.

  I garbled a load of shit on the way about how great the moon l
ooked tonight and how lucky we were to be alive, trying to push some positivity Colin's way as he mumbled about an imaginary chipmunk.

  It was probably hopeless; I could already see a chillingly bleak look in his eyes, and I knew the drug was beginning to live up to its reputation, drowning him in his misery even as he kept sporadically laughing.

  King was waiting in the shadows behind the bleachers when we arrived, his gaze raking over Colin hungrily as he appeared with the face of a young girl before becoming an elderly man.

  He kept his attention fixed on Colin and nodded excitedly, beckoning two other members of the Black Card forward to lead Colin away towards the trees.

  "You're quickly proving your value to the Card, Gareth," King murmured as he led me into Altair Halls instead of following Colin and the others and I frowned as I fell into step with him.

  "Thank you, Card Master," I murmured.

  I generally found that holding my tongue around him was the best way to be. He would say whatever was on his mind with little prompting from me, giving me the information I needed to dissect and making it as hard as possible for him to get any inkling that I was anything other than loyal.

  "I believe you could become someone of great importance to us," he went on as we walked down the dark corridors and he led me to a bare patch of wall before cutting his hand open and smearing his blood over it to open a secret passage.

  "I hope so," I agreed, quickly spouting the kind of simpering shit he loved to hear. "The Black Card has given me somewhere to belong."

  King nodded and led the way down into the passage beneath the building, creating a Faelight for us to see by as I followed and the wall closed over behind us again.

  "I want you to stay close to me tonight with the other High Cards, see the power transfer up close."

  "Yes, Card Master,” I agreed even though I absolutely didn’t want to be any closer to that fucked up exchange.

  "I think we are kindred spirits, Gareth. Some people may not be able to see it, but all I am seeking is the power to make Alestria better. I want it to be a city where the people don't have to suffer in poverty and fear the violence of gang control. To do that I need to be the most powerful Fae in the city. My rule must be absolute if I wish to destroy the Oscuras and the Lunar Brotherhood. If I wish to make sure that the people who deserve to thrive here are protected from the horrors of a city run by violence."


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