Broken Fae

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Broken Fae Page 33

by Caroline Peckham

  "If you're asking if I want you to put some fucking clothes on, then yeah. Clothes would be good," I ground out.

  I waited as I heard the shuffling of fabric and only opened my eyes after I heard him pull his fly up.

  "Thank you," I said as I glanced back over at the bed, expecting to see a girl hiding among the cushions, but it looked like it was empty, although the way the cushions were piled could have been hiding her I guessed.

  The Kiplings arranged themselves opposite me in three chairs and I slowly sank onto the couch facing them as Senior pointed me toward it.

  My gaze shifted to Middle Kipling uncomfortably as he carefully brushed what looked like cake crumbs from his bare chest into his palm and then started eating them.

  "You had a question about a passport?" Kipling Junior pushed when I sat in a slightly horrified silence trying to figure out how to move on from that awkward as fuck situation.

  "Right." I nodded, pulling the fake passports out alongside the birth certificates to match. "I know Gareth Tempa bought these before he died. Dante said you’re the best in the business when it comes to getting fakes like this made and as Gareth is...dead it’s not like telling me about them will come back to bite you in the ass. You can name your price."

  The Kiplings exchanged glances and Senior sighed. "Is there any cake left?" he asked Middle casually, leaning forward to take one of the passports for closer inspection.

  "Some," Middle replied, pushing himself to his feet. "Do you like cake, Elise?"

  "Everyone likes cake," I replied easily. "But it doesn't help me with these documents. I need to know if Gareth got you to make some for him too? And if he might have told you what he was planning to do with them, or..."

  "Or?" Junior asked as I glanced over at Middle who had returned to the bed.

  I looked back to the two guys before me and sighed as I forced myself to ask because I knew I'd just obsess over it if I didn't.

  "Or if he ever asked you to help him do anything else that might have assisted him in faking his death or running away from Alestria."

  Senior's brows rose the tiniest amount, but as he was usually so statuesque I noticed it all the same.

  "I'm afraid we can't help you," he said, placing the passport down again and levelling me with a look. "The quality of those documents is so high that I can almost guarantee you that we were the ones who made and supplied them. But unfortunately, we long since started drinking memory potions whenever we create false identities for clients."

  "What does that mean?" I asked, my heart sinking.

  "That as soon as we complete our work, we drink a memory removal potion so that we have no recollection of doing it in the first place. It assures our clients that their new identity could never be discovered as the only people who even knew their new names can't give them up. If we know nothing, then we can't be tortured for the information because we don't even have the answers. I’m afraid I can’t remember Gareth Tempa ever asking us for any kind of help from us so if he ever did then we must have removed our memories of it."

  "Shit," I cursed just as Middle Kipling returned to the table with a huge plate and set it down between us.

  I frowned at the enormous Victoria sponge as my mind raced, taking in the way it seemed all squashed and had strawberry filling and cream oozing out from the sides of it like it had been flattened. In the centre of it was a deep hole and my nose scrunched up before my brain even clicked on why.

  Middle Kipling grabbed a knife and I watched as he cut a huge chunk from the cake and pushed it onto a plate.

  My gaze slid from the plate to the bed where he’d gone to get it then back to his chest which was still coated in crumbs and finally to the hole punched in the middle of the Victoria sponge.

  "Wait," I said as he pushed the cake towards me and an insane thought occurred to me. "You didn't...I mean, this isn'’s not like you know…with the cake...right?"

  "Would you prefer cake that he hadn't had his genitals in it?" Junior asked mildly and I yelped as I lurched out of my seat to get away from that cum cake.

  What the actual fuck? Surely he hadn't actually been jamming his dick into a cake with his brother sitting a few meters away? And he definitely hadn't offered to let me eat some of said sex cake had he??

  "You know what, I've wasted enough of your time. You can't help me and I...feel sick...for a totally unconnected, bye."

  I shot the fuck out of there without waiting for them to reply, snatching my fake documents before speeding out of the cache and through the woods as fast as I fucking could.

  A shudder rolled down my spine and I was trying to convince myself that that definitely hadn't just happened when I slammed into a hard chest and screamed as I suddenly found myself hauled off of the ground.

  I cried out in a panic and flung my hands out, throwing a fistful of air magic which slammed into Gabriel's chest and knocked him away from me before I even realised it was him.

  I tumbled out of the sky, flipping over and over as I fought to take control of the air around me and managed to catch myself before I hit the ground.

  I sucked in a sharp breath as my heart pounded but Gabriel caught me again and sped me skywards before I could even catch my breath.

  "Sorry, but we need to talk and I haven't got long. I've been summoned to meet with the Black Card but I've also got some information you need to make use of tonight," he spoke in my ear as we shot towards the Vega Dorms in a blur and I gasped as he dove towards the fire escape stairs beside the top floor.

  I curled myself against him as he hurtled straight towards the open window of his and Dante's room and he only stopped once we were inside, jogging a few paces as he tucked his wings in tight and we fell still. Gabriel let me slip out of his arms and I turned so that I could look up at him.

  A squeak drew my attention to the bunk to my left and I spotted Eugene in his rat form trying to hide the evidence of the shredded boxers he was half way through chewing.

  Gabriel picked Eugene up in a sphere of water and quickly opened the door before tossing him out into the corridor with a splash and he squeaked indignantly again as he tried to shake the water from his fur before Gabriel tossed the door shut in his face.

  “Hey-” I began but he cut me off.

  "I have five minutes and I need you to listen to me and do what I say. I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen this working if you stick to my plan,” Gabriel said.

  "Okay," I agreed instantly, looking up at him as he took hold of my hands, keeping me close.

  "I know where they've built their new Killblaze lab. It’s over on the north side of the city in a crystal farm which they managed to get their hands on by initiating the old owner into the cult. They have a batch of the drug almost completed and if the place isn't destroyed tonight, they're going to be able to get it out on the streets again and they'll be able to get sacrifices for the ritual at the next full moon."

  "What do you need me to do?" I asked, my eyes widening in panic. In the back of my mind I’d known that this day was coming. Clearly they'd been working to set up a new lab and create more of their vile drugs to replace what I’d destroyed beneath the Cafaeteria, but I’d just been hoping that it would take longer than this.

  "There's a big Card meeting tonight which all members have to attend so that means the lab will be left practically empty. The place will be completely vulnerable to the right kind of attack."

  "Which is?" I asked, looking up at him as my mind raced to keep up with his words.

  "An enormous lightning strike would do it," Gabriel purred just as the door opened and electricity crackled over my skin at Dante's arrival.

  I turned to look at my Storm Dragon with excitement building in my veins and the scowl that had taken over his features at the sight of me in Gabriel's arms melted away as he seemed to catch on to my mood.

  "What is it, bella?" he asked and I grinned.

  "You wanna come destroy a Killblaze lab with me, Drago
?" I asked, my voice lowering seductively.

  "Do you really have to ask that question, amore mio?" he purred, stepping closer and smiling widely to match me.

  "Oh for the love of the moon," Gabriel snarled and we both turned to look at him in confusion.

  "What?" I asked as his eyes glazed with The Sight. "What are you seeing? Is something going to go wrong?"

  Gabriel blew out a frustrated breath and shook his head. "No. I was just gifted a vision of the two of you fucking in celebration of your success while I'm stuck at that shitting cult meeting."

  I bit my lip as static crackled through the air and Dante released a dirty laugh.

  "Is that so?" he purred, his gaze dripping over me and making my blood heat.

  Gabriel cursed again, pulling a scrap of paper from his pocket and revealing a hastily scrawled map which he shoved at Dante.

  "I have to go," he said, returning his gaze to me and leaning forward to press a kiss to my forehead. "Just be careful."

  "I promise," I agreed and he nodded before backing away from me, leaving me aching for the heat of his body against mine as his gaze shifted from me to Dante.

  "Look after her," Gabriel warned. "Or I'll kill you myself."

  "I'd give my life for hers, amico mio," Dante replied lightly. "It goes without saying. Never doubt that."

  Gabriel's gaze softened a fraction and he nodded firmly. "I don't." He leapt out of the window and took off again, leaving me and Dante alone.

  "Are you ready to ride, carina?" Dante asked as he took hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head before tossing it to the floor.

  "Always," I replied, not even bothering to hide the fact that I was checking him out as he kicked his boots off and his socks quickly followed.

  As he reached for his belt buckle, I stepped forward and pushed his fingers aside, unbuckling it for him as I looked deep into his honey brown eyes.

  "You're determined to corrupt me, bella," he murmured as I unbuttoned his fly and slid my hand inside his pants.

  "I thought the big, bad gangster was the one who was supposed to do the corrupting?" I breathed as I slowly caressed his dick, loving how hard he grew for me with such little attention.

  "Me too, but I never knew there were monsters like you before I met you. I never knew that anyone could tame me like you have."

  "Tame you?" I scoffed and he smirked as I pushed his jeans over his ass and they fell to the floor. "Impossible."

  "Perhaps. But you've captured me all the same."

  Before I could reply, Dante dropped his boxers and turned his back on me, patting his shoulder in encouragement so that I wound my arms around his neck and hopped on. He climbed up onto the windowsill in the next breath and leapt out into the chilly evening air a moment before the shift rippled through him.

  I scrambled to grab hold of the spines that protruded from his neck in his enormous Dragon form as I wriggled myself up until my thighs were gripping his navy scales and I was sure I wouldn't fall.

  The moment I had a firm grip, Dante began to beat his wings harder as he aimed his snout towards the darkening sky.

  As we flew faster and faster, electricity crackled all around us and storm clouds began to bloom and gather, blotting out the view of Alestria far below and hiding us as the enormous storm continued to spread and grow.

  A shiver coursed down my spine as the temperature plummeted in anticipation of the coming rain and darkness continued to fall.

  Dante kept his course true, flying on and on, covering miles as we raced towards the new lab to the north of the city and I cast an air shield to protect myself from the biting wind which was determined to remind me that winter was on the way.

  By the time he finally slowed and dipped his nose beneath the clouds, I was shivering from a mixture of the cold and the exhilaration.

  Dante snarled, twisting his long neck to look back at me with mischief shining in his huge, brown eye and a question too.

  "Come on, Drago," I called. "Show me your worst."

  Thunder crashed through the clouds around us and Dante dove towards the ground at breakneck speed. I clung on for dear life as lightning gathered within his body and crackled through mine in return. It made every inch of my flesh tingle and burn in the most delicious way and as we broke through the clouds and I spotted the huge wooden building in the middle of an abandoned crystal farm, my heart skipped a beat.

  Power so raw and brutal that it blinded me crashed from Dante's body as an enormous bolt of lightning ripped from his mouth and slammed straight into the lab.

  A huge crash sounded as it made contact and flames burst to life instantly as the rain burst free of the clouds and we were drenched by the power of the storm.

  Dante banked hard and I held on tight as his wet scales became slippery and more and more lightning burst from him, the clouds, the air itself, all aimed at that one spot in the centre of the abandoned field.

  I whooped in triumph as the lab burned and Dante circled a few more times to make utterly sure nothing remained where it had stood.

  Lightning crackled through the air and set my body tingling in the most delicious way as his power almost consumed me.

  I tipped my head back so that the rain could coat my face, sparks of electricity pinging along my flesh made more intense by the water covering me.

  Dante turned away from the lab, beating his wings as the storm chased us and I moaned lustily as its power washed over me.

  We flew for several minutes before he dove towards the ground, the rain slamming down on us so hard that I could barely make out the darkened hillside he chose as his landing pad before his enormous claws were gouging into the muddy bank.

  Dante shifted back suddenly and I collided with his naked body as I fell forward with the change, knocking us both down into the mud.

  His lips found mine without either of us exchanging a word and I moaned at the heat of his tongue pushing between my cold lips as I straddled him in the mud and the rain continued to crash down on us.

  My fangs snapped out and I dragged his bottom lip between my teeth, biting down until his blood was spilled and I could feel even more of that electricity crackling inside me.

  A bolt of lightning hit the ground a few meters from us and I gasped as Dante reached between us and ripped my shirt in half right up the middle. He growled hungrily as he found me bare beneath it, his hands moving to caress my breasts. I shrugged out of the remains of my shirt, kissing him harder as I demanded more from him.

  Dante pushed himself to sit up with me in his lap as he tugged me higher and pulled my nipple between his teeth. He wasn’t gentle and I cried out as he bit down before sucking and kissing at the hurt while his muddy hand found my other nipple and began to toy with it. The electricity rolling off of his skin was enough to have me gasping and as he flipped me onto my back and dropped lower and I couldn't even bring myself to care about the freezing rain or the thick mud beneath my naked flesh.

  Every drop of rain on my skin was a shot of his power, every crash of thunder a lusty growl, each spark of electricity a show of how he owned me and as he yanked my sneakers off, quickly followed by my leggings and panties, I knew all I wanted was more.

  Dante dropped his head between my thighs, murmuring something in Faetalian which had me blushing at his dirty tone before his mouth fell to my wet heat.

  I cried out and thunder boomed as he ran his tongue straight up the centre of me and he quickly began feasting on my core. His hot tongue released little sparks of electricity with every few laps against me and I moved my hands to grip his hair just to give myself something to hold onto.

  Dante brought his hand up and pushed two fingers deep inside me as his tongue rode my clit and he began moving it in a figure of eight motion which had me seeing stars.

  My heels drove into his back and my grip on his hair tightened as I pushed his head down harder, fucking his mouth as my hips drove up into the movements of his tongue.

  He curved his finge
rs inside me and began pumping harder as my thighs tightened around his head.

  The scream of my orgasm was swallowed by a crash of thunder overhead and lightning arced across the clouds which I could feel resounding through every nerve in my body. My back arched, my toes curled and before I knew what was happening, Dante had flipped me over so that I was face down in the mud.

  I gasped as his large hand pressed down between my shoulder blades and my breasts were driven down into the thick mud, a shiver chasing through me at the alien sensation, but Dante didn’t give me a moment to figure out what he had planned. His other hand gripped my hip and he lifted my ass a few inches off of the ground until I could feel the throbbing tip of his dick lined up against my entrance.

  "Sei mio, bella," he growled possessively and he pushed into me slowly like he wanted me to feel every single inch.

  I moaned as he sheathed himself fully inside me, tipping my head back as far as I could with him still keeping me pinned in the mud.

  "Arms out in front of you," he purred, his grip on my hip tightening and he drew his dick back out agonisingly slowly as the clouds overhead flickered with more lightning.

  I did as he said, stretching my arms out before me and feeling the mud squelch between my fingers a moment before he slammed into me.

  Thunder crashed and lightning hit the hill all around us, but I was consumed by the feeling of him possessing me as he started up a merciless pace and all I could do was take it. I slid back and forth in the mud beneath him, utterly smothered in it as the rain continued to crash down and he fucked me so hard I couldn't breathe.

  His grip on my hip grew tight enough to bruise and as I cried out in pleasure once more and my body tightened around him, I willed him to come with me.

  Dante growled as he clung to me and he paused for a moment, seated deep inside me before pulling out and flipping me over beneath him again.

  I panted as he stared down at me, his hands sliding over my breasts, smearing mud all over my flesh and plucking at my nipples as he lined himself up to take me again, an Alpha shining in his eyes and his intentions clear. This wasn't just sex, he was claiming me as his, once and for all, accepting me as I was, with Leon and the others and all of it included.


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