Broken Fae

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Broken Fae Page 38

by Caroline Peckham

  I ran a hand over the small of her back, rubbing soothingly. "No, amore mio. It makes you the mate of a very stubborn Leone."

  She laughed softly as we strode up the porch. I pressed the doorbell and the sound of a thunderclap tore through the house. Lasita was as deaf as a bat so I pressed it again when she didn't appear.

  "Alright, alright, I heard you the first time. Per amore della luna," she muttered, except she said it very loudly and rudely, but that was Aunt Lasita. She was the oldest member of my family, at least a hundred and eighty, but no one knew for sure exactly because whenever anyone questioned her about it, she said è il business delle stelle e nessun altro. It's the business of the stars and no one else.

  The door opened and Lasita shook a bundle of charms in my face before she apparently deemed it acceptable to exit the house. She wore a pink sun hat and a dress to match, her highly sun-baked face painted in makeup and hot pink lipstick despite it being winter. I picked up her bag for her and she gave me an assessing look.

  "Per il sole, Dante, you've lost some muscle. Is that school not feeding you well enough? I always said schools are no place for growing boys." She pinched my arm and I frowned, I'd put on nearly a kilo in muscle over the summer. She turned her eyes to Elise and took in her crop top and jeans combo before her gaze moved to her hair. "Skinny waist, purple hair, I don't know what's wrong with girls these days."

  "Nothing's wrong with her, Lasita," I growled, wrapping an arm around my aunt's shoulders and throwing an apologetic glance at Elise, but she only looked amused.

  "Cosa?" Lasita practically shouted in my ear as she apparently didn't hear me.

  "That means 'what' and she says it a lot, especially when she doesn't want to hear something, but she can hear well enough when she wants to," I told Elise in a whisper.

  "Don't you talk about me like I'm not here, ragazzo Drago." Lasita swatted my arm as we slipped through the wards and I threw Elise a look that said see.

  We reached the car and Leon put his window down with a scowl. "Going on missions without me again, I see," he deadpanned.

  "For the sun's sake, Leon, how many more times do I have to say sorry before you get over it?" Elise hissed.

  "At least a few more." His gaze moved to Lasita and he waved moodily before pulling his hat down over his eyes again and closing the window.

  "Is that my grande Leone?" Lasita asked hopefully.

  "Sì, aunt, but he's in a mood," I told her loudly.

  "I dated a Lion once, terrible grouch when he didn't get his way," Lasita muttered. "All I had to do was whack him with a dingy stick to get him straight again though. I keep mine on me at all times, it banishes the mind critters you see?" She reached up her sleeve and produced the stick which was just a normal fucking stick and I rolled my eyes at it.

  "Where can I buy one of these dingy sticks?" Elise asked with a light laugh as she opened the back door of the car for my aunt.

  "The price is one night with a hapless spright under the Vulcan Bridge in northern Alestria," she explained and I cringed.

  "Isn't that where all those homeless Fae live?" Elise whispered to me in alarm and I nodded.

  "Be warned though, those sprites can be quite odorous and if you want a really good dingy stick, you'll need to spend more than one night in their company. They look just like Fae you know, but the smell gives them away." She tapped her nose like she held some secret and I tried to force that image from my mind as I helped her into the car. Note to self: put diversionary spells around the Vulcan Bridge to ensure Lasita never goes there again.

  Elise climbed into the back with her while Lasita asked if she needed a couple of seatbelts to hold her tiny waist down in case of a car crash and I smiled when Elise laughed it off.

  I placed my aunt's bag in the trunk before getting into the driver's seat and knocking Leon's hat off with a gust of air.

  "For fuck's sake Dante," he muttered and Lasita smacked him around the head with her stick.

  "Be gone mindworts!" she cried and I burst out laughing the same moment Elise did.

  "Hey!" Leon barked, swivelling around in his seat to frown at her.

  "Don't shout at my old aunt," I growled and Leon turned back around, folding his arms.

  "Ohhh he's got the devildust in him," Lasita said ominously. "It's going to take more than a few strikes."

  "You’d better help him," Elise implored and Leon growled under his breath as I snorted a laugh.

  As I drove off down the road, Lasita started chanting in some crazy language, smacking Leon around the head every time she reached a crescendo.

  "Call her off," Leon demanded of me gruffly.

  "Not until you start smiling, fratello." I grinned widely at him and he glowered back just as Lasita whipped him with the stick again.

  We reached the outskirts of Alestria and drove up towards my family's vineyards. The wards ran over us and the trickle of magic brushed across my flesh again and again as we headed up the long drive towards the huge manor house with Christmas lights strung all along the porch. Before I even parked, my cousins and siblings poured out of the house in matching Christmas sweaters which were blue with wolves in Christmas hats printed on the front.

  I pulled the parking brake, hurrying out of the car and was immediately surrounded by my pack as they jumped up and down, hugging me and stroking my hair. I laughed as I embraced them and my brother Luca stuffed a sweater over my head so I was matching them. I pushed my arms into the sleeves with a grin and turned to help Lasita out of the car, but found Elise already guiding her towards the pack. They all leapt at her and she waved her dingy stick threateningly. "Dalle stelle, don't fuss!"

  They backed off quickly, whimpering softly as they continued to try and 'accidently' graze their hands over her in greeting. As Lasita bustled up to the porch to embrace Mamma, my family descended on Elise, cuddling and licking her while she took it all in her stride, smiling around at them. When my sister Gabriella offered her a sweater, she didn't even resist as three of them pushed it over her head. And fuck, seeing her like that as one of my family made my chest tug in a way that was entirely primal. Leon may have been happy to share her with me, but she would never get to be presented as mine to my family. And that was a heartache that would never go away. Even when I thought about how long this situation could really last, it made me fear losing her. But one day, they’d want their own family, their own life. And I wouldn’t be able to be a part of that.

  A howl drew my attention to the porch roof and I spotted Rosa there in a black long-sleeved crop top and leggings to match.

  "Get down from there, cucciola cattiva!" Mamma scolded Rosa as she guided Lasita inside.

  "Okay." Rosa jumped off the roof, landing in a crouch, but stumbling so she ended up rolling in the dirt. “Whoops.”

  I laughed as I jogged to meet her, wrapping her in my arms and wiping a smear of mud from her cheek. "Where's your sweater, Rosa?" I teased.

  Our huge great dane, Lupo, came bounding out of the house at that moment wearing her sweater and Mamma cursed from inside.

  "What's up with Leon?" Rosa asked as she looked to the car where Leon was still sitting inside with a frown etched into his features.

  "He's been in a mood for days," I explained. "Looks like this one is setting in for the holidays."

  Rosa started growling and I frowned at her, following her gaze which was now aimed at Elise. I elbowed her with a warning growl of my own.

  "She's family like Leon is, you'll treat her as such," I commanded and she looked up at me with her brows pulling together and a whimper in her throat.

  "She hurt you."

  "She didn't do it intentionally. If you're angry at her you may as well be angry at all the stars in the sky. So let it go, piccola lupa."

  She sighed, the tension running out of her posture. "I really thought you were meant for one another. I can usually sense stuff like that. It's weird because part of me still feels that way...but I guess I'm wrong."

p; "Guess so," I said darkly, eyeing Elise for a long moment and the bright smile on her lips as she laughed with my family. "Right, I’d better deal with our grumpy guest."

  "He was so much fun last year, is he really going to pout all night? Uncle Gino is outside setting up the bonfire and apparently the Ursid meteor shower is going to be brighter than ever this year! Aunt Bianca is praying one will land in the yard to give us luck for the coming year against Felix,” Rosa said hopefully.

  "Well, maybe we should pray too because we need all the luck we can get," I said with a tight smile before striding over to the car and opening the passenger door.

  Elise shot to my side a second later and cocked her head at Leon. "Name your price," she said, folding her arms. "Whatever it is to get this frown off your face, I'll do it. But it's an offer that's going to expire in the next ten seconds then I'm going to enjoy the party without you, Leo. I don't want to do that, but you're taking this too far."

  Leon pursed his lips stubbornly, but then his expression cracked a little as he glanced between us.

  "And if you agree and cheer the fuck up, I'll tell you about the special guest Gabriel told me to invite along tonight," I added.

  "What special guest?" He narrowed his eyes at me, but I remained silent, refusing to utter a word on the subject.

  "Those ten seconds are about to run out," Elise said airily.

  Leon growled dangerously under his breath and she turned, about to walk away when he called out to her, "Wait."

  My brows arched as I waited for him to go on and Elise threw him a hopeful look. My pack had headed around the house to where the bonfire was no doubt underway as I could hear them howling in the distance. My heart pounded harder as I fought the urge to join them under the moon.

  "Get on with it, stronzo, my family are waiting." I folded my arms.

  “I want a threeway with you both tonight, but I call the shots. Dante, you have to dress up like me and Elise will be your Mindy.” Leon raised his brows for our response and I snorted a laugh.

  “Deal.” I offered him my hand and Elise held hers out too with a smirk.

  Leon struck the bargain with us both then his face split into a shit-eating grin. “Let’s party!” he cried as he leapt out of the car, totally back to normal. I had to think I was getting a pretty good deal out of this and as Elise smiled at me seductively, I didn’t think she was too bothered about it either. But no way was I going to voice that thought.

  Leon embraced us both then planted a kiss on Elise's lips, picking her up by the waist and spinning her around until she burst out laughing.

  "Who's the guest?" he demanded of me as he planted her down and I smirked.

  "Lance Orion, he's going to help us with the Magicae Mortuorum book Gareth left for Elise," I said and Leon's whole face lit up.

  "Is he here now?" he asked excitedly, bouncing from foot to foot.

  "No, he'll be here later. Come on fratello, let's get some wine and dance under the light of the moon. My inner wolf is calling to me tonight," I said brightly and Elise tipped her head back, howling to the sky. Fuck, that was hot, and apparently Leon though so too as he gave her a heated look.

  I grabbed Elise's hand, breaking into a run as I tugged her along and Leon raced after us. I let go of her before we made it around the side of the house where the party was already in full swing.

  The bonfire was ten foot tall and it looked like the flames were tickling the moon. My family were dancing and playing games, grabbing pizzas from a huge stone oven out on the lawn. In true Oscura fashion, we'd forget the woes of the world for the sake of a party. And I intended to soak it in and forget about Felix for one evening and all the troubles that haunted us. My pack needed to smile and laugh again, and I would ensure no darkness spilled into their eyes tonight.


  After a night of dancing and drinking, a group of us had formed at the edge of the bonfire and Uncle Gino had half the pups still dancing and singing beyond it. I sipped my family wine from my chalice, my mind hazy as I stared over at Elise who was sitting in Leon's lap. Roary sat beside them and Rosa sat next to me, finally wearing one of the Christmas sweaters since Leon had dared her to do so.

  We'd been challenging each other for the past hour as we played the Oscura-Obbligo game which usually escalated to out of control dares. You had to start with easy ones and build up and up until someone refused and then they’d have to streak around the whole property as forfeit. So far, I'd only had to sing a rude version of Jingle Bells in front of Mamma who found it hilarious and do an impression of Aunt Lasita - which she’d somehow heard and had come running over to hit me with her dingy stick.

  My heart hadn't felt this light in such a long time and I wished things could stay this way. But I knew a shadow was lurking in the tomorrow. This happiness couldn't last forever, but for now I'd pretend it could.

  "Your turn Roary." I gestured to him with my chalice and he smiled roguishly. His leather jacket strained against his broad shoulders and his dark mane was tamed into a topknot tonight, making his strong features even more prominent.

  "Give me your worst," he said easily.

  "That's not the game," Rosa said lightly. "It builds up to that."

  "I like to jump in at the deep end, little pup," he purred and I glanced at her, seeing her blush even though it was dark and only half of her was cast in firelight.

  "Don't be a douchebag, Roary," Leon taunted, his fingers trailing up and down Elise's leg. "Play properly or not at all."

  "Fine, little brother." Roary sipped his wine and looked to me patiently. I'd noticed him and Leon had been getting along much better lately and I had to wonder if Elise had something to do with that. It sounded like the star bond had brought Leon's whole family closer and I was happy for amico mio, because he’d struggled with living in his brother's shadow for years.

  "I dare you to unleash your Charisma full blast on the whole party," I said to Roary with a challenging smile.

  Rosa shifted in her seat and I glanced at her curiously just as Roary agreed and his power swept over us. I felt a pull in my gut that even lured me to him, but I kept myself firmly in place as a stampede of my cousins and siblings came charging toward him. His lips popped open in surprise just before he was Pitball tackled by my sister Cristina then the rest of them descended. He was lost beneath a sea of bodies as they all tried to reach him, pawing at him, sighing and cooing and offering him the sun and the moon.

  Elise was still resolutely in place on Leon's lap and Rosa was still beside me too. I grinned broadly at her, my heart swelling.

  "Lupa alfa," I whispered to my cousin and her eyes lit up with the light of the sun. I was so proud; her will was strong even against a man she so clearly had a crush on.

  I knocked my knuckles against Rosa’s cheek and she rolled her eyes at me, but a smile played around the corners of her mouth.

  Roary turned off the Charisma and the Wolves slowly dispersed, my cousins giggling together as they ran off. Elise pulled Roary up onto his chair, his hair having fallen out of its bun and hanging around him in a tumble of waves. His gaze fell on Rosa and she lifted her chin as his eyes widened in surprise before he gave her a dark and appraising grin.

  "Hey, isn’t that some members of the Aurora Pitball team who got thrashed by Zodiac Academy?"

  I turned at the sound of the voice, finding Orion striding toward us with a taunting grin on his face. His dark hair was swept back stylishly and he wore one of the Oscura Christmas sweaters over a pair of dark jeans. I’d bet my scales that my mamma had gotten that on him the second he’d walked through the door.

  "We'll beat your asses this year," Leon called to him, standing up so Elise fell out of his lap before he ran at Orion and wrapped him in a bear hug. Elise sprang to her feet and tossed her hair as she downed Leon’s drink in revenge while he wasn’t looking.

  Orion clapped Leon on the shoulder. "Better work on that temper of yours then, hey asshole?"

  Leon didn't even see
m pissed at the remark which was bullshit as he'd taken that loss out on us for long enough after the game.

  "That was just a tactic. Now this year you won't see our win coming," Leon said cockily, sliding his arm around Orion's shoulders as he drew him closer to the fire.

  I noticed several of the pups were lingering nearer as they realised who had arrived and I jumped to my feet, pointing Orion and Leon towards the house as I beckoned Elise up from her seat. "We need to have a chat before the whole party realises we have a rising celebrity here."

  Orion snorted a laugh as Leon pulled his sweater up to cover his face and shouted, "Nothing to see here!"

  Orion shoved him off and Leon took it as an invite to start tussling with him.

  We'd moved my luggage and the book from the car into my quarters in the house so we guided Orion there now and even the kick of wine in my blood couldn't stop me from growing anxious over what we were about to show him. I led the way into my bedroom and picked up the bag on the floor which contained the Magicae Mortuorum book, the thrum of its dark power reaching out to me even from within the material.

  "If this is another orgy offer, I really think you misheard my last refusal," Orion said, mostly to Leon, and Elise smacked her mate on the arm.

  "Stop planning orgies without consulting me," she insisted.

  Leon shrugged innocently. "I was gonna ask you too if he agreed obviously." He looked to Orion and frowned a little. "Although I weirdly don't want that as much as I did the last time I saw you."

  Orion frowned, running a hand through his hair. "I dunno whether to be offended or relieved by that."

  I laughed, tossing the bag down on the bed before opening it and the air in the room seemed to chill.

  The smile fell from Orion's face as he moved forward and looked in the bag. "Fuck me, what is that?" He reached out to it, grazing his fingers over the binding before shuddering.

  "The Magicae Mortuorum," Elise supplied, moving to his other side and lifting the book out of the bag. She cringed as she held it then placed it on the bed and opened it to show Orion the strange, indecipherable language inside.


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