Moonlight Seduction_A de Vincent Novel

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Moonlight Seduction_A de Vincent Novel Page 32

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  It hurt.

  “Stay down.” A hand slammed into her stomach, winding her. Something . . . something felt like it cracked. A rib?

  She went down, stunned and lost in a sea of startling pain and disbelief. Why is this happening? The question cycled over and over. Precious seconds wasted as he grabbed her leg with one hand, dragging her to the edge of the bed. He got between her legs as the ceiling above blinked in and out.

  Why is this happening?

  Minutes ago she was folding laundry, trying desperately not to cry, not to lose herself to the rioting emotions, to the knowledge that she’d made her bed with Gabe and she was going to have to sleep in it. It was just minutes ago. . . .

  Fingers dug into the skin of her stomach, curling around the band on her leggings. She felt them being tugged.

  Rage, hot and suffocating rage mixed with the terror, pushed her past the pain, past the confusion of what was happening. Her thoughts cleared.

  She lifted her hips and maybe the guy thought she was helping him, because he shifted back, letting go of her leg. Nikki kicked out with everything she had in her, slamming her foot into his stomach.

  He grunted, falling backward onto his ass.

  She wasted no time.

  Scrambling off the bed, her feet hit the carpet and she started running. Her movements were sluggish and jerky, slowing her down as she reached the hallway.

  Make it to the door. Scream. Someone will hear you. Scream. Nikki screamed—screamed as loud as she could, but it sounded weak.

  Weight crashed into her back, taking her down. Her chin snapped off the floor, sending a bolt of pain down her spine. She didn’t stop—didn’t let herself cave for a second to the pain. Not even when he slammed a fist into her back, delivering a kidney shot.

  “Fuck this.” He flipped her roughly, slamming the back of her head to the floor.

  She drew in another breath to scream, but his hand clamped down on her throat, stealing her breath before she realized she’d taken her last one.

  Nothing could’ve prepared her for that feeling hitting every single nerve. Her body heaved as she tried to get air, but the hand around her throat was letting up.

  She was going to die. She knew in that moment, he was going to kill her. Her entire life flashed in front of her. She saw her parents. She saw Rosie and Bev. She saw Gabe.


  No way was she going out like this.

  Her arms flailed and she went for the only exposed area of skin she could see. The skin around his eyes. She went nails first, digging into his right eye as her lungs spasmed.

  He howled, letting go of her throat to grab her hand, but she didn’t let go. He yanked back, but her fingers got stuck in the ski mask. He twisted his head, scrambling back on his hands. The mask got tangled for a second and then slipped free as Nikki wrenched in the opposite direction, dragging in deep gulps of air as blood and spit dripped from her mouth.

  Rising to her knees, she realized the mask was in her hand. Wheezing, she pushed to her feet as he kicked out at her, missing her and slamming his boot into the wall. Stumbling forward, she looked over her shoulder.

  “Parker,” she gasped, dropping the mask.

  His head whipped around. Blood streamed down the side of his face—a face contorted in pain and anger. He lurched to his feet. “Told her we should’ve played it the same way we did with his other bitch, but she wouldn’t listen. Said two car accidents would look suspicious. Should’ve taken you out that first night I followed you.”

  Understanding filled her and was quickly followed by horror. “Emma? You caused Emma’s accident?” Her words came out weird sounding, mushy, but Parker seemed to understand them, because he let out a roar that sent a bolt of primal fear down her spine.

  Nikki spun, forcing her legs to move as fast as they could. The hallway seemed endless. Some part of her, some part focused fully on survival, knew she wouldn’t make it to the door if she tried. It knew that if he got her down one more time, she wasn’t getting back up.

  Her conscience clicked off as she made it to the kitchen island. Survival was in control, guiding her hand to where the chisel kit sat, open. She grabbed the biggest one and turned.

  Nikki didn’t know how it happened, just that it did.

  She was holding onto the chisel so tightly with both hands that when his chest knocked into her fist, she still didn’t let go. Not even when his eyes widened with shock. Not even when his hands and fingers hit at her face, scratching at her as they slipped away. Not even when she felt the warm rush of liquid drenching her hands. Not even when his knees gave out and he fell forward, tearing free from the chisel.

  He fell forward, face-first, and his body . . . it twitched a couple of times and then went still.

  Nikki still held onto the chisel.

  Several seconds passed as she stood there and then the strangest damn thing happened. The logical part of her brain churned on.

  She needed to call the police. Yes. That’s what she needed to do.

  Shuffling into the living room, her body moved without thought as she found her phone on the coffee table. She picked it up. The phone was slippery in her hands.


  She was so numb.

  Nikki called 911 and she didn’t know exactly what she said to them, but they told her police were on the way and she thought they might’ve asked for her to stay on the line, but she needed to call Gabe.

  She figured that he and his brothers needed to know that Parker was in her apartment and that he was dead. That she really believed that Parker had admitted to having something to do with Emma’s car accident. That was important since this . . . this would involve the de Vincents. There would be police. Questions. Scandal.

  Devlin was going to be so . . . disappointed.

  She didn’t know what Gabe would think.

  In the back of her mind, she knew she wasn’t thinking right as she called Gabe. She wasn’t really thinking at all as she inched backward, the phone ringing in her ear. Her back hit the wall and she slid down it.

  The phone rang and rang, and Gabe didn’t answer.

  Still holding the chisel, she pressed the phone to her chest as she stared into the hallway, watching the blood slowly seep across the tile.

  Chapter 32

  Gabe reached for his phone in his pocket for what felt like the hundredth time since he saw that Nic was calling him.

  He was shocked to see her name come up on his screen. He’d figured that after their last conversation, she’d rather punch him repeatedly in the nuts than call him.

  What could she want?

  Probably wanted him to take back the furniture he’d sent over earlier. She could hate him now all she liked, but that stuff was hers. They belonged with her.

  He heard his phone ring again, but he reached inside his pocket, silencing it without looking at who it was.

  Whatever it was, it was going to have to wait until the drama in his house died down enough he could sneak off and see what she wanted. Dev had come home early, and the first thing Gabe did was hunt him down.

  Dev tossed back a third glass of bourbon. “I knew.”

  “Excuse me?” Gabe said, surprised. He’d just sat there telling Dev everything about Sabrina, and that was how his brother was going to respond?

  “I knew that she was chasing after you. I also knew she was batshit crazy when she wanted to be.” Dev walked around his desk and grabbed the bottle of bourbon, pouring himself another drink. “I, however, hoped she would grow tired of chasing you. I’d hoped that she would be . . . smarter than this.”

  He gaped at his brother. “Are you fucking serious?”

  Dev walked back to his chair. He sat, placing his glass on the desk. “Do I look like I’m joking?”

  He almost came out of his seat. “You knew she was on me, fucking with my life—”

  “I didn’t know that. The last part,” Dev interrupted. “If I had, things would’ve changed. I would’ve put a stop to it

  “Would you have?”

  His brother’s cold gaze focused on his. “Yes. Family first. Family always.”

  “Then what are you going to do about it?” Gabe demanded. “You can’t plan to still marry her.”

  “Of course not. It’s over. Most likely would’ve been even if you hadn’t told me or if Nikki kept quiet.” He picked up his glass. “I don’t want the Harrington empire that badly.”

  Gabe sat back as he dragged a hand over his head. He was so fucking relieved he could practically kiss his brother. “Well, I’m sorry that your fiancée—”

  “Don’t be. I never loved her. I barely tolerated her.”

  “What was it then?” Curiosity filled him. “If you knew that she’s been trying to fuck me for about a decade, why did you stay with her? You couldn’t have wanted her company that badly.”

  “I labored under the false belief that I could handle her.” He swished his drink around. “That I would be able to keep an eye on her more easily if I was married to her.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.”

  Dev lifted a shoulder. “There were things she knew. Things I haven’t exactly been honest with you about.”

  Understanding flared. “You’re talking about Christopher Fitzpatrick. You said—”

  “I never told her what had happened to him,” Dev interceded. “She knew. Whether it was Emma who told her or not, I don’t know. Keeping her close so she didn’t jeopardize my family was paramount.”

  “Holy shit.” Gabe was shocked and awed as he stared at his brother, seeing him for what felt like the first time in years. “You were with her to protect—”

  “I was with her because I chose to be. And I choose not to be with her anymore. It’s as simple as that.”

  Gabe slowly shook his head. When they were younger, Dev always . . . he always took the brunt of the punishment when the brothers got in trouble. Hell, sometimes it was almost like he volunteered for it. He was always with their father, always, and often Gabe wondered why, because the man was not kind to Dev, but it wasn’t until Gabe grew older that he realized why Dev willingly stayed by Lawrence’s side.

  It kept the man from paying too much attention to Gabe, to Lucian, to Madeline. Dev had protected them back then.

  And he was still doing it.


  Gabe cleared his throat. “Is it really over, though? You think Sabrina is going to take the breakup even moderately well?”

  “She will.” He stared into his glass. “I can be very convincing.”

  He studied his brother. “Sometimes you scare me.”

  A rare, real smile appeared. “Sometimes I scare myself.”

  Gabe’s brows lifted.

  “By the way,” Dev said, taking a drink. “What are you going to do about Nikki?”

  The change of subject was swift. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. You’ve been with her.”

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed. “Like I told you last time, she’s not up for discussion.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I hope you’re thinking about the . . . long-reaching complications of progressing forward with Nikki. She’s nearly ten years your junior, just out of college, and she works for our family.”

  “I’ve thought about it, Dev.”

  “I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. What do you think will happen if the Rothchilds decide to take you to court for custody?” he asked. “You and your twenty-two-year-old girlfriend. I’m sure that wouldn’t look ideal to a judge.”

  “Nic may be ten years younger, but she’s responsible, mature, and a better fucking adult than half of us,” he said, his chest squeezing because what he said was true and he still shit all over her. “William is my son. I would like to see any judge rule against me if it comes to it.”

  Dev dragged a finger along the rim of his glass. “Then we should make sure that it doesn’t come to that.”

  He shot Dev a look. “Nic would be . . . I would trust her with William. No questions asked.” The moment the words left his mouth he knew he spoke the truth. That was a bitter pill to swallow, considering that realization was about a day late and a dollar short.

  He’d hurt her again, but this time he knew the wounds of his words and lack thereof cut far deeper than anything that happened four years ago.

  “Should’ve figured she’d eventually get her little claws in you.” A faint, humorless smile appeared on Dev’s face. “If only Lawrence was alive to see this.”

  “I’m not quite sure what to say to that.”

  “He would’ve had a lot of things to say.”

  “I’m sure he would.”

  “Except he wouldn’t have stopped at just thinking those things,” Dev continued. “Why do you think I didn’t like Nikki running around in those fucking bathing suits? Wasn’t because of you.” A muscle throbbed along his jaw. “It was because of Father.”

  Nothing could’ve stunned him more. “What?”

  “You never noticed the way he’d watch her?” His lip curled in disgust. “I did. I saw it.”

  Gabe blinked slowly. “What are you talking about?”

  He didn’t answer for a long moment. “You didn’t know him, Gabe. Not like I did. Only I knew what that fucking bastard was capable of. What he got away with.”

  Everything inside him froze as he stared at his brother. His insides turned cold. “Did he—?” He cut himself off. No. Nic would’ve mentioned something, especially after he talked to her about Emma. But that knowledge did nothing to assuage him, especially considering she never told him about Parker in the pool house, not until he asked. “What did he do?”

  “What didn’t he do would be the better question.” He threw back the rest of the drink, his lips thinning as he bared his teeth. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I was when I learned he wasn’t my father. That his fucking blood didn’t course inside of me.” His gaze drifted from Gabe. “Trust me, Gabe, you and I are the lucky ones.”

  He gripped the arms of the chair. What did Dev know? One question clambered to the surface. One that he couldn’t stop himself from asking. “Did you do it? Did you kill him?”

  Dev’s gaze slid back to Gabe. He didn’t answer.

  A long moment passed, and then Gabe leaned back in his chair. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he cursed under his breath. Truth be told, he didn’t want Dev to answer that question. Wasn’t even sure why he asked it.

  Gabe dropped his hand to the arm of the chair. “You know, Sabrina said something else. She said she was doing my dirty work again. I have no idea what she meant by that, but it sounded like she’d done something else before.”

  Dev’s gaze sharpened. “I don’t think—”

  The office door swung open. Gabe looked over his shoulder as Lucian charged in. The fact Lucian did this without knocking set off warning bells. His pale face didn’t help either.

  Dev’s instinct must’ve been screaming the same thing as Gabe’s, because he leaned forward and asked, “Do I even want to know?”

  Their younger brother looked at Gabe, slowly shaking his head as he clenched his phone. “It’s Nikki.”

  Ice drenched Gabe’s skin. He was moving before he knew it, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cellphone. He saw a missed call, and his heart stopped. It hadn’t been Nic calling him again. It had been from Troy. His head whipped in Lucian’s direction. He was standing, but he couldn’t feel the floor underneath his feet.

  “Care to elaborate?” Dev asked, sounding calm—too calm when it felt like the entire room was shifting under Gabe’s feet.

  “I just got off the phone with Troy. He said Nikki was attacked at her apartment—”

  That was all Gabe heard—all he needed to hear in that moment. “Is she okay?”

  Lucian opened his mouth. “I don’t . . . I don’t know.”

  His entire word stopped as a horrible sense of déjà vu washed over Gabe, rocking him straight to the core. No
way. Not Nic. He couldn’t lose—

  He cut himself off, not even giving that horrific thought a chance to breathe and take on a life. “Where is she?”

  “At University Hospital,” Lucian answered.

  Gabe started for the door.

  “Wait. You haven’t heard it all.” Lucian turned to Dev. “It was Parker Harrington.”

  Nikki winced as the young doctor shone the light into her left eye.

  “Sorry about that.” He tilted his head and then sat back, snapping off the light. “You’re definitely going to be bruised and swollen in this eye, but there doesn’t appear to be any serious damage to the eye or the socket.”

  She started to nod, but then wisely decided against it since it felt like her entire body was one giant throbbing bruise.

  “We should get your X-rays back soon, but I think they’re just going to confirm what we already know. You have a contusion along the left side of your ribcage, but I don’t think any of the ribs are broken. You’re going to be sore, probably for a week or two, but you’re a very lucky young woman.”

  She was lucky.

  Nikki knew that all the way down to her aching bones. Parker was . . . God, he was going to kill her. Not only that, he was—

  She sucked in a sharp breath.

  The doctor smiled faintly. “We want to keep you for a few hours, probably through the rest of the night just in case you have a concussion. You took some pretty significant hits to the head.”

  Her gaze flickered over the doctor’s shoulder, to the doorway. Her stomach dropped. A uniformed cop stood there. Troy had been in here earlier, but she hadn’t seen him since she’d been wheeled off for X-rays.

  He better not have called her parents.

  “We’re going to give you something for the pain in a bit,” the doctor was saying. She wished she could remember his name. “It’s going to make you a little sleepy, so I don’t want you to worry if you feel like dozing off, okay?”

  “Okay.” Her voice sounded hoarse and each time she talked, it hurt. A scary reminder of how closely she’d come to having her life choked out of her.


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