Moonlight Seduction_A de Vincent Novel

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Moonlight Seduction_A de Vincent Novel Page 36

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  If she hadn’t loved him then, she would’ve fallen in love that night, when she couldn’t get comfortable in her new place and he was there to distract her. When she woke in the middle of the night, afraid that someone was breaking into her place, he was there to get out of bed, check all the locks and door, and then hold her until she finally fell back asleep.

  And that night had rinsed and repeated several nights until the trauma of living through what Parker had tried to do subsided just enough that she’d slept through the night.

  The gratefulness didn’t have anything to do with the fact they had to get up somewhat early, because they had to hit the road.

  It had everything in that moment to do with how Gabe had woken her up about thirty minutes ago, first with his hand between her thighs and then his mouth, and now, as the last of the release was rolling through her, she decided she could wake up every morning like this.

  Her grip tightened on the silky strands of his hair as she tugged that wonderful mouth of his to hers. She could taste herself on his lips as she kissed him.

  “Hey,” he said, brushing his lips over hers.

  “Morning.” She rolled him onto his back and straddled him, trailing a path of short kisses down his throat and over his chest.

  His hands tightened on her hips. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Perfect.” Her tongue flicked over his nipple. “How about you?”

  “Like a babe.” He groaned as she reached between their bodies, gripping his hard length. “You know, you fell asleep on me last night.”

  “Did not.” She lifted her hips, settling herself on his erection.

  “Yeah, you did.” He slid his hands around, cupping the cheeks of her ass. “You passed straight out on my chest.”

  She grinned. “It was the wine.”

  “Just the wine?”

  “And maybe the orgasms,” she admitted.

  “It was definitely the orgasms.” His words ended on a groan as she sunk down his length, seating herself fully. “I liked it, though.”

  “Yeah?” She started rocking her hips back and forth.

  “Yeah.” He dragged one hand up the center of her back, tangling it in her hair. “I like your weight on me. I think that’s why I always sleep better when I’m with you.” He brought her mouth to his. “I like this better, though.”

  Her laugh was caught by his kiss, and there really was no room left for words. Their bodies moved in a rhythm that was slow at first and then faster, until the only sounds left in the room were their soft pants and moans. The tension built deep inside her as she ground down on him.

  “I love you,” Gabe said against her mouth.

  Those three little words sent her spiraling over the edge. Whatever semblance of control and rhythm were lost. Her chest was flush to his as he wrapped one arm around her back, the other around her waist as he anchored her in, taking over. He thrust into her, hitting every spot that drove her crazy. Startling pleasure shot through her veins. She flew apart again, shattering into a million little pieces. This time, Gabe followed her off the edge, kicking his head back as he spent himself deep inside her and let out the sexiest sound she’d ever heard.

  Nikki collapsed on top of him, her heart rate slowing down as her body still twitched. “I think . . . I’m going to fall asleep on you again.”

  He chuckled as he smoothed hair out of her face. “I normally wouldn’t have a problem with that, but we’re going to have to get up soon.”

  They did, but at that moment, her muscles felt like they were made of soup, and Gabe wasn’t moving yet. His one arm was still draped over her and his other hand was resting on the side of her head.

  Nikki closed her eyes.

  Things hadn’t been exactly easy the last month. Her parents fully accepted her relationship with Gabe, but her mother had called upon Gabe unbeknownst to her until after the fact. They had a private conversation, one that Gabe skated around addressing whenever Nikki asked, but she was pretty sure that her mom might’ve threatened him at some point.

  Lucian and Julia hadn’t batted an eye when Gabe asked them to join them for dinner the first time. Probably had to do with the fact that they’d suspected something was going on, and when she’d been set up in Gabe’s bedroom after the attack, it was probably a good indication that they were more than just friends.

  And Devlin was just . . . well, he was Devlin.

  Nikki actually hadn’t seen him much since the day he showed up with Gabe at Rosie’s apartment. Even when she returned to working at the de Vincent house, he rarely ate dinner at home and seemed only to be there in the evening. She had no idea how he was handling everything, but she guessed he had a lot on his mind.

  Like where in the hell was Sabrina?

  No one had seen her. Heard from her. Nothing. Her family reported her missing, and all that did was compound the scandal now circling the Harringtons and de Vincents. The magazines and gossip websites were having a field day with everything, as was Ross Haid. After all, you had a murderous son and missing daughter of one wealthy family who had been engaged to another massively wealthy family whose name was synonymous with scandal.

  But she and Gabe . . . they were doing just fine, all things considered. They were together. For real. No hiding. She’d had so many fantasies of the two of them being together, but none of them, not a single one, even touched what it was like in real life. A tired, happy smile tugged at her lips.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  “Us,” she admitted. “I was thinking about how many times I dreamt about this and how it being real is so much better than the dreams.”

  The arm around her clenched and he was quiet for a moment. “Sometimes I still think I don’t deserve you.”

  She lifted her head so she could see him. “You deserve me, Gabe. You prove that every day.”

  “I’m going to keep proving it.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “We should probably get up and get on the road soon,” Gabe said, but he tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. “It’s not a long drive, but I’d rather not get stuck in traffic.”

  She kissed his chest. “We should.”

  Nikki was ready to get the day started, because today was a huge day. One of the biggest of Nikki’s life, because it was a step toward her future—their future.

  Nikki was meeting Gabe’s son today.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked, brushing the hair back from her face.

  “A little,” she admitted.

  “You shouldn’t be.” Gabe sat up, holding her so they were eye level. His gaze met hers.

  “You think?” she asked.

  “I know this.” And then Gabriel de Vincent said the words she’d spent the better part of her life dreaming for; the same three words she’d never grow tired of hearing. “I love you.”

  Gravel crunched under the tires as Gabe inched into the parking space toward the back of the lot. They were a few minutes early. He turned off the engine and then looked over at Nic. Her gaze met his, and without really thinking about it, he reached over and picked up her hand.

  “I’m still nervous,” she said, threading her fingers through his, and he already knew this. The fact she changed her clothing five times before settling on a pair of dark jeans and a chenille blouse before they left was evidence of that. “But I got this.”

  He drew her hand to his mouth and kissed the top of it. “I know you do.”

  She rewarded him with a huge smile, a breathtaking one. “Are you nervous?”

  Gabe almost lied and told her no, but that wasn’t how it was between them. They were honest, even when it was uncomfortable. “I am. I always am when I get to see him.”

  Even when he saw William last weekend, which he had. He figured it was best that he spent some time with his son before he introduced him to Nic. The Rothchilds knew he was bringing Nic with him today. They hadn’t been resistant to the plan, but they also hadn’t been wholly thr
illed about it. But it wasn’t personal. They didn’t feel that way because of Nic or her age or her relationship with Gabe. They didn’t feel that way because Gabe was involved with someone who was going to be a part of their grandson’s future.

  They felt that way because of Emma.

  The pain of losing their daughter was still evident in their eyes and every time he spoke to them.

  Gabe had to tell them about Sabrina, even though he didn’t want to put that kind of knowledge in their heads. He didn’t want them to have to carry that or experience the helplessness turn into the kind of rage that could ruin a person, but with Sabrina still out there, the Rothchilds needed to be on guard just in case she attempted anything that involved his son.

  Hopefully her whereabouts would be discovered and she’d become a nonissue, but Gabe wasn’t taking any chances by leaving the Rothchilds out of what was happening.

  “It’s okay for you to be nervous. As long as you know he loves you, Gabe.” Nic squeezed his hand and then leaned across the seat, curling her other hand around the nape of his neck. She brought his mouth to hers, and she kissed him softly. “As long as you know I love you.”

  “Mmm,” he murmured against her lips. “We better get out of this car before we end up engaging in inappropriate behaviors.”

  Nic laughed as she drew away. “Let’s go.”

  They climbed out, and walked to the front of the car. Gabe took her hand in his and they made their way through the cars and entered the park. He knew where the Rothchilds would be meeting them, by the playground area. His boy was an active little man and Gabe knew from experience that he’d run from the swings to the seahorses to the jungle gyms.

  “There they are,” he said as they crested a small hill. The Rothchilds were sitting on a bench while William hung from one of those metal bar contraptions.

  They must’ve said something, because William quickly untangled himself and turned from his grandparents, spotting them before Gabe could say a word. The little boy’s face broke out into a wide smile. Some of Gabe’s fear began to fade. William recognized him. It was a stupid fear, one he had every time he saw his son. Would William forget him in the days that passed between visits? It was a fear that probably wasn’t going to go away until things became more permanent, but William recognized him. That . . . that was good.

  “Oh my word,” Nic whispered under her breath, but he could hear the thickness to her words. “He looks like you, Gabe.”

  “He does, doesn’t he?” Pride filled his voice. “He’s going to be a little heartbreaker.”

  Nic laughed. “Yes—yes, he is.”

  She squeezed his hand as William took off toward them, racing around the merry-go-round, his little arms and legs pumping. Gabe felt the rest of his fear evaporate. Not only did William recognize him, he appeared ecstatic to see him, and that—yeah, that about broke Gabe in all the best ways. Nic slipped her hand free, just in time, too. Gabe lowered himself to one knee as William all but launched himself at his father. The little guy threw his arms around Gabe, and even though his weight was slight, he almost bowled him over.

  “Hey, little man, it’s so good to see you.” His voice was hoarse as sandpaper. “Real good.”

  William could hug. Gabe already knew that. It was a full-bodied hug, one without reservations. The kind of hug a son gave to his father. The kind of hug that could bring fresh tears to the eyes of a full-grown man.

  Then William pulled back and lifted his head, his blue-green eyes filled with curiosity as they fixed on Nic.

  She grinned down at him, wiggling her fingers. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” A tentative smile tugged at his son’s mouth.

  “William, I want you to meet someone very special to me.” Gabe kept an arm around his son’s narrow waist as he looked up at Nic. Their gazes met, and Gabe felt this swelling in his chest he’d never really experienced before. “I know you’re going to love her just as much as I do.”


  I want to thank Kevan Lyon for being the amazing agent that she is, always there to support whatever story idea comes to mind and working with me every step of the way. I cannot thank Taryn Fagerness enough for getting my books to as many countries and readers as possible. Because of you, I have an entire wall of books representing so many different languages. Thank you to my editor, Tessa Woodward, who decided to bring the de Vincent brothers to life, and to Shailyn Tavella, along with the wonderful team at HarperCollins/Avon Books. Thanks to Kristin Dwyer, who has worked tirelessly to get this book into as many hands as possible.

  A huge thank-you to Stephanie Brown for helping keep my life on track and making me laugh. Without Sarah Maas, Laura Kaye, Andrea Joan, Stacey Morgan, Lesa Rodrigues, Sophie Jordan, Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover, KA Tucker, and countless other amazing friends I would’ve probably lost my mind by now. THANK YOU.

  A special thanks to all the members in JLAnders who make me feel all kinds of special. And none of this would be possible without you, the reader. Because of you, I get to write another book, bring another world to life. Thank you.

  Announcement page for Moonlight Sins

  Be sure to check out the previous scintillating romance in Jennifer Armentrout’s critically acclaimed de Vincent series


  Julia Hughes has always played it safe until she learned a very painful lesson. Now Julia’s starting over with a job in the Louisiana bayou, working for the infamous de Vincent family, the massively wealthy brothers who are haunted by a dark reputation and whispers of misdeeds. Hired to care for their troubled sister, Julia can’t afford any distractions, but the menacing presence in the mansion and the ever-present temptation of the handsome Lucian de Vincent isn’t something anyone can ignore.

  Julia knows better than to get wrapped up in Lucian. He’s from a world she can’t relate to. Plus, he’s her employer. But his wicked touch and sensual promises are too much to deny. What starts with a kiss ends with so much more.

  Lucian is the youngest brother—the wildest, most unpredictable one. He’s the unrepentant bachelor of the family, known for his escapades in and out of the bedroom, and he wants Julia. There’s something about her that makes Lucian want to lay himself bare, but some secrets are better left buried, right along with a past that could not only bring down a dynasty, but destroy Julia in the process.

  On Sale Now!

  Announcement page for Moonlight Scandals

  And don’t miss the final installment in the de Vincent series


  Coming February 2019

  From Avon Books

  About the Author

  JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT is the #1 New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of Wait for You and the Young Adult Lux and Covenant series, among other books. She writes steamy and fun New Adult and Adult romance under the pen name J. Lynn. She is published with Entangled Teen and Brazen, SHP, Disney/Hyperion, Tor, and Harlequin Teen. You can find her on Twitter @JLArmentrout or at her website,

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  By Jennifer L. Armentrout

  The de Vincent Series

  Moonlight Seduction

  Moonlight Sins

  Till Death

  Forever with You

  Fall With Me

  Stay With Me

  Be With Me

  Wait for You

  The Covenant Series







  The Lux Series







  Gamble Brothers Series

  Tempting the Best Man

  Tempting the Player

  Tempting the Bodyguard


  This is a work of fiction. Na
mes, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  moonlight seduction. Copyright © 2018 by Jennifer L. Armentrout. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins Publishers. For information, address HarperCollins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007.

  First Avon Books mass marketing printing: July 2018

  Digital Edition JULY 2018 ISBN: 978-0-06-267454-8

  Print Edition ISBN: 978-0-06-267456-2

  Cover design by Amy Halperin

  Cover photograph by Wander Aguiar Photography

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