Let Me In-Dragan's Tale: The Mikhailov Brothers

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Let Me In-Dragan's Tale: The Mikhailov Brothers Page 9

by Amanda Hough

  When she heard the door, her eyes took in Rosa and me and she frowned. In her other hand was a cell phone which she said a few words into, and tucked into the back pocket of her jean skirt. T-shirt, tight jean skirt and knee-high cowboy boots. Holy fuck. Her eyes never left me. She didn’t know it yet, but she was already mine.

  “Hey, Toni,” Rosa started. “Let’s have Gary take the bar. I need to speak with you.” Her voice sounded tight and nervous.

  Toni furrowed her brows and eyed me cautiously. I tried to temper my mood but it was hard. Shit was coming together. Getting the bar, the building. The case against Drobski and Irina was going well. And tonight, I had every intention of getting Toni Hume naked.

  “Ok,” she answered Rosa with suspicion. Gary came behind the bar and started refilling coffees. She went in the kitchen and returned with a box of something for the old man at the bar. Rosa told me she always had some kind of pastry and fritter at the bar on Sunday. It smelled like today’s fritter was banana.

  Taking the box out to him, he said something to her and she winked. Then her eyes came back to us as we waited at the corner booth.

  As usual I was seated to get the best view of the bar and the doors. I had dressed in a gray tweed suit. Rosa sat next to me. She closed her eyes for a moment and gave me a weak smile.

  Toni sat across from us and I waited for Rosa to introduce me as the new owner of the booth.

  The women stared at one another for a moment before Rosa finally sighed and leaning her arms on the table she started to speak. “Toni, I need to tell you something.” Rosa’s voice cracked and she looked down at her hands that she had clasped tightly together.

  Toni frowned. “What’s going on Rosy?” She looked from me to Rosa and back to me. “You can say anything to me. We can handle it. We’ve been a team for a long time. Right?”

  Rosa groaned and nodded. “We have Toni. We have and I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. No one knows all you do for this place.” Rosa waved her hand toward the bar. “But I do. I would have given up on this place five years ago if it hadn’t been for you. When Lenny died...” she paused to find the words. “When Lenny died, I wanted to give up. I didn’t want this damn bar.” A tear escaped from the corner of Rosa’s eye and rolled down her soft brown cheek. “You kept me going, Toni. I would have let Len’s dream of this bar die with him if it weren’t for you.” She ended on a sob and I watched Toni’s hand reach out and take Rosa’s.

  “Rosa, babe. What’s going on?” Laced in her voice was a hint of panic. “Whatever is going on…” she looked and me from the corner of her eye and refocused on her friend. “ We can handle whatever life gives us. Just, please, tell me what’s going on.”

  It felt inappropriate that I was baring witness to this private moment. But Rosa had asked that I stay as she explained things to Toni when we had met outside moments ago.

  Rosa breathed deep and dove in. “Toni, I sold the bar to Dragan. He owns The Booth and the building. I signed everything over to him last night.” I saw her hold her breath and wait for a response.

  Toni’s mouth opened but nothing came out. She snapped her teeth together and stared. Her pale cheeks became spotted with dark pink. Blush streaked up her neck. She opened her mouth again and looked at me.

  “You,” she said staring at me. “This is why you’ve been a fixture here, eh? Researching an investment?”

  I gave a small smile and answered truthfully. “At first, yeah. But…” I chuckled. “I like it here. I liked it the minute I walked in.” I resisted the urge to say I liked coming to The Booth to watch her.

  Toni nodded. “I liked here right away too,” Toni said, her voice cracking. I looked at her eyes where tears were pooling into the corners.

  “Toni,” I said. “This doesn’t change anything. Your job here is safe. Rosa made sure that everyone was secure before she sold to me. If that’s what’s worrying—”

  She shook her head and released Rosa’s hands. “I’m not worried about that.” She looked at Rosa then. “Why? Why did you do this?”

  Rosa started crying harder. “Toni, shit’s bad at home. My brother is… My brother is in a lot of trouble. I needed the money. Oh, Toni, I am so sorry.”

  “Then why the hell didn’t you talk to me. You promised me, Rosa.”

  “I know Toni and—”

  “No, you don’t know. Three fucking jobs!” she yelled, lifting three fingers in the air. “Everything I’ve done. All the work for the last five years was to buy this goddamn bar,” she screamed.

  Patrons turned to watch us and my brain skidded through her words. Toni inhaled and stood. Biting her top lip she turned to me.

  “Was this a big fucking joke for you? Is this funny for you?”

  Before I could answer, Rosa did. “Toni, he had no idea you wanted to buy the bar. I didn’t tell him. I asked him to stay away from you. Not let you find out. He couldn’t even talk to Sergey about it. This is all my fault. Dragan. He’s a good guy.”

  Toni chuckled but there was no mirth in it. With frustration manifest on her face she said, “What the fuck Rosa? Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve been cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors, anything just to bring in the money YOU said I’d need to buy this place.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s all been for nothing.” She rubbed her hands over her face, and then she slumped in defeat.

  Rosa’s tears had stopped and she was wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “God I am so sorry Toni. Aaron really fucked up and I can’t let my parents pay the price. I had to get the money.”

  Toni nodded. “I’m sorry your brother’s in trouble again,” she said.

  Rosa rolled her eyes. “ Fuck, don’t be nice. It makes me feel even worse. Please don’t hate me. You’ve saved me and…” she started crying again.

  Toni groaned and walked to Rosa, leaning down to hug her shoulders. “I can’t hate you Rosa. I love you, you dumb bitch. Just let me be pissed and disappointed for a while. I’ll recover. I always do.”

  Rosa stood and hugged the woman hard. Then she excused herself to go call her parents.

  Toni watched her go and then turned to study me. Her face, pensive and blotchy from anger and unshed tears.

  “Are you all right?” I asked. Getting to my feet, I walked to her.

  She nodded but said nothing. I lifted her chin to look at me.

  “How’s your mom?”

  “Better,” she answered. “I called about an hour ago and she was asleep. She ate some breakfast.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  She nodded. “It’s good.” She kept staring at me. “Thanks for asking.”

  I chuckled. “Gotta admit. I don’t know what to do here.”

  “How so?” she asked quietly.

  “Wasn’t expecting the conversation to go like that,” I replied.

  She raised her brows. “No kidding.”

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Of course, I’m always okay.” She wasn’t okay. She looked tired and disappointed.

  I took my thumb and rubbed it across her cheek. Her skin was hot and clammy from emotion. I had an overwhelming urge to make everything better.

  She pulled her face away from my touch and started to walk away. “I got work to do. You want some coffee?”

  She turned away and headed back to the bar. I followed and even from behind I could tell the old man was watching Toni walk into the kitchen to retrieve her apron. Before I could gently encourage him to get his eyes off her ass, the double doors opened. Through them walked Sergey, Evelyn and Nico.

  I waved them over. I’d envisioned what this moment would be like. Going legit. And sharing that fact with family. Honestly I wouldn’t have cared who I stepped on to get what I wanted. But I fucking hated that I did it to her. I tried not to measure the lengths I would go to wipe that disappointment off Antonina’s face. Instead, I smiled and readied to welcome my brothers and Evelyn to my bar. My future.




  I wondered around the kitchen for a minute longer. I needed to get my shit together. All my goals, my plans were for nothing. I was so pissed at Rosa I wanted to punch something. She should have told me. Should have warned me at least. Five years of my life working for something I wasn’t getting. I had a binder with the paint samples. Designed a new menu. I’d really wanted this bar. I stood pondering it for a moment more before a new reality hit me. Dragan Mikhailov was my boss.

  From beyond the swinging door, I heard Evie’s voice and braced for it. She was pissed and I didn’t have the energy to fight.

  Taking a breath, I pushed through the swinging kitchen doors to find Nico holding Dragan back. Evie was standing behind Sergey. And the old man who bought the banana fritters had a grin on his face.

  “What’s happening here?” I asked. My eyes going to Dragan.

  The old man spoke. “Just heard the rest of the Mikhailov brothers were back in Austin. Wanted to see it for myself.” He looked at Evie then. “Thought I told you to stay away from the Mikhailovs, little girl.”

  Dragan had pulled away from Nico and came around the bar to stand next to me. His hand fisted my T-shirt, pulling me back.

  Sergey pushed Evie toward Nico and ordered him to take her to the car.

  “What the hell is happening?” I asked again, this time more loudly.

  Dragan answered, “Go with Evie to the car, Antonina. Nico, take Toni with you.” He started to nudge me and I pushed away from him.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Evie, what is going on?”

  I turned to find Evie walking toward me. “Let’s go, Toni. We’ll wait in the car.”

  “Fuck that,” I said. “I can’t just leave. I work here.” I looked around. “Where’s Gary?”

  “Dammit, Antonina!” Dragan roared. “Get your ass out of here now!”

  “Please,” Evie pleaded. I took one more look at Sergey and Dragan squaring off with the old man and followed Evie out the door. Nico right behind us.

  Nicolai tucked us into Dragan’s Audi and stood outside. His hip resting on the hood. His eyes on the closed doors of The Booth.

  Evie sat next to me in the backseat, her hand shaking, rubbing her lips.

  “Toni, do you know that old man in there?”

  I looked at her, bewildered. “No. I’d never seen him before this morning. What just happened?” I asked for the third time.

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I know him though. He volunteers at the clinic. Some old pawn shop owner.” She ran her hand through her hair. “We walked in. I was looking for you. And the Dragan was telling Dobo—”

  “Dobo?” I interrupted.

  “The old man,” she answered. “Dragan was telling the old man to get out of the chair. He had a gun.”

  “The old man?” I asked. She shook her head in the negative. “Dragan! He was standing there with a gun at Dobo’s head.”

  I sank back in to the leather of the backseat. Remembering the weariness I felt the night before when I got in this car. I thought today was going to be better. It wasn’t.

  “Should we call the police?” Evie asked.

  I looked over at my friend. “Sergey is the police!”

  “Right,” she said absently. “How’s Patsy?”

  I sighed and pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. “No messages. They gave her something for pain. Told me not to expect much for a few hours.”

  “And the cut?” she asked.

  I looked at her. “Dragan told Sergey and Sergey told me.”

  I chuckled. “No more secrets with those two around,” I grumbled.

  “And what a freaking shame for you. Frick, Toni and you call me a martyr.” She was frustrated with me.

  “Evie, I’m not being a martyr. I’m trying to handle it.”

  “Why handle it alone, Toni?” she barked.

  “Because,” I cried. “When you see how bad it is you’ll try to convince me to put her in a nursing home.” I let the tears go then. Tears for my mom, hopes. Hell, even tears for my car.

  Evelyn pivoted in the seat and grabbed me, bringing my body into hers. “Oh, sweetie,” she purred. “I’m so sorry.”

  I sat there and cried in my best friend’s arms. I’d been hiding from the truth for months. I couldn’t do it anymore.

  “Mom got hurt because of me,” I wailed.

  Evie patted my back and tried to calm me. “No she didn’t Toni. You wouldn’t have left if you thought for a moment she was in danger. You are a wonderful daughter. A tremendous caregiver. I admire all you do so much.” She rubbed my back and rocked me. I loved it when she did that. “We will get through whatever craziness this is. And then we’ll sit down as a team and get Patsy’s situation figured out. If you want her home, we’ll hire staff. I’m a nurse for Christ’s sake.”

  I wiped the end of my nose on her shirt and looked down at the spot. My eyes went to her and we laughed. “Sorry,” I offered. She smiled. “Evie, I can’t afford twenty-four, seven care. And Momma’s insurance won’t cover that kind of home care. They will want her in a nursing home.” I cried again. The thought of my beautiful, funny Mom in a nursing home made me sick.

  “Sweet pea,” she said. “You know I will do anything for you.” She grabbed my face and made me look at her. “Anything. If you want her with you, we’ll figure out a plan. You’re taking everything on by yourself. Of course you’re overwhelmed.”

  I sniffled and eyed the door to the bar. “Okay, we’ll talk later. I guess we better focus on what the hell happened in there, right?”

  She shrugged, leaned over and knocked on the window. Nico turned and opened the door. “Nicolai, do you know what’s going on? Are the boys in danger?”

  Nico chuckled. “Evie, I’m more worried about that old man than Sergey and Drago.” His eyes cut to me. “You holdin’ up okay, Toni?”

  I nodded and the double doors opened. Dragan and Sergey stepped out. They both looked pissed. They walked to Nico, spoke to him and he got in the passenger seat of Dragan’s car. Sergey walked around the Audi, whipped the driver’s side door open, put his hand in for Evie to take. Without a word she took it and stepped out. I watched as he wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her close, whispering into her ear. She nodded and bent down to look at me still inside the car. “We’re going to our house. I’ll see you in a little bit. Love you.”

  Before I could reply she was gone, heading toward Sergey’s truck. Dragan came around the front of the car and got behind the wheel.

  I waited for him to speak but he didn’t. So I did. “Dragan, what’s happening?”

  Nico put his hand on his brother’s arm to still him before he got out of the car. “Drago, it doesn’t have to be Austin. Anywhere, brother. We can go anywhere in the world. You feel me?”

  Dragan took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Naw, brother. We’re home.”

  Nico lowered his eyes and brought them back to his brother’s face. “Then, I think it’s time you laid some truth on your woman, Drago.” With that Nico swung the door open and left Dragan and I alone in the car. I watched Nico walk to Sergey’s truck. I watched it start and disappear over a hill.

  “You gettin’ up front?” he finally asked.


  “You’re gonna sit in the backseat the whole way to my apartment?”


  Dragan took off and I crossed my arms. The universal sign for ‘fuck off.’ I couldn’t prioritize what was pissing me off the most. Getting ordered out of the bar was pretty high up on the list.

  Something occurred to me. So I hopped over the center console and plopped in the passenger seat. I still had my apron on.

  “What do you mean? Your apartment? I thought you were taking me to Evie.”

  “I will, when I’m done.”

  I looked over at him. “When you’re done with what?”

  He took his eyes off the road for minute and grabbed my chin.
“When I’m done fucking you.”

  Okay, let’s add that to my list of why I’m pissed.

  I laughed. “You are kidding right now? You think I have any interest in sleeping with you?

  He shook his head. “Didn’t say we’d sleep, sweetheart. Said I’m going to fuck you and you do have an interest.”

  “Bullshit,” I called.

  “Call bullshit all you want Antonina. I know you want me just like I want you.”

  I sputtered for a few breaths. And then spoke. “What changed? I asked you to come home with me weeks ago and you looked at me like I had a contagious disease.”

  “I promised Rosa I’d stay clear of you. And you were drunk. But mostly I promised Rosa.” He chuckled and continued. “I’ve fucked my fair share of drunk women.”

  I looked at him, stunned. His words had pissed me off so thoroughly I felt the urge to touch the top of my head and ensure that my fontanel wasn’t opening back up. As it turned out it was just blood pressure.

  He stayed silent for the remainder of the drive and I’d lost my will to do verbal battle with him. Instead I crossed my arms and waited for the inevitable stroke to take me.



  The Dragan

  I wanted Antonina to speak but she remained silent. Sitting in the backseat of my car. It wasn’t how I’d envisioned today going. My plan was to get the keys from Rosa, take my family out for a celebratory dinner and be between Toni’s legs by midnight.

  I weaved through afternoon traffic and made my way home. My apartment was shit but I didn’t care. It was closer to the bar than Toni’s house. So my apartment was the destination. I knew I couldn’t just drive and not talk to her. I’d just been a crude asshole. But, God I loved pissing her off. Her cheeks got flushed and I swear to fuck, her tits got bigger when she got mad at me. “Antonina, we need to talk.”

  “Who is your woman?”

  “Say what?” I asked confused.

  “Your woman? Your brother said you needed to ‘lay some truth’ on your woman. So, who is your woman?” She sounded pissed off.


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