Desert Trading Post

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Desert Trading Post Page 26

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I woke up with a boner.

  Courtney was still asleep, lying with her back to me. I was so hard. What would she think If I got her wet and slid in, just like this? Was that fair play? She’d woken up horny and sucked me off in my sleep. Would she mind if I took basically the same opportunity and climbed in behind her early in the morning? I guess I was going to find out.

  I turned so that my thighs molded to hers and slid my hand across her thigh, encouraging her knee forward to open the space between her legs. I didn’t want to tickle her. I didn’t want to wake her up. I wanted to at least get inside her before she became fully aware of it.

  But I was conflicted. Was this OK? No. But then again, was it? With my previous girlfriends, no. But with Courtney? Hadn’t she given me permission for this and so much more? I didn’t remember her specifically saying that if I woke up with a woody that I should just go ahead and make love to her and that she’d catch up when she was done sleeping, but it seemed like she’d said something like that. That I was always welcome to do whatever I wanted to sexually with her?

  I was rubbing her slit and it was moist and getting moister. And I was like a rock, but I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go for it and find out what happened. I also wanted to be sure that I didn’t hurt, scare, or offend her.

  Oh, there it was! That tension between safety and curiosity. Between security and adventure. What should I do right now? I was paralyzed between two worlds. That didn’t stop me from continuing to fondle Courtney’s peach more and more vigorously though.

  Courtney moaned and opened her thighs and said, “Mmm, Sweetie, go ahead. That feels good. If you want to fuck me, do it. Anytime you want to. I told you that.”

  She reached between her legs and found my penis almost where it needed to be and she guided me in with her fingers. Then she rolled onto her side and had me put my arms around her chest. Moving her hips slowly, encouraging me to do the same, she seemed to fall asleep again.

  Her body was so warm. It felt so good. I thrust at her gently, rocking her hips. I didn’t play with her breasts, even though my hand was already right there. This was weird. I didn’t want to arouse her. I wanted her to enjoy being with me, and I certainly didn’t want it to be at all unpleasant for her, but I wanted her to sleep. Courtney had not only given me permission but had guided me in. Then I understood. Courtney didn’t need or want an orgasm right now. She didn’t need me to stimulate her any more than my penis was already doing. What she wanted was to feel the warmth of my body against her and to feel me loving her in our bed, knowing that I was here and happy to be with her. And, she wanted me to have a sexual experience anytime I felt the desire for her.

  When I climaxed, I heard her sigh and felt her pull my arm tighter around her body in contentment. My wife was happy. My wife. And she accepted me. She accepted my body. She accepted me as part of herself. I had a wife in a way that couldn’t be more full than it was.

  I was still contemplating all my fortunes when Courtney stretched and shoved herself back against me.

  She said, “That was nice. Dave, you can do that. I want you to. Mmm. Are you ready for an adventure?”

  I said, “I suppose so.”

  She turned to face me and said, “Good. Put on some shorts and sandals and a T-shirt and let’s go. This will be fun. No undies though.”

  I dressed and Courtney pulled on her shorts and her little T-shirt with no bra. Going quietly, because no one else seemed to be awake yet, we made our way to the kitchen and Courtney found two bottles of water and left a note that said that we’d be back by mid-morning.

  Courtney took me to the garage. It, like so much of her parents’ house, was bigger than “normal” houses. It was made for five cars. In the last bay, we went to a kind of four-wheel-drive open-frame off-road vehicle. It was the kind of thing you’d run in the sand, or in the woods, maybe for hunting. It would seat four.

  Getting into the driver’s seat and buckling in, Courtney said, “Oh, this one’s new. This one’s electric. Cool. The old one was gas. This will be quiet I bet.”

  And it was. Courtney backed out of the garage and then drove slowly around the side of the house, toward the open desert. When we were about a hundred feet from the house, Courtney suddenly pushed down on the accelerator and the vehicle jumped to at least 25 miles per hour. That doesn’t sound very fast, but over the uneven terrain of the area behind the house, it was. Courtney slowed down after a little while and we took it a bit easier, especially in the really rough spots and where we had to maneuver around areas of thicker brush. We were probably going about five to ten miles an hour most of the time.

  It was beautiful out here. The sun was just coming up. It was still almost hot, in the 80s, but dry. Humidity does make a big difference in comfort, and the dry air here was very comfortable. But you had to drink more water to stay hydrated.

  Looking behind us, I could no longer see the house. Or the city, and there were no roads. But up ahead I could see a line of trees, stretching across the horizon. It wasn’t more than half a mile away. It had to be the Colorado River. It seemed like maybe the house was only three miles from the water. I asked about it.

  Courtney said, “Oh, if we go to where we launch the boat, it’s like five miles, but cross country, like this, it’s only two or so. But we have to cross a canal, and have to go south an extra mile, so that takes a few minutes.”

  The canal that she mentioned was a concrete irrigation canal that was used by the alfalfa farmers and to grow other crops. It was maybe 20 feet wide and full almost all the time. There were little access bridges that crossed it now and then, but they were few and far between. If we’d lived in a different spot, it might be eight to ten miles to a crossing, not just one.

  On the other side of the canal, we headed for the closest part of the river. Winding through the trees growing along the bank, Courtney drove all the way to the water’s edge. And there it was. The Colorado River.

  Courtney said, “Early in the morning like this, the river runs pretty high. In the afternoons, they hold the water back at the dams and the level drops several feet and sandbars pop up. You have to be careful when you have the boat out that you don’t hit one when you don’t expect it. If you anchor in the middle to fish or something. If one comes up underneath you, you’re stuck. You spend the night and just wait for the water to rise again in the morning and float you off. It’s a lot of fun. This was a great place to grow up in some regards. Not in every way, but in some. Let’s sit down. This isn’t a good place to swim in the early morning, but I wanted to show it to you.”

  We hadn’t brought a blanket or anything, but it didn’t matter. The ground at the riverbank was dry.

  Courtney leaned against my side and said, “This morning was great. I know that maybe a lot of relationships wouldn’t have the freedom for us to do things like that, but ours does. I wondered what it would be like for you if I woke you up with your penis in my mouth, but you know, I wondered what it would be like to be woken up with you in my pussy, too. And I found out that I liked it. I wonder how many people can do that and really enjoy it? I did. It started out like an erotic dream, but then as I became more and more aware that it was real, it was fantastic. Babe, you can be my alarm clock any time. Really. Please.”

  I had my arm around her and pulled her tight against me.

  She said, “And last night was fantastic too. With Jett. That’s really happening now. It’s hard to believe and to remember that it’s real. It really is coming, isn’t it? Like Daddy just telling Milly that he was her husband. He didn’t say he was going to be, he said he already was. I have trouble knowing that this is real. It has already happened. It’s just waiting for Jett to get off the plane and come inside. But it’s like a dream that I can’t be sure of. Is this happening? Yes. It is. It already has in some way.”

  She paused again and I didn’t say a word. She was right. I understood. But it was elusive.

  Courtney said, “She knows what’s happen
ing. She as much as said that she is already yours, last night. I don’t remember exactly what she said, but she made a slip and said that she wanted to be with you. Oh, that’s right! It was something about jellybeans. How she’s in the handful of candy with you and me”

  I said, “Court, it’s going to be weird for a while. But it’s going to be OK. You’re right. It is hard to really know that it’s real, like us taking a few days to really know that we really are married. But unless we back out quick, we’re in the same boat as your mom and dad and Milly. And if that’s really what you want, it has already happened.”

  Courtney said, “Dave, what do you want?”

  I almost lied at that moment. And then I didn’t. I thought it over and told the truth.

  I said, “Court, I want her. I love her. She’s a hellion and can’t be the same person from one moment to the next, and she keeps threatening to make me sleep in the yard and to kill me in my sleep, but Courtney, I love her. She keeps asking us if your dad and Milly are going to have sex…”

  Courtney laughed and said, “I think that cow is out of the barn already!”

  I said, “Yeah, but I know what she means. I can say I love her, and I’m not going to ask how you feel about it again, because you will tell me if you have something to say, but Courtney, am I going to have sex with her? Yeah, I love her. And we’ve talked ourselves into the idea that it’s the only way for her, and for us, and for your parents, to be happy. For Jett to be…well, for me to be Jett’s…dam, I can’t even say it out loud. For Jett to be one of our jellybeans.”

  Courtney laughed.

  She said, “It’s scary to say it out loud, isn’t it? But yeah, it’s really happening. No, it has already happened. Jett won’t turn back, and neither will I. I love her and she won’t be happy any other way. She already canceled her trip to Toronto and gave up her dream of being a photography model. She’s thinking about getting a job for heaven’s sake! She’s settling down and making arrangements! After just one day with you.”

  I sighed and smiled and said, “OK, so we’re doing it. It’s settled. All but the details. I guess we better discuss a wedding.”

  Courtney laughed and said, “A wedding? Like a wedding? Like for you and Jett? Or all three of us? Or what? Wouldn't that be fun! It’s too bad we can’t. Well, unless we have a party at the house and pretend or something.”

  I said, “No. Court, I mean a wedding. Look, I don’t know how to make it legal or anything, but I’m not taking Jett to bed with us unless we get married somehow. And she gets a wedding ring. And more than one, just like you, if she wants it.”

  Courtney said, “Oh, you’re serious. Um, that would be fantastic. But what are you thinking? You know, there’s lot’s of options for marrying anyone you want to these days, but I’m pretty sure we had to check some boxes on our license swearing that we weren’t married to someone else at the same time. Are you planning to lie about it or something?”

  I said, “No! There’s no way any of this is going to start with a lie. No matter what the justification. But maybe there’s another way to make it binding enough, even if we don’t get a license.”

  Courtney said sincerely, “I’ll help in any way that I can. I would want that too.”

  I said, “You wouldn’t marry me at all without a contract. So, what if we make our own license. But we don’t stop there. I want the ceremony for Jett to be public. In front of someone with the authority, if not the intention, to make us man and wife. We’re going to Vegas again. When we got married, we actually had three options. They offer three services. A legal marriage, a marriage renewal ceremony, or a commitment ceremony. The commitment is performed like a wedding and looks like a wedding and sounds like a wedding, but at the end, you get a commitment certificate, not a marriage certificate.”

  Courtney said, “Crap! Really? Dad and Milly are going to want one of those for sure!”

  I said, “And so do I. One where I put a ring on Jett’s finger, and if she wants one, a ring in her navel, just like yours, except a different color.”

  Courtney said, “No! Not if she wants one. Jett won’t be able to tell you what she wants. She won’t know. But Dave, if you tell her that you want it, she’ll do it. Just like when Milly just dropped all her clothes because Daddy told her to. That was kind of beautiful and really a turn-on. So, you tell Jett that she’s getting your ring stuck in her belly button and your anklet welded to her foot, and she’ll fall so much in love that she will never ever think about murdering you in your sleep again. The only thing she’ll do in your sleep will be all about sex and nothing else. This is genius! Again!”

  I said, “So, when the time comes, we take her to Vegas, and your parents come, and we do it right for Jett.”

  Courtney said, “Can I take the first cut at writing the contact? Please?”

  I said, “Sure. That would be great. This is your deal as much as mine. None of this happens without you being part of it and fully on board.”

  Courtney said, “Oh no! You do it whether I am fully on board or not. But, I really am. I so am. And I love you so much for doing this. You are going to get so laid.”

  I laughed and said, “So, am I going to have sex with Jett?”

  Courtney laughed hard and said, “That’s up to you. But you kind of have to. You are her husband, so yeah, I think you better. You two are going to be perfect for each other.”

  I said, “How so?”

  Courtney said, “You have a Dork side too. Turn to the Dork Side, Dave. Oh wow! I just had a thought. Oh freaking wow!”

  I said, “What?”

  Courtney grinned like she couldn’t stand it and said, “She’s going to suck on your cock. I don’t know why, but that is really exciting. I can picture it. Why is that so exciting? But it is. It so is. Are you ready to head back? I want to get started on a marriage contract. And I want to find out what happens next. It’s like a fairytale and I want to hear the next chapter. Talking is great and I love sitting here and discussing philosophy and whatever, but I need to know how the story unfolds. Come on. Or fuck me. No, come on. Unless you want to. But I kind of want you to save it up for her now. Oh, I don’t know what to do now. No, come on, let’s go.”

  I was laughing as Courtney dragged me to my feet and pushed me into the little off-road vehicle. She drove a lot faster on the way home that she had on the way here.

  Chapter 24 - Transition

  The whole trip home was a riot, but it didn’t take long. Courtney drove like a madwoman, often not bothering to even try to avoid the bushes in our way. Pulling in front of the garage, we disembarked and Courtney grabbed a garden rose and rinsed the car off. She said that they always at least rinsed off the dust and let the car dry before putting it away.

  We’d been gone for a few hours in total. It looked like the rest of the family was out at the breakfast table by the pool, but we ran upstairs and rinsed off in the shower and put on bathing suits before joining them.

  We were in a happy mood as we opened the door and stepped outside into the heat.

  At the first sight of us, Jett stood up and screamed at us.

  She said, “Where the hell have you been! Why did you leave? You can’t do that to me! Where did you go?”

  Dotty said quietly, “She’s been pretty distraught.”

  Courtney said, “What’s wrong Jett? We went for a drive to the river. I left a note.”

  Jett yelled, “But you didn’t say when you were coming back and what I was supposed to do. You can’t do that!”

  I said, “Jett, we went for a ride. We’re back.”

  Jett was inconsolable. Something was wrong in her mind, and it had something to do with Courtney and I having been gone for a few hours.

  She was still yelling and very angry as she said, “No! You can’t do that to me. I um, I…ahhh! I got infected. I got the thing that Courtney has. Where she has to not be alone. I um, I looked it up on the Internet. It’s called um, Pheromone Deficiency Disorder. It’s rare but it can
be fatal if not handled properly. Um, it’s genetic. So if Courtney has it, I have it too. Um, Aunt Milly, I mean Other Mom, probably has it and doesn’t know it yet because it isn’t as bad for her! Dave, you can’t leave me like that. You should know you can’t!”

  Jett was breathing hard and looked like she might faint in her attempt to rationalize her fears with an imaginary disease that would explain her feelings. I don’t know if anyone else noticed the obvious flaw in her argument that since she was adopted, a genetic disease that Courtney had wouldn’t explain anything at all, but that didn’t matter. Jett was in pain.

  I said, “Jett, come here,” and I held my arms open to her.

  With no hesitation whatsoever, Jett flung herself at me and nearly knocked me over. I held her tightly and she trembled and as if she were in shock. There was no hurry. I would hold her like this for as long as necessary.

  It was funny how we all let Jett lie as much as she wanted to. None of us questioned her or called her on anything. I think it was because we felt that Jett’s stories about her life were so much a part of her that they weren’t exactly lies, even if they weren’t at all true.

  I whispered, “It’s OK, Jeannie. I didn’t know that you were infected already.”

  She cried and hissed, “Yes you did. You knew and you left me so that I would find out. You did it on purpose so that I would realize what was happening and that I can’t ever be away from you now, just like Kitty. Dave, what are we going to do? You’re married to my sister. What are we going to do? Why did you do this to me?”

  I said very softly, “Did I do something to you, Sweetie?”

  She said so quietly that no one else could hear, “No. It’s just what happened. You didn’t really do this to me, but please, please don’t tell. They won’t understand. It’s genetic, it isn’t your fault. But Dave, if you hadn’t come, it would have gotten so bad that I would have eventually died. They say that here’s only one person in the world who has the antidote pheromones for any particular occurrence. But me and Courtney are sisters and we both respond to you. If you hadn’t found us, we’d have gone insane and died. That’s why Kitty was doing porn and stuff. Because she couldn’t find you and she was going crazy. But what are we going to do? You are already married to Courtney.”


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