Highland Trails of Love

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Highland Trails of Love Page 42

by Barbara Bard

  “All this talk of recrimination is good, but you should not spend too much time lamenting your mistakes. We are here now, and the only thing to do is look forward and talk of more cheerful matters,” Rosemary said.

  “But is it right to be cheerful when there is so much danger that presents itself to us? My father is going to come with an army, and as much as I am enjoying my life I cannot bring myself to ignore the truth that so plainly presents itself,” Catherine said. She noticed that Sarah shifted uncomfortably beside her. Sarah was the gentlest soul out of the three of them, and any thought of conflict was enough to set her on edge.

  “I am not saying we should deny the truth, but we should not dwell on it or let it dominate our lives. We shall deal with the war when and if it comes. There are many different things that can happen before then. I would rather talk about the other developments that have happened. I see that you have seen the same appeal of the Highlanders as Sarah and I.”

  Catherine felt her cheeks redden. “I have indeed. Declan is a sweet man. He is not filled with any of the pretensions of gentlemen I have previously been acquainted with, and there is something else as well, some primal energy that sends shivers through my soul.”

  “Now you understand why we found it appealing to leave our lives behind and stay here. All the qualities you see in Declan are ones that we have seen in Blair and Drew. I am glad that the two of you have grown close. I believe that the two of you are well-suited to each other, and can offer each other great comfort,” Rosemary said.

  “Indeed, I would not be here if it wasn't for him. He saved my life,” Catherine said.

  “And from the way he tells it you saved his. We have all been through a lot, and trust me when I say that the feelings that follow are just as sweet as the first exploration,” Sarah said.

  “Speaking of saving lives, I have news from a mutual friend,” Catherine said. Sarah cocked an eyebrow. “George aided us in our escape. He wanted me to get a message to you, wishing you well, and also to let you know that he too is enjoying life, as much as one can when working on the estate of my father.”

  “George!” Sarah exclaimed, a wide smile upon her face. Rosemary too was smiling. “I never heard from him after he saved me from execution at the hands of Harold’s guards.

  “Harold went off to war, and when my father returned, George was one of the few men left who could carry out tasks. I hope that he is well. We also had help from a serving girl, and she was so frightened. When my father realizes what has happened his wrath shall be unending,” Catherine said.

  “They did the right thing. George is an honorable man, and I am sure he will find a way to be safe. By the sounds of it your father will be too consumed with going to war to punish lowly servants,” Rosemary said.

  “I am hoping that he will be so distracted that he will not even discover that Declan has gone,” Catherine said.

  Speaking of Declan, the man returned presently, looking every inch a man. He greeted the ladies and asked Rosemary and Sarah if they would excuse Catherine. They of course acquiesced. Declan held out his hand, which Catherine took, and the two of them walked through the field surrounding the castle.

  A shiver passed through her and she gazed towards the direction of her home. Declan expressed his concern, and asked her what was on her mind.

  “I sometimes wonder what will happen if I meet my father again. I do not believe he will rest until he finds me, and when he does I know that he will expect me to return with him. He will think himself the hero, rescuing me from a horrible fate, when the opposite is quite true. I don't know how I shall handle that, Declan. How can I convince my father that he is wrong?”

  Her voice quivered with emotion. Declan held her tightly, trying to soothe the thoughts that ailed her.

  “I dinnae know how this is gaeing tae play out, but I shall nae let anything happen tae ye. We are meant tae be taegether, and nae force can stop us. Ye hae my word on that. I love ye, Catherine, with all my heart and soul, and I would nae be able tae live if anything would happen tae ye. Yer father can try all he wants, but he will find that we are nae sae easy tae kill as he thinks.”

  Catherine smiled at him and wiped a stray tear from her eyes.

  “How was your conversation with your cousins?”

  “It went well. They are going tae send word around tae the other clans tae gather the army again. But that is something tae worry about another day. Let us gather some supplies and then make our way home, where we dinnae hae tae think about anything else.”

  Catherine smiled and nodded. She and Declan talked a little more about what they had left behind. Catherine expressed concern for Rebecca and George again, while Declan spoke about Alastar, and what he was up to.

  “I'm surprised you weren't tempted to stay with him and go on the adventure with him,” Catherine said.

  “I hae already been away from here for tae long. Besides, I would never hae done anything tae be away from ye. Alastar is on his own path, although I dae hope tae see him again.”

  “Maybe you will. None of us knows what is going to happen in this life. We can only try and do the best we can.”

  “Ye speak the truth, lass. I love ye.”

  “I love you too, Declan,” she said, a warm feeling spreading through her body. They linked hands and continued to the castle to gather their supplies. They wanted enough to give Declan's father a good dinner, for from their visit with him it seemed as though he had been used to meager meals.

  They bid farewell to Drew, Blair, Rosemary, and Sarah for the time being. The four of them wished Declan and Catherine luck, and promised that they would see each other soon.

  Catherine felt a little guilty for leaving Rosemary and Sarah since they had shown her such hospitality, but for the moment she wanted nothing but to be with Declan and enjoy a quiet life together. They had both been through enough adventure to last a lifetime, and although more strife might well come to them in the future they had the opportunity to let that rest and simply enjoy the happiness and love they shared.

  Once they had gathered everything they got in the wagon again and rode through the valley to their new home. Catherine rested her head against Declan's shoulder as they rode on. The house came into view. Declan's father came out to greet them, waving them in. The sun had just about set and the stars were showing themselves. It was a new era for her, and Catherine felt like she was home.

  The Extended Epilogue

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  Highlander’s Revenge

  Chapter 1

  Alastar pinched himself to convince himself that he was not dreaming. Being isolated in captivity had played with his mind, but now that the fresh air was on his body again and he could breathe in the scents of the outside world, he was feeling more like his old self and was thankful that he had managed to keep hold of a shred of his sanity.

  Alastar stretched his legs as he looked around at the natural world, a sight he had not seen in years. He relished being free and wished that he could have thanked Declan and Catherine more fully. He was sure that the two of them would have a good life together, if they made it back to the Highlands safely. They were well-suited, and Declan seemed to have a good future ahead of him. In some ways, Declan reminded Alastar of his own father, a devout and dutiful man who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, a weight that was Alastar's to carry now.

  When Declan had been placed into the prison with him, Alastar pitied the young man. He seemed afraid and unsure of himself. Alastar didn't think he would last lo
ng, but the young man had proven resourceful and managed to escape, returning to the Highlands to send word of Lord Flynn's planned attack.

  There was much that Alastar didn't understand, such as how a man like Declan and Lord Flynn's daughter had met and developed such a bond that she was willing to set them free and flee with him to the Highlands, but he was glad that the magic happened because he was finally able to stretch his legs and be a part of the world again.

  The plan for their escape had been daring. He and Declan had been ushered out quickly. There had been no time to get his revenge on Lord Flynn. Declan and Catherine had gone back to the Highlands as soon as possible.

  He hoped that he would see Declan again, to thank him properly. Alastar had been tempted to return to the Highlands, to see the land of his birth, but there was much business Alastar had yet to do in England.

  Firstly, he had to make sure nobody followed Declan and Catherine. He wanted to make sure they got away safely. A wagon in the night may have raised some suspicion, and if anyone gave pursuit they would soon catch up with the fleeing pair. Declan had tried to make Alastar go with him, but Alastar knew what he needed to do.

  His body ached, and he straightened his back, avoiding the stoop he had developed over the years in prison. He was still a young man, although he was not sure how many years had passed exactly. The days and nights blended into one while stuck in the dungeon. It was a wonder he hadn’t lost his mind, but as he was now free he felt the strength slowly return to his limbs.

  The years had not been kind to Alastar, but he had nurtured a growing resentment and festering need for revenge for the entirety of his captivity. He hadn't been completely honest with Declan when the young lad had asked him how he had survived all this time. Alastar's mind was a dark place, filled with thoughts of vengeance against the man who had sentenced him to a lifetime of imprisonment, and against the man who had killed his father.

  That last day of freedom lived long in his mind. He and his father had been defending a small village near the Lowlands.. They had a simple way of life. Being farmers they did not possess the skills needed to defend themselves, so the Blue Thistle would defend them.

  The English had come loud and brash, claiming that the land was their own and the Highlanders should move. Of course, the Highlanders did not want to do that. This was their home, and they felt that nobody had a right to ask them to leave, certainly not the English. But the English were hungry, greedy. They wanted more, and they wanted to drive the Highlanders away.

  It would have been a slaughter had it happened, but Alastar and his father prevented it. The fight was long and hard, for the English did not give up easily. Alastar and his father had not been used to defeat, but it had to come to every man at some point in his life, and that day was dark for the both of them.

  They managed to fight back most of the English, but the price they extracted was a heavy one. The Blue Thistle had been killed. The men, led by Athelred Flynn, never usually took prisoners, but he had made an exception in Alastar’s case Alastar had been forced to watch as his father had been killed and the farm was burned, razed to the ground. He could still hear the screams of the victims in his mind, pleading for salvation, only finding it in death.

  Alastar had thought that his life was going to be forfeit as well, but Athelred Flynn had bitter plans for him. The Blue Thistle had plagued him in the war, so it gave him great satisfaction to know that the man was finally dead, and that he now held his son as prisoner. For his greatest revenge, he said that he was going to ensure that nobody remembered Alastar, that he would do nothing of note in his life, and spend the days that remained in the dungeon, and it would be as though he didn't exist at all.

  Over the years, he had proven himself to be true to his word. Alastar had to suffer humiliation at the hands of the guards. He kept himself fit with exercise, but the food with which he had to nourish himself was meager and bland, so his body was gaunt, and weaker than before.

  But all through that dark period of his life he never gave up hope that one day he would be released and walk the world again. When he did, he would get his revenge on Athelred Flynn, and avenge the death of his father, the farmers, and anyone else who had died by the order of Flynn. The evil of him ran like a deep river through this land and it was Alastar’s duty to end it.

  Alastar prowled the woods and waited, lurking in the trees. He stood poised on a branch, ready to jump, and indeed, before too long a wagon rushed along the road, a patrol sent to search for Athelred's missing daughter. Alastar smiled. He knew Athelred would send someone, although it didn't seem as though he was part of the search party himself.

  As soon as the wagon was underneath him, Alastar jumped down and landed in the middle. There were five men, but two of them were knocked out by his elbows before they could react, for they were all shocked by his presence. The other two that were sitting in the back of the wagon jumped up with surprise, and only just managed to keep their balance.

  One was swifter than Alastar assumed and drew his sword, thrusting it forward. Alastar only just managed to dodge, the blade coming too close to his skin. It had been a long time since he had tested himself in combat and he was sluggish, but today was not his day to die. He had too much to do.

  He spun on his heels and moved closer to the man, then took hold of the man's wrist and bashed it with the side of his palm. The man cried out in pain and dropped his sword. Alastar dropped to his knees and picked up the blade, narrowly avoiding having his neck slashed by the other soldier who had joined the fight. Without hesitation, Alastar jabbed the blade upwards into the first man's stomach, ending his life instantly.

  He withdrew the blade quickly and deflected another swipe from the other man. It was easy enough to disarm him and slash his chest, sending him crashing over the side of the wagon to his death.

  That just left the driver, who was torn between holding the reins and fighting Alastar. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that all the other guards had been killed, so he turned to draw his sword, but when Alastar saw the threatening move he acted quickly, thrusting his sword through the man's neck.

  The horses continued to run along the road, carrying the dead bodies. Alastar leapt from the wagon and turned back to face the estate. A smiled curled on his face. The Blue Thistle had returned, and he had much to do.

  Chapter 2

  A mixture of anxiety and fear beat through Rebecca’s chest. She watched from a shadowed place as Lady Flynn and her strange friends left. Rebecca knew in her heart that she had done the right thing, but she hoped that she was not going to be discovered, for it had gone against the law of the estate.

  As soon as the wagon left, she saw George walk back. Rebecca rushed up to him.

  “Is this for the best?” she asked, her face pale in the moonlight.

  “Trust me, it is.”

  “But surely soon Lord Flynn will discover the disappearance of his daughter?” Rebecca said in a harsh whisper.

  “No doubt that he will, but she is much better now. Just be quiet and go about your business as usual. Nobody will suspect you. Act normally, and blend into the crowd.”

  With that, George left. Rebecca blended into the crowd just as she had been doing her entire life, being the youngest of a litter of children. Now she was just one of a number of servants working on the estate. There had been many strange goings on recently, and the estate had been in turmoil.

  She spun on her heels to return to her chambers. The hallways of the estate were dim. The moon hung high in the sky, surrounded by starlight. It was deathly beautiful, and every moment was laced with fear and danger. Rebecca had always been taught to be a good girl, and she was so terrified of being discovered.

  She slipped back into her room and made her way to her bed. She stopped as she heard her companion move. Rebecca held her breath, then continued to her bed when a soft snore emanated from her friend.

  Rebecca pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes, trying to get to sl
eep, although her mind was a whirl.

  Who was that man, and why had Lady Flynn gone with him? The rumors had swirled around the estate. Even though Lord Flynn had banned any talk about his daughter, many of the rumors were unsavory. She had definitely changed since the last time Rebecca had seen her. Lady Flynn seemed far more aware of the world around her, and compassionate to her fellow man. Whatever she had been through it had changed her, many would say for the better.

  She had also managed to enlist Rebecca's help. Aiding them had been easy, but now Rebecca had to live with the knowledge that she had betrayed Lord Flynn. How was she supposed to carry the lie with her?

  Part of her wished that she had been taken with them just so that she would have been able to avoid all this tension, but she never would be able to make it away from this estate. Never before had she lived anywhere else. Her entire life had revolved around servitude and she couldn't imagine doing anything else.


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