Eat Prey Love las-9

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Eat Prey Love las-9 Page 5

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  “You can’t leave for a month,” the woman insisted. “Your children need you. You’re their hero, Carlos. They know they would be dead if you hadn’t rescued them.”

  “They’ll be fine, Toni,” Carlos gritted out between clenched teeth. “They’ll be at school with you.”

  “Aye, and ’tis at school where they’re having problems,” the young man said with a Scottish accent. “Emiliano is picking fights with Phil’s boys.”

  “I’ll talk to him before I go,” Carlos grumbled.

  “And what about the girls?” Toni asked. “They need you, Carlos.”

  “They need a mother!” Carlos yelled. “And I need a mate.”

  Caitlyn gasped. He was looking for a mate? What kind of mate? His gaze shifted toward her, and his eyes glittered with a hard, angry look.

  “You—what?” Toni stepped back, apparently stunned.

  “You heard me,” Carlos growled.

  “Ye want to get married?” the Scotsman asked.

  “Don’t look so shocked, Ian. Didn’t you want to get married?”

  “Aye, but—”

  “You can’t get married,” Toni declared. “You’re gay.”

  Caitlyn snorted. Were they crazy?

  Carlos glared at her in the shadows, then shifted his gaze to Toni. “I never said I was gay.”

  “Of course you’re gay,” she insisted. “I saw you dance the samba in a hot pink sequined thong.”

  Carlos shrugged. “So? You said I was very sexy. You were practically drooling.”

  Ian stiffened. “When was this?”

  “Before I met you,” Toni muttered, then turned back to Carlos. “And what about Fernando? Whenever he came to visit, the two of you would hug and kiss.”

  “We kiss on the cheeks.” Carlos waved a hand in dismissal. “That’s not strange in our culture. If you choose to misinterpret it—”

  “But Fernando’s gay,” Toni interrupted. “He said he was.”

  “Yes, he is,” Carlos said impatiently. “But I am not.”

  “Bloody hell.” Ian walked away a few steps. “I knew it.”

  Toni gestured wildly with her hands. “You let me think you were gay!”

  “I had my reasons,” Carlos grumbled.

  “To purposely mislead me?” Toni planted fists on her hips. “You used to watch me get dressed. How could you?”

  Carlos shrugged. “You never told me I had to leave.”

  “Because I thought you were gay!” Toni shouted. “You—You pervert!”

  Carlos frowned. “There’s nothing perverse in enjoying the sight of a woman’s body.”

  “Oh really? Well, enjoy this!” Toni slapped him so hard the sound echoed across the garden.

  Carlos stumbled back. Caitlyn winced.

  He rubbed his cheek. “Menina—”

  “Don’t menina me! I trusted you!” Toni drew back her hand to slap him again.

  “Stop!” Ian pulled his wife back. “That’s no’ the way to handle this.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” Carlos murmured.

  “Och, I understand it verra well,” Ian said. “Ye ogled my wife under false pretenses, ye bloody bastard.” He punched Carlos in the face, knocking him flat. “Now, that’s the way to handle it.”

  Caitlyn’s mouth dropped open. Apparently, Carlos was getting his comeuppance for being naughty, but really, how could those people ever think he was gay? He could make her breathless with just a look.

  “Come on, Toni.” Ian grabbed his wife’s hand and led her back to the cafeteria.

  Carlos sat up with a groan.

  Caitlyn winced at the sight of blood trickling from his nose and lip. She retrieved her small pack of tissues from her handbag and hurried toward him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll live.” He pressed the back of his hand against his nose.

  Did the scent of blood make him hungry? “Here.” She passed him a tissue.

  He tilted his head back and held the tissue against his nose. “Well, menina. Did you enjoy the show?”

  She crouched on the flagstone path beside him. “It was…interesting.”

  “What a relief. I would hate to be boring.” He frowned at the blood-soaked tissue.

  “I doubt you’re ever boring.” She handed him another tissue. “Do you really dance the samba in a hot pink sequined thong?”

  He pressed the fresh tissue against his nose with his head still tilted back. “Not on the first date.”

  She smiled. “It seems like every time I see you, your head is getting pummeled.”

  “It must be your lucky night.”

  She took another tissue and dabbed it against the blood that had oozed from the corner of his mouth. His bottom lip looked swollen and puffy. She touched it lightly with her fingertip, wishing she could kiss it.

  She glanced at his eyes. They were closed, so she took advantage of the opportunity to look him over close up. His eyelashes were thick and black. His hair was shoulder length and very silky. His skin was surprisingly tanned for a vampire. The short sleeves of his black T-shirt were tight around his biceps. His shoulders were broad, his chest muscular. A tattoo in red and black circled around his neck to his collarbone, but too much of it was hidden beneath his T-shirt for her to make out the design.

  She tried to wipe up the blood on his chin, but the tissue tore against his dark whiskers. “I don’t know how that woman could ever believe you’re gay.”

  He opened his eyes. “I let her believe it.”

  “I would never believe it.” She met his gaze. “I saw the way you looked at me.”

  The golden tint in his brown eyes glimmered like amber. “I never looked at her that way.”

  Caitlyn’s face grew warm. She brushed the bits of shredded tissue from his chin. “Why did you want people to think you’re gay?”

  He shrugged. “It was easier that way. I didn’t have to worry about women pursuing me.”

  She sat back. “Because there are mobs of drooling women stalking you?”

  “In Brazil, yes. There were many beautiful women who would come on to me. It was very tiring.”

  She snorted. “Poor baby.”

  He arched a brow. “The illusion worked in Rio, so I tried it in America. It helps keep women at a distance—”

  “Because their natural tendency is to throw themselves at you? Of all the…” Caitlyn scrambled to her feet.

  He stood. “You’re angry?”

  “More like disappointed. And annoyed. The size of your ego makes the Amazon River look like a—a drainage ditch.”

  “It’s not a matter of ego, menina. It is simply fact. My kind tends to attract women, and I didn’t want to take advantage of that.”

  She hesitated. He could be right. Women might be naturally attracted to vampires. She’d certainly felt an immediate attraction. It was to his credit if he was trying not to capitalize on it.

  He stuffed his bloody tissues in a pocket of his jeans. “I pretended to prefer men, so I could keep myself free from temptation.”

  “And it worked?”

  “Yes.” He gave her an intense look. “Until now.”

  She gulped. Was he thinking about biting her? He had lost a little blood. “If you’re hungry, there are some bottles in the cafeteria.”

  He tilted his head. “I like real food.”

  Did he mean fresh blood? “I thought you were resisting temptation.”

  He stepped toward her. “You’re making it very hard for me.”

  She eased back. “Look, I know you’re really gorgeous and all that, but I’m not going to let you bite me.”

  He halted with a jerk. Anger flashed in his eyes. “I would never bite you. There is nothing on earth that could make me bite you.”

  “What?” Suddenly, she felt strangely insulted. “Are you saying my blood isn’t good enough for you?”

  He blinked. “What?”

  Dammit, it was her childhood all over again. She’d always feared her sister had abandoned her
’cause she wasn’t good enough. Now she was being judged less than worthy by a hungry vampire.

  She tossed the bloody tissue at him. “Suck on your own blood, Carlos!” She stormed past him.

  “Wait.” He grabbed her arm, but she wrenched herself free.

  “Why are you so angry?” he demanded.

  Tears crowded her vision. How could she tell him how much her heart had filled with hope and desire? “You don’t think I’m good enough for you.”

  His eyes glistened with pain. “I never said that.”

  She lifted her chin. “You don’t have to. I know when I’m being rejected.” She turned on her heel to march off.

  “Merda,” he growled behind her.

  She was suddenly whipped around and pulled hard against his body.

  “Oof.” She planted her palms against his solid chest. “What are—” She stopped when he seized her jaw with one hand.

  He leaned forward, his amber eyes blazing into hers. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

  Her lips opened with a small gasp, and his mouth was instantly there. She stiffened, taken aback by the taste of blood and how quickly he’d pounced.

  Then she realized his fingers were gently stroking her neck. His lips were softly moving against hers. He planned to lure her in with tenderness. And it was working.

  His swollen bottom lip pressed gingerly against her. She suspected he was feeling more pain than pleasure, but it wasn’t stopping him. She leaned into him, and with a low growl he deepened the kiss. The sound was so low and exotic, it reverberated through her bones, making her want to melt at his feet. Her heart pounded. Her hands smoothed up to his shoulders, then around his neck. Silky strands of his hair brushed against her forearms, sparking an electric spurt of tingles across her skin.

  “Menina, Catalina,” he whispered as he dusted her face with kisses.

  She moaned and pressed herself against him. The hard ridge in his jeans was unmistakable. Heat sizzled through her and a desperate desire seized her. “Carlos.”

  He growled low in his throat once again, then planted his mouth on hers. The gentleness was gone, replaced by a hunger that made her squirm. She gasped against his mouth when he cupped her breast and squeezed.

  He broke the kiss and leaned back. A stunned look crossed his face when he glanced down at his hand on her breast. He pulled his hand away and stepped back. “What am I doing?”

  “I don’t know,” she gasped for air, “but you’re doing it awfully well.”

  “I—I had no right to kiss you.”

  “I didn’t object. I was actually participating. I thought you might have noticed.”

  “But we can’t…we can’t ever…” He dragged a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”

  Why was he apologizing? Granted, it was the hottest kiss she’d ever experienced, and he was practically a stranger, but it wasn’t a disaster. “Don’t worry about it. This sort of thing happens.” Once every million years.

  He shook his head, frowning. “I shouldn’t have done it. Forgive me.”

  A frisson of alarm shot through her. Did he actually regret the kiss? Did he never intend to kiss her again? It didn’t make sense. He’d clearly wanted her. He’d said so. The hard lump in his jeans said so.

  He turned away, scowling at the ground. “I think you should return to the party. I’ll follow in a few minutes.”

  She considered arguing with him but didn’t think it would work at the moment. He was too upset with himself, too determined to push her away.

  This wasn’t going to be the end of this, she decided. She would visit Romatech regularly to see Shanna and her children. And she would try to see Coco and Raquel again, too. There was no way Carlos could avoid her. If the attraction between them was real, it would grow. He couldn’t stop it.

  “I’ll see you later, then.” She strode toward the cafeteria.

  The noise inside was deafening. Children were chasing each other around tables. Balloons were popping. Adults were in small groups, talking. Every time Constantine opened a new present, a cheer erupted. Caitlyn eased through the crowd till she reached her sister.

  Shanna grinned at her, then her smile faded as her eyes narrowed. “Are you all right?”

  “I need to talk.”

  Shanna took her arm and led her into the kitchen. She poured a glass of water. “You look hot and flushed, which is odd since it’s chilly outside.”

  Caitlyn sipped some water and set the glass on the stainless steel counter. “I’m seriously leaning toward accepting the job with Emma’s security company.”

  Shanna’s face lit up. “That would be wonderful! We would see each other all the time.”


  Shanna studied her sister’s face close up. “You look like you’ve been kissing someone.”

  “Maybe because…I have been kissing someone.”

  Shanna gasped and stepped back. “My God, Caitlyn. You just got here. You’re already—isn’t that kind of quick?”

  Caitlyn gave her an annoyed look. “Believe me, I don’t usually throw myself at men the first time I see them. But these vampire guys…well, they’re really attractive.”

  “Who was it?”


  Shanna’s mouth dropped open.

  Caitlyn reached for the glass to drink more water.

  “Give me that.” Shanna grabbed it and gulped down a few swallows. “You kissed Carlos?”


  Shanna drank some more water. “Are you sure?”

  Caitlyn snorted. “Yes. I did manage to learn his name before I jumped him. I have some scruples, you know.”

  Shanna set the empty glass on the counter. “I want you to stay away from him.”


  Her sister gave her a stern look. “Don’t get involved with him.”

  “How can you say that?” Caitlyn’s temper flared. “Do you think I’m not good enough for a vampire? You’ve got a vampire. Why can’t I have one?”

  “Cait!” Shanna reached out to her. “Sweetie, he’s not a vampire.”


  “Carlos is not a vampire.”

  Caitlyn slumped against the counter. Her attraction to him wasn’t caused by a supernatural allure? She could have sworn he was…special somehow. “He’s a regular guy?”

  “Not exactly.” Shanna winced. “Some of the guys who work the day shift for MacKay Security and Investigation are…different. They’re shape shifters.”

  Caitlyn stared at her sister. The rabbit hole had just reopened. She collapsed onto a stool. “Carlos is a…?”

  “Shape shifter. They can change into animals.”

  Caitlyn gulped. “Like a werewolf?”

  “Phil and some of the boys are werewolves,” Shanna explained. “And of course, Howard Barr is a bear.”

  “A bear?” Caitlyn motioned toward the dining room. “There’s a bear over there? Where?”

  “There.” Shanna pointed at Howard. “A were-bear.”

  Caitlyn touched her brow. “I’m losing my mind.”

  “I should have warned you.” Shanna shook her head. “It just never occurred to me that you would…”

  “Lock lips with the first man to cross my path?” Caitlyn asked dryly.

  “You have to understand. We shouldn’t anger Dad more than necessary. He’s going to be pissed if you take the job with Emma. He’s already furious that I’m married to a vampire. If he finds out that you’re involved with a shape shifter—”

  “I know,” Caitlyn muttered. “He’ll have kittens.”

  Shanna snorted. “No, Cait. You would have kittens. Carlos is a were-panther.”

  Chapter Five

  H ere.” Shanna set a plate of birthday cake and a cup of punch on the kitchen counter, then perched on a stool next to Caitlyn. “The all-natural remedy for coping with stress: chocolate.”

  Caitlyn slipped a small bite of chocolate cake into her mouth.

  “Better?” S
hanna asked with a strained smile.

  Caitlyn nodded. No doubt her sister was worried about her. She’d sat on a stool for five minutes frozen in shock, not uttering a sound. She ate another bite of cake. The rich, gooey texture melted in her mouth, erasing the lingering taste of blood. His blood. From his kiss.

  A were-panther. She’d kissed a were-panther. A Brazilian were-panther.

  She sipped some punch. The last thing she probably needed was a sugar rush. Her heart was already racing. “I’m falling for a giant Mr. Foofikins,” she whispered.

  “Excuse me?” Shanna gave her a wary look.

  She thinks I’ve gone over the edge. “When I was young and you left home, I was…really lonesome. Dylan was always off somewhere playing soccer, and he didn’t have time for a little sister. Mom was always kind, but detached, like she wasn’t quite there.”

  Shanna nodded. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Then why did you leave me? Caitlyn had wanted the answer to that since she was nine years old, but she didn’t ask it now. She was afraid she would hear what she’d always suspected. You’re not good enough.

  “About a month after you left,” she continued, “a little black kitten came to our back door. I loved it at first sight, but as usual, Dad insisted we take it to a shelter. It turned out that the kitten had feline leukemia, and the shelter wanted to put it down.”

  “How terrible,” Shanna murmured.

  Caitlyn’s eyes blurred with tears. “I begged Dad to let me keep it. I told him I had no one to love. So he relented. I adored Mr. Foofikins. I gave him all the love I could, but he died about a year later.”

  Shanna touched her shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

  Caitlyn wiped a few tears from her cheek. “Why don’t you know about him? Didn’t you read my letters? I wrote all about him for months. I even sent pictures.”

  Shanna sat back. “You wrote to me?”

  “Yes. Every week for months. I…I stopped when you never replied.”

  “Oh my God.” Shanna pressed a hand to her chest. Tears shimmered in her eyes. “I never received any letters from home.”

  Caitlyn blinked. “You didn’t get my letters?”

  “No.” She shook her head, her face deathly pale. “I…I thought you’d all abandoned me.”


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