Wild Ride: An M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle

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Wild Ride: An M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle Page 41

by Preston Walker

  After giving Jack a few more strokes, wringing more sweet juices from the tip of his swollen organ, Tristan held the shaft tightly in one hand and leaned over to take it into his mouth.

  Jack screamed and bucked his hips, trying to shove his dick to the back of Tristan’s throat. The pleasure was exquisitely painful, and he screamed again before anything else had even happened. “Tristan!” he cried out, grabbing at the alpha’s hair. “Ah!”

  Tristan’s soft lips wrapped around his member, and he sucked on Jack in a long, deep pull.

  That was more than he could take.

  Screaming again, his hips bucked and his entire body seized up like a statue as a flood of burning warmth poured from deep inside him; the heat shot down his shaft and spilled out right into the alpha’s mouth.

  Jack’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he was completely and utterly lost to the world around him. All he could feel was heat on his skin from the sun, heat inside from his excited blood, and heat shooting in a river out of him.

  How long he was drifting in that state of heat, he had no idea. Sensation returned gradually. The smell of grass. The taste of blood in his mouth from having bitten his lip. The sound of Tristan laughing.

  That last one caught his attention more than the others. Cracking one eye open, he looked around.

  Tristan was still crouching down by his dick, a smile on his face as he laughed.

  “What are you laughing at?” Jack demanded irritably.

  Tristan just kept laughing and waved one hand, gesturing down to between the omega’s legs.

  What did he do to me? Jack scowled, and snuck a peek downwards. There, he saw his shaft standing straight up as though it had never gone down at all.

  “What?” he exclaimed. “But I just... I mean...”

  Tristan spoke brokenly through his laughter. “It’s worse than I thought! You’re so frustrated!”

  “No! I am not! Go away!” Jack said irritably, starting to stand up. He only made it to his hands and knees before realizing that he was still way out of this state of discomfort. Some of the pressure had been eased, but there was still a great deal left to go.

  “I guess once just wasn’t enough. I had no idea that an omega could be so sexual.” Tristan paused, some of the laughter dropping out of his voice. “You know, it’s almost kind of—”

  “Shut up! You’re dumb!”

  “I think we need to try something else.”

  He knew that Tristan was right, although he desperately wished that he wasn’t. “What are we supposed to do?” he said finally. “The only thing left is to...”

  “Do you want to start, or should I?”

  Jack whipped his head around to glare at the alpha, realizing slowly in the back of his mind that he was having sex with a man who looked like a god. He really should have been happier about it...and honestly, now that he felt more comfortable, he realized as well that he was happy. There was a new source of warmth inside him now, and it felt good. He felt like they should have done this ages ago, like this was something that came naturally that he had been looking for, forever.

  That was just the stupid bite mark on his neck controlling his thoughts, but it was true.

  “Fine,” Jack said, growling. “But I’ll do it myself.”

  He heard Tristan take in a deep breath. Jack reached back and slid his fingers down between his tense, tight ass cheeks to feel his opening with his fingertips. His opening already felt relaxed and ready, a sign of just how much he needed this. Pleasure shook through his muscles again as he rubbed over his puckered opening, and then he slid his fingers gently inside himself. Focusing on relaxing even more, Jack slowly fingered himself.

  He hadn’t done this much before by himself. It felt good, but it was hard to reach as deep inside as you needed to go for it to feel great. Really, it was a two-person job.

  His breath starting to come faster, Jack was aware of Tristan shifting around behind him so that he could see better. A low, deep growl rumbled in the alpha’s chest. Suddenly, Jack felt his fingers being pulled away. Biting his lip, he wiggled his rear around.

  Slick, wet fingers probed at him from behind now as the alpha started to finger him. His hands were much larger, which meant the whole process was a little more uncomfortable, but it also felt good to relax and have someone else taking care of what he needed instead of doing it all himself.

  His shaft quivered where it was pointed at the grass of the meadow. “Ah...Tristan...” he whimpered breathlessly.

  Understanding his need, Tristan rose up and placed his hands on Jack’s hips. His touch burned, and he rocked backwards, wiggling around more to encourage the alpha.

  The large fingers having withdrawn, something else pressed fiercely at his entrance and started to slide straight in. Thick and ridged with vein, Tristan’s cock rubbed with exquisite friction inside Jack’s inner walls.

  Panting and gasping, the omega started to rock his hips even harder. Tristan started to move inside him, filling him completely to the brim, shoving at his body as movement became thrusts.

  Squealing now, Jack braced himself on one hand as the alpha’s body pressed against him from behind. Using his free hand, he wrapped his hand around the base of his own shaft and started to tug it in time with the thrusts.

  In no time at all, he felt heat spurting from the tip of his shaft again. Tristan groaned, Jack’s muscles tightening around him. For a moment, the two shifters trembled as one, and then they collapsed apart on the meadow grass.

  Jack felt better. The pressure hadn’t completely abated, and it wouldn’t for the whole time that he was in heat, but he at least felt like a person again instead of a walking dick.

  Collapsed at his side, Tristan let out a low chuckle. “That was some friction,” the alpha murmured in his deep voice.

  Breathless, Jack agreed. He lay his cheek against the cool grass of the meadow and relaxed into the sensation.

  For a single moment, he felt at peace.

  The peace was disturbed when an enormous bear lumbered into the meadow on its hind legs.

  Tristan leapt to his feet, snarling. Staggering upright, Jack pressed himself closer to his mate. Something about their sex made him feel protective; he knew he wouldn’t be any good in a real fight, but he would do his best.

  “You!” Tristan howled. “You’re the bastard who killed my parents and hurt Jack!”

  Calmly, the bear shifted into an enormous man with a hairy face and body. Remembering that he was in heat, Jack shifted still closer to Tristan.

  “At least I am not the bastard who killed the mother of two innocent cubs,” the man rumbled. Jack’s mouth opened with shock. The bear shifter had an even more impressive voice than Tristan.

  “That was a mistake,” Tristan snarled.

  “You are all a mistake,” the bear replied, still with that supernatural calm. “My people are the ones who have killed three of you now, although we should kill dozens more for the atrocities committed against us in the past.”

  Tristan shook his head. “What atrocities? The wolves have never done anything to your kind!”

  “You chased us away from this part of the mountains. It was supposed to be ours, but once you arrived there was no room for us! But I say that it is time we take our lands back. You and your pack have been warned.”

  Jack let out a whimpering little snarl, terrified. He was shaking. All he could think of was the attack, flashes of the darkness pulsing in front of his eyes. The heavy press of dense muscle, the ripping claws... His scar ached abominably.

  Warmth wrapped around his shoulders suddenly as Tristan pulled him in close. Surprised, he lifted up his head to watch the alpha. He didn’t back down one inch. His blue eyes were blazing brightly.

  “What are you called, bear?”

  “My name is George,” the enormous man said.

  That is a surprisingly sedate name for a gigantic man.

  “Well, George,” Tristan said scathingly. “I don’t believe you�
��re any danger to us. You’re just one bear against a pack of wolves. You took a year between attacks. Whatever you want, you’re going to find it very hard to obtain.”

  “Am I?” George growled deeply. He flexed his huge hands. “We were biding our time. Watching you. So carefully. There are many of us, and we will take back this land. I have a message for your people: leave here in one month’s time or else we will be forced to make you leave.”

  With that, the massive man shifted back into a grizzly bear that stood nearly ten feet tall. Its fur was nearly black in coloration it was so dark a brown. Turning around, the bear shuffled away in that distinctive manner that Jack knew only too well.

  When they were alone, the omega turned to look up at the alpha. “You Barrows really screwed things up here, didn’t you?”

  His jab went mostly unnoticed. Tristan was practically burning alive with anger. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something harsh, or sensible, to say that they should get back to the camp and tell everyone what happened.

  Instead, Jack saw in Tristan’s eyes that the alpha was going to use him to blow off some steam. He should have protested, but the wolf spirit inside him responded, and before he knew what he was doing, he had shifted into a wolf and had his tail up in the air. He was ready to be claimed.

  Tristan shifted too, and alpha and omega became one again.

  Chapter 12

  When they were interrupted while having sex, Tristan wanted nothing more than to murder George the bear shifter. His hormones were raging and he could hardly hold himself back, but ambushing an innocent black bear and mauling a gigantic grizzly bear were two very different things. As much as he didn’t want to admit the truth to himself, he wasn’t going to win that fight.

  If he lost, who was going to take care of Jack?

  More importantly, if he died in the attempt, Jack would be left permanently heartbroken.

  For some reason, Tristan just couldn’t bear that. He really couldn’t bear to think of Jack having to suffer for the rest of his life for something that was his fault. He really didn’t mind the omega. He was a good guy, really. It was Tristan’s fault that they were in this situation, and that meant he owed it to Jack to ensure that he lived happily.

  If that meant having sex with him, and not putting himself into a suicidal attack situation, that was just what he had to do.

  Instead of doing either of those things, Tristan turned to the frightened omega clinging to his arm. His grey eyes were wide and conflicted, and his brown hair was all over the place. He looked like a disaster.

  He also looked like he had been through some very nice, rough sex recently and it was sexy as hell.

  Swallowing hard, Tristan looked back towards camp and proceeded to guide Jack onwards. “It’s okay,” he said comfortingly. “You’re with me now, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.”

  Jack looked at him, unconvinced. Despite everything that had happened, the omega was still halfway erect. Tristan could only imagine what was going through Jack’s mind right now. The danger, the sex, the realization that in a couple minutes, he was going to be standing up in front of a crowd of wolves while absolutely naked...

  He supposed that those were all perfectly valid fears, but he did wish that he had some sort of way to take it all away.

  They arrived back at the camp. Agatha was the first one to see them coming, of course. Tristan couldn’t help but to smile inwardly when he saw her on the lookout. She had a very vested interest in Jack, who was her most challenging patient ever; indeed, the doctor seemed to have devoted herself to the omega in a way that made her seem more like his oppressive aunt than a healer.

  Everywhere Jack went, she was sure to be watching out for his return. She was probably just interested in seeing how well he had held up during some...very strenuous activity, that was all.

  “You couldn’t wait to come back until the job was done?” Agatha asked, raising one eyebrow as she saw that Jack was still not completely worked down from being in heat. She raised her eyes up to Tristan, and then her mouth opened slightly as she caught sight of the expression on his face.

  He nodded, very seriously. “We couldn’t. We’ll finish later. Tonight, something very unfortunate has happened and I need the pack for a meeting. Get Paula and Derrick.” He named the mother and the hunter who he had chosen for his council. Paula had whelped not one but six cubs, the youngest of which was two years old. The eldest was twenty. Despite nearing the end of her breeding years, and currently mourning the loss of her husband who had passed away of cancer six months ago, she was enigmatic and like a mother to the entire pack. It was almost a given that she would help guide them through troubled times.

  Derrick was not much older than Tristan himself. He was a brilliant and swift hunter, slender to Tristan’s bulk. Although an alpha, he was not a very dominant one.

  With Tristan’s dominance, Peter’s brilliance, Paula’s experience, Agatha’s knowledge, Derrick’s empathetic ways, and Jack’s feisty nature—when he would actually be able to attend their council meetings, that was—Tristan felt confident that they represented a very broad spectrum of life. There was very little that his council hadn’t seen for themselves.

  This was going to be a new one, however.

  Agatha nodded hurriedly and sprang away on all fours, throwing back her silver head to call out a summoning howl.

  Jack tried to withdraw from Tristan’s arms, knowing that he would only get in the way of the meeting; however, Tristan kept a tight grip on him. His decision was going to be a controversial one to his pack, but he had decided that it was time for his mate to take his rightful place beside him.

  Honestly, he had no idea when or why he had decided that. Maybe it had something to do with their mating. He just felt slightly different than he did before.

  “I’ll just get in the way,” Jack argued, as Tristan dragged him very quickly to the cabin so that they could get dressed.

  Throwing clothes to the omega and tugging on his own, Tristan paused briefly before shrugging. “So? This involves you, too. You’re part of the pack now, whether you want to be or not.”

  “I don’t,” the omega said, but it sounded now like an automatic response instead of one that was truly heartfelt.

  Tristan just shrugged a little bit. “Fine, then. I guess next time you need someone to have sex with you, you can get Agatha to do it.”


  He couldn’t help but to laugh. “I’m just kidding you, okay? Jack, I know you hate me, but seriously, this really does involve you. That bastard hurt you. I can’t just let that go.”

  There was silence for the rest of the time that they were dressing, although at one point he thought he heard Jack murmur, “I don’t hate you,” in a tiny voice.

  Heading back out to the meeting place, Tristan was pleased to see that every single person but for a hunter or two was present. On the other hand, he felt bitter that his pack had gotten so used to being summoned for bad news. That would change when all this was over.

  He knew it would be over someday. It had to be.

  He started to head up to the front of them before realizing that Jack wasn’t following. A low growl in his throat, he reached out and snagged the omega’s hand in his; his fingers were soft, limp, and unwilling in his own. For a moment, anyway. As he went to stand up in front of the pack, Jack’s fingers slowly closed around his.

  Tristan looked out at their faces, and his heart sank. Damn. They were really expecting that he had bad news, and of course that was all he had to bring them. What kind of leader was he if he couldn’t ensure that his people were going to be happy, with bright days ahead of them?

  One thing at a time, he thought. We will get through the storm ahead of us.

  Looking up at the sky for a moment, he closed his eyes and hoped that his parents were watching from wherever they were.

  Then, he opened his eyes again and got down to business.

  “When Jack
and I were out just now, we discovered the cause of my parents’ death and his attack.”

  It was best to just jump right into it, he knew. If he beat around the bush, it would only agitate him.

  Much to his surprise, instead of outraged, the wolves before him just seemed weary. His heart sank a little. Were their spirits really that low?

  Opening his mouth to speak again, he was suddenly interrupted by a scrawny omega teen standing up. Her eyes were very defiant above her swollen stomach. “I’m sorry, Tristan. I understand that this is important to you and that you’re having a hard time getting over what happened, but maybe it’s time to drop your hunt for revenge?” She patted her stomach. “Life needs to go on.” Sitting beside her and looking up at her with love in his eyes was an alpha who was probably her mate.

  I should get to know my people a little better sometime.

  There was no time like the present.

  Quickly, Tristan pulled himself back to the conversation. “You’re right,” he said. “Life does need to go on. It will. But there has been a hurdle thrown in front of us by this most recent discovery. We have to get over it first.”

  The girl frowned but let herself be helped back down to a sitting position by her mate.

  Tristan made sure to meet the eyes of each and every shifter before him before speaking again. “We were interrupted during our...walk by a bear shifter.”

  A ripple of surprise ran through all those gathered. Tristan knew exactly the thoughts they were having. Raising one hand for silence, he continued, “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. There haven’t been bears or bear shifters in Forest Park ever since the wolves settled here.

  “This bear looked to be a leader amongst his kind. He said his name was George, and he threatened me and my mate.”

  For some reason, the words “my mate” felt good and natural on his tongue.

  “He said that our time here is coming to an end and gave me a message to pass on to the rest of you. He gave us one month to leave or else they would make us leave.”

  As expected, the pack was alarmed. Children cried out and had to be calmed by their parents. Omegas looked to their alphas for guidance. Howls split the morning sky.


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