Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 134

by Sarra Cannon

  “Thank you. I wish I could have known her. I’m told she was a wonderful woman.”

  “She was. Come. Sit with me, Rhiannon. I want to hear about you and your life before you came here.” Once she had settled into the chair nearest him, he continued. “I understand Drake is the one who found you and brought you through the dark lands.”

  “He did. Had he been even a day later, he would have missed me. I was getting ready to leave the city.”

  William nodded, then turned to Drake. “I owe you more than I could ever repay in this lifetime, son.”

  Drake approached and shook the man’s outstretched hand. “There’s no debt to repay, sir. It’s an honor to do this for our people.” Admiration and respect warmed Drake’s voice.

  “Come, sit with us, I want to hear from you too. I haven’t had the pleasure of a visit from you in ages, Drake.” The man reproached him as a father would his son.

  Drake sat on the couch facing them, crossing his right ankle over his left knee. “I know. I wish I could have been here more. I’ve spent most of my time in the dark lands, and more recently, in the land of humans. I’ve missed being home.”

  “You’ve done your duty well, son. I’m proud of you.” William turned his attention back to her. “Tell me how you’ve been, Rhiannon? How was your life in the land of men?”

  She couldn’t fail to notice the shake in the older man’s hand, and caught Aiken’s silent plea that she give William a pretty version of whatever she’d been through. She wouldn’t have given him all the gory details, but she made sure to choose her words with care. “I’ve had a good life. My moth—Mariella loved me and took good care of me.”

  “Mariella…” William was thoughtful for a moment. “Yes, she was your mother’s First Lady of Council. She’s the one who took you from Avalore then?” A spark of anger flashed in his eyes. “What’s become of her? Where is she now?”

  “She passed away four years ago.” Her chin rose, and she squared her shoulders. “You should know she treated me like a daughter and did her best to make sure I had all I ever needed.”

  “Though I’m certain she had good cause, I wish she’d left some clue as to how to find you before she left.” As quickly as it had surfaced, his anger dissipated, leaving him smiling. “I can’t tell you how it lifts my heart to have you home. You’ll love living here at the palace. The grounds don’t look their best right now, but you’ll see, over the next few weeks, everything will start to fall into place.”

  “It’s beautiful already. I can’t imagine it becoming more so than it is now.” Tension knotted her shoulders. “As much as I’d like to, I can’t stay here.”

  “Rhiannon has accepted my invitation to stay with me until things are more settled here, sir.” Drake drew the man’s attention to him.

  William’s eyes narrowed. “The Elders won’t approve. You know this as well as I do, so why do you feel it necessary to keep her from the palace?”

  Rhia was impressed. He’d cut down to the root of the matter in seconds.

  “We have reason to believe there’s a traitor in Avalore. The same traitor who caused Queen Angelique’s death remains out there, and until we know who it is, we must assume Queen Rhiannon’s life is in jeopardy as well. As for propriety, sir, my sister will stay with me as well.”

  “Is this true, Evan?” Absolute fury shone in his eyes. “Is someone conspiring against us? One of our own?”

  “I’m afraid so. I’ve suspected it for some time, but we found new evidence proving someone was working with the Ikabrols when mother was killed.” He ground his teeth before continuing. “They have the scymin. Until we’ve found and destroyed it, she’s not safe here. We’ll send a team out to the dark lands to retrieve it as soon as we can.”

  William processed the information he’d been given. “No. She can’t return to Drake’s home. All of Avalore knows she’s here now. They’ll know where to find her if she isn’t at the palace. She must stay here at the castle.” His voice took on an air of authority.

  “I understand your concern, sir, but if the beasts attack, this will be the first place they come.”

  “With the scymin, Drake, no place in Avalore is safe, not even your own home. We need to be prepared. If it’s a battle they’re looking for, this time, we’ll be ready.”

  “Do I get to have a say in any of this?” She tried not to sound too irked for the man’s sake.

  “Of course, Rhiannon, I apologize, I only wish to keep you safe.” William’s deep chuckle drew a surprised look from all four brothers as though the man seldom laughed. “So much like your mother. She didn’t like being told what to do either. What would you propose we do?”

  “If it would make things easier, I guess I can stay, but I want Drake to stay here too.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth, hoping she hadn’t pushed too far, but she couldn’t deal with this without him yet.

  William’s eyebrows rose, but he didn’t question it. “We’ll have rooms readied for the entire Coalition on the ground level. Drake, you’ll need to stay as well, I’ll have a room ready for you in our private quarters near Rhiannon’s suite. It’s obvious she’s most comfortable in your presence.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have asked, but I don’t know if I can do this without you.”

  Drake stood to leave. “I’ll go gather what I need from home and be back before sundown.”

  “What? Dusk is hours away. It’s not even lunchtime yet. I’ll come with you.”

  “I appreciate the lengths to which you’ve gone to make my daughter’s journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible.” William’s red-rimmed eyes drooped, and his skin paled even more in the short time they’d been speaking.

  “You’ll be fine. Evan will make sure nothing happens to you.” Drake shook the older man’s hand then turned and left.

  Aiken took the opportunity to come to his father’s side. “I know you want to sit longer, but you’re looking rather tired. Maybe you could visit some more later. There’ll be plenty of time to catch up with Rhia after you’ve rested.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Perhaps another boost will do this old body some good. What do you think? Are you up for it?” William stood on shaking legs and took his son’s arm.

  “It’s a wonderful idea.” Aiken smiled and mouthed a silent “Thank you” before helping his father back to his room.

  Chapter 20

  Spectacular. There was no other way to describe the view. The majestic mountain, high above the town, was even more breathtaking than when Rhia had arrived at the palace. The trickling waterfall of two weeks ago now flowed in abundance. A fine mist at its base sparkled in the sunlight. Deep, vibrant colors dotted the landscape as exquisite, fragrant flowers bloomed from the lush plants and vines all around them. Even the palace itself had released the oppressive sadness and was now an inviting and joyous place to be. It was hard to believe her presence alone could have such an effect, but she couldn’t deny it.

  Although she spent her mornings with her father, Rhia devoted her afternoons to getting to know the people, both inside the household and out. She’d sit, as she was now, under the shade of a huge, flowering tree and visit with whoever chose to come by. People from the community would stroll into the gardens to see her. Some sat and chatted with her, while others just enjoyed the day, happy to be in her presence.

  True to his word, Drake had come back just before dusk on the first day and had settled into the room prepared for him next to her suite. He was with her all day, every day, except for when one of her brothers was with her, or once she went into her suite at night.

  She should have been thrilled with the arrangement, but she wasn’t. Sure, he was always there in body, but where it counted most, he’d shut her out. He even avoided telepathic communication whenever he could, choosing to speak aloud instead of allowing their mental link to strengthen.

  Every once in a while though, she’d catch him looking at her, as she had just a moment ago, his eyes ab
laze with hunger. It was as though he wanted to slam her up against the nearest tree and fuck the daylights out of her. Now, if she could just get him to act on those impulses, they'd both be happier. Grinning like a fool, she turned her attention back to the conversation between Katie and her friend Chantelle.

  “I can’t imagine how you survived all those years in such a horrid place. Katie told me even the air they breathe is toxic.” The woman wrinkled her nose as though sniffing noxious fumes.

  “Yes, well, it was different, but it wasn’t all bad.” Chantelle was one of those people you just couldn’t help liking. She had the kind of warmth radiating from her that pulled you in.

  Just then, little Maxwell came running, snagged the flower Katie had picked, and took off with it. The sound of his giggles filled the garden.

  “Oh you little rascal, just you wait ‘til I get you.” Katie bolted after him, earning them all delighted squeals as she caught up to the boy and started tickling him.

  Drake, as always, missed nothing. If she so much as moved a muscle, he’d be right there beside her before she was upright. His arms were crossed over his chest, giving her a nice view of his strong arms and chest in the black t-shirt he wore. His dishevelled hair was sexy, just the way she liked, as though he’d been running his fingers through it, which he probably had. He did it a lot when he was frustrated. Maybe she could find a way to help him release some of his tension.

  “Yummy, isn’t he?”

  “Pardon me?” She turned her head back so fast her neck pinched.

  “Drake, Katie’s brother. He’s so handsome. He’s downright sexy.” Chantelle’s gaze lingered on Drake for a moment before turning back to her. “You know, it’s not forbidden to look at men, even here in Avalore. I mean, who can help but notice? He’s scrumptious. I envy the woman destined to join with him.”

  “She’d be a lucky woman, that’s for sure.” She fought to keep her gaze from straying again.

  “Very lucky.” Chantelle’s eyes widened. “I’m surprised the Elders haven’t come to get you to agree to yours. Once you’re settled, I was thinking of maybe calling a spouse too. I’d been waiting, but there’s no real reason to wait anymore, is there?”

  The woman kept chattering, oblivious to the sudden tension mounting inside her. She took a deep breath, trying to keep up with what she was saying, but all she could hear was the loud pounding of her heart, and the blood careening by her ears. Why hadn’t she considered the possibility before? What if The Elders convened for someone else and named him as their mate? Her stomach rolled.

  “I’m sorry, Chantelle, I’m feeling a little tired all of a sudden.” She stood to leave. “Maybe we could arrange something for tomorrow. I’d love to get out of the palace for a few hours.” Searing pain stabbed through her head, then was gone, leaving Rhia wondering if she’d imagined it.

  “Yes, of course, Queen Rhiannon.” Chantelle beamed. “Maybe we could take a picnic lunch by the waterfall? I’m sure Katie would love to come.”

  “Please, call me Rhia. If we’re going to be friends, you can’t keep calling me that.” She took a slow deep breath, scanning the area around them for anything amiss. “A picnic sounds wonderful.” Drake came to stand beside her, his brow furrowed.

  “Is everything okay?” His deep voice slid over her like silk.

  “I’m just a little tired.” She was lying through her teeth, and she had the sinking suspicion he knew it, but she couldn’t very well tell him what had upset her.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Chantelle smiled at Drake before leaving to join Katie where she sat talking with Max.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Nope, he hadn’t bought it. “I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind.” What would he say if she told him just the thought of him being with another woman made her want to hurl?

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  Pain burst through her head again and then disappeared. “Do you feel anything odd? My head. It hurts.”

  “I’m taking you inside.” His hand at the small of her back urged her into the direction of the castle.

  “I’d like to have a picnic by the waterfall tomorrow.” Keeping the pretense of the conversation going, she scanned the area just as she knew Drake was doing.

  “That’s not a good idea.” Did he even know he was growling?

  “It’s just a picnic. It’s not like I’m asking to go unescorted, you can come and bring all the troops if you want to. I’ll have the cook prepare enough food to feed…” She stumbled, her legs weak all of a sudden. “Drake…” Her head began to spin. Pain fractured her thoughts.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?”

  The fine hairs on her arms stood on end. “I don’t know. It’s weird.” She shook off the dizziness. “I don’t feel any Erritrols, but something isn’t right. I’m being attacked somehow.”

  He didn’t wait to hear more, grabbing her hand, he turned to take her inside.

  “What the hell is going on? Tell me what you’re feeling.” He scanned the area.

  “Pain. In my head, and I’m weak.” Her stomach lurched.

  “Inside. Now.”

  “Wait, if they’re here, wouldn’t it make sense to stay and try to figure out who it is?” She wasn’t a big fan of pain, but it wasn’t intolerable. They still weren’t any closer to finding their traitor today than they had been two weeks ago. This could be the break they needed to figure it out.

  Another low growl rumbled in his chest. “Damn it. Stay close to me. If I say we go, we go.”

  Evan appeared from the front of the building, striding straight to them. His furious energy hit her like a brick wall as he approached. “What’s going on?” His jaw clenched as Drake filled him in.

  Rhia shuddered. Whoever ended up on the wrong side of Evan’s anger wouldn’t fare well. Even though they’d not known each other for long, he’d taken the role of overprotective big brother to a whole new level.

  When Drake attempted to release her hand, she held on tight, refusing to relinquish it, and if he assumed it was because she was afraid, then so be it. She wasn’t ready to give up the only skin on skin contact she’d had with him since they’d come to the castle.

  “Just concentrate on the source. Try to pinpoint its location, and let us do the rest.” Evan fell into place on her left side as all three started to walk around the garden.

  The energy was faint, but it was there. She turned towards the front of the castle grounds. “That way.”

  “Stay with her, I’m going to check it out.” The moment she let go of Drake’s hand, he shot through the air in the direction she’d pointed, leaving her staring at his retreating figure.

  “I guess I should go back inside.” Bile rose in her throat and her head spun, blurring everything and everyone around her.

  “Rhiannon, Queen of Avalore. You think to come here and reclaim what is mine. You will not succeed.” A woman’s shrill voice intruded in her mind.

  “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Rhia tried to open her mind to Drake and Evan, but met nothing but pain.

  She stumbled again. Had it not been for Evan’s quick reflexes, she would have fallen to the ground.

  “Soon, all of Avalore will know my name. They will bow to me instead of cowering in their homes craving your light.”

  “Rhia, the energy’s not right. I need to get you back to your suite. Will you let me take you there?” His eyes widened when he looked at her. He didn’t have to hear the words to know something was wrong.

  Unable to speak, she’d nodded once, then before she could register his intention, Evan swung her into his arms and shot straight up into the air.

  A bright flash of red exploded where they’d been standing. The impact rattled the windows and had everyone in the garden scurrying to get away.

  “You can’t hide forever, My Queen. We shall meet again, and when we do, you will die.”

  How had she garnered the woman’s hatred? She didn’t even know her.

  Evan took her through the castle so fast everything was a blur. She didn’t have time to think about objecting. She hadn’t realized they were already at her door until her feet touched the floor.

  Markus and Aiken came running just as Evan opened the door and ushered her in.

  “I’m going out there to find the bastard.” Evan didn’t raise his voice but his fury crackled in the air. “Markus, you stay here with Rhiannon. Aiken, you come with me. Drake’s already out there, tracking.”

  Finally able to speak again, Rhia blurted, “Wesken was right. It was a woman’s voice that came into my mind.” Another stabbing pain had her hands flying to her temples.

  Evan stopped dead in his tracks. “What do you mean?” His cheeks flushed deep red. “Why did you allow her in at all?”

  She stifled her groan and raised her eyes to meet his. “She didn’t give me an option. I didn’t let her in, yet she was able to speak to me.”

  Pale blue flames licked up his arms so fast, had she blinked, she would have missed it. “What did she say?”

  Aiken led her to a winged chair and helped her sit.

  She rubbed at her arms to ward off a sudden chill. Had Evan not sensed the danger, they would have taken a direct hit, and either one of them, if not both, could have been killed.

  “She wouldn’t tell me who she was, but she said she wanted me dead.” She took a steadying breath. “It’s done now. The pain is gone.” Okay, so it wasn’t gone, but it was ebbing.

  Evan’s fists clenched at his sides. “You’ll be safe here in your suite. Markus will stay with you.”

  Aiken placed his fingertips on her temples. “I’ll just give you a little relief from the headache before I go.”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need rest. Be careful out there.”

  Ignoring her words, Aiken shook his head. “You know I can’t allow you to suffer when taking your pain is such an easy task.” Soothing heat seeped from his fingers to her head, easing her pain almost immediately.

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him before shooing both he and Evan out the door. “Go find her.”


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