Torn (Life Tree: Master Trooper 1)

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Torn (Life Tree: Master Trooper 1) Page 10

by Alexa Kim

  He picks me up and carries me inside. The familiar scents of the house envelop me, and I acknowledge that I’m already considering this bungalow my home. The home I share with Torn.

  He carries me into the bathroom, and I blink confused. “What are you doing?”

  Torn puts me down and starts peeling off my clothes. “They touched you, Larona… I don’t want to smell them on you.”

  “Oh,” I reply slightly embarrassed, although I have no reason to be. I realize I still haven’t fully adapted to Torn’s divergence. Having another man’s scent in his territory, which includes me as well, must bother him.

  He guesses my thoughts correctly and kisses me softly on the lips. “Not your fault, doll, but it stresses me out. I feel like I have the enemy in my house.”

  I let him put me in the shower, and lay my hand on his chest. Torn holds his breath for a second, then moans softly. Instantly, a bulge grows in his pants.

  “Come in with me,” I plead.

  I don’t have to ask twice. Torn pulls the dirty shirt over his head, unbuckles the weapons’ belt, and drops his pants. His bulging, hard erection strains towards me. He scrubs me head to toe, then I do the same to him. His cock pokes demandingly against my belly while I lather his chest.

  “Being without you almost drove me mad,” he murmurs.

  Torn devours me with such a hungry gaze, my abdomen tightens in response. His hands travel from my shoulders to my boobs, where his fingers slowly draw circles around my nipples. I can feel how much control it takes for him not to pull me closer. Instead, he bends down for a long, thorough kiss. His tongue tangles with mine while his hands slowly travel down, to my stomach, then farther between my legs. I gasp when a finger of his parts my folds, then presses against my clitoris. Boldly, I caress down the length of Torn’s wet smooth torso until his balls rest heavily in my hand. They are hot and drawn tight.

  Torn growls through clenched teeth. “Baby… I wanted to take it slow.”

  But I’m in a very daring mood, so I crouch down until his cock is level with my eyes. The veins running underneath the skin look ready to burst, and so does the glistening red head with the warm water washing over it. I stroke over the sensitive tip with my tongue, teasing the slit until a drop of precum appears. At the same time, I gently massage his balls.

  Torn braces his hands against the shower stall, his eyes closed. Only when I close my lips around the tip of his length do they snap open, and he stares at me in fascination. His muscles coil as he starts slowly thrusting into my mouth.

  “So hot… I could just come in your sweet, tight mouth,” he rasps strained, and I feel my core pulsing with the need to feel him inside me.

  Torn lets me play for a while, but then I see the familiar sparkle appear in his eyes. His natural dominance demands satisfaction, and he’s taking over. “Enough,” he growls and pulls back. A moment later, he pulls me to my feet, then spreads my legs apart. He pushes me back against the shower tiles, and rams into me with a single thrust.

  For a moment, I close my eyes as stars dance before them, because it feels like I’m being violently torn open on the inside. My body needs to get used to him again first.

  Torn holds my gaze. I can see he’s fighting the urge to simply satisfy his own needs with this. “Sorry, doll… I really need to just fuck you right now.”

  My nails dig into his neck, but I feel my body slowly accepting his intrusion. My butt slaps against the wet tiles when Torn pulls out just to thrust right back in. He growls quietly as he thrusts faster and harder, my body smacking against the shower wall with every motion. My insides are on fire… I know I’ll be sore tomorrow, but I want him anyway, and my body reacts with untamed lust to Torn’s unrestrained passion. This time, I don’t even need stimulation on my clitoris to come.

  “Torn… yes… don’t stop!” I cry out, close to tears, when I feel myself teetering on the edge of orgasm.

  Torn obliges. With another hard thrust of his hips, he catapults me other the edge to a release so intense I scream and cry at the same time.

  “Just like that… Now tell me what I want to hear! Who do you belong to, Larona?”

  “I belong to you,” I whimper, still helplessly floating on the waves of my release.

  Torn slams my body against the wall with one last powerful thrust. I can feel his cock pulsing inside of me, filling me with his cum while he keeps me pressed against the tile. He is breathing hard, and gazing at me possessively. “That’s right, darling. I own you… I keep you safe, and I need you. Never forget that.”

  He presses his lips to mine, slowly coming down from his high. It’s a hard kiss, holding all the frustration and desperation of the last two months. In that moment, I know I don’t ever want to be anywhere else, only with Torn… Forever.



  “Your pregnancy is coming along well, Larona. Do you have any problems? Nausea?”

  I shake my head, but I don’t want to count the chickens before they’re hatched. After all, there isn’t even a slight bump visible so far. Yet everyone seems to be in agreement that Torn’s and my child will play an important role for the future development of Terra Alpha. He will be the first to be raised by his parents, and Crow is already using Torn and I as a shining example to illustrate that genuine relationships between women and Troopers are possible. He says that time will bring together what belongs together. Basically, we’re all stranded on Terra Alpha together, and now we have to make the most of it. Return to Earth isn’t possible, neither for all the women nor the former Life Tree employees. Some, like Leslie, have changed camps, deeming the Troopers taking over as a chance to set their lives onto a new course.

  Crow pokes his head through the door. “Leslie…? Are you done?”

  “Not yet… and we agreed that you’d stay out of my hair while I work. The lab is only for patients,” she answers slightly irritated.

  Within seconds, enough tension is crackling through the room to make my fingers tingle. Crow’s blue eyes have this typically pissed-off gleam I know very well from Torn. His brain is currently sending the “chosen object of desire is trying to defy control” alarm, so his hormonal levels skyrocket… and boom! That happens frequently, especially in the beginning, when the dynamics of the relationship aren’t quite settled yet – and things are obviously far from settled between Leslie and Crow.

  “Okay… I’ll wait…” Crow leaves, closing the door behind him.

  Honestly… I’m impressed by his level of restraint. Torn was way less demure when it came to me – but I’m a totally different type of woman than Leslie is. Still, I’m concerned for my friend. Crow is acting like a watchdog… She is rarely allowed to go anywhere by herself.

  Torn doesn’t share my concern. He tells me Crow is just in a difficult phase right now. On the one hand, he has to establish his new position as leader and Alpha. At the same time, he has to claim his chosen mate, haul her off into his cave, and convince her it’s exactly what she wants and needs. That’s how Torn explained it to me. It’s better not to overthink, and just accept that those men simply have very primal reactions to particular stressful situations.

  That being said, I think Leslie has made quite a catch with Crow. He is, without exaggeration, a particularly handsome specimen of his kind… and despite being only twenty-five and the youngest in his unit, he’s very mature in his mindset.

  I offer Leslie a cheerful smile. “It’s going to be fine.”

  When she looks at me, I see the doubts in her eyes. “Are you sure? Because I’m not.”

  It’s not a question whether she likes Crow or not, because she does… a lot, actually… that much is obvious. But it must be very traumatic for her. A moment ago, she was head of Life Tree’s INBREED program, where she could make everyone jump through hoops at her whim – even Crow – and suddenly he’s staking a claim on her as a mate, without any regard for her wishes, or so it seems. That she actually does want him, and that he would never have
chosen a woman who doesn’t give off the necessary signals, are both things she still has to understand and internalize.

  Leslie gets up from the chair she’s been sitting on while we were talking. “Well… at least everything is okay with you, and you’re happy with Torn.”

  I nod, feeling butterflies fluttering in my stomach. If anyone had told me a few weeks ago that I would be willingly living with the Trooper they forced me to have a child with, I would’ve considered them clinically insane. Yet, that’s how it is now. With Torn, I feel safe in a way I never did with Trake… in a way no regular man is able to provide. There isn’t anyone more loyal to their partners as those men who were meant to be nothing but unfeeling killing machines. Leslie is working on undoing the gene manipulation that only allows for male offspring. Maybe one day my son will have a partner who is genetically similar to him.

  However, it’s a simple truth that a society still has to be established on Terra Alpha first, and something like that takes time. Kryo has cut off communication with Earth for now, and works with some former Life Tree scientists to upgrade the planet’s defense system. Nobody knows how UG will react when then find out that they have lost Terra Alpha and project Life Tree. Will they just leave us be? Or will they aim to sweep everything under the rug by attacking Terra Alpha, trying to eliminate us all?

  Despite those troubles on the horizon, there are also good developments. We can properly sustain ourselves. On Terra Alpha, you only have to put a grain in the ground and it will sprout. We are learning to grow fruit and vegetables – something that hasn’t been possible on Earth for over a hundred years, unless it’s done with artificial substrates in special green houses.

  I like working with plants, and it’s become my job. Kryo always delivers new seeds for testing and cultivating to me in Sector A, and I even started to cross-breed with fruits and plants native to Terra Alpha. Leslie helps me out by checking everything unknown to us for toxins. I only start experimenting with it after she deems it safe to consume. I already managed to cultivate a delicious cross-breed of a tomato and a native fruit. Leslie said I have a green thumb, and I think she might be right. I guess I would’ve never found it about it if I was still on Earth.

  When we leave the examination room, Torn is already waiting for me. We are pretty relaxed with each other now. His dominating nature is mostly restricted to the bedroom, with some exceptions. His inner beast is probably pacified because I’m pregnant, since his claim on me couldn’t be any clearer.

  Torn pulls me close and kisses me. It’s easy for me to lean into his embrace now.

  I cast an empathetic glance to Leslie who is obviously stiff and uncomfortable when Crow drapes an arm over her shoulders. However, there are two other Troopers present – and one of them is Strike.

  I just recently had the questionable pleasure of making his acquaintance. He’s not very popular, not even within his unit, and he’s definitively waiting for an opportunity to take on Crow. I don’t like him. There’s something about him that scares me… an air of aggression and anger. I’m not surprised Crow is staking such an obvious claim on Leslie in Strike’s presence.

  I look at Torn, but he subtly shakes his head. “I can’t help Crow with that, and you can’t help Leslie… Besides, I’m sure they don’t really need our help.”

  He’s grinning with so much confidence that I believe him. Torn’s hand moves further down onto my butt, and I squeal a bit when he squeezes and try to twist away. Immediately his arm wraps around my waist, and I hear him growl softly.

  I shoot him an accusing glare. “Everyone could see that.”

  A glint of deepest contentment lights up his eyes, and I realize that was his goal all along. So I haven’t tamed my Trooper yet, after all.

  Torn guesses my thought. “A part of me will always remain unpredictable, doll… so stay sharp.”

  He winks at me and heat pools in my belly without my permission. I know this man will neither change nor stray from his path – and that’s exactly why I love him.

  Dear readers,

  the Master Trooper series is meant for all who like their romance reads to be a little more archaic, rougher, more dominant. Although they are clearly romantic stories, they contain ideas of SM, of dominance and submission.

  If you don’t like those concepts, you are better off with another series.

  Yet to all those of you who want to dive into a world of dominance and submission with strong alpha males and an archaic eschaton plotline – enjoy!



  Life Tree – Master Trooper 2


  Crow has a lot on his plate as the new head of Sector A. Young and inexperienced as he is in his leading role, he still has to prove himself as a capable Alpha. Especially Strike is challenging him for rank.

  Yet Crow is adamant about asserting his position, because only as Alpha can he finally have what has been out of his reach for so long – Leslie, a doctor and former head of Life Tree’s INBREED program.

  Unfortunately for him, Leslie herself doesn’t make it any easier. Three years his senior, she still regards him as the young Trooper who qualified for INBREED. In her book, that’s two reasons not to let him into her bed.

  When Strike catches on to Crow’s weakness and abducts Leslie, both men are out for blood…

  Leslie is traumatized. In the blink of an eye, her world was turned upside down. She has gone from being a self-confident woman and head of INBREED to being property of a Trooper.

  Although she likes Crow and feels drawn to him already, she simply cannot forgive him for trying to make her submit only so he can strengthen his position as Alpha and leader. Moreover, there is this secret she keeps… the reason she left Earth. If Crow were to find out, he would certainly cast her aside – a bitter experience Leslie has been through before. No, she’d rather ignore her feelings…




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