Hunger of the Heart (White Buffalo MCs Book 1)

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Hunger of the Heart (White Buffalo MCs Book 1) Page 13

by Trinity Blacio

They signaled to him, and he continued. “I saw a white buffalo. It was in my vision quest. A sign that life’s sacred loop is beginning again. Once more, we finally have purity of the mind, body, and spirit. There will be no white, black, yellow, or red, but one nation of survivors. It is a sign, an omen for the poorest people who have given up hope that change is coming. That hope and good times will once more be strong in our people. The story goes like this.” Running Wolf moved through the tables of his men as he spoke. “One summer, a long time ago, our ancestors met and camped together in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The sun was blazing down on them that afternoon. People were starving. Children were too hungry to play or laugh. Two young warriors went out to try and find something for the children to eat, at least. The Lakota were a strong people, and proud. The two young warriors were hunting when a strong young beautiful woman dressed in all white appeared in front of them. ‘Return to your people and tell them I’m coming,’ she said.” Running Wolf stopped.

  Julie and Kizzy stared at him, waiting.

  “This was no ordinary woman, but a holy one. She presented our men with a sacred pipe and showed our people how all things are connected. The rocks upon which we walk, the grass the animals eat, and the plants we consume to keep us going. She taught them some of the mysteries of the Earth: how to pray and follow the right path while here on this land. As she was leaving, she moved upon the ground four different times, changing color each time before turning into the white buffalo calf before she disappeared. The change of colors were white, yellow, red, and black, representing the color of man as well as the four directions north, south, west, east. When she left, great herds of buffalo surrounded our ancestors’ camp. As long as they stayed true to what they’d been taught, the buffalo were plentiful. until….” Running Wolf moved to sit down.

  “Now you know the history of the white buffalo.”

  “If I’m not mistaken, one of your brother’s bison just had a white buffalo born to one of his females, didn’t he?” Julie asked her husband.

  The judge’s head snapped up. “He did, but about three weeks ago, it was slaughtered out on the highway by someone.”

  “The same highway we were on?” Soaring Eagle said. “The blood of her gift was taken back. I hate to say it, but I kind of feel sorry for these Irons. They have sealed their fate.”

  Kizzy took a sip of water. “You know, since the Irons are in the town where we are going, where Dark Horse is to start his quest or whatever you call it, do you think maybe they know what is coming and are waiting to stop us? Or maybe they want to create a home for their families?”

  Soaring Eagle leaned back in his seat. “Kizzy, my dear, you are way too smart, but you might be right.” He looked at Dark Horse at the next table, pointing his knife at him. “If this is the case, you will have to cleanse the place, but…. You’ll have help. I just don’t know who it will be.” The old man’s lips moved without any sound for a moment. “Sorry, that is all I know. Sometimes this gift can be a pain, as your woman would say, Running Wolf.”

  They all laughed as the waitresses came into the room, bringing their dinner.

  Chapter Twenty

  “There is a point early in one's joining where a bond is formed between the wife and husband. The souls touching, becoming one.” Running Wolf, President White Buffalo MC

  All night Kizzy had admired the way her husband handled everyone around him. While talking with others about their plans, Running Wolf seemed to know where she was at any given moment. He and his men weren’t like other biker groups. At least that was what she believed.

  Sure, they wore leather coats, their hair long, and rode bikes, but these men were warriors. They were out there to help the innocent and fight for those who needed the extra help. Each man had a talent, Kizzy was learning, as she had moved through the group after dinner, talking with some of his men, getting to know them. It was about time, too, since they had all come to help her and her friends.

  After eating and comparing notes, Kizzy and Running Wolf said their good nights and made their way back to the hotel.

  She leaned back in the shower, rinsing her hair and allowing the pulsing water to ease some of the tension in her muscles. Kizzy had asked Running to join her, but he had smiled and run one of his fingers down her cheek, saying, “I need to get things together. You go and take your time.”

  “What the hell did he mean by that?” Kizzy turned the water off, knowing she wouldn’t find out until she stepped out of the bathroom.

  Kizzy had left two towels on the rack, and her T-shirt she slept in, but now there was only one towel and no T-shirt.

  The door opened to reveal Running Wolf leaning against the doorframe. He had taken off his shirt, his hair was free of his braid, and the only thing he had on were the black leather pants with the top button undone.

  Running Wolf had no hair on his chest, like most full-blooded Native Americans. The man before her was on the hunt, and, from the look in his eyes, he had just caught his war prize.

  “Running Wolf?” She stepped out of the tub-shower carefully and wrapped the towel around her body as best as she could. It was hard to find towels that covered her full figure.

  “I think I’m going to add big bath towels to my list. I hate these small ones. They always open up when I move,” she mumbled and finally broke away from his stare. “Did you take the other towel? I’d like to dry my hair with it. As it is, it’s going to take a while for it to dry.”

  Kizzy slowly lifted her head. He held out his hand to her.

  Tonight, was different than their wedding night. This man would demand her obedience. The Master was now front and center, just like in one of her erotic novels.

  Kizzy placed her hand into his. “Good girl,” was all he said, but it felt as if the sun shone down, lighting her world.

  Running Wolf pulled her to him and placed a kiss on the top of her head before wrapping his arm around her and guiding her into the room. One of the chairs from the table sat in front of a full-length mirror. A towel covered the seat, but Velcro straps circled the arm rests and front legs.

  She swallowed as he led her to the chair, stripping her of her towel. He laid it on the back of the leather chair. “Sit, please.”

  Kizzy hated to be in front of a full-length mirror naked, but she did what he asked. Kneeling, Running Wolf reached up and cupped her cheek. “Tonight, is all about trust and making our bond stronger. I know you understand some of what is going on, but let me explain. I am a Master. I expect full control in the bedroom and sometimes out of it. Is that understood?” He stuffed a pillow behind her, scooting her ass to the edge.

  Her hands started to get sweaty, even after the shower. “Yes, Master.”

  “Very good.” He stood, taking the arm closest to him and Velcroing it to the armrest. “Any time what I do makes you nervous, say yellow and we will pause and assess the situation, but if anything hurts, you will yell red. Then everything stops. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Master.” The words came out easier the second time as he ran his hands down her left leg to her knee. Running Wolf reached over to the dresser behind him and grabbed a piece of rope, tucking it under her leg then around the metal part to the armrest spreading her open. “This won’t be too tight. I don’t want bruises on your body unless I put them there.” He fastened her ankle next. “How does this feel? Too tight?”

  Her mouth dry, Kizzy licked her lips. “No, Master,” she squeaked.

  He stood and disappeared behind her then returned with a bottle of water. “Take a drink, please.”

  “How did you know?” She reached for the bottle, but he shook his head, taking her free arm and putting it on the armrest.

  “I will hold the bottle. And I know because I recognize the signs. To be a Master or Dom, one must pay close attention to one’s subs or slaves.”

  She frowned while taking a drink.

  “I know you are not a slave, but I believe you are very close. I’ve been studying y
our actions. Am I wrong?” He took the water bottle away and placed it on the dresser then hooked the Velcro around her arm and grabbed another piece of rope.

  He spoke the truth. Even when she had been furious at him, Kizzy had sought his guidance on things. Ever since that first day after she had been hurt, Kizzy had looked toward Running Wolf. It had been natural for her. Even though Kizzy had only known him for a few days, Running Wolf had slipped past her defenses.

  “How? I sit here and remember everything, and I don’t know how I could do this. I’ve never accepted someone so quickly.”

  After securing her, Running Wolf cupped her face and kissed her lips before placing a hand over her heart. “Because we were born to be together. Our souls were meant for each other. I need to care for you, give you everything you need. Your pleasure, pain, food, and anything else you crave. Right now, your pussy lips are wet, your nipples are hard. Even though you don’t like the mirror in front of you, you have allowed me to place you there because you trust me Kizzy. You know I would lay my life down for you. That is how much I love you.”

  No one since her parents had given her unconditional love. She closed her teary eyes, trying to get her emotions under control.

  “No, Little Gypsy. open those beautiful eyes let me in.” Running Wolf kissed each lid.

  A few tears rolled down her cheek. He carefully wiped them away and, moving behind her, he took a brush from the table and started to carefully work all the knots out of her hair. His eyes never left hers in the mirror. “Now tell me how you feel?”

  His beautiful wife sputtered, and Running Wolf had to hide his smile. He would break her of her habit of burying her feelings. “Now, Kizzy.”

  “Overwhelmed, like a part of me has been hidden that I didn’t know was there. Questioning myself as to how quickly I accepted all of this.” She lowered her head, and he reached over her and smacked her pussy lips with the brush.

  She jumped.

  “Keep your eyes on me, and I have explained the reason why this was so quick. We were born for each other. Your heart and soul were waiting for me. I’m afraid you’re getting hurt. All those emotions hit you hard.” He spoke close to her ear. “Never doubt yourself, Kizzy. Sure, we all make mistakes, including me, but we learn from them.” He sucked on her ear lobe then bit it before standing up and starting to braid her hair. For what he had planned, her hair would need to be bound. “I’m waiting.” He smacked the side of her right breast then pulled her chair back a few feet, giving him the room he’d need for his playing.

  “I trust you more than any person, except my parents. Maybe even more than my brother. I’m afraid, Master.”

  Taking in every movement, he slid his hands down and cupped her breasts. “You are not the only one who is afraid, Little Gypsy. I’m afraid I will fail to protect you again, that I’ll lose you to some crazy off the street. I’m afraid I don’t have what it takes to lead our people, but fear is good. It means we are always changing, looking for ways to improve ourselves.” He placed a kiss on her neck then sucked her skin, marking her, claiming what was his.

  His lovely lady was about to have little hickeys all over, along with stripes from his flogger. He kissed the mark he had left, rolling her nipples between his fingers, pinching them. “Your skin marks so easily. I can’t wait to see how you take to my flogger.”

  She sucked in her breath, and tiny goose bumps rose on her skin. Running Wolf kissed a path down her chest to her nipple, sucking it into his mouth, loving the taste of his woman.

  Running Wolf put a series of marks on her breasts then all down her stomach. Kneeling between her legs, he took a deep breath. She smelled sweet, and her pussy glistened with the desire that he had created.

  He reached up and separated her pussy lips. Her little clit was swollen and needy, but it would have to wait as he licked all around it, not touching it. He slid a finger down and pushed it into her, enjoying her reactions to his touch. Kizzy’s head fell back, and she moaned.

  The little spot inside her was easy to find with his finger. Her whimpers only made his cock ache, and the need to carry her to the bed to take her was strong, but he would not do that yet.

  He pulled his finger out and sucked the juices off it before pushing the chair back a little more. It was time to play a little. Running Wolf stood. Her skin was flushed, his Little Gypsy’s eyes glazed over. He went to the spare bed and dug into the bag he carried on the back of the bike.

  “Where did that come from?” Kizzy tried to focus on what he was doing.

  “It’s your back rest, from the bike.” He pulled out the lube, the plug he had picked up for her. “Tonight, you’ll wear this. I want to get you ready to take me.” Running Wolf moved back between her legs, lubing his fingers.

  “Running Wolf?” Her voice shook.

  He kept his gaze on her as he slowly slid his finger into her ass, working the lube in deep. “Relax. Take a deep breath.”

  “Relax while you have your finger is in my ass? Were you smoking some of that home-grown stuff?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “To truly love someone is to trust them enough to stick things in places where they don’t belong.” Kizzy, Running Wolf’s wife.

  Kizzy was all about the Master and submitting to her man, but when his big fat finger breached a place no one had ever touched, his Little Gypsy was ready to dance on his damn head and not the one he thought with. “That was not very nice, and you’re glaring at me?”

  He smacked her pussy hard, his hand covering the spot he had hit. The heat from the pain of his smack, his finger now all the way inside her…. Kizzy never experienced so many conflicting feelings.

  “Have a little trust in your husband.” His fingers slid out of her ass and something cold and slimy pushed into her. “This little toy will start the process of opening you back here. So one day you will be able to take my cock. Maybe I’ll fill your pussy with a toy and fuck your ass.” He stopped talking and sucked her clit into his mouth, nipping it then lapping away the sting.

  She was just about to come when her sadistic husband pushed the big ball thing all the way into her ass, denying her orgasm. “You—”

  He stood and grabbed a flogger then brought it down on her right breast. “Not a word, unless you need to tell me to slow down, say yellow, remember? Or if something hurts my Little Gypsy or you have a cramp, yell out red so I know to help you.” He traced the area he had hit with his fingers. “You mark so pretty.” Running Wolf placed a mark on her other breast and didn’t stop.

  Her skin was warm, and she needed so bad. The flogger touched everywhere, all around her pussy, which seemed to ache with need. She writhed, attempting to move.

  “Easy, love.” Running Wolf lifted her up and carried her to the bed. “You’re so wet,” he mumbled, placing kisses down her stomach. He cupped and squeezed her breasts as he moved between her legs. “I can’t wait, Little Gypsy.” He brought her hands above her head. “Hold on to the headboard, baby, and don’t let go.”

  She looked up at her warrior man, his cock rubbing against her pussy lips.

  “You’re so wet and needy.”

  “Please,” she begged, but didn’t have to wait long as Running Wolf thrust inside her. “Too much!” Kizzy whimpered and released the headboard.

  He bit her breast. “Put them back.” He licked away the pain of the bite.

  “How are you?”

  “K, betterrrr,” she said as her ass started to vibrate. “What’s that?”

  He did not answer her question, just moaned and started to move in and out of her. “Damn that feels good. I won’t last long.” Her skin tingled each time his connected with hers. “I want to touch you please.”

  Running Wolf nipped her chin. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on, Little Gypsy. We’re going to fly.”

  He was right. In a matter of seconds, the vibration increased, and Running Wolf reached between them and rubbed her swollen clit. “Come!” he growled, his thrust hard and qu

  Kizzy screamed into his mouth as he covered her, kissing her, tongue dancing with hers, making love to her mouth as he did her body. Tears rolled down her checks, she trembled, and grabbed hold of his shoulders, burying her nails into his skin. Never had she felt so close to anyone. Her heart was bare as was her soul.

  Running Wolf broke the kiss, staring down at her. “Oh, Little Gypsy.” He gently rolled over, holding onto her as she cried, her orgasm slowly dying down as his seed filled her. “I’ve got you, my wife, love. Know I will always be beside you, making sure you are cared for.” He rubbed her back. “Sleep, little Kizzy, sleep. Tomorrow will bring a new day and another miracle addition to our lives. Our little girl will rest in your arms soon.”

  She closed her eyes. “I love you,” Kizzy whispered, meaning it, knowing he was her life.

  Running Wolf straightened the room, being as quiet as he could, his wife still sleeping. He had awakened her in the middle of the night, possessing her again and taking out the butt plug.

  Her little glares had made him hard as a rock, and Running Wolf hadn’t planned on taking her again, but his little submissive needed to learn, especially on the road they were taking. Her acceptance of his word would be important.

  “Hmm, I think I like the stare I was getting last night better than that frown,” she mumbled, peeking up at him. “What time is it?”

  “We have a little time before we have to go.” Running Wolf placed his bag on the other bed before covering his wife with his body. “So you like me staring at you, do you?” He uncovered her breasts for his view and sucked her nipple into his mouth. “Too bad we don’t have enough time to continue this, but tonight, honey, we will continue your training.” He sat up, resting a little bit of his weight on her hips as he ran his finger around her nipple.

  She sat up and ran her hands over his chest. “You’re dressed.” Kizzy tried to pull his tank top out of his jeans.


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