Wayward: St. Croix Falls Book 1

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Wayward: St. Croix Falls Book 1 Page 4

by Melody Personette

  By the time she finished looking over every shelf, she and Angelica met back at the stairs. Mia balked at all the stuff in Angelica’s basket and then the meager amount in hers. “I can’t afford all this,” she said at last, gesturing at the many couch pillows and wall decorations and little nick knacks in Angelica’s basket and then her own. Mia had also found a cute yellow and black pillow with the Batman symbol on it. That was definitely going on her bed.

  Angelica looped arms with Mia as they headed up the stairs. “Don’t worry about it. It’s on me.”

  “No, I can’t ask you to do that. You already bought like everything that’s now planted in my front yard.”

  “Don’t worry about its Mia. My parents kind of have a lot money and they don’t care if I throw it around sometimes. Or a lot of the time,” she said with a wink.

  Mia grimaced. She didn’t like the idea of someone buying practically everything that decorated her house, but she knew there was no arguing with Angelica. What Angelica wanted, she got. “Fine, but I’m taking you out for ice cream or… whatever you have around here.”

  Angelica laughed as they came to the top floor and headed to Hazel. “There is an ice cream place and I certainly would not turn down some pistachio.”

  “Good. Hey, I forgot my phone in the car, I’ll be right back. I just want to make sure Mom didn’t call me or anything.”

  “OK,” Angelica said already turning her attention to Hazel.

  Mia was halfway out the door when she paused, hearing a snippet of their conversation.

  “Do you really think this is wise?” Hazel whispered, leaning in close to Angelica.

  Mia frowned. She knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop but…

  “I have it all under control Hazel, promise. I won’t let anything happen.”

  “You can’t promise that. She shouldn’t be here. And what about the trees? Things don’t feel right. They haven’t felt right since they arrived. That can’t be a coincidence.”

  “We’ll figure it out. We always do,” Angelica whispered.

  Hazel said something back, but Mia couldn’t hear it, their voices dipping even lower.

  Unnerved by the odd conversation, Mia left and instead of going to the car she headed to the Strange and Unusual store. She hadn’t lied to Angelica. She had left her phone in the car, and she would get it in a minute. Right after she took a peek inside the shop. Glancing around, though she had no idea why, it wasn’t a crime to enter a store; she opened the door and stepped inside. A chime of bells rang over her head as the door shut. She stepped in, feeling like she had been transported to another world. The walls were decorated with a gothic black wallpaper with purple bats and flowers decorating it, giving the room an edgy and strange vibe. Shelf upon shelf lined the room and some of the walls. A massive glittering crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling giving the room a mysterious hue.

  To her left was a black desk which was empty all except for a laptop and a few papers and several crystals. Mia walked over to one of the shelves, eyes scanning over the contents. There were lots of herbal remedies like Angelica had said. Only these weren’t the kind used for the common cold or to keep bugs away. These bottles were labeled with things like Nightmare Away. Truest Love. Night of Dark Sorrow. For Your Enemies and Courage in a Bottle.

  Mia frowned, picking up one of the bottles from the shelf labeled Wards Against Evil. The pinkish contents of the bottle shimmered when she swished it around, making it look like fairy dust. She set the bottle down and picked up a different one, this one the deepest blue she had ever seen. When she held it up to the light, it glimmered even more than the pink one. The label read: Homesickness Be Gone. Mia could use some of that.

  She brought the bottle back down in front of her face and started to unscrew the top when someone cleared their throat behind her.

  Chapter Five

  Mia spun around, her eyes widening when she came face to face with a tall handsome guy. He couldn’t be any older than in his late twenties in ripped jeans and a black leather jacket. His black hair was spiked up in a purple tipped mohawk and a single diamond stud glittered in his nose. More studs, black and metallic-colored, lined both his earlobes. “Can I help you?” he asked, his voice smooth and velvety.

  Mia swallowed and quickly removed her hand from the cap of the bottle. “Um, no, sorry, I was just looking. I’m new to town and your store looked interesting.”

  The man flashed her a feline smile. He walked over, plucking the bottle from her fingers and holding it up. “You miss home?” He held the bottle with the label facing her.

  Mia flushed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Maybe a little. These are just natural remedies though, right? With funny names?”

  “Sure, that’s what they are,” he said, his eyes scanning the shelves. For a split second, Mia thought she saw his eyes flicker from their dark brown to the yellow of cat eyes but when she blinked, they were back to normal.

  “Ah where are my manners,” he said after a moment. He held his free hand out to her. “My name is Cillian. And you are?”


  His smile widened. “Well what a pleasure Mia. Feel free to roam my store any time. And this,” he said, handing her the bottle once more, “is on the house.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t,” Mia said, holding the bottle out.

  Cillian waved his hand at her. “No, no, that’s a welcome to St. Croix Falls present. I hope you find this place most… enchanting.”

  Mia frowned but glanced down at the bottle and then realized it would be rude not to thank him. She smiled up at him. “Alright, well thanks…”

  “You are very much welcome. Come, come, why don’t I throw in one of my famous crystals huh?” he asked. He didn’t give her much of a choice when he gently touched her shoulder and spun her around. With his hand on the small of her back, he led her down the shelves to near the back where a whole array of multicolored crystals sat.

  Cillian pulled a maroon crystal from one of the upper shelves, this one small with jagged edges. He held it out to her until she took it. “This one,” he said with a nod. “This one is for you.”

  Mia frowned, glancing down at the crystal. “What’s it for?”

  “Oh, all sorts of things,” he said, taking it back from her and heading to the front desk. Mia hurried to keep up with his long-legged strides. “Helps with sleep. Decoration. Accessorizing. The color is perfect for your complexion.”

  Mia smiled, her cheeks heating. Not a lot of people noticed. Maroon was her favorite color for that very reason. It made her pale-ish skin stand out and look prettier than it really was. Cillian took a seat behind the desk and started rummaging around drawers until he produced a tiny silver bracket and a silver chain that glowed like moonlight. His fingers worked nimbly as he set the crystal inside the bracket, fixing it in place and then attached it to the silver chain. With that finished, he grinned with satisfaction and held it up. The crystal swung between them. “Perfect. Put it on and let’s have a look,” he said, nodding at the necklace.

  Mia set down her bottle of homesickness remedy and unclasped the chain. She fastened the chain behind her neck and then glanced down. “So, this is supposed to help me sleep?” she asked, doubt filling her voice.

  Cillian grinned like a cat, twining his fingers together beneath his chin. “Yes.”

  “Hmm…” was all Mia said. Even if it didn’t help her sleep, the crystal did look pretty on her.

  “You don’t think it will?” he asked, cocking his head.

  Mia shrugged. “I don’t really believe in that sort of thing…”

  “Well, I think you’ll come to see it my way in time.”

  That made Mia smile. “You’re unusual, you know that?”

  He gestured at his store’s front window where the name was printed in white lettering on the glass. “The Strange and Unusual lines my shelves. Only fitting that the one who sells them be a bit strange and unusual himself.”

  “I suppose so,” Mia said
just as the bells above the door chimed and Angelica appeared. Her face all scrunched up, she inched over to Mia and hooked her arm through hers as if she couldn’t stand to be too close to Cillian.

  Cillian’s smirk only widened when his eyes landed on Angelica. “Little Angie. It’s been quite a while,” he purred, leaning forward with his eyebrows raised.

  Angelica flashed him a bitter smile. “Yes, well, I’ve been busy.”

  “So I’ve heard. Care for a sleeping draught that promises dreams of contentment? Or perhaps one of my infamous broken heart remedies?” He gestured lazily at the shelves.

  Angelica’s expression pinched, and she pulled Mia toward the door. “No thank you, I think I can do without.”

  “For now…”

  Angelica’s eyes narrowed, glancing at Mia who was beyond confused about what was happening. What was up with people in this town and having a thing against Angelica? She didn’t seem half bad to Mia. Sure, a little overbearing and control-freaky but other than that she was a total sweetheart. To most people anyways.

  “We have to go,” Angelica said.

  Cillian waved his hand, eyes flicking to Mia. “Of course. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mia.”

  Mia offered him a smile. She wasn’t sure what was between him and Angelica but that didn’t mean she had to be rude. “It was nice meeting you too. Thanks for the, ah, remedy and necklace.”

  “My pleasure. Just a little warning for next time you find yourself in my shop though, the next purchases won’t be free.”

  Mia grinned even as Angelica continued to yank her toward the door, her friend already half outside. She waved. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She saw Cillian wave back before the door shut in her face. Even then, Angelica didn’t stop dragging her toward the car.

  Mia scowled and yanked free of her new friend’s iron grip. “Hey, chill. He was just being polite,” Mia said, walking on her own to Angelica’s convertible.

  “Don’t let yourself be fooled by Cillian’s benevolent appearance. He isn’t as friendly as he seems,” Angelica said as she got in the car.

  Mia winced when Angelica slammed the door as she slid into the passenger seat. “I don’t see the big deal. He seems nice enough.”

  “He’s the honey that captures flies. Just… watch yourself around him.”

  Seemed Mia had to watch herself around a lot of people in this town. Rhett. Angelica. Cillian. Was there anyone she didn’t have to watch herself around here? They drove in silence a block through town before Angelica finally puffed out a breath and glanced at Mia. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be so snippy and like, controlling or whatever but I’m being serious. Cillian is bad news.”

  Mia appreciated her caring enough to warn her. Even if she didn’t think Cillian could possibly be bad news that didn’t mean Angelica had to know that. So, Mia offered a peace offering in the shape of a smile and nodded. “I get it. Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure to remember that.”

  “Good. So… what did he give you anyways?”

  Mia shrugged, holding up the crystal around her neck. “A crystal necklace he was oddly cryptic about and a remedy for homesickness.”

  Angelica’s eyes widened the same time that Mia made a doubtful face. “I don’t think I’ll use it, though. There’s no such thing as a cure for homesickness.”

  “Cillian likes to think there’s a remedy for everything in his shop,” Angelica offered with a tight smile before pulling into a parking spot in front of the white painted ice cream shop.

  “I could tell,” Mia said and decided it best to change the subject. She didn’t want to step on Angelica’s toes again and put her in a bad mood. “So, any plans for this weekend?”

  Angelica was more than happy to change the subject. She prattled on about a party at the waterfall in the woods on Monday, and she already had to start thinking about the upcoming end of school dance preparations. Mia happily listened to all of it while they ordered their waffle cones of double scooped ice cream. They decided to take it to go since they had a lot of decorating to do according to Angelica. While Mia paid, Angelica went to wait in the car.

  Mia thanked the man behind the counter and was halfway out the door when she bumped right into someone. Her ice cream cone smashed all over the person’s V-neck t-shirt. Mia gasped, drawing back. “Oh my gosh! I am so…” the apology died on her lips when she saw who it was that stared back at her with incredulous eyes and a scowl on his lips. Rhett. What were the odds?

  Mia’s lips turned up involuntarily. “Never mind. I’m not that sorry.”

  His scowl twisted into a smirk as he stepped back and tried to wipe the ice cream away, making it spread even more. “Cute.”

  “I think so. That’s for calling me a bad driver.”

  “Even if it’s true?”

  “Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s the impoliteness of calling me one.”

  “That’s some messed up rationality.”

  Mia shrugged, taking a lick of her half-gone ice cream cone. “I don’t really care. If you’ll excuse me, I have more important things to do than talk to you.”

  Rhett glanced up at her. Those green eyes threatened to steal Mia’s breath away and make her heart try to pound out of her chest. But then whatever nasty little remark he’d been about to say seemed to die on his lips when his eyes snagged on the crystal around her neck. His hand jerked out and grabbed hold of it. Mia gasped, stumbling forward and knocking into him. Her hands splayed against his chest to steady herself. Rhett did nothing to right the situation. He just stared down at her, down at the necklace with an intensity in his eyes that made butterflies riot in her stomach.

  “Where’d you get this?” he whispered, nodding at the necklace.

  Mia scraped together the ability to say words. “Um… Cillian.”

  His eyebrows pressed together. “From Strange and Unusual?”

  Mia nodded, her eyes traveling from his gaze to his kissable lips and then back up at those eyes she could totally get lost in. Was getting lost in. He had the attraction of Angelica, only his was more… more everything. Like he was one of those super magnets and Mia was the biggest piece of metal in town, forced to collide with him.

  “Why’d he give it to you?”

  Mia shrugged and managed to pry her hand from his chest. She took a step back. He let the crystal fall back to her chest but made no move to give her space. The intensity of his gaze grew. “He said it was a welcome to St. Croix Falls present,” she murmured, reaching up and touching it. It felt warm against her skin.

  Rhett’s eyes narrowed the same as Angelica’s had. Actually, he got the exact same pinched expression and suspicious glare on his face that Angelica had when Mia mentioned Cillian. “Did he say what it was for?”

  Mia shrugged. “For sleeping.” She seriously wanted to know what was up with everyone in this town? No one seemed to like anyone here.

  “Hmm,” was all he said.

  “What does that mean?”

  “What?” he asked innocently, his smirk returning to his lips.

  “You know what. That ominous ‘hmmm.’”

  He shrugged. “Maybe I just like saying hmmm.”

  “That’s a stupid answer.”

  “So is being mad at me for telling the truth about you being a bad driver,” he shot back, eyes now dancing with laughter.

  Mia scowled, her grip on her ice cream cone tightening. “Whatever. Angelica’s waiting for me in the car. I have to go.”

  She started past him, but he grabbed her arm, stopping her halfway so he could lean in. His cheek brushed hers and left warm tingles against her skin. Mia pressed her lips together, acutely aware of their faces’ closeness.

  “I thought I told you to stay away from her,” he murmured, his breath caressing her ear.

  “I guess I didn’t introduce myself correctly then,” she said back into his ear without moving. His body tensed at her words. Mia liked to think it was because her proximity had the same ef
fect on him that his had on her. A smile kicked up her lips at the thought. “I don’t blindly listen to whatever someone tells me. I prefer to make my own choices.”

  “Well,” Rhett said, his grip on her arm tightening. He angled his head to the side, so they were eye to eye. She felt the curve of his smile against her chin, making a shiver run down her spine. “I guess I’ll just have to find another way to prove to you that Angelica isn’t your friend.”

  Mia resisted the urge to close her eyes and turn her head, so their lips touched. That was all it would take. A single tiny movement of her head and then she would know what he tasted like. If he tasted like the forest, the way he smelled. Musty and leafy. While her body – and if she was being honest a part of her mind – told her to take the leap, the rest of her realized how bad of an idea that would be.

  She pulled free from his grip and flashed him a rebellious grin. “You can try,” she said to his narrowed gaze, “but here’s the thing about me. The more someone tells me not to do something, the more likely I am to do it. So have fun with that.” She gave his shoulder a good shove as she passed him by and strode to Angelica’s car.

  When she got into the car, Angelica gaped at her, eyes wide and questioning. Waiting for her to explain what had no doubt been quite the scene between her and Rhett in front of the ice cream shop. Before Angelica could get a word out, Mia slumped in her seat and buckled up. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she mumbled.

  “OK then… Just as long as you know what you’re doing there,” Angelica said as she pulled out and headed down the street.

  Mia glanced in the car’s mirror and found Rhett still watching from the sidewalk. Her traitorous heart skipped a beat. Yeah… she had no idea what she was doing when it came to her new neighbor. Either of them.

  Chapter Six

  Angelica stayed late Saturday night, helping Mia decorate the house with their new purchases. They ended up ordering out dinner together and watching a movie. Around ten-thirty Angelica reluctantly went home but assured her she would be over on Sunday. Mia made her promise not to come till after ten. She needed her sleep.


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