Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series)

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Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series) Page 1

by Ambear Shellea

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking a chance on Rock n Roll Promises, Book # 1 in the Rock n Roll Paraphantasy

  Series. My hope is that you fall in love with this series and its characters as much as I do. I

  encourage any and all comments or ideas that you might have, so, please feel free to connect with me. Here is my website links:

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  Also, be sure to stop by websites and Goodreads, for all the giveaways! There is usually one each month! Stay tuned, we will be having a giveaway for a book necklace.

  Happy Reading, AmBear Shellea

  Rock n Roll Promises

  Book 1

  YA Edition

  Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series By AmBear Shellea

  Editor Tabitha Short

  Cover artist Airicka Phoenix Copyright 2013 © AmBear Shellea Chapter 1

  This is nice.

  A soft glow illuminated the room due to the sporadically lit candles. The flame light bounced off the curtains framing the bed. She noticed the walls were a deep maroon color until halfway down then they were a beige color beneath white trim. The cream carpet was plush and added softness to the area. The bedroom was small but perfect for the task.

  Her silk teddy moved easily upon her frame as she walked to the bed.

  Big and comfy!

  The black sheets felt like silk against her body as she crawled on her hands and knees to the big plush pillows at the end of the bed. Her long, brown curls played around her shoulders when she moved. They were as soft as the sheets beneath her. Her nerves pricked at her skin and her pulse raced when she heard his footsteps down the hall.

  Now or never. Here he comes and a promise is a promise.

  Her heart raced in anticipation. The big fluffy clouds of white cotton shook slightly in her nervous grasp as she snatched them up and stacked them against the headboard. She rolled onto her back and posed playfully upon the pillows. She wore exactly what he had asked for: the dark red and black teddy.

  Her cleavage sat mounded high upon her chest, barely covered with the satiny fabric. Under her bust line, the fabric cinched together in a laced pattern and ran all the way down her stomach, making a V-shape between her thighs. Black stockings covered her legs up to mid-thigh and fastened to a black garter belt.

  I hope he likes my heels. I think they set the outfit off nicely. Oh, how I love six inch spikes! With her left hand above her head and the right one on her inner thigh, she waited for the door to open.

  I hope this is over quickly. I know I can handle this, but I would definitely be happier to endure less of him. The creaking sounds of the opening door filled the room.

  Thank God, he is ready. Finally!

  The door swung wide and there he stood, tall, buff and fresh out of the shower.

  Oh, la la! This might not be so bad after all. His clothes hid the sexy beneath them. He was but a few heartbeats away. With her eyes fully focused, she traced his frame. Shadows cast by candlelight played upon his tanned skin. His broad shoulders moved his muscled arms slightly as he walked closer. Streams of water ran from his dark black hair down his sculpted chest and slid the length of his frame, down his stomach, flexing his tight abs as he moved. Strong hips and toned legs carried him to the end of the bed. His clean, shaved face was smooth and it softened his hard features.

  Chocolate mousse eyes...gorgeous. Bad boy all the way. His body is so hot, I bet I could fry eggs on those abs.

  “I have waited a long time for this, Anna.”

  “Let’s get this over with, already. I hope you don’t plan to bore me the whole time.”

  He can never know how much I have always wanted this. Ugh. My stomach is now in knots. I can do this, just focus on his body, that should help. Oh and he looks good. I just want to throw him down and lick his rock hard stomach.

  Small waves of heat caressed her ankles as he slid her shoes off her feet. Tossing them to the side, he bent down and delicately kissed each of her toes. Two small pops echoed through the room when he opened the clips holding her hose. His coarse hands felt soft as silk when he placed a hand on each side of her leg and gently slid her stockings off. Fire ignited inside her body and caused her heart to beat faster and her pulse to speed up. She eyed his every move.

  He climbed onto the bed, and slowly crawled toward her. A shock wave swam down her spine when he leaned down and kissed small patterns on her neck.

  Oh my God, that feels good.

  Hot air from his breath mixed with wet kisses, coated her cleavage. Will power fading, she struggled to keep control. His teeth grabbed the fabric holding the bodice together. She watched as his eyes rolled toward her face and he smiled. She jerked a bit when he tugged the laces with his teeth that held the garment closed. Gently he pulled the rest of the laces out and slid the garment off, tossing it on to the floor.

  For crying out loud take me already!

  Cool air danced across her skin, causing goose bumps to spread across her body. A lusty smile crossed his lips before he kissed her.

  Oh, minty!

  As she kissed him she felt his hand move down her stomach and back. Her breath escaped her chest in heavy bursts as a moan passed her lips.

  Flames of passion danced within her and swam through her veins. Ecstasy rippled through her body, wave after wave. Pleasure bells rang in her ears and she tingled all over, leaving her light headed. Her skin was sensitive, and it seemed as if all the hair on her body swayed in the breeze from the open window, adding to the excitement. The sound of his beastly moans filled her ears and let loose the wild animal she had locked away.

  The bed screeched along the floor as she followed his lead, her tired and sweaty body crumpled onto the bed. Her head rolled to the side as she looked at him. She noticed his body fashioned as much sweat as hers. His eyes were closed and he rested his hands on his chest as he tried to catch his breath.


  Her eyes squinted against the light from the windows as she flung the covers over her head. She pushed and shook Jaxson in an attempt to wake him.

  “Wake up, Jaxson! Get up and close those dang curtains.”

  “Huh? What is wrong, Anna?”

  Huddled under the blankets, she placed a hand on his face and spoke softly.

  “The curtains…close them.”

  “Why? I thought the light didn’t bother you.” “I won’t fry, if that is what you are referring to, but it doesn’t mean I’m a morning person. I don’t like sunlight before I have had my morning coffee.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. How about after I close the curtains I go make some coffee?”

  “That would be nice, thanks.”

  Snuggled on her side of the bed, she watched him move closer and tried to kiss her. She raised her hand to his mouth with one hand and covered hers with the other.


  “What? I kissed you last night. Oh, sorry, morning breath?”

  “That was last night. You got what you were promised and yes, partly morning breath.”

  “Anna, come on. You don’t expect me to believe this was all just for some promise. You enjoyed yourself and you and I both know it.”

  “That is beside the point. The answer is still no.” “Then what was point of last night?”

  “We made a deal. I promised you could have this one night in exchange for your silence.”

  “BS, you know I wouldn’t tell anyone. I have known your secret for years and I
have kept it without…your promise.”

  Rolling over swiftly, she threw the covers off and marched across the room for her bag, too angry to notice the bright light. Her heart beat against her chest, and her breathing got faster. Plush carpet underfoot and halfway to her bag, she rounded on him.

  “What exactly did you think was going to come of this? Did you think you were so good I would just turn to Jell-O and forget all the reasons why this won’t work?”

  “No, I didn’t, and it can work, if you would just try.”

  “How can it work? You know what I am.”

  She took a step back as she watched him hurl himself off the bed and stomp in her direction.

  He is sexy when he walks in clothes, but now…

  Shaking her head, she dislodged the lustful thought and focused on the problem. Jaxson! Two steps closer and she would end up in his arms.

  Focus and control.

  Turning away from his nakedness, she walked the remaining distance to her bag in the corner; dropped to her knees and grabbed her clean clothes.

  “Anna, please just listen to me. I know what you are probably better than you do.”

  “Good, then you know vampires can’t have human mates. Well, not without serious


  “You can say that all you want, but it’s not true. You are not a vampire.”

  This was a bad idea. I should have just had Angus glamour him or something. He is like a dog with a bone.

  Denim sliding against her thighs, she pulled her pants up and fastened the buttons. She reached for her bra, put it on and threw on her soft T-shirt. As she tugged the shirt into place she pulled her hair from the collar and then looked at him.

  “I’m not? Then what am I?” She moved her hands as she spoke. “Because all this time spent thinking I was a vamp, whew, that time was wasted. Thanks for your enlightenment.”

  “No need to be snarky, you know what I mean.”

  “No, I guess I don’t. I thought you understood.” “In the technical sense you may be a vamp, but not really. You’re more like a super human.”

  “So now I’m wonder woman?”

  “Anna…let me make some coffee and we can sit and talk. At least give me that.”

  “Fine, but only because I need coffee…and music. You have any rock lying around?” “I have plenty of rock: AC/DC, Heart, and Metallica, just for you. See, told you I knew you.”

  “You don’t know me that well! You forgot Motley Crue and Poison.”

  ‘No, they are actually in the player. I have them for me—I bought the others for you.”

  “Oh, so are you going to make coffee naked?” “Actually I am. I always go around the house naked unless I have company.”

  With her hand on her chest she said, “I’m company.”

  “If you can’t handle seeing me naked, just say so and I will put on some clothes. I wouldn’t want you to be… uncomfortable.”

  Just great! Charming, sexy, and a cute coy smile…what have I gotten myself into?

  She sighed deeply, and with her hand on the bridge of her nose, she tried to relax. Raising her head, she glared at him.

  “Put some dang clothes on, I’ll make the coffee. Perve!”

  Laughter filled her ears as she strode passed him and out of the room. Pulling the door shut, she walked down the hallway in hunt for the kitchen, coffee and rock music.

  I have to find a way to make him see the truth or I will never be rid of him unless I leave

  permanently. I really love it here in Faytown, so let’s just hope he sees reason.

  She stopped briefly in the living room, grabbed the remote, and clicked the ON button. “Talk Dirty to Me” by Poison blared through the speakers and rattled the windows.

  Figures it would be that song. He is a perve!

  Her feet padded across the carpet as she headed for the kitchen.

  Dang, the tile in this kitchen is cold.

  Up on her tiptoes, with her hands on the doorknobs, she searched the cabinets for filters and coffee cans. She was focused on finding her fix, so she didn’t notice the music drop several levels. The loud clatter of banging cabinets filled the kitchen when his unexpected voice sounded in her ear and caused her to jump.

  “The coffee and filters are in the pantry.”

  With her hand on her chest, heart pounding against her palm she said, “Jesus, Jaxson, you scared me. Warn me next time.”

  “I thought that turning down the music was warning enough.”

  “It probably would have been, if I had been paying attention.”

  “Here, sit down. Let me get it. It will be faster that way, it is my kitchen and I know where everything is.”

  “Fine.” She walked over and sat on the bar stool.

  Her elbows rested on the marble and her fingers thrummed the counter. She watched him scurry around the kitchen gathering materials to make coffee.

  He had to put on just PJ pants without a shirt. What a tease. It’s working. This is going to be battle I am not sure I will win.

  The sound of percolating coffee filled her ears and she inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet aroma of fresh, hot goodness.

  French Vanilla Blend, he just might know me after all.

  She watched the muscles in his back flex and move as he reached into the top cabinet and grabbed two mugs.

  And tall coffee mugs, too.

  She tried to avoid eye contact when he handed over her morning fix. Mug in hand, she pressed her lips and blew the steam from the coffee. She turned her eyes up and started the conversation.

  “So, talk. You have a two-cup time limit. When I finish the second cup, I’m leaving.”

  “Drink up. Let’s review the facts. Fact one: Yes you were bitten, but you are not a vamp...”

  “How do you figure? I was turned. Trust me, I know. I was there.”

  “Alright, you were bitten and turned, but you don’t act like a vamp. I mean, you don’t feed off people or even animals. As I far as I can tell you don’t feed off blood at all. Your body relies on food, just like any other human.”

  “But I’m not any other human.”

  “I know! I know you, Anna, you may not think so, but I do. You can quiz me if that is what it takes.”

  Dropping her arms, but not her gaze, she set the cup on the counter.

  A test? That’s wonderful. This will solve my problem easily. If he knew all there was to know, he wouldn’t be so hell bent on being with me.

  “Okay Mr. Know-it-all, here is your first question. When was I turned?”

  “Australia, 1973, New Year’s Eve, in a small bar where I believe a new up-and-coming rock group was playing. That is the night you met him. He bought you drinks. You danced, talked, and partied until almost dawn. Three hours before dawn you left with him and went back to his apartment. The party continued there and you ended up sleeping together. Before the sun had risen, your life changed. When you fully awoke a few days later, he told you of what happened. So, I guess technically you were turned New Year’s Day, 1974.”

  “How did you know that?” “I’m correct, then?”

  “Yes, deadly accurate, but answer my question. How did you know?”

  “I told you I know you. Ask another one.” Anger flashed through her faster than the coffee.

  “No, tell me how you knew. I have only told one other, my best friend, Paige Hendrix, and I know she didn’t tell you.”

  “No, she did not. Someone else did.”

  “Who told you?”

  “I will answer that question last. Any more questions you want to ask?”

  “What is the name of the man who turned me?”

  “Sebastian. No last name. Tall, muscular, faded black jeans and a white silk button up shirt with only the bottom three buttons fastened. Well, that is what he looks like now a days.”

  “How do you know about him?” “We will get to that later. We are not talking about me, next question.”

  She sipped the coffee and th
ought about what to ask next. Where is he getting this information? I have to find out. I am just going to have to play along for now. Her body warmed, but her muscles felt tense and her mind settled into unease. This should throw him off.

  “Why do I drink coffee?”

  “Two reasons. One, you are a sucker for French Vanilla and two, it warms your body so you can pass for a regular Joe. Your body temp will feel like everyone else’s. Keep them coming, I will refill your cup for you.”

  Dang, boy has done his homework.

  She eyed him suspiciously as he moved around the bar and refilled her cup. Sliding off the stool, she retraced her steps and went to the bedroom with Jaxson hot on her heels.

  “What are you doing? You haven’t finished your second cup of coffee yet.”

  “I’m getting my stuff. I’ll be leaving soon. I have a few more questions for you and then I want to hear how you know so much.”

  “Come back to the kitchen, sit down and ask away. I will not shy away from anything you ask.”

  She stared into his eyes and saw the truth of his words reflecting back at her. Her heart pounded in her ears and her pulse quickened. I can’t fall in love with him, it won’t work.

  Sighing, she dropped her stare and bent over to pick up her bag. She strung it over her shoulders and walked around his frozen frame and watchful gaze as she headed back to the kitchen.

  The sunlight through the windows danced across the walls in the living room as well as her skin.

  So warm and bright.

  She crossed to the stereo and flipped open the player. She snatched a CD from the pocket of her bag, popped it in the player and pushed play. She turned the dial to raise the volume and “Country Song” by Seether filled the room.

  The lyrics played in her ears and her heart matched the beats of the song, causing her feet to tap and her body to fill with energy. With heat on her skin, eyes closed and her breathing even, she stood statue still in the center of the room. Every hair and every muscle danced to the same beat as the music pounded through the speakers.


  Instinctively she spun, her hands wrapped around flesh, she picked it up and thrashed it onto the floor.

  As light as a feather.

  With her teeth clenched and a growl in her throat, she refocused her eyes to find chocolate mousse staring back at her.


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