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Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series)

Page 7

by Ambear Shellea

  “What do you mean?”

  “As you know, it is true vampires don’t age. So based on the fact that you heal slowly, as opposed to instantaneously, we assume you will age, but very slowly.”

  “Well, I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing. I have to say I like the strength thing. I have never really been strong.”

  “Speaking of strong, you do realize both times you attacked Sebastian today, he let you? He is over two hundred years old. He’s learned a thing or two.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t really think about it. I just acted.”

  “There is a lot you need to learn. As I said, it will be OK. You will adjust to this life and be able to blend in and have a semi normal life.”

  “Thank you, Jack.” She stared at him, caught in his chocolate mousse eyes. They held wonder and compassion. She felt herself lean forward and kiss him. She pulled away quickly and covered her mouth as she scooted to the end of the couch.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what has come over me.”

  “It is OK. Perhaps that is your vampire craving. If it is, I will warn you, it is not safe to reject it.”

  “I don’t think it is. I think it is a human thing. I was upset and you were comforting me…your face was so close…I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize.”

  She fell into him when he pulled her close. Her head on his shoulder and her eyes closed, she listened to the music rock in the background. She blocked everything out and let the tunes fill her mind, body, and soul. It was invigorating. Her mind felt dizzy and her body seemed light as air. It mixed with her inner calm. She could feel it vibrate her skin and meld into her bones. Lost in the rocking sounds of Bad Company, she never heard the front door open and close.


  She jumped and opened her eyes in shock. There in front of her stood her best friend. Tall and lean with bright blue eyes and hair the color of hay, she looked just as flabbergasted.

  “Paige! What are you doing here?” She turned to Sebastian. “Did you turn her, too?”

  “Calm down.”

  She glanced behind her to Jack. “No, I will not calm down. Ruining my life isn’t enough?”

  “He brought her here for you.”

  She slapped her leg. “Great, just great!” She rolled her eyes back to Sebastian. “You think I was ticked off before? This takes the cake. Why did you think this would make me happy?”


  She ran to her friend and hugged her close. “Oh God, Paige, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know-“

  Held at arm’s length, she looked at her friend when she spoke. “Anna! You have to calm down. No one turned me. I’m not a vampire, but I have known Sebastian a long time. He came and got me so that I could help you.”

  She pulled away and took a few steps back.

  “No, you can’t be here. What if I hurt you?” “If you will chill out and listen, I will explain why that’s not an issue.”

  She grabbed her friend and pulled her farther into the room and away from Sebastian. “OK. I’m listening.”

  “As I said, I’m not a vampire. I am a Weretiger, a white one.”

  “What the…A were what?”

  “Weretiger. You know, a white tiger. I can change from human to a big white cat.”

  “I get what it is…I mean I know what a white tiger is; I just don’t understand how you can be one. I have known you my entire life.”

  “Remember that summer between eighth and ninth grade when I suddenly went away?”

  “Yes, because we were supposed to spend spring break in Orlando and you never showed at the airport. Your mom called before we boarded and said you had a family emergency. She said you and your father had left in the middle of the night and it was too late for you to call me.”

  “Well, that’s not what happened. The only accurate things my mother told you was the fact I was with my father and it was a family emergency. The rest…”

  “OK, so what happened?

  “I changed that night for the first time. It was unexpected and we ran. Usually it’s the first born who gets the gene. I’m the third child. When my older siblings didn’t change, my parents assumed since my mother was a normal human, it canceled out the gene, but obviously not. My father was the first in his family to fall in love with a human. No one really knew, they just guessed.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “I was sworn not to. I’m only telling you now because you are now part of the supernatural, paranormal, or whatever you want to call it, world, and, of course, Sebastian came to me and said you were really freaking out.”

  “So I can’t hurt you?”

  “Not really. I mean, if you really tried maybe, but I’m certain that I could hold you off until you came to your senses. I will be here to help you. Now that you know, I will be around so much you will get tired of me.”

  She looked around the room and everyone looked at her. She met each pair of eyes and stayed on Sebastian’s the longest. Diamond size tears fell from her cheeks. Having Paige indeed made her feel less alone.

  “Thank you, Sebastian.” Chapter 7

  “Now remember, Anna, I will be back around two, and Sebastian isn’t due back until dawn, so you will have the apartment all to yourself.”

  “Actually, I think I’m going to go out. There is supposed to be a new band playing at the bar down the street. I figured I would check them out.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready to be out alone?”

  “It has been two years, Paige. I’m fine now. I am in control and aware of what I crave now. I think I will be OK. I’m just going to the club around the corner.”

  “OK. If you think so. How do I look?”

  “I like it. You look perfect. Pink, silk dress and white go-go boots? Who could go wrong with that? Maybe you should add a long headband in your hair?”

  “Yep, got it right here. It’s a sparkly one, too.” “Have fun. Try not to get into too much trouble.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I will. I’m going to the disco with Stephon.”

  “You will have to tell me all about it tomorrow. I’m off to get dressed. Hey, lock the door behind you.”

  “No problem.”

  She caught Paige’s movements out of the corner of her eye as she left. Turning on her heels, she heard the click of the lock as she headed to her room. Cool plastic under hand, she flipped the light switch and crossed the room to her closet.

  I am so glad I made Sebastian redo this room. Who wants an all-white bedroom anyway? Yuck! I had to add some color in here, and pastel purple happens to be my favorite. I thought he was never going to give in and buy me the pastel purple bed set. Geez, what a tightwad.

  Hands on the wooden knobs, she flung open the closet doors and stared. The clothes were mashed together on hangers from so many outfits. All that could be made out were colors and fabrics.

  Let’s see, what to wear? Ooh, how about my black denim hip huggers with…oh, here we go, my button-up, red, silk shirt. I think I have a red and black paisley headband to match this.

  Wrestling the clothes free, she carried them over and dropped them onto her bed.

  Soft silk ran down her skin when she untied her robe and slipped it off.

  I need music. Always helps to keep me in a good mood.

  She walked across the room, turned on her radio and “T.N.T” by AC/DC blared from the speakers.

  Man I love this group.

  She danced her way back to the bed. The denim slid up her legs as she pulled and tugged her pants until she got them on.

  Whew, these things are tight. I need to make sure my panties don’t show.

  She twisted and turned in front of the mirror to make sure her panties were hidden, but her tattoo shined brightly. She stared at the orange and black tiger face on her lower back and it made her think of Jack.

  Maybe it is the chocolate-colored eyes. I didn’t really get to know him that well, but I miss him being around. I wonder
where he moved to?

  Pushing it from her mind, she went back to the bed and finished getting dressed. She went to the mirror one last time and checked to be sure her hair and makeup still looked good.

  This song is fitting.

  She did The Hustle across the room as “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate filled the air.

  I am outta here!


  The sound of her steps echoed off the buildings as she cut through the alleyway on her way to the club. Street lamps lit her way and she could see the top of the neon sign. It was a beacon to the nightlife as it flashed and changed colors. The hair on the back of her neck stood, sending a silent warning of chills down her spine. She piqued her ears and listened. Movement from behind her and the slight rustle of paper filled her ears. She smelled them a moment later. Three men, all drunk, by the sound of it, not to mention they reeked of liquor. The sound of a shoe scraping across the dirt and debris told her the one on the far left harbored a hurt or disfigured ankle.

  Something is off. Different. They are different. I can’t put my finger on it. Not your average… Joes?

  She stopped, intent on facing them, but they caught her by surprise. There was one at her back and one on each side. Her breathing became labored. Her heart raced and drummed in her neck. Another shock wave shook her. She tried to jerk her arms away, but they were stronger.

  Vampires! How did they surprise me?

  Focusing, she calmed her nerves and pushed her fear to the back burner.

  Firmly, she planted her feet in place and stopped struggling with her hands. She leaned her head forward, as if she were going to give in, counted to three, and then brought her head back with enough force it should have broken his nose. She quickly jerked free of their hold. She spun and kicked the man on her right in the head. Latching onto the one on her left, she took his arm, swung him around and pinned it to his back. He dropped to his knees and screamed. She twisted it an inch more and broke it. With her boot in his back, she kicked him to the ground and spun, looking for another attack.

  She froze in her tracks. Six more had joined and they all stalked her as if she were food.

  Can’t fight my way out of this one. Time to run!

  Kicking it into high gear, she bolted. Wind blew her hair back as she sped through the alley. Her booted feet skid across the asphalt as she screeched to a halt. Two tall, burly vampires dropped from the roof and blocked her path. They lurked in the shadow. Her breath seemed to freeze and gain consistency as it stuck in her throat. Fire danced in her lungs from lack of air.

  In the small amount of light, she noticed they fashioned all black leather, from their clothes to their long trench coats to their boots. They had an evil glow to their eyes. They were small, dark voids and yet they held a small spark of light in them. Her heart raced at Olympic speeds and beat against her chest. Fear encumbered her and she couldn’t move. Air seemed to filter through in ragged breaths. She watched them advance and still her feet refused to run. Two deep breaths and they were within kissing rage. The short one stayed in front while the taller one circled around her and stood at her back. She sensed the others still in the alley, but they had quieted and stopped moving. She jerked her head to the right and tried to move when he traced his hand down her face.

  “What do you want?”

  His soft husky voice filled her ear when he moved intimately close and whispered. “You, sweetie, we want you.”

  “Just let me go and no one has to get hurt.”

  “Oh, someone is going to get hurt. We are… many things, and you seem to fit the bill for all we crave.”

  She stiffened her neck when he wrapped his hand around it and pulled her close. Her stomach clenched tight, and she squeezed her eyes shut as he licked the side of her face.

  “I bet you taste as sweet as you look. Well, better than this makeup on your face anyway.”

  His fangs pierced her neck and her eyes flashed open. Her mouth went dry and she couldn’t force herself to cry out. Her butt in his hands, he pinned her to him and his face nuzzled her neck. She felt every muscle in his body flex as he moved and pawed at her. His tongue slid over the blood from his bite mark. The man behind her smelled her hair and skin, but never let loose his hold.

  The man in front of her moved and his clawed hands slashed at her clothes, leaving open cuts upon her skin. The wounds burned as if mixing fire and acid. She felt blood pour from her chest and abs. A river of tears ran down her face as she screamed out with each new blow. Her body sagged and she fell against the man behind her. She hovered above the ground, almost on her knees.

  “Look here, Thomas, something different. She looks human, but her blood is all vampire. I wonder if we could drink her dry and collect her power.”

  “I don’t…have…any power.”

  “Isn’t that cute, Jared? This sweet, little fang doesn’t know she is special.”

  “Not special…no powers.”

  “Well, of course you do. You can make yourself look human. Why, if I had that power, I wouldn’t have to work near as hard to fill my…thirst.”

  Three more sets of slash marks along her frame, and she fell to her knees. Her hands were still in a tight grip from behind, which caused her shoulders to throb in pain. The man behind her started in next. He lifted her arms and scratched marks of his own down her back. Searing pain shot through her and she screamed out. She fought to get free but failed. They held her too tightly. Her lower back sizzled and she felt faint. Her head swam and her eyes rolled to the back of her skull. She felt them let go and she collapsed to the ground. Blackness beckoned to her as she fought to stay awake. Then she heard panic in her attacker’s voice.

  “Who are you? She is our kill, mind your own business.”

  “She is my business.”

  Loud growls and the sound of fighting played in her ears. She tried to get up and help, but her body seemed a huddled mass of throbbing agony. She panted as she tried to work through it and fend off the black void calling her name. A scream ripped from her throat when someone picked her up and carried her off.

  Her jaws clenched at the new pain that being carried brought on. The fabric of her shirt went from soft and silky to flame and sand paper. “Please…let me…go.”

  “Anna, it’s OK. I am taking you home.”

  She looked into his face through squinted eyes. “Jack?”

  “Yes, it’s Jack. Hold on, we are not too far away.”

  In pure anguish, her eyes rolled back in her head as she lost the fight and succumbed to the numb, dark oblivion.


  Small drops of water splashed her skin and mixed with the sounds of semi-silent sobs. She felt the weight of someone that lay across her abdomen. Opening her eyes, she found herself in her own bed with Paige sprawled across her. Her body ached and she noted a minor twinge in her back, but overall she felt fine. The soreness equaled that of a heavy and strenuous workout. Lifting her head and her hand, she nudged Paige’s arm to get her attention. Her heart broke when she met her friend’s eyes. She was raccoon faced from streaking mascara. Lipstick smeared her cheek. Her brow furrowed as confusion took hold.


  “Oh my God, you are awake…”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and slammed her hands over her ears when her friend yelled.

  “…Sebastian, Jack, she’s awake. Get in here! Anna, I swear that will never happen again. I have blood oath sworn myself to you.”

  The two men rushed into the room and took up posts on each side of her, as if they were protective sentinels. Her brain clicked. She pushed her friend aside, jerked the covers off, and ran her hands over her naked body, searching for marks.

  “How…I was in so much pain…Sebastian, as much as I hate to say it, thank God you changed me or I would be dead.” She turned her head to Jack. “Was I dreaming or did you save me?”

  “You did not dream it, I was there. I arrived none too soon, either. I am afraid that if I had come two minutes
later, I am not sure you would have been savable, vampire or not.”

  “How did you—”Paige’s voice stole her attention and she turned to her.

  “Anna, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. While you were out, we did what we knew you would want but wouldn’t do yourself.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Oh let me tell her. I love this.”

  She turned to Jack and listened to his tale. “I know you couldn’t have been, but I wish you could have been there to see their faces. It was great! The three of us, just as we are now, walked down that alleyway past the low lives that got to you first. We found the two who tried to kill you. They

  recognized me, of course. We had a minor skirmish before I was able to carry you out. Anyway, they taunted us, especially since we brought Paige along. They asked if we brought them a replacement for you. We all just laughed.”

  “It was awesome, Anna!” Paige bellowed. “Oh, sorry Jack, continue.”

  “Anyway, we let them get close, and we toyed with them a bit. Sebastian knew who they were, but they did not recognize him. They knew he was a vampire and Paige and I weren’t human, but they didn’t know what we were. It spooked them a bit. We played a small game of tit for tat for a while. Sebastian and I were enjoying it, but girl Friday here grew very impatient. “

  “Well, I’m sorry, but we didn’t go there to play games!” Paige interjected once more. “They tried to kill her and we weren’t for sure she would even make it, so…I changed.”

  “Yes, but she was playing a game of her own. She faked a miss swing so they would grab her. That was a bad idea. Then she changed. They dropped her like molten metal on unprotected skin. They tried to run, but claws and fur over there, pounced on them, pinning them to the ground.”

  She looked back to Paige.

  “I dug my very long and very sharp claws in their backs, too.”

  Then back to Jack.

  “Sebastian and I calmly walked over and spoke a few words to them—”

  “Let me tell this part of the story.”

  She sat up in the bed and pushed herself against the bed frame.

  “Now hold on, you guys are giving me whiplash from turning my head so much. Please, would the three of you, if you are all going to chime in, sit at the end of the bed to finish this story? I am sorry I sound aggravated, but my neck muscles are still a bit sore and stiff.”


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