Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men

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Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men Page 8

by Crystal Perkins

  I sometimes wonder at how my boys are growing up with famous people as their extended family. I don't worry about it affecting them negatively, because the men and women they're around are all good people, but I know it's not "normal" for most kids to call up a famous athlete or rock star when they want to chat. Maybe it's just our normal, and I wouldn't change it for anything...well, except to add Grace to it permanently. I may not be ready to get married again anytime soon, or anytime at all, but I want more than just a fling.



  I'm in my battle armor as I enter the C&C building the next morning. While I always look professional, I rarely wear a suit. Today, I'm in my most expensive one, along with my red soled shoes, and my diamond stud earrings. This is not going to go well, and the more confident I look, the more confident I'll feel as well.

  "Hi Grace, you can go on in," Matt's secretary tells me.


  "You ready for this?" Matt asks when I walk in. He looks all business too, and while he does wear suits every single day, there's a subtle difference today.


  "Not even a hesitation?"

  "The things he said to her are vile."

  "I agree. I just wanted to make sure you're good with taking point on this. I'll be here to jump in if you need me, or if he tries to get aggressive, but this is your show."

  "I appreciate that."

  "I know we haven't interacted much since you've been here, but Miles raves about you, and I know how hard you've been working to take things off his plate so he can be with Alex. Reina also told me you had lunch with her, and the other Foundation women, and she wants to steal you away."

  "I said I wouldn't leave Miles."

  "I know, and your loyalty to him, and C&C is something money can't buy. I value loyalty in my employees above almost anything else, and if I'm being honest, I'd have a hard time turning down a job with my wife if I was offered one."

  "I'm pretty sure you could work there if you wanted to, since you're in charge of everything in this building."

  "That's so sweet of you to say, but I value my limbs too much to tell Reina something like that."

  "Your limbs?"

  "She likes other parts of my body too much to harm them, but I think my arms or legs are fair game."

  "You two really are the perfect pair."

  "Yes, we are. It took us a long time to get where we are, but it was all worth it."

  I inwardly sigh, and maybe swoon a little, at his words. The love he has for Reina is almost a tangible thing I could reach out and touch if I was closer to him. The look on his face is one I want someone to have when talking about me one day. One day soon, and I want it to be Keir, if I'm being honest with myself.

  "The media paints you two as a fairytale couple."

  He snorts. "I know, and we laugh about it all the time. Our life is far from castles and knights, but it's perfect for us."

  "Which gives the rest of us hope."

  I don't know what his response to that would be, because his secretary buzzes in, telling us the man we're about to fire is here. Matt vacates his chair, and holds it out for me, which he didn't need to do. I'm learning that the Corrigan men try to do what's right and fair, even if it's not easy. I take the offered seat, square my shoulders, and get ready for the battle ahead.

  He's not even in the door before it begins. "What is this shit?"

  "Please have a seat," I tell him.

  He looks to where Matt's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and then back to me. "Who put you in charge?"

  "I've been your boss for several months now."

  "Stupidest mistake Miles ever made."

  "You'll have to take that up with him."

  "I think I will." He turns to leave, but doesn't get far.

  "Sit down." Matt's voice is icy cold when he says the two words.

  The idiot sits, but looks at Matt instead of me. That's okay, because I'm the one about to make my own day.

  "After investigating the complaint against you, we have decided it's valid. Effective immediately, your employment with Corrigan & Co. is terminated. Security has cleaned out your desk, and the box of your personal items is waiting for you downstairs."


  "Yes," I tell him, taking out the paperwork from the folder HR left for us. "I just need you to sign these papers, and I can give you your last paycheck."

  "I'm not signing. You can't make me."

  "No, I can't," I tell him, and press the button on Matt's desk, calling his assistant in. She has her notary stamp with her. "He is refusing to sign."

  "Damn right, I am."

  I sign a different paper from the folder, and hold it out for Matt to do the same. His assistant notarizes it, and takes it with her. Once the door is closed again, I turn back to the moron in front of me, as I stand up.

  "Here is your check. We will be escorting you downstairs now."

  "I didn't sign."

  "Which is why we did."

  He looks to Matt once again. "You're going to just stand there, and let her do this?"

  "It's already done."

  "You'll regret this. Both of you will regret this."

  He storms out of the office, but Matt and I walk in a more dignified pace. No elevator is going to open for him until we get there. The ride downstairs is full of cursing, and more threats. Matt stares straight ahead, and I force myself to do the same, although I am a little alarmed.

  The guards take over when we get to the lobby, and we simply watch him as he's escorted out. I must look as sick as I feel, because Matt pulls me into a hug. "He's not going to do anything. Guys like him talk big, but don't even know how to throw a punch."

  "You can't be sure of that."

  "I can assign you the best private security in the world."

  "I don't want to be surrounded by guards."

  "You won't even know they're there. I promise."

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. You were great up there, by the way."


  "Yes. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?"

  "I think I'd rather work."

  "I'd do the same thing."

  "Good to know."

  "I'll see you soon. Call me if you need anything at all."

  "I will."

  I head back upstairs to brief Miles, and get on with my day. Keir is working on the photography part of his job, in preparation for the upcoming hotel shoot, and we have a date at my apartment tonight. This day is definitely going to get better.


  When you want to do your best work, you seek out knowledge from the best of the best. That's why I'm at Candi Griffin's studio, observing her as she photographs some concept car that's debuting at CES soon. I was fairly well-known for my combat and fashion shoots before I semi-retired, but I don’t have much experience with places, and things. Candi does it all, and as I watch her, I can tell she's in her element, capturing every detail.

  Her assistant is her sister-in-law, Olivia Griffin, and I'm watching with her as the shots transfer onto the screen in front of us. I've seen Candi's work before, so I know why she's so sought after, but seeing her in person is humbling.

  "You want to shoot a few, Keir?" she asks, standing up, and holding out her camera.

  "I don't want to interrupt your work."

  "I wouldn't let you. Come on over."

  I may be intimidated, but I'm not going to let this chance pass me by. I walk over, take the camera from her, and crouch down to photograph some of the things I like best about this car. As I shoot, she yells out suggestions and praise. I don't even realize an hour has gone by, until Olivia announces that our lunch has arrived.

  "Sorry," I tell Candi, following her over to the kitchen area of her studio.


  "Wasting an hour of your time?"

  "That wasn't a waste. In fact, I was hoping you'd let me use a couple of your pictures."

  I st
op with my sandwich halfway to my lips. "Seriously?"

  "I don't joke about photos. You got some great angles I didn't. I'll give you credit, and some pay, if you don't mind me using them."

  "I don't even know what to say."

  "Say yes."

  "Yes. Thanks. For letting me hang out, and giving me tips, plus this."

  "Listen, Keir, because I'm going to give it to you straight. You're going to meet people in this business who will do everything they can to tear you down. They won't help you, because they're afraid you'll be better than them. Me? I want you to be better, because my daughter and son aren't always going to be children, and I'm not willing to miss them growing up. There's enough work out there for everyone."

  I don't mention that she's married to a billionaire, because not one of the Griffin women just sits back, and lives off her husband's fortune. They could, but they don't. The world thinks Maggie does, but even though Reina has the reins of the Society, Maggie and her friends are still informed of everything going on in the organization they created.

  "I'm not going to lie about being happy you can't do the newest C&C hotel shoot."

  She's booked as solid as she'll allow for the next month, and while she would've done it if they couldn't get anyone else, Miles told me she's happy to hand over the reins on this one.

  "Just from what I've seen here, I have no doubt you're going to do a great job on it."

  "Any tips, since you've done every other one?"

  "I would tell you to not forget the details, but from what you shot today, that won't be an issue for you." She sets down her sandwich, and looks over at me. "I honestly hope they keep you on for the rest of the properties, Keir. As I said, I'd rather be with my kids than traveling all over, even for friends."

  "That's a relief. I really want this job to be more permanent, but I didn't want to step on your toes."

  "My toes are firmly out of reach, so don't worry about anything but taking the best photos you can."

  I thank her again, before working with her to edit the pictures of mine she wants to use. I came here today to learn some things, and I did, but I also left with a photo credit, and some new friends. Now, it's time to go home and get ready for my date.

  Grace specifically told me not to dress up, so I'm in a t-shirt, faded jeans, and Chucks when I ring her doorbell two hours later. She opens the door, and my mouth goes dry. She has on a strapless maxi dress, and while it's hiding most of her curves, I can't help thinking about pulling down the top, and feasting on the beauty underneath.

  "Is that for me?" she asks, pointing to the Lush bag in my hand.

  "It's for us."

  Her eyes flare, and her tongue peeks out from her luscious lips, although she refrains from licking them. "Come in, and tell me more."

  "I told you I'd take a glittery bath with you. If you want."

  She pulls me to her, and kissing me hard. "Dinner first, and then you're getting lucky, Mr. Martin. Very lucky."

  "As are you."

  Dinner is steak, baked potatoes, and asparagus. I know it tastes good, because I eat it all, but I couldn't describe it to you if I tried. I'm too busy making out with Grace.

  Her dining table has curved benches with high, tufted backs, instead of regular seats. We're sharing one, and also sharing our food. Feeding each other between kisses. Rubbing our legs together, while we feast on each other’s necks, and lips. It's the most sensual meal I've ever shared with anyone, and by the time we've had our fill of the food, she's straddling me, and my shirt is gone.

  "The plates," I say, trying to be rational as she takes my nipple between her teeth.

  "If you so much as think of getting up right now, I might kill you."

  She's riding me through our clothes, but I want more. Leaning around her, I push the dishes as far across the table as possible, before setting her on top of it. I tug her dress down, baring her breasts to me for the first time. No bra.

  "You're going to get rewarded for this."


  I lean forward, taking a nipple into my mouth, and sucking hard. She grabs my hair, and pulls me closer, harder. The slight sting only intensifies the want I've been feeling since the day we met, and I add my teeth to the mix. I bite, lick, and suck both her nipples until their rosy color has turned bright red, and she's crying out for more.

  I remove my mouth with a pop, and respond to her whimper by burying my head beneath her dress to take my first lick along her folds. She tastes like a woman should, and she's dripping with her arousal, making me so hard, I might come in my jeans. Honestly, I don't even care at this point. All I can think about it making her scream my name, as I use my mouth to thank her for not wearing underwear.

  I find a rhythm, following her clues and cries, so I can do what she needs. She pulls her dress up, so we can watch each other, making things even hotter. The table's shaking from how hard she's moving against my mouth, and when she grabs the nipples I just abandoned between her fingertips, I growl against her clit.

  "I'm so close, Kei. So damn close."

  I don't need her to tell me, because I feel it as I slide a finger into her, and then another. She's clamping around them moments before my name leaves her lips on a scream. I don't stop, as she chants it, over and over like a prayer. I don't stop when I feel her clamping around my fingers again as another orgasm rips through her body, and I don't stop when she says she can't take anymore. I know she can, and I want to prove it to her.

  After I bring her to her third orgasm, she pulls my mouth away, climbs off the table, and pushes it back as she kneels on the bench next to me, holding onto the back.

  "Fuck me. Now, Keir. I need your cock inside me. I'm clean, and on the pill, so just please get inside of me."

  I'm not going to say no to that, but it takes me a minute to pull my zipper down without injuring myself, because I'm so hard. Pre-cum is already dripping when I take myself in hand, and move behind her.

  "Oh God," she cries out, when I enter her in one thrust.

  She's so wet, and tight, and I'm not going to last. Not after eating her for dessert, and having her practically beg for my cock. I'm rough, but she likes it, pushing back against me when I thrust hard.

  "I'm going to come fast, Gracie."

  "Do it."

  "You sure? Because your pussy's so wet, I can taste you in my mouth, and it's all making me a little crazy. If I let go now, it's going to be hard and dirty."

  "Yes. Fuck yes, Kei."

  Her permission is all I need to let loose, thrusting roughly a few more times before I yell her name as I spill my cum inside of her. She comes right after, and I lean over her for a moment, trying to come back to reality. I've never come like that. I've never taken a woman like that. I've never talked to a woman like that. I've never felt like this.



  What just happened? I mean, I know what just happened, but sweet baby Jesus, I've never had it like that. I knew it would be good with Keir, because sometimes you just know, but what he did to me...I am ruined. Completely, and utterly ruined. Not just for other men, but for sex in general. He's set the bar high, and I have no doubt he's going to meet it every time we're together.

  "That was exceptional."

  I have to smile at his big words. "You know I'm going to expect it to be at least that good every time now, don't you?"

  "I don't see a problem with that. Any requests?"

  I turn around, so I can kiss him, tasting myself on his lips. "More kissing next time. Oh, and I want to ride that delicious cock of yours."

  "Delicious, huh? You haven't even tasted it."

  "I stand by my description, and don't you worry, it's going to be down my throat before this night is over."

  "I'm trying to be good, but when you say things like that, I just want to eat you again while you suck me off."

  He can't say something like that, and not expect it to happen. I push him until he's standing, and lead him to my big, soft couch. He lets
me push him onto his back, and climb over him, before grabbing my hips, and pulling me down. I lick him up and down while he sucks my clit into his mouth. He lets me tease him for about a minute, before smacking my ass. With a laugh, I suck him in as far as possible.

  My hand pumps the base of his cock while I suck, and he licks. My breasts are rubbing against his abs, which contract as I move over him. His fingers enter me again, and I buck against his face. I'm going to come first if he keeps this up, and that's not part of my plan, so I reach down and play with his balls, rolling them over and over.

  He thrusts up into my mouth, and I keep doing everything I'm doing, until he roars against me as he comes down my throat. I'm smug, until he picks me up and throws me on the couch under him, eating me like he's starved for me. He stands, and pulls me up with him, and it's all I can do to hold onto the couch as I come so hard, I nearly black out.

  "You're going to kill me," I whisper, my voice hoarse.

  "We're going out together then, because damn woman."

  "I need a little break," I admit, because multiple orgasms is not the norm for me. Not in a week, and definitely not in less than an hour.

  "Bath time, then. Lead me to your tub."

  "Give me a minute to get my legs back."

  Instead of waiting, he scoops me up into his arms, before reaching down to grab the Lush bag from the coffee table. "Where?"

  "I was planning on upstairs, but since you're carrying me, we can use the guest room."

  "Upstairs, it is."

  I bury my face in his shoulder, so he won't see my blush. The mix of the sweet and sexy is almost too much to take. I am falling for the man carrying me up my stairs, and there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

  He sets me on the counter while he takes out a Bubble Bar, and fills my large tub. After testing, the water, he lifts me up again, and places me in the warm water. I sit forward so he can slide in behind me, and lean back into his solid chest.


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