Destroying Gage (Bloody Saints MC Book 2)

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Destroying Gage (Bloody Saints MC Book 2) Page 4

by Roxanne Greening

  The chair in front of me scrapes against the cold hard cement floor. My eyes lock on the blond with the long claw-like red nails who was climbing Gage like a spider monkey in heat last night.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about, you can just give it up,” the blond tells me with a smug smile.

  This was beyond hilarious! She had no clue what I was thinking. I wondered if she even had enough brain cells to stem together a real thought.

  “And what am I thinking about?”

  Her green eyes narrow, and her lips pursed. Huh, I could almost see the wheels grinding and the smoke billowing out.

  “Gage, of course,” she says it like that’s all I could possibly be thinking about.

  “Sweetheart, I think about more things than the dick I want between my legs,” my tone was condescending, and by the looks of it, I completely lost her.

  “See, you admit it. You want Gage,” she insinuated each word with her claw-like fingers.

  Sighing, I sat further back in my seat. Was she for real? I was literally blown away by this woman. I had more shit to worry about than who Gage was fucking.

  The thought of him fucking her or anyone else was like a curved dagger in my chest. The anger at him and myself had me lashing out at the poor dimwitted woman.

  “I’ve got a very serious question for you,” I tell her once again as I lean forward.

  She leans in too. Her eyes are still narrowed as if she was trying to intimidate me.

  “Better not be about Gage.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, it’s not. Trust me,” I give her my biggest smile.

  She nods, and somewhere in her little brain, I think she believes that she won some victory.

  “How the hell do you wipe your ass with those things?” I mean really, the damn things are like an inch long and pointed at the end.

  “You’re disgusting, and for your information, I do it just fine!” she screams as she stands up and walks away.

  Laughter fills my chest, and it escapes in painful bouts. I watch her walk off with watery eyes.

  “Are you tormenting people?” Maria asks as she sits down, holding a squirming Shawn.

  “Not really,” I tell her with a shrug.

  Her smile is wide and real. Something I’ve only seen when she looks at her child but even then, the sadness lingered in her eyes. Today that was missing.

  “Will you hold Shawn? I need to get him something to eat.”

  As if she needed to ask. Reaching out, I pull the squirming child to my chest. Lifting him up, I blow a raspberry onto his truck covered onesie.

  His little giggles warmed me. So, I tickle and make funny faces.

  “You’re good with him,” Gage’s deep voice startles me.

  “Thanks, I think,” I wasn’t sure if that was just a compliment or a complement combined with an insult.

  “Do you have kids?” he asks the question as if he was talking about the weather.

  “If I had kids they would be here,” I snap at him. Why the fuck would I leave them alone and only hide myself. Especially in this place, hmm, what’s going on?

  “I’m just trying to figure you out,” he shrugs as if he didn’t just give me an imaginary slap.

  Terror filled my blood. No one could know about me. When and if I shared it, it will depend on there being no other choice.

  “There’s not much to know,” I give him a shrug of indifference.

  “Everyone has a past. Boyfriends? Husbands? Lovers?” he growls.

  Almost husband, yes, but never a lover or boyfriend. But he’s right, everyone has a past, and if I want to blend in, I needed to share some shit. I’ll just keep it as close to the truth as possible. Lies are hard to keep. One lie always leads to another and then another, and before you know it, you don’t know what you lied about.

  “I grew up in a strict family. No men allowed until I was married,” I shrug.

  It’s the truth to a point. Gage’s eyes darken, and something sparks there.

  “Where did you live?”

  He was like a fucking bloodhound, or more appropriately, a hell hound.

  “A long way from here, and I don’t intend to go back. I left because I didn’t want to fall into their plans, and I want a life of my own,” I tell him coldly.

  I left out that they would never accept me back, not really. If they did catch up to me, I would be living in a hell the devil himself would find terrible.

  Screaming came from the other room. Maria was screaming, and something in me snapped. I was holding Shawn close to me while I moved as fast as I could. But not fast enough to hurt him.

  The scene that was playing out in front of me had tears in my eyes, my heart shattering, and my world falling apart. Maria kept going on about someone in this place wanting her dead. The very one who handed her over to those men.

  I stood there, helpless as my best friend fought terror, and the memories were trying to drag her into the pit of hell. Crow was holding her as she clawed and tried to climb over his shoulder.

  She begged me to get Shawn out of there and save him. Gage pushed in behind me. I was ready to run even if everything in me screamed not to leave her behind. The baby was all that mattered.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he whispered in my ear.

  I shuddered. We were all trapped. Even though I was being forced to stay and was even being gently prodded down the hallway, I wanted to sink into the man’s arms and beg him to save me from what was to come.

  Soon I would need to make a choice. A choice I knew deep down I had already made. I was going to go home. I needed to save my friend and this child. I had to consider my nephew.

  But before I did, there was something my body screamed for, and my heart begged for. I wanted to know what it felt like to be loved, even if it wasn’t real. I wanted to feel Gage everywhere.

  Chapter 14


  Present Day.

  Lincoln was a trader, and that’s all I know. Soon I will be able to give the piece of shit some gifts because I’m generous as fuck.

  Ronnie looked at me like she needed me to pull her close and contain whatever was haunting her from escaping. I wasn’t a hero, even if I wanted to give in and do just that.

  I should want to be as far from her as possible. The more I’m around her, the more I want and need to be closer. To touch her and keep her.

  “I’ve got this deal with him,” Weston spits.

  I look back at the bed that Ronnie and Maria are laying on. They are on their sides with Shawn in the middle of them, sleeping. Crow dropped Maria off an hour after everything went down while Weston collected Lincoln and put him in the basement.

  Closing the door, I made my way to the basement. Crow was already there standing in front of Lincoln who was strung up like fresh kill.

  His shoes, socks, and shirt have all been removed, leaving him in jeans. One of his eyes was already swollen shut. Crow was pacing back and forth, his hands were clenching and unclenching as he went.

  “My fucking brother! I protected you, paid you, fed you, and gave you a roof over your fucking head. I gave you purpose, you piece of shit!” Crow shouted.

  Stepping closer, I lean down so I could get a closer look at Lincoln’s face. His head was hanging low with blood dripping onto the cold stained floor.

  “Why? Why the fuck would you do that to me, to her?” Crow demanded.

  “That fucking cow was in my way. You were never supposed to be president, that was mine!” Lincoln screamed through swollen lips.

  Every muscle in Crow’s body stiffened. He froze mid-step and turned to look at Lincoln.

  “You? This was never going to be yours. You fucking handed over my old lady for this patch? You turned trader for a fucking patch?”

  The calmness that settled over Crow screamed that there wasn’t going to be any mercy. This fucker was family. My instincts to kill him on the spot. Now, I wished I could do the job myself. I needed to satiate this blood lust, this hunger.

/>   “I would have given you a chance to fight in the cage, but you tried to tear us apart. I won’t give you any mercy,” Crow snarls as he turns and grabs a kabob skewer.

  The long thin metal had been welded together with about three other skewers to give it the strength needed to pierce flesh.

  Blood poured from his armpit as the metal went through the sensitive fatty flesh. Lincoln screamed over and over as Crow tore into him.

  “You’re going to regret this,” Lincoln choked.

  “Can’t fucking hear you!” Crow shouts as he ran the knife over one of Lincoln’s nipples.

  The room was filled with the coppery scent of blood.

  “I told them. They’re coming,” Lincoln laughed.

  Crow snarled and slit his throat. Blood ran like a river down his chest as Lincoln jerked over and over, and gurgling filled the room.

  “What the fuck was he talking about?” Knox asked.

  “Just running his fucking mouth. Hoping to walk out of this alive. Probably would have offered some shit up if we let him go,” Crow shrugs.

  Blood coated him like a second skin. His cut was draped over the stool in the corner.

  “Go get a shower, prez,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to scare the old lady. I’ll grab your cut,” Knox tells him.

  As Crow starts to walk away, he looks at me. The darkness had risen in me. I needed a fight, and I needed one bad.

  “I’ll set up a match tonight,” Crow tells me as he walks out of the room.

  For the first time in what felt like weeks, I felt a smile stretch over my face.

  Chapter 15


  Present Day.

  I had sinned. There were so many things that I needed to atone for, and it weighed me down. I was broken inside, but Maria and Shawn were like Band-Aids trying desperately to hold me together.

  I needed to tell her the truth of who I was and what I did. Looking down at my hands, they look just like they always have, but inside I knew they were rotting, just like I was.

  “Keep drinking like that, and you’re going to pass the fuck out,” Gage’s deep hypnotic voice washed over me.

  Another thing in my life that I had to atone for. The need that I felt for him. The darkness in him pulled the darkness in me, like two oversized magnets.

  “That’s kind of the point,” I tell him with a self-deprecating laugh.

  “Whatever the fuck has you sinking, don’t let it drown you,” he tells me quietly.

  He sounded almost like he cared. For a moment, my heart swelled. The stupid organ didn’t know that Gage was off limits. It didn’t deserve what it so actively pumped for.

  Giving in to it, even for a moment, would be signing his death certificate.

  “I’ve been drowning. You get used to it,” I smile my big fake smile.

  I wait for him to say something so I could come up with some witty reply. Instead, he just stared at me like he could see into my very center and rip my secrets out.

  “Don’t you have some blond needing your attention,” I sounded jealous enough that I feared my eyes had turned green and my hair was cackling in some electrical wave.

  The very thought of that had me laughing. Even though the thought of Gage with the blond dug a deep hollow pit in me, the image of me looking like some crazy avenging witch was too much for my drunk brain.

  My eyes widened as Gage leaned in close. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His fingers pulled the hair away from my ear and draped it over my shoulder.

  “I have a fight in a few minutes, but after that, your mine,” his hot breath filled my ear, causing shivers to shake my body.

  Oh fuck. Swallowing another shot, I watched as he walked away. You were just reminding yourself that being with him was a bad fucking idea. Now you’re ready to just surrender?

  Why can’t you have just one night? Isn’t that what freedom is? My mind whispered.

  I was free, but for how long? My brain must have known how this was going to end, because why not have what I wanted before I had to die?

  Chapter 16


  Present Day.

  I could hear the screams and cheers from here. A part of me wanted to see Gage fight, the other didn’t want to witness the darkness that I could see surrounding him. I felt the need to set him free. I wondered was he winning?

  My mind was at war with itself. I wanted to get closer to Gage. I wanted to feel his body against mine. I needed to feel his lips and his hands, but I also wanted to run as fast and as far as this building would let me.

  Instead of doing either of those things, I was once again sitting at the table. I feel like I could almost call this place home. So, I drank.

  I knew deep down I was going to Gage’s room tonight and let him do all the filthy things I’ve dreamed about since I’ve met him. I shouldn’t, but then what did I have to lose? My life? That was already gone.

  “Lost in your thoughts again?” Maria’s sweet voice pulled me from the darkness that wanted to pull me in.

  “You know how it is, life and all,” I tell her with a small ‘who gives a shit’ shrug.

  I wanted to grab her and pull her into a hug and whisper all my sins. Tell her about Zec, and why he was really after her.

  “Everything will be okay.”

  Her small hand rubbed up and down my back in a soothing gesture. Guilt filled me. I should tell her the truth, but would she hate me if she knew everything?

  “We need to talk.”

  There was no way around this. The guilt of my life was choking me. My eyes locked onto the drink in front of me. I couldn’t stand to look her in the eye. Not when I tell her everything.

  “I’m here for you,” she again rubs my back as she whispers those comforting words.

  Except they were no comfort for me. They made my guilt unbearable, and my lies painful.

  “It’s about everything going on,” I tell her. I couldn’t look into her eyes, even though I tried to lift my head. Self-hatred was a powerful thing.

  “Come on,” Gage’s dark voice pushed through the cloud of pity and concern.

  I looked around and realized Maria was gone. Was she ever really there? Was the poison that was rotting away in me making me see things?

  I looked at the seat next to me. Maria wasn’t there, hell the chair was pushed in as if no one had been there. Go figure, I finally get the lady balls to tell her, and she was a figment of my imagination.

  Taking a deep breath, I finally look at Gage. There was a cut on his left eyebrow, a bruise under his eye, and his lip was split.

  “Looks like that hurt,” I say in shock. I mean, with all the shouting I kind of expected more. Like a broken nose and well maybe a few broken ribs.

  Just to be sure, I leaned forward and poked him hard in the ribs.

  “If they were broken that would have hurt like a bitch,” he grumbled.

  “Well, fucking excuse me for showing concern,” I snap.

  “If that was a concern, remind me to never get too close if I’m seriously hurt,” he laughs.

  “Come on warrior woman,” he laughs as he holds out his hand.

  I smile, despite everything. I need this. I need Gage, and for the second time in my life, it was purely selfish. I placed my hand in his, letting him pull me to my feet. It was time to truly be free.

  Chapter 17


  Present Day.

  The trip to his room was a blur of motion. Probably because he said I was moving too slow and he literally threw me over his shoulder, caveman style.

  Then I was free falling for what felt like forever as he tossed me on the bed. I bounced three times before settling, and this caused a fit of giggles.

  “I always wondered what it would feel like to be on a trampoline,” I tell no one.

  I thought for sure he would press me on it. I mean, who hasn’t been on a trampoline, at least once in their lives? Maybe not as a kid, but sure as fuck as an

  The bed dipped under his weight, and then he was pulling my clothes from my body like I was on fire and he was trying to save me.

  I thought this would be a slow affair. You know, one piece of clothing here, some heavy petting then another piece of clothing. But to my utter drunken surprise, the man was naked and now so was I.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he growls.

  I don’t want to hear the flattery. I’m sure all the other girls have. I just wanted to feel free. I wanted the guilt and pain to be gone, at least for a little while.

  Leaning forward, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. My lips press to his, gently, and the heat filled my body as we kissed.

  There was this burning need inside of me. The more Gage’s lips caressed mine, the more I wanted. His calloused hand moved slowly up my inner thigh. Leaving a trail of tingles.

  The closer he got to my pussy, the more my hips lifted, and I pulled him closer. I needed him so badly, it hurt.

  “So, fucking wet and tight,” he groaned.

  His finger slipped inside of me. Thrusting gently as his tongue slid past my lips. It was too much and at the same time, not enough.

  “God, please,” I begged.

  Then, another finger joined the first. Gage was stretching me, and there was a hint of pain mixing with the pleasure. Another rock of my hips.

  “Not god, baby,” he chuckled.

  My head dropped back as moans passed my lips. The things I was feeling should be illegal. His thumb brushed my clit, and I was lost. My nails sunk into his skin as I screamed. My hips rocked uncontrollably as I came hard.

  Gage’s lips crashed back onto mine as his cock nudged my opening. One hand slid under my ass, lifting me as the other slid into my hair, fisting the brown locks and holding me in place.

  Moans poured from me as his hard dick slid up and down my slit. He coated himself in my juices, once again, lining up with the opening of my pussy.

  My nails dug into his back as he pushed forward. Forcing his thick cock into my tight virgin pussy. One inch at a time.


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