The Golden Bell

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The Golden Bell Page 8

by Autumn Dawn

  His teeth flashed in a grin. “Discuss men. That’s always common ground.”

  “Not when I agree with the man half the time, and say so. Don’t look so surprised, I loved my dad. You said he wasn’t a ‘warrior’, but I thought he was something much better. He was a good father.”

  Fallon grew serious. “I didn’t mean to disrespect him. I regret I never had a chance to meet him. He must have been remarkable; after all, he raised you.”

  A moody sigh was her answer to that. When he looked as if he’d pursue the subject, she got up to check on dinner. “It’s done. Get it while it’s hot.“ Perfectly cooked, moist and flaky, the fish went well with the lemon rice pudding and crisp vegetable salad Fallon’s cook had contributed. Finished, she lay back on the blanket with a sigh of contentment.

  A tactical error.

  Fallon’s head appeared in less then a minute, blocking out the moons. “Hello.”

  She turned her head aside to avoid his kiss. It landed on her cheek instead. “Fallon, I’m full.”

  “Okay. No pressure on your stomach, I promise.” He moved her hand up to nibble her fingers.

  “I don’t think…hey…” He’d popped her pinky into his mouth and was sucking on it. Maybe she’d had too much wine, or was too relaxed, but she didn’t feel motivated to put up a serious protest.

  He slowly released her finger and started on the next. By the time he was done, she was in a very receptive frame of mind.

  “I want to pamper you tonight,” he said, reaching for a little box she hadn’t noticed before. He opened the top, then set it so she couldn’t see inside. When she sat up to look, he kissed her, distracting her with slow, persuasive heat. While she was still dazed, he lifted her tunic off, baring her to the waist. Except for her necklace, of course, but that wasn’t hiding anything.

  Automatically, her hands rose to hide her breasts.

  “No, no. That’s not how this game is played. Lie back.” He eased her down to the blanket and put her hands by her side, holding them there for a moment. “Keep them there.” His gaze was appraising, frankly appreciative, and she had to close her eyes in embarrassment. Why was she letting him do this?

  “Now, then.” Her eyes popped open as he moved closer, a small brush in his hand.

  “Close your eyes again. This is eye shadow.”

  “You’re doing my makeup?” she asked in puzzlement. “Why do I have to be naked for that?”

  “Just close them,” he said patiently.

  He might be calm, but she was ready to jump with sizzling awareness. “Y-you know, I haven’t done this before. How ‘bout you give me back my shirt?”

  “The sensual tension is part of the pleasure,” he murmured, stroking her cheek with a soft brush.

  “How can you even see what you’re doing in the moonlight?”

  “I can see. Make a kiss with your lips. Mm. I do love deep red lipstick on you. Such full, sweet lips.” He put away the lipstick and got out a nail file. “Give me your hand.”

  She was beginning to understand this was going to be a slow torture session. Instinct made her keep her newly polished fingers flat on the ground, even though she desperately wanted to curl them, or use them to shield her breasts. Her nipples were stiff with tension, desperately hoping for his attention. It was all she could do to keep her hips still.

  He glanced at them and smiled. “Ready for a little nipple rouge? It will stain them a deep red to match your lips for several days. Hold still, we don’t want to stain your pretty white skin.” Over her uncertain murmurings, he painted her nipples, taking his time.

  By the time he got to the second one, she liked the way he thought.

  “Glitter cream,” he said, rubbing a new form of torment between his palms. “We need to spread this all over.” He started at her neck, thoroughly massaged her breasts and rubbed her belly. By the time he removed her pants, she was ready for them to go. When he filled his hands with her butt and lifted and kneaded it, she felt sure she knew what was coming, and she was ready for that, too.

  Instead, he massaged his way down her legs, taking his time with her feet and toes. Then he got out the polish again.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” she muttered, leaning back and closing her eyes. The man would kill her.

  A perfectionist, he took his time, then deliberately closed the bottle and put it away.

  Here it comes, she thought.

  Instead, he took what she thought was a necklace out of the box. “This is a virgin’s belt,” he said, showing it to her. It had smooth gold links and a string of dangling pearls hanging from it. The first few pearls were medium sized, but there was a large one hanging at the end. “Plant your feet and lift your hips for me.”

  She obeyed, shuddering with the feel of the night air on her hot, wet center. She was so damp she was dripping, and had been for some time. That had never happened to her before.

  First her fastened the links around her waist. While her legs were spread and open, he dangled the pearls between her legs, then popped the big one inside her.

  She collapsed on her back in shock and reached for it.

  “Leave it!” he ordered her, and she’d never heard that tone from him before. Shocked, she stared at him. “But…”

  “Leave it,” he said more calmly. “It’s getting you ready for me. Close your legs and squeeze. Feel what it does to you? Go ahead and squirm. Feel how the strands tighten against your peak? Feel how they rub? It’s pressing against the special spot inside you, is going to make you climax at any minute.”

  As if to prove his words, she came right then, lifting off the blanket.

  He smiled savagely and stripped off his clothes. “Leave it!” he ordered her again when she tried to stop the special torture. He took her hands in his and flattened her body to the ground, holding her legs together with his own. “Do you want me yet?” he snarled in her ear.

  This was the side of him she hadn’t seen before, the one she’d feared…and wanted. He wasn’t playing games now, wasn’t blowing smoke.

  She knew what it would mean for him to take her virginity. Her father had explained that once Haunt couples joined flesh, it was forever. Fallon really was going to take her to wife…and he had the means to make her desire him. No court would annul a marriage consummated in mutual passion.

  The pearl between her legs pressed again on that special spot, making her lift off the blanket with a hot scream.

  Fallon muttered something jealous sounding and pulled it out.

  She whimpered at its loss.

  “I have something better,” he growled, and spread her legs. Suddenly there was fullness, a sweet hardness.

  She decided she liked it. “More.” Her bright red nails flexed on his back.

  She felt him smile against her neck. “Anything for the lady.”

  It burned, it hurt…but there was just enough pleasure to make her want his invasion. He was big and hard, and at the moment, everything she wanted in the world.

  So she let him ride her, let him fill the tight hollow between her legs as he tortured her mouth with kisses. He was sweetly savage, controlled yet dominate until the end, when the control slipped completely and he rode her fiercely, throwing his head back as he roared his own climax.

  She lay in bed later that night, tucked in the hollow of Fallon’s arm. He’d carried her limp body inside and bathed her, then taken her again in the tub after crushing the pearl. It was symbolic, he said. Nobody was ever going to enter her body again but him.

  She very nearly let him have her a third time, just for that.

  Promising to get to it after her body had a chance to heal, he’d kissed her and carried her to the bed. Now she lay there, wondering how she’d ever gotten to this place.

  She’d always known the man was dangerous. Exhausted, she slid into sleep. Tomorrow would take care of itself.

  Rain awoke to wine and flower petals. Brushing a petal from her cheek, she surveyed the bed strewn with pink and white
botanical confetti with sleepy surprise. “Are we having a party?”

  Fallon sat on the edge of the bed, clad only in his black pants. “I felt a celebration was in order.” When she blushed, he added mischievously, “Are you very sore?”

  Avoiding his eyes as her face got hotter, she brushed the petals from her lap. “If you’re looking for an encore, then yes, I’m pretty sore.”

  He smiled. “Good thing I filled the tub, then. I also put some healing herbs in it.”

  Risking a glance, she asked dryly, “In a hurry, are you?”

  “With you, always.” He held a white silk robe out to her and helped her into it. “Unfortunately, we do have a party to attend later, and I have to introduce you to my mother.” He said it offhand, like an afterthought.

  Her eyes snapped to his. “Your mother? I didn’t even know you had one!”

  They’d stopped at the tub, and he whisked off her robe with quick efficiency. “Didn’t want to jinx the deal.”

  Loathe to stand around naked in front of him, she slid into the water. “Yeah, but you could have dropped a clue! How am I supposed to face the woman, knowing that I just found out about her hours before I met her?” Knowing what she’d just spent the night doing with the woman’s son. Yikes!

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s been nagging me for years to marry, so she’ll be delighted about you. Oh, she’ll scold me, but she’ll take to you like a duck to water.” He sat on the edge of the tub and trailed his fingers in the water. “She’ll probably start in about grandchildren right away.”

  Rain opened her mouth, then closed it, thinking before she spoke. “We talked about that.”

  “We did, and I still feel the same. I’m an expert at circumventing her schemes, so just follow my lead. Direct opposition just strengthens her, I warn you.”

  “Great. A controlling mother-in-law,” Rain muttered, sinking further into the water. Whatever herbs he’d put in the bath were invigorating, just the thing for what was sounding like a tough day.

  “It’s not that bad. Like I said, she’ll love you. I’ll the one who will suffer if you two ever join forces against me. I don’t get any sleep as it is.” He sent a smug look her way, and his eyes slid to the clear water.

  She sank up to her chin and crossed her arms over her chest. “Go away. Make yourself useful and order some breakfast or something.”

  He laughed and dropped a kiss on her hair. “See? It’s started already.”

  She wasn’t laughing an hour later as Fallon swept into his mother’s apartment, one arm firmly anchored around Rain as if to prevent her from running. She might have too, but he shut the door too quickly.

  Apparently his mother, Lady Portae, had been forewarned. She hurried up to Rain with a cry of delight, enfolding Rain so deeply in her plump arms that Rain felt she was drowning in her mother-in-law’s perfumed bosom. “My dear girl!” Mercifully, Portae released her and held her back at arm’s length, examining her with hungry eyes. “So you’re the clever girl that finally snared my Fallon.” Her eyes teared, and she quickly applied a handkerchief. “Come in and tell me all about it.” Her brilliant purple robe swished against Rain’s side as she linked arms and led Rain to a place of honor on a flowered sofa.

  As Fallon joined her on the couch, Lady Portae sank down on the one opposite. A tea set and refreshments were waiting on the table between them. Apparently Fallon’s mother was prepared for a lengthy visit. “Pour us some tea, Fallon. We have so much to talk about.”

  Most of the talking consisted of Portae, (she’d insisted on Rain calling her that, since she couldn’t bring herself to call Portae mother) grilling them for the story of how they met, fell in love, and how soon they intended to produce grandchildren.

  With frequent glances at Fallon, Rain edited and hedged, leaving out the parts that weren’t fit for company. Eyes sparkling, Fallon supplied the bits where she’d tried to run away, the rat. It was hard to resent him, though. He’d dressed to impress today, and his loose trousers and gold trimmed tunic, cut in the Chinese style, made the gold of his queued hair all the more striking. While she wasn’t one to drool in public, she caught herself dwelling on his beautiful green eyes more than once.

  Portae smiled as she sipped her tea. “I’m so grateful you changed her mind, Fallon. I can see you’re looking impatient, though, so I’ll stop interrupting your honeymoon. I can’t wait to speak to my friends! Lady Vectrex will be so jealous! She’s been trying to get her son married off forever.”

  Fallon just smiled and kissed his mother’s cheek. “Don’t forget the party this afternoon.”

  “As if I could,” Portae said fondly. “It isn’t everyday my son is honored for serving his country. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Rain waited until the door had closed behind them before saying, “You didn’t mention that you were being honored.”

  He shrugged. “It’s nothing. How about a light lunch before we get ready? There’ll be food there, but I’m starved.”

  “How can you be hungry? You just got done eating an entire plate of cookies at your mother’s!”

  “You call that food? I need something with meat.”

  They passed too close to a pair of Haunt guards, making Rain sneeze.

  “You haven’t been taking your medicine, have you?”

  She frowned in annoyance, ignoring the guilt his frown triggered. “I’ll take some when we get to my room.”

  “Which is now my suite,” Fallon informed her. “I had Malian transfer your clothes over there this morning. We’ll move your tools and such once your workroom is finished.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Moving in with Fallon was weird, even though she knew that they were married according to his customs. Not only had she not expected to ever marry, she’d certainly never expected to end up with someone like Fallon. While he did listen to her, his tendency to take charge was disconcerting. She had a feeling she’d spend a lot of time in her workshop, distracting herself from the complications of living with someone like him.

  The truth was, she hadn’t thought at all. She’d just cruised along, too shell shocked to think anything through. It had just been easier to let someone else do the thinking. At the time that someone had been Fallon. Time would tell if she’d live to regret her complacency, but honestly, she wasn’t together enough to do anything different yet.

  They didn’t make love before the party. She told herself she hadn’t been looking forward to it, anyway. Instead, they talked, and Fallon massaged her feet until she fell asleep on the couch. He woke her with a kiss that almost made them late and then hurried her into a striped sarong of olive, burgundy and black. While not what she would have chosen, together with the sleeveless black top, it looked far better than she expected.

  “You know, these clothes keep appearing in my closet…” she said tentatively as Fallon helped her dress her hair.

  “Do you like them?” He closed a hairclip over the back of her hair and brushed the loose ends off her shoulders.

  Feeling her way, she said carefully, “Yes, but I don’t need so many.”

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind and breathed in her hair. “It pleases me to give them. Permit me to provide for my wife.”

  She frowned and turned around.

  He stopped her with a finger to her lips. “We haven’t talked about money, Rain, but I have a lot. If you want to spend the rest of your life lazing on the grass, watching the birds, you may. However, I know you’re both smart and driven, so if you want to turn your talents toward helping others, you may. Spend every dime you make on charity or public works if you like. It’s what I did with the ambassador position, in a way. You’re in the position to do a lot of good, if you so choose.

  “However, don’t begrudge me the chance to spoil you if I like. You’re invited to do the same for me.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “You want a closet full of dresses?”

  He kissed her nose. “I was thinkin
g along the lines of you being a light in my home, but if buying me dresses makes you happy…” They laughed.

  What he’d said about her doing good stuck with her. She’d never thought much about what she’d do if she had the wealth to do anything she chose. She definitely didn’t want to spend her days lying around because she’d get fat for sure, but she’d never seen herself as working in the public eye. Maybe she could be an anonymous donor or something. Surely there were worthy causes out there that could use an influx of cash. There always were.

  Her thoughts served as a good distraction as they entered the chamber where the party was being held. Once they’d passed between the Haunt guarding the door, she stiffened. The glittering crowd within daunted her, unused as she was to company. Even when Fallon linked arms with her and sent her an encouraging smile, it still took courage to step into the crowd.

  Right away a mother and her three young daughters swarmed them. Thanks to the slow aging processes, it took a little observation to tell who was which, for the mother didn’t look a lot older than her children. It helped when Fallon introduced them. “Rain, this is Lady Septis and her daughters, Justice, Fleur and, ah…forgive me, I’ve been gone a long time.”

  “Jael,” Lady Septis said with a smile. “I don’t believe you’ve met before, as she has so recently come of age.” She turned the smile, a trifle too bright, on Rain. “And you are Lord Fallon’s new wife! Word has traveled fast. Congratulations on your new alliance. But you must find it lonely here in the Dark Lands. You’re from away, aren’t you? You must come and visit us at your leisure. It’s never too late to make new friends.”

  Rain felt a twinge of suspicion. She wasn’t the type to make friends easily, and that overdone smile of Lady S’s made her uncomfortable. Peeking at Fallon’s easy expression didn’t help, either. Sometimes she hated the façade of his.

  The next lady who accosted them helped Rain to solidify the sensation she was having of something wrong. Young and bouncing, with a husband in tow, the girl nearly smothered Rain with overtures of friendliness. “Do you like shopping? Oh, but of course you do!” The girl laughed giddily. “We should go together sometime and have lunch. I know this wonderful little shop…”


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