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mywolfprotector Page 2

by Unknown

  Everyone was silent at the sight of the newcomer. He had an air of danger about him, a don't-

  fuck-with-me attitude that even the inebriated bikers could sense. She immediately felt safe, knowing somewhere deep within that this man would make everything all right. Everyone, everything but him dimmed from her thoughts.

  His tanned skin had a gentle sheen in the light from the fire, his long, coal-black hair framing his masculine face. He appeared otherworldly, as beautiful as a fallen angel, and Taylor knew he was her only chance at survival. His eyes were hidden beneath a pair of black sunglasses, his chin strong and firmly defined. Without conscious thought she stepped toward him, only to be stopped by the brutal hand on her arm. Reb quickly yanked her back into her reality, refusing to relinquish her.

  Taking advantage of Reb’s focus on the other man, she kicked him as hard as she could in his

  shin. He roared in rage and pain. His grip slackened briefly, long enough for her to yank her arm away from him. Quickly she ran behind the newcomer, hoping and praying that she wasn't about to get him hurt. “Please, help me,” she said, her throat nearly closed off in fear of what would happen next. “My friend Nicole is here somewhere, but I don't know where she is.”

  He didn't turn around. In a deep, lethal voice, he asked, “Did she go willingly?”

  “Yes,” she replied, although she hated to, knowing that Nicole would be left behind.

  “Then there is nothing we can do.” Taylor swallowed hard in sadness, waiting for him to ask if she were here willingly. He never did.

  The breeze at the lake picked up, causing the tips of his long, silky, black hair to blow back against her invitingly. He smelled good, his cologne woodsy and masculine. She burrowed up closer to his back, uncaring what he thought. His body felt solid, safe, right. He represented the only security and safety she could find in this area, and she was determined to stick close to him.

  “We are leaving,” he announced authoritatively, his stance relaxed despite the danger. “If

  anyone has a problem with this come over here now, and I'll take care of it for you. Otherwise, back the fuck off.”

  The bikers at the bonfire glanced uneasily at each other. They weren't strangers to trouble, but they knew this man represented something that could be deadly for them. He was too large and too confident, unafraid of the size of their gang or the men themselves. “Take her, man. We don't want her,”

  one of them responded, cautiously. “We aren't looking for any trouble, just a good time before we hit the road again.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Reb roared, his face flushed. “She came out here knowing damn good and

  well what we'd be expecting. She owes us, and I plan on collecting.” He turned to Marrok, giving him a calculating look with his beady eyes. “I'll tell you what. How about you go over there and have a drink with the others while I take that one out in the bushes for a little while. I'll make it fast. When we come back, she's more than welcome to leave with you.”

  Faster than the eye could see, the stranger moved. His large fist connected with the other man's face, a scream of pain tearing through dark night. She gasped as he stepped back to her. Reb was lying ten feet away, knocked out cold and lying on the hard ground.

  “Holy shit,” one of the bikers gasped drunkenly from his perch on the log. He held the bottle

  back to his lips, swallowing deeply before holding the bottle back up to look at it. “This must be some damn good liquor. I thought I just saw big Reb flying, but we all know there's no way that could ever happen.”

  “Shut up,” another hissed, holding his hands up in surrender when the man in leather focused on him. “Please, just take her. We don't want her, just don't hurt us, man.”

  “Oh, I plan on it,” he assured them coolly. “I can assure you I would have anyhow. Make sure

  the other woman doesn't come to harm. If she does, I'll know it, and I'll be back to finish what I started.”

  The bikers shrank back as a whole, convinced he meant every word. “Sure, whatever you say.”

  With one last, long, lingering look at the cowering bikers, he turned to her. Taylor stared up at him, too shocked by the events of the night to say anything. “Hop on,” he told her briskly, his tone revealing nothing. “I'll be right behind you.”

  She ran to the bike. He held it in place while she got on carefully, before sliding on in front of her. His lean hips teased the flesh in between her thighs, surprisingly erotic despite the danger. Heat pooled in the center of her body, the muscles in her stomach fluttering in response. Underneath her panties, her body grew wet and slick. It was an unfamiliar feeling. She blushed uncomfortably as he looked back at her over his shoulder.

  “Wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight.” Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice her

  wayward reaction to him. He waited until she nodded in agreement before he fired up the motorcycle and took off with a roar.

  She watched the bikers as they left, worried they would retaliate. None of them moved,

  although they might have had Reb regained consciousness. He remained laid out on the ground,

  unmoving. Nicole was nowhere to be seen. Anxiety shot through her body as she worried for her friend, causing her arms to tighten around his waist without realizing it.

  The motorcycle bounced across the holes in the dirt road, but he was able to avoid the worst of them with his expert handling. It was only accessible by bike or foot. A car would have bottomed out nearly immediately. Could help even reach Nicole in time? As if he could read her very mind, he said loudly, “Don't worry for your friend. I know the local sheriff. When we get to a phone I'll call and have someone come out.”

  She nodded, although she knew he wouldn't be able to see her. “What's your name?” She asked,

  laying the side of her cheek against his back.

  “Marrok Walker. What about you?”

  “Taylor Moore. Thank you for what you did back there. It was very brave of you. I-I can only

  imagine what would have happened if you hadn't shown up.”

  So could he, judging by the way his body tensed up underneath her arms.

  “What were you doing out there with them to begin with?” he asked, a hard edge to his voice.

  She quickly explained. He was silent for a moment before she felt a rumble pass through his

  body. “You can be damned sure that won't ever be happening again,” he replied, his voice thick with anger.

  Before she could ask him what he meant, he hit the main road. Swerving onto the paved

  surface, he turned the throttle wide open. Conversation was useless. Blonde hair intertwined with black as it streamed out behind them, the motorcycle carrying them away into the dark night.

  * * * * *

  Pulling up in front of his cabin, he lowered the kick stand and slid off. Although he looked

  calm, inside he was a hotbed of emotions ranging from anger to elation. His body still burned at the danger she'd been in, but he fought to push it aside. His mate had arrived, and she was more than he could have ever hoped for. He helped her off, his eyes starved as they slid over her.

  Tall for a female, he guessed her to be somewhere around 5'11. Where his skin was dark and

  tanned from his Native American heritage, hers was extremely pale and luminous. Her hair was long, pale-blonde, and gently curled all the way down to her waist. And her body.... He swallowed back the lust-filled groan as he inhaled deeply for control over his wayward body. One day, he would take her bent over his motorcycle, making sweet, gentle love underneath the glow of the moon, but now wasn't the time.

  Taylor stared at the area around her, turning to look at his cabin. Her shoulders, hips, and thighs were wide and proportionate, her waist narrowing in above a softly-rounded stomach. Her breasts were high and firm underneath the shortened tank top. The material hugged her rounded globes and then ended, revealing a large expanse of tantalizing skin.

k knew that many women of size would be too embarrassed to wear an outfit such as this

  one, but he couldn't understand why. He was extremely aroused by the sight of her bountiful body, and vowed right then and there to buy several more outfits like these for her to wear. Only when they were alone, of course. He growled at the thought of another man getting a glimpse of so much of her luscious flesh.

  She turned back to him with a puzzled expression on her heart-shaped face. “Are you feeling all right?”

  “Yes,” he replied gruffly, turning away from her. He was fighting for control, the presence of his mate flipping the switch for the mating heat their kind experienced. If he kissed her now, there would be no stopping. Marrok could sense she wasn't ready for that.

  He wanted his mate relaxed and her mind clear when he took her, but even more, he wanted her

  to desire him as much as he did her. “Let's get inside so I can make that call. You probably want a shower, too. I've got some clothes you can use until yours are washed and dried.” He grinned ruefully before adding, “They won't fit you right, but men's clothing is all I have here.”

  She nodded, her blue eyes wide. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  He led her into the house and into the bathroom. It had a high-ceiling, the walls made with

  natural wood. The room was large and peaceful, a woodsy aroma filling the air. She inhaled deeply in pleasure. “Let me get those clothes for you. The towels are there in that cabinet. While you're showering, I'll call over to the sheriff so he can get someone out there as soon as possible. We'll go from there, okay?”

  “Okay,” she replied softly, moving to the cabinet to pick out a towel. Delivering the clothes, he quickly departed with a smile that turned into a groan as he got out of hearing range. The temptation of her flesh was too much to take, especially knowing she would soon be naked. Walking into the living room, he picked up the phone and dialed Sheriff Brown's home number. While waiting, he pulled off his sunglasses and laid them down on the small table.

  The Sheriff was a pack mate, but nobody outside of the wolves knew this. It wasn't uncommon.

  Wolves generally held positions of authority in neighboring towns. It was for pack protection. Should a wolf be spotted or problems arise, they were the first to know. Knowledge really was power, especially when it came to supernatural matters concerning large groups of people.

  He answered, the sounds a ball game loud in the background. Marrok filled him in on the events of the night, advising him of the woman left behind. The television was quickly turned off. After Marrok gave him directions, Sheriff Brown promised to let him know something as soon as possible.

  He hung up, relieved that the matter was settled. Now he could focus on his mate.

  The shower stopped, the sound easily heard with his sensitive hearing. Walking into his kitchen, he grimaced at the pitiful contents of his refrigerator. Luckily he'd stopped at the store upon his arrival back in town, but he hadn't planned on entertaining. Making up a tray, he carried it back to the living room and waited for his mate to make her entrance.

  He didn't wait long. She walked into the room with her hair freshly washed, her blue eyes

  uncertain. His t-shirt and sweatpants dwarfed her, despite her voluptuous size. Taylor was gorgeous without even trying to be.

  She glanced around the room appreciatively, but got right to the point. “What did the he say?”

  He beckoned for her to come in, and she sat down on the couch next to him. “I thought you

  might be hungry or thirsty,” he told her. “I'll fill you in while you eat.”

  “Okay,” she replied, biting into a sandwich. Her lips were plump and a rosy pink, and he

  watched her intently for several seconds, surprised to realize he was slightly jealous of the sandwich.

  He rolled his eyes at the thought.

  “Sheriff Brown will call back as soon as he knows something,” he finally managed to get out.

  She cleared her throat. “I hate to put you out, but would you mind if I remained here until we know something? I rode to the bar with Nicole, and I don't have a way home until we find her.”

  “That will be fine.” In all seriousness, he doubted the other woman would be capable of driving when Sheriff Brown found her. Not with the sheer amounts of liquor they'd been passing around. He wondered if he could convince Taylor to spend the night. Now that he'd found her, he never wanted to let her out of his sight again.

  Wolves were unlike humans in many ways, and so were their courtships. They didn't need long

  engagements or monotonous time lines. Once they met their mate, they knew it. Matings went far beyond the average human's understanding.

  Taylor kept watching him when she thought he wasn't looking, and he couldn't help but preen.

  He could see the interest in her eyes and smell the stirrings of heat within her body. She wanted her wolf man, and she wanted him badly. It was a good thing he was ready, willing, and able to satisfy her luscious body. Something told him she was going to be hell in bed, and he couldn't wait to see it for himself.

  Marrok considered himself a ladies men. He wasn't conceited, but he knew how women

  responded to him. It was time to turn the charm on his mate. For the next half-hour, he focused all his attention on her. She was captivating.

  Carefully, he drew her out of her shell. Before long, she was responding to him as if they were old friends. It was what he wanted. They would be spending many years together as mates, and he wanted them to be joyful, happy years. That could only come if they were best friends as well as lovers.

  His dark eyes met hers. They locked and held as an intense heat and emotion passed between

  them. Although she didn't understand it, he did. It was the supernatural bond that had chosen them as mates. Their bond would only go stronger as their feelings for one another grew deeper. It was fate, and one could never win a battle against it.

  He brought his fingers to her cheeks and drew the backs of them down against her soft skin.

  “You're a beauty, Taylor,” he told her softly, his face descending to hers. “If you only knew how long I've waited for someone like you to walk into my life.”

  She gasped, her lips parting slowly. He closed his eyes, knowing they would soon flare red. In wolf form they were always red, but the only time they changed in human form was in lust or extreme emotion. It was not unusual for the Native American wolves to do this, though. He feared how his mate would take him being werewolf, not to mention, his glowing red eyes.

  Passion exploded between them at the first press of his lips upon hers. The heat was so strong and overwhelming, Marrok lost his head. He laid her back on the couch, his mouth moving

  everywhere. “I want to taste every inch of your delectable body.”

  Taylor's musk and need was powerful and strong, an aphrodisiac that urged him to bring her the ultimate in satisfaction. Somewhere within the back of his mind he heard an annoyance, but lust pushed it from his thoughts. Nothing mattered but quenching the flames that were burning them both up alive.

  “Marrok,” she gasped wide-eyed in pleasure as his long fingers teased her hardened nipples.

  “The phone is ringing. It might be important.”

  He pulled away from her, remaining on his knees for several seconds with his eyes closed. His

  breathing sounded loud and harsh to his ears, as his body fought for control. Stopping only minutes from claiming Taylor was tearing him up.

  Finally, Marrok felt like he could stand. He got up quickly, putting his back to her as he

  answered the phone. He needed time to let his ardor, and his eyes, calm down. “Hello,” he barked into the phone.

  “Marrok, it's Sheriff Brown, and I've got some bad news.”

  “I'm listening.”

  He exhaled deeply. “We went out to the lake, which took us awhile with the way the roads are.

  There's no other way to say this. It's a bloodba
th out there. Someone slit the throat of fifteen bikers and two women, and I mean it was brutal. Pretty soon, the town is going to be flooded with the police, FBI, and everything in between. I can confirm, though, that neither woman is Nicole. We checked their ID's.”

  “Shit,” Marrok exclaimed. “Who in the hell would have done it? I didn't notice anyone else out in the area.”

  “Beats the hell out of me,” the Sheriff responded. “Someone else was here, though, and it was

  definitely more than one. I can scent several men, and it's not the bikers.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Keep the girl with you safe. This town doesn't need another murder. I'll want to talk to her

  later, and see what she knows. I'll call you when I get the chance.”

  Marrok eyes had returned back to their natural color. Turning, he faced Taylor. “You don't have to worry about that. I'll guard her with my life, and I mean my very life.”

  Sheriff Brown easily read between the lines. “Ah-ha, it's like that, huh?” He chuckled wearily.

  “It's nice to see that one good thing has come out of the events of this night. I'll leave your mate in your good hands. Congratulations.”

  They quickly hung up. Taylor watched him, her face drawn in anxiety. “What's happened?”

  “After we left, someone attacked the biker gang at the lake. They are all dead.”

  Her face blanched, but she asked steadily, “What about Nicole?”

  “She wasn't found among the remains, but the Sheriff isn't certain where she's at.”

  Taylor's eyes filled with tears. “That means she might have escaped. I shouldn't have left her.”

  “No,” he responded, his voice firm. “If you wouldn't have left, you would have been in the

  same situation.” He didn't bother mentioning there was no way in hell he would have left her behind.

  “Besides, it was her choice. She chose to go off with that man, and leave you behind to fend for yourself against a group of woman-hungry, drunk men. You will not blame yourself.” He was still furious with the unknown Nicole for putting his mate in that kind of danger.


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