GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story

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GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story Page 1

by Brenda Stokes Lee

  GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story

  Brenda Stokes Lee


  GI Joe and Ebony, an American Love Story

  Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

  Baltimore, Maryland 21061

  Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2011

  All rights are reserved and under copyright law will be strictly enforced.

  Publisher’s Note

  This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction. Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them.Daddy's Girl Publishing House

  GI Joe and Ebony, an American Love Story

  Brenda Stokes Lee

  Chapter 1

  Ebony Saunders could not believe her eyes when she came out of the fitness center and noticed that the front passenger side tire on her car was completely flat.

  “Oh hell no! I don’t need this bullshit tonight.” She complained as she kicked it hard as if that would magically inflate it.

  “I don’t really think that’s going to work.” A sexy baritone voice acknowledged. “But I think I can help.

  Cautious and always on guard for any and every predator Ebony quickly turned to locate the source of that melodious voice which sent a shiver up her spine that resonated through her sensual core.

  “I’m fine.” Ebony lied as she cautiously eyed the handsome stranger who approached her.

  “You’ll have no argument with me about that.” The sexy young soldier said as he drew near. “I can change the tire for you if you have a spare. Pop your trunk.”

  “I don’t know if I have a spare tire, but I’m sure I have mace.” The guarded Ebony warned stopping him dead in his tracks.

  “Okay… Well I’m not sure how that’s going to help us get you home safely, but I assure you that I just want to help. So, if you’ll just stand over there were you feel safe and pop the trunk with your remote I can change your flat in less than five minutes.” He replied holding his hands in the air indicating that he was totally harmless.

  Taking the opportunity to quickly scan and assess the undeniably gorgeous young man for the crazy gene, Ebony decided that he could be trusted at least from a distance. “The jack and the spare are in the trunk. I’ll wait over here.”

  “I understand perfectly. My mother also taught me to never trust a stranger.” He smiled and winked as their eyes met for the very first time. “Maybe we want be strangers by the time I finish changing your flat.”

  Intrigued by her beauty the young man could not keep his eyes off of Ebony. Her deep roasted almond skin was as smooth as silk and it begged him to touch her.

  “So what’s your name?” He asked as he pulled the spare tire and the jack from the trunk. “I’m…”

  “No names. This is nerve racking and awkward enough.”

  “Okay well… It’s going to make it a little hard to talk if I don’t know your name. So, I’ll just call you Barbie and you can call me Joe.”

  Ebony burst into laughter.“Seriously, as in GI Joe? Yeah right!”

  “What’s so funny?” He chuckled.

  “I know the relationship that Barbie and GI Joe had and trust me, that will never, ever happen.”

  “Why is there a Ken somewhere?” He teased.

  “No, there’s no Ken at the current moment, but that still doesn’t mean that Barbie wants to play with GI Joe.”

  “So, Barbie doesn’t like to play with other Barbies, does she?”

  “Oh hell no! Barbie likes Kens and GI Joes exclusively.” She laughed. “The question could be raised if GI Joe had an occasional rump with Ken? I know the policy in the military is Don’t ask, don’t tell, but you need to tell me something.

  “There ain’t a damn thing to tell, so you don’t even need to ask.”

  “Alright, but I’ve learned from experience that you’d better ask. If not you may walk in on somebody getting in your man’s tail.” Ebony joked.

  “So you’re single?”

  “Yes, for the moment. It’s a hell of lot easier being single then playing all of these countless games men seem to want to play.”

  “I’m single too.”

  “Yeah right.” Ebony quickly dismissed the thought that this fine ass man was unattached. Intrigued, she took careful inventory of the extraordinary specimen of manhood who claimed to be free and single. Tall, about six foot two inches, with a strong muscular build and a head full of short curly blonde locks he appeared to be just about her age or slightly older. Deeply tanned with an urban swag Ebony instinctively knew that GI Joe had a thing for Chocolate Kisses. “So, you’re single?”

  “Yes, extremely single and I’m tired of it.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty seven. How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty five.” Ebony replied as she entertained the thought of spending time with a man whose name wasn’t Ben & Jerry.“So, exactly how many baby mamas do you have waiting on you to bring some pampers and Similac home?” Ebony teased.

  “What?” GI Joe laughed. “I don’t have any children. I’m not married. And I damn sure am not caught in any baby mama bullshit.”

  “Something must be wrong with you then. Are you sure you never played with Ken.” She laughed.

  “Look, you’re straight and I’m definitely straight. You’re single and I’m single. It’s Friday night, so let’s go out and have a few drinks and some fun. Okay?”

  “As tempting as that is, I don’t even think that’s going to happen. In fact I know it’s not going to happen.” She giggled as she went back to playing with her phone. “You are cute though.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “There is no problem. Who said there was a problem?”

  “Oh I see, Barbie only likes to play with the black GI Joe. She doesn’t like the white GI Joe.”

  “Oh no you didn’t just take it there! What does GI Joe’s skin color have to do with anything?”

  “It shouldn’t but obviously something’s holding you back.”

  “Holding me ba
ck from what?” She challenged.

  “From having a drink with me when I’m done.” His voice softened and became sincere. “I like you Barbie and I’d like to get to know you before I deploy to Saudi Arabia.”

  “Okay, the fact that you’re white has nothing to do with the reason that I don’t want to go out with you. I just don’t know you. This is all too coincidental and staged for me to feel comfortable going anywhere you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I come out and my tire is flat and you just show up out of nowhere to fix it. Now, you want to go out on a date with me? I don’t think so. For all I know you could have stabbed my tire so that you’d have an excuse to talk to me. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.”

  “Yeah perhaps, or this nail you ran over could have punctured your tire and made it flat. And God sent me to help you so some ghoul doesn’t try to crawl in your pants.” GI Joe countered as he held up a giant nail which he pulled out of Ebony’s tire.

  “That was in my tire?”

  “Yes it was and I think you owe me an apology.”

  “Okay, I apologize and I appreciate your help, but I’m still not going out with you. The best I can offer is to be your friend on Facebook. I’m Ebony 4Life, you can contact me there.

  “So if you knew someone who knew me then you’d go out with me?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t. So, I can’t. So, I’m sorry GI Joe, but thanks for fixing my flat.” Ebony coyly crinkled up her nose as if to say sorry, but thanks for playing.

  “Not so fast. Hold up a minute. Don’t give up so easily. I think I have a solution to our little dilemma.” He said as he pulled out his cell and made a call. “Hey are you busy? Can you come outside to the parking lot for a second? Okay thanks.”

  A few moments later the owner of the fitness club came out of the gym and scanned the parking lot for someone. GI Joe waved her over.

  “Hey, Ebony. Is everything okay? Oh my God, did you have a flat tire?” Sandy asked.

  “Yeah, but he fixed it for me. Sandy do you know him?” Ebony asked.

  Sandy snickered. “I should know him. He’s my son. Isn’t he the most handsome thing you’ve ever seen? I can’t believe he doesn’t have a girlfriend.” She said as she hugged him tight before messing up his hair. “He’s a good man. I love him to death. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

  “You have no argument with me there.” Ebony mumbled as she found herself drowning in GI Joe’s crystal blue eyes and captivated by his brilliant smile. “So GI Joe, when would you like to have that drink?”

  A broad sexy grin magically spread across GI Joe’s adorable face. “How about tonight, Barbie?”

  Chapter 2

  Ebony agreed to drive GI Joe’s late model Dodge Charger home while he took her Toyota Camry to the tire shop to have her tire replaced. Much more relaxed after she found out that he was Sandy’s son, it didn’t take a lot to convince her to allow him to meet her with her car at her suburban townhouse. Besides, Ebony was convinced that she needed all the time that she could get to prepare for her date.

  It had been over six months since Ebony had even let a Ken get a sniff of her pussy, let alone entertain the thought of playing with it. Her last relationship ended extremely badly when she discovered that her devoted boyfriend of five years had a wife, four kids and two baby mamas. Needless to say Ebony almost caught a damn charge after she tried to beat the complete monkey shit out of his lying ass.

  Afterwards, she found it easier to just fly solo with a little help from her vibrator of course. Then out of nowhere comes this gorgeous stranger with a handsome chiseled face and a body like an action figure. She wasn’t even going to pretend that she was going to keep her panties out of his mouth tonight. If he wanted it, she was going to give it to him.

  “As fine as his ass is, I don’t give a damn what color he is,” She thought as she slipped her thong on over her freshly manicured pubic mound. The thought of a man inside her had Ebony hot and bothered and short of being a complete ass wipe GI Joe was getting some chocolate pudding tonight.

  Before Ebony could finish her thought her doorbell rang. “Oh shit, he’s early.” She whined as she slipped her silk robe over her half nude vivacious frame.

  “Hi, you’ll early. Come in.”

  “I know, but in my defense I’m a Marine. If you’re on time then you’ll late. So, I’m always at least fifteen minutes early. Sorry.” He apologized as he leaned in to kiss her cheek as he gave her a beautiful boutique of flowers. “These are for you.”

  “I know but I’m not dressed.” She pouted. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She said as she took the flowers and kissed his soft lips.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He mumbled as he pulled her close and sampled her lips.


  “You’re not dressed. Maybe there’s a good reason that you’re not dressed and I’m early.”

  Ebony looked deep into his blue eyes and quickly abandoned all hope of acting like a respectable lady tonight. His kiss was enduring and his cologne was intoxicating. She wanted him plain and simple and she could tell that he wanted her too.

  “I haven’t been with anyone in over six months.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone in nine months. I travel a lot and it’s just easier to handle things myself.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this?”

  “What going out with me?” GI Joe asked confused.

  “No, this...” Ebony said as she untied the knot in the belt of her robe and let it fall to her feet.

  GI Joe’s breath instantly stopped as he eyed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her skin was so soft, subtle and smooth. Her breasts were firm, full and taunt and made his mouth water just looking at them. Her belly was flat and extremely toned; her workouts had paid off big. Ebony was perfect and he couldn’t believe that she wanted him. He stared at her for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking. “You are an absolute vision and I’m the luckiest man in the world right now.”

  His gaze haunted her and his words melted her heart. Ebony could not speak. So, she said not a word as she took him by the hand and invited him to her bed and welcomed him into her heart.

  Chapter 3

  As they entered the bedroom GI Joe pulls Ebony in his arms and kisses her hard and deep. Her lips were sweet and tasted like black cherries. He craved more of their goodness as he sucked on her mouth. Ebony was not to be out done as she returned fired, sticking her tongue as deep into his mouth as it would go. GI Joe quickly unbuttoned his shirt revealing a ripped body that made Ebony gasps.

  “Oh… my… God… You look like a GI Joe action figure” She groaned as she jumped in his arms and encircled his waist with her mahogany legs.

  A large sinister grin crossed GI Joe’s face as he grabbed Ebony by her ass and kneaded it as if it was fine bread dough. “Well that is my name.” He mumbled as he nibbled and then sucked on her lips.

  He was rock hard and hung like a donkey. And Ebony loved it. She wasn’t sure who started that malicious rumor that white men had little dicks and couldn’t fuck, but she instantly knew that they didn’t know shit. This man had ten inches of hard, thick steel. And the confident grin on his face as he dropped his pants assured her that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  Effortlessly, he carried Ebony to the bed and laid her on her back and parted her thick thighs. Their eyes met briefly as he asked for permission to remove her red lace thong and take a trip to Lady Town. Ebony lay back and quickly nodded and affirmative, “Oh hell yeah!”

  GI Joe took his time as removed her thong and planted a trail of soft, hot kisses up the right thigh of Ebony’s leg. The anticipation was killing her. She wanted to scream hurry up, but she didn’t want to appear like a totally turned out slut. So she grabbed the bed pillow and covered her mouth as GI Joe’s breath blew gently on her clit before licking it with his hot moist tongue.

  He tasted her and she was as sweet a
s he perceived she would be. “You taste so damn delicious.” He groaned before devouring her koochie like it was a hot apple pie a la mode. He sucked her hairless mound deep into his mouth and Ebony lost her mind. GI Joe surfaced for a brief second with a big sexy grin on his face. He knew he had her and he was not about to let her off the hook. So he intensified his effort and licked and sucked his way to a very happy and satisfied girlfriend.

  As nice as her vibrator was Ebony had not come that hard, that fast in forever. She didn’t want to be selfish, but she didn’t have the luxury of reciprocating at this particular second. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably and her sensual core quaked in anticipation of what was to come next.

  “Do you have a condom?”

  “Yeah, give me a second.” He said as he retrieved a condom from his wallet.

  As he sat on the edge of the bed putting on the condom, Ebony regained control of her legs. She climbed in his lap just as he finished. Grasping the base of his dick she carefully rubbed it against her now swollen clit. It felt good, but not as good as she knew it would feel inside of her.

  GI Joe’s eyes rolled back in his head as he enjoyed her manipulation of his engorged manhood. He wanted to be inside of her, but he was willing to let her take the lead. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He smiled as he gently sucked her neck.

  “Yes.” Ebony admitted as she slipped his hardness into her wetness.

  They groaned in unison as Ebony slowly and methodically slow stroked GI Joe’s humongous anaconda. “Damn this feels good.” He managed as Ebony arched her back, varied her depth and increased her speed.

  GI Joe was in awe of her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and she excited every sensual cell in his body. Captivated and essentially pussy whipped he lay back on the bed and watched her have her way with him for as long as he possibly could. Feeling his release press hard against him and threaten to over take him like an epic tsunami he grabbed her by her small waist lifted her in his massive arms an power drove her in a standing ninja fuck.


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