Saint's Salvation_The Seven Deadly Sins

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Saint's Salvation_The Seven Deadly Sins Page 23

by Tiana Laveen

  Hassani: She isn’t here yet. What if she changed her mind?

  Angel: She didn’t. Calm the hell down. U shouldn’t be waiting. Go get some punch or something. I told you I’m with Carmen 2nite. (devil face) Bought a new box of rubbers!

  Hassani: Wait. I need advice. I can’t leave. I told her I’d meet her right here.

  Angel: U want 2 look like a pussy? She’s late. Leave. Don’t keep standing there. U gotta make these hos want u.

  Hassani: But she’s not a ho & my father said to give a girl time because women are always late.

  Angel: Ho is just a figure of speech. A virgin could be a ho.

  Hassani: A virgin can’t be a ho. A virgin hasn’t had sex at all.

  Angel: Ho-ism is a state of mind. Who cares? And what does Saint know about this??

  Hassani: A lot. He writes books about it, remember?

  Angel: Good point. Lol. Anyway, don’t sweat it. Give her 5 minutes. If she still isn’t there, text me back. Don’t call her though. And don’t call me, either. I’m trying to get laid. Carmen is playing hard to get. TTYL.

  Hassani sighed and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He smiled at a few of his friends who walked about with their dates, gave halfhearted waves here and there, and tried to pretend everything was great when the truth was, he was feeling like a fish out of water.

  What if she doesn’t show up? What if she changed her mind and doesn’t like me anymore?

  Just then, he spotted her. His heart beat a mile a minute as he took her in. Asia stood at the doorway, forcing all eyes on her. She turned about, as if looking for him too, and then they locked eyes. Her lips curled in a smile, and he couldn’t help but cheese hard, too. Her hair was wound in one long French braid down her back. She wore a white and pink sweater that slipped off one shoulder, dark navy jeans, and pink wedge shoes that sparkled. Her full lips shimmered, and she had on a short, white fur vest. Not real fur though, he guessed. Her trimmed nails were painted bright pink, and she had diamond studs in her ears. Several students that walked right past her did double takes, including himself. He heard their whispers, as if they were speaking in stereo…

  “Is that Asia Jebrin?!”

  “Yeah. Damn. She looks nice.”

  “Hi, Asia…” He proudly walked up to her, claiming her as his own. His voice cracked, so he cleared his throat, embarrassed, hoping she hadn’t noticed.

  “Hi, Hassani.” She smiled, so pretty, as she looked up into his eyes. “I’m sorry for being late. My father kept taking pictures.” She shrugged and dramatically rolled her eyes. “He wanted to come inside but I begged him not to.”

  Hassani laughed nervously.

  “Yeah, my mother did the same thing. Hell, my mama might still be in the parking lot right now dressed in disguise.” They both laughed at that notion. He looped his arm around hers and escorted her inside the gymnasium. “They’ve got punch and um, hot wings.”

  “Hot wings give me a tummy ache.”

  “Oh … uh, they have other stuff, too. I saw some fruit salad, things like that.”

  “Okay, let’s go check it out.”

  Hassani couldn’t take his eyes off her. She smelled good, the air behind her as she walked becoming a memorial bouquet.

  I hope my palms don’t get sweaty!

  He poured them a cup of punch, and they drew silent as they looked around the gym, which suddenly looked like some sort of disco. The rainbow lights flashed and filtered about, thumping music ran track inside his rib cage, and laughter surrounded them at every turn. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

  “Uh, just one minute.” He slid it out.

  Angel: She there yet?

  Hassani: Yes! I’m going 2 take a pic of her and send it. My girl look good!

  Angel: LOL. Relax. Ok. Have fun. If u need me, text. TTYL.

  Hassani: Ok. Thanks.

  He put his phone away, only to discover that Asia had sauntered off onto the dancefloor. Before he could get two footsteps towards her, a boy he didn’t know came up behind her, bumping and grinding himself silly against her feminine form. Asia looked damn near mortified as her body jeered to and fro. Her eyes grew big, and she was saying something, though he couldn’t quite make out what. Each time she tried to back away from the fool, he drew closer to her, closing their gap. Hassani became a ball of jealousy, morphing into a heated inferno as he marched over to them.

  “What the hell are you doin’, man?”

  “What’s it look like?” The boy chuckled, not even making eye contact.

  “That’s my girlfriend you’re rubbing yourself all over! Get off her ’fore I make you!”

  The almond-colored boy slowed to a crawl then stopped, his thick brows bunched as he gave Hassani the once over.

  “You shoulda been over here, then. You lucky Mr. Luper is looking at us.” They all turned to see a tall, thin White teacher who was known to yank up kids like a yo-yo. The math teacher wore a nasty scowl on his face as he gave them deathly stares. “I’d knock your corny ass out.” Before Hassani could respond, the solid built teen with a forgettable face turned on his heels and walked away. Exhaling loudly, Hassani looked Asia in the eye, no longer certain what to say. Suddenly he felt a moist warmth against his mouth. She’d kissed him, pressing her glossy lips against his. Her tongue slicked across his upper lip, while her lower lip left a trail of wetness on his chin. He stood there until he couldn’t take it a second longer. He gently took her by the shoulders and nudged her away.

  “Uh, thank you, Asia. But that’s not how you do it.” Asia dropped her head and his heart instantly sank.

  Why did I say that?! I hurt her feelings!

  “Oh, no. I’m sorry, Asia. I didn’t mean it… uh, that was a nice kiss, okay? I said the wrong thing, didn’t I? Shit!” Pulling a tissue out of his pocket, he patted his mouth. He looked around them and took note of a quieter area nearby. “Hey, let’s go over there and talk.” Nodding, she followed him to a small table with two chairs. “So, you like the music? It’s okay I guess. Sorry again for what I said. That was a stupid thing to say. I guess I—”

  “Show me how to kiss.”

  Hassani swallowed, taken aback by her straightforwardness. Asia had never talked about such things before. They’d held hands, and gave kisses on the cheek—simple pecks here and there—and hugged before and after classes, but this was a new side to her.

  “Um, all right.”

  “I bet you’re a great kisser because you’ve had a lot of girlfriends, Hassani.”

  “I’ve had my share,” he lied, forcing a proud smile that soon faded. “Um, that’s not true. I don’t even know why I said that.” He shrugged. “Actually, Asia, I’ve had just a few really, but none that I cared about like you. This is different. You’re different.”

  Her smile grew bigger. He leaned in close, his heart racing, and gently pressed his lips to hers. Closing his eyes, he tenderly took her lower lip between his, then slid the tip of his tongue inside her mouth. Working it in slow circles, he braced himself as his breathing slowed and they fell into a groove. When he pulled away, her eyes were wide open, and the goofiest yet prettiest smile creased her face.

  “Wow!” she said in a fit of giggles.

  “You liked that?” He smiled, not sure if he’d done it just as he was supposed to, but feeling fairly confident all the same.

  “Yeah! How’d you learn to do that?” Her eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Um, watching movies … some stuff my dad told me, and Angel. You know my friend Angel, right? Remember him?”

  “Yes. Everyone knows Angel.” She smiled sweetly, causing feelings of jealousy to bubble within him once again.

  What does she mean, ‘Everyone knows Angel?’ She must think he’s cute or something… She must be into older guys. I need to calm down, though. That may not be what she meant at all. Angel is popular—that’s probably all she meant. This girl makes me feel all silly and stupid … and jealous. I hate that. I don’t even want anyone l
ooking at her!

  “So, Angel taught you, too?”

  “Yeah, he uh, taught me… Oh wait! Not like taught me in the sense of doing that to me. Ugh! No, no, no!” He waved his hands frantically about. “We’re not like that. I mean, there’s nothing wrong if someone is, I mean, shit!” He slapped his forehead with an open palm. “I meant to say, you know, he explained it to me is all.”

  Asia busted out laughing, drawing the same response from him.

  “I knew what you meant, Hassani.”

  He nodded, feeling the heat of embarrassment, and happiness, too. Taking her hand in his, he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Hassani.”

  “Of course I’d invite you.” His gut stirred with budding arousal. “You’re my girl.”

  Damn, she is so nice and pretty. I can’t believe she’s mine.

  Suddenly, Montana of 300’s “Busta Rhymes” came on.

  “You wanna dance?” He pointed to the dance floor now crowding with peers.

  “Yes.” They both got to their feet and made their way out to the dance floor. He felt free as a bird as they moved about to the beat, their laughter blending in with the song and energy around them. The world became a blur of music, colors, and fun. Asia twirled about, her long braid gliding with each of her well-timed steps.

  Oh shit! She can dance! I never knew that.

  He came up close behind her, and they danced in step, laughing and having a great time, and then he felt the first brick of his world coming apart. Asia suddenly paused, looked over her shoulder, and glanced down at his crotch.

  Hassani followed her eyes, and there it was … an erection.


  He’d been so involved in dancing with his beautiful girl, he hadn’t even noticed.

  “Uh, Asia, get yourself something to drink. I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back!”


  Hassani burst out into the cool air, the double doors of the gym swaying behind him. His chest felt as if it were going to burst.

  He grabbed his phone and called Angel, only to get the voicemail.

  ‘Yo, you know who this is. Tell me what you want at the beep and I might call yo’ ass back.’

  “Angel, I wish you’d answer your phone. I know you said not to call, but it’s important. Something terrible has happened!” He fought tears as he disconnected the call. Sliding against the brick wall, his ass soon hit cold concrete. Folding his hands over his knees, he just sat there, looking around him, taking note of the parking lot that was dotted with cars. Soon, a police officer approached him. He didn’t even bother looking up into the man’s eyes, it was one of Daddy’s Angel Child cop friends assigned to keep watch for the night…

  “Are you all right, Hassani?”

  “Yeah … I’m fine. Just wanna be alone for a bit.”

  “All right. I’ll go back to my post but holler if you need me.”

  “Okay.” He kept his head down but heard the man walking away, his feet crushing the gravel. Minutes passed as he waited for Angel to call back, to no avail.

  Like Dad’s babysitter for me could help with this!

  He guffawed at his own thoughts.

  Oh yeah, Mr. Officer, see, I was dancing with my girlfriend and my wiener plumped and poked her in the back. Smooooth! I’m mack of the year! Wait a minute … Dad’s babysitter? Yeah…


  Hassani snatched his phone out of his pocket.

  “Daddy … I messed up with Asia.”

  “Hmmm, you rarely call me Daddy anymore, Hassani, unless you are really upset.”

  “Are you with Mama right now?”

  “Yeah, we’re watching a movie in the living room.” He knew Isis and Dakarai were with Grandma at some pizza parlor.

  “I have to tell you something private. Can you walk away or something?”

  “Xenia, I’ll be right back,” Daddy said. After a few seconds, he spoke into the phone, “I’m alone now. What’s wrong, Hassani?”


  “Oh, it can’t be that bad! I thought you were supposed to be having fun with your friends and of course, getting that first dance with Asia. You made me get you into the best barber in Harlem and you used about half of my cologne. I’m surprised no one has passed out from smelling you yet.” Dad chuckled.

  “I poked her butt.”

  “You did what?”

  “I got hard and poked her butt while we were dancing to ‘Busta Rhymes’!”

  “But Busta Rhymes hasn’t had a hit record in years! You all went old school, huh? Back in my day, he and Mariah Carey had a song that was called, ‘Baby if you—”

  “Dad, no! The song is called, ‘Busta Rhymes’, not the rapper! Anyway, I can’t walk back in there, Dad! I’m outside away from everyone. I can’t face her!”

  The man went quiet on the phone for a moment.

  “Hassani, trust me, it seems worse than it is. Asia is mature enough to know that you did not do anything intentionally. You all have already had sex education. She understands how this works; she’s a smart girl. And I’m sure she knows you meant no disrespect. It’s not as if you could control that. Besides, she probably isn’t even thinking about it anymore. Look, you were dancing, you were up close to her obviously, and things happen. Son, relax. Go back in there and enjoy the rest of your night.”

  “I can’t! I just can’t!” He stood and tried to act cool when a student came out and shot him a curious glance.

  “Hassani, you act as if there is going to be a big neon sign on you now or someone is going to get on the speaker and say, ‘There’s the boy with the woody!!!’ Come on, son, you’re overreacting. I need you to pull yourself together and get back in there with your friends.”

  Hassani thought about what Dad was saying and sighed. “Okay.”

  “Good. I promise you it’s not as bad as you think.”

  “I’ve been messing up the whole night. I forgot she doesn’t like hot wings and that they make her sick. I almost got into a fight with a guy that was dancin’ all over her. Then she kissed me and I told her she did it wrong. Now this. I’ve been doing a fine job! I’m surprised she hasn’t dumped me yet.”

  “Hassani, you’re just a little nervous and saying and doing things that reflect this. It’s normal. Just remind yourself that Asia likes you just as much as you like her. She kissed you, huh?” He could hear the grin in his father’s words.

  “Yes. Then she asked me to show her how to do it right since I complained, I guess. I felt like an ass for that. I mean, I felt bad.” Dad chuckled.

  “Yeah, that probably wasn’t something that made her feel great, but more importantly, did she like it when you kissed her the way you thought it should go?”

  Hassani couldn’t help but smile.

  “Yes. It was a good kiss … a really good kiss, Dad. I like her so much. I don’t want to mess this up. Uh, about the whole boner thing, please don’t tell Mama.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Thank you, Dad. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “All right, have fun… That’s what’s most important.”

  “I know, but it’s kind of hard to when I know you’ve got a police officer in here staring at me,” Hassani joked, trying to ease his mounting anxiety.

  “I’m sure you’re doing just fine. I love you. We’ll pick you up in a couple of hours.” Then, Dad hung up the phone.

  Hassani slid his phone back into his pocket and marched back into the gymnasium. Making his way through the thick crowd, he spotted Asia talking to a couple of girls. They all were laughing, and when they turned and looked at him, they laughed even harder.

  “Oh no … she told them.” He turned to walk away until he heard Asia calling his name.

  “Hassani! Come here, Hassani!” He stopped in his tracks and swallowed. Turning on his heels, he gingerly made his way towards them, ready to face the music. It felt like the longest journey of his life.<
br />
  Here we go… This is when the jokes begin and me and Asia end.

  “Hassani, this is Ava and this is Renee.”

  “Hi.” He waved sheepishly at both of the girls.

  “Hi,” they said simultaneously. “We were just telling Asia how cute her outfit is. She told us you were her boyfriend.” The two girls looked at one another, then erupted in giggles. “We didn’t even know she had a boyfriend.” Asia’s complexion warmed. “We’re in Mrs. Night’s class with her. Asia is very smart. She helps us in science. Actually, she’s Mrs. Night’s student assistant. Did you know that?”

  “Uh, yeah, she told me. Mrs. Night is a great teacher.”

  They all nodded in agreement.

  “They’re fraternal twins,” Asia clarified. “Isn’t that neat?”

  “My mama is a fraternal twin too. My Aunt Porsche and she look a little alike, but nothing like identical twins. That’s cool.”

  “Ava and Renee are two of the few people who don’t make fun of me.” Asia explained.

  “No one should make fun of her,” Ava spoke up empathically. “She’s autistic.” She shrugged. “So what? To me, she’s no different from anyone else. Our cousin Derek is autistic. He’s seven and he’s a really cool kid.”

  “I think the same thing, Ava.” Hassani wrapped his arm around Asia’s waist and brought her closer. “I just like her as a person, you know?”

  “Ava and Renee said you were really cute, Hassani.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “And I couldn’t agree more…”

  Hassani smiled with relief, thankful that Dad was right. Asia had moved on from the incident, and it felt like it had never happened.

  “Well, thank you.” He smiled proudly, then turned towards Asia, his heart beating a mile a minute. “You look beautiful.” Leaning towards her, he kissed her cheek, causing the two girls to Ooooh and Ahhhhh over them. Just then, his phone buzzed. He took it out and glanced at it. “It’s Angel. Let me text him right back.” Hassani released her and turned his back to block the conversation from the three sets of eyes.


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