Vampires' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Vampires' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 1

by Sara Anderson

  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Vampires’ Embrace

  Rachel Dawson lives under the protection of a Lycan Pack after a vampire, Mortef, abducted and tormented her. A chance meeting with two vampires, who recently betrayed Mortef and formed their own nest, evoke feelings in her she’d never experienced before. Since that erotic encounter, she can’t stop thinking and fantasizing about them, but she has secrets she’s kept buried.

  Devon and Kieran know this is the worst time for fate to decide that Rachel is their mate. Devon is just learning the full impact of his Uncle’s betrayal, and he is leading his nest on a quest to overthrow him for good. Rachel is irresistible, though, and fate has thrown her hand in, making their desire to cement their bond overpowering.

  Rachel doesn’t know she isn’t just another human female, though, and her abilities frighten her. When Devon and Kieran both see the extent of what she is capable of, she runs. The two vampires rush to find her before the evil vampire gets her first and uses her for his own nefarious plans.

  Genre: BDSM, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 67,832 words


  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Sara Anderson


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Anderson

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-623-9

  First Publication: September 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  To my readers. You all are the best bunch of funs ever. I feel like we are truly friends. Thank you so much.

  To my husband who encourages me to do what I love. You’re the best and the inspiration of every Hero I write.


  Sara lives in Southwest Missouri with her husband and children.

  For all titles by Sara Anderson, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen




  Southern Supernatural Alphas


  Copyright © 2017


  Chattanooga, Tennessee

  Rachel felt the scorching hot wind surrounding her. Not like a refreshing wind on a summer day, but a brutal sandstorm in the middle of the arid desert. It felt as if sand pummeled her tender flesh, causing it to sting. Her captor, Mortef, growled, a disgusting sound of pleasure and she felt his engorged shaft against her midsection. She retched at the idea that he received sexual pleasure from her suffering. Tears blurred her eyes as she struggled to breathe through harrowing pain. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a misty vapor that looked much like puffs of frost from exhaling when temperatures were below zero. The misty frost lifted to the evil Vampire, who held her in his crushing grip, and swirled around his body. He moaned as he breathed in the vapor and his arms that held her in a vise grip tightened. Facing him, she shivered at the awful sight of his fangs protruding from his gums.

  After he’d breathed in the vapor, his head lowered and he almost looked high. “I had no idea you were this good. You are going to make me powerful enough to take on the council. You and me, baby, well, actually just me.”

  She couldn’t respond. She opened her mouth to beg him to let her go, but only a wheeze would come out as the victim in front of her closed his eyes and let out his final breath. She’d tried removing her hands from his head, but Mortef’s command held her hands in place, and she’d been helpless against his compulsion. The hot wind surrounding her turned cold.

  Mortef’s lips lowered to hers and Rachel closed her eyes. Disgusting! His vile lips on hers turned her stomach. “Let him fall now, my pet,” he whispered.

  Her hands moved instantly, and Mortef let the dead man fall in a heap on the floor like discarded trash. He kept his grip on her for a moment before shoving her roughly away from him.

  “You’re a temptress. You want me to fuck you into oblivion, but I won’t. I have plenty more females to fuck. You, my pet, are my weapon. I don’t play with weapons. It’s a personal decision of mine. If you’re lucky, I will let others show you a good time though.”

  She stared at the young man as his unnaturally still form wavered from her tears. There were too many horrors crashing into her at once. She couldn’t take it.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. She felt her sanity starting to splinter as shock and horror waged through her. Mortef was able to use whatever was inside of her to drain the life from people. Did that make her a murderer, as well? She’d killed people, like a monster. No, not like a monster, she was a monster, Evil. She felt herself shutting down, and pulling away from reality. Hide, just hide. He will use your body, but he’ll never touch you. That calm voice had been with her as long as she could remember, like some sort of fairy that whispered advice to her.

  Laughing, Mortef lifted her. “We’re going to be so good together, you and me, anyone who says fucking is the best has never had a channel to feed them raw energy.” He kissed her again as his hands ran over her oversensitive skin.

  The pain on her skin was agonizing, and it made her struggle all the more to pull away and find that warm safe place in her mind. She thought of the day her parents hung her official adoption papers on her bedroom wall. The love she felt from them as they held her. That feeling kept her from giving in to despair.

  “I don’t know what I like better, feeling your pain while taking the energy, or causing more when we’re done. You’ll come to enjoy it as much as I do.” Mortef ran his sharp claws over her skin and his eyes gleamed as she bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. Tears fell as the pain radiated from her skin and into her muscles and bones.

  The pain pulled her from her safe place and s
he screamed in misery and pain. Just as her vision started to waver, Mortef looked past her shoulder. “That was fun, but I’m thirsty now.” He dropped her and walked over to a young man tied to a chair.

  “No. Please, no. God, please just—” Mortef’s fangs cut off his pleading as they sank into his neck. A scream of agony filled the room, making her cry for him as well as herself.

  It was like a train wreck. She wanted to look away, but her gaze stayed on the man’s face as his mouth remained open as he convulsed. Panic filled his eyes for a moment as he realized he was dying, and then they closed.

  She tried to block out all sights and sounds from the others in the room. “Mama,” she cried out while rocking. “I want my mom.” She struggled to get back to that warm, safe place where no one would ever hurt her again.

  Vampires weren’t supposed to kill anymore, but Mortef and his followers proved her wrong. They kept showing up with humans and killing them as they fed, or Mortef used her to kill them. She was evil inside and Mortef loved it.

  “No, I’m not evil, I’m good.” Mortef then destroyed any thought that she had about being a good person.

  “Go over there and touch that young man.”

  She screamed at herself to stop, but her feet moved toward him and she placed her hands on the guy.

  He tried to back away from her as he begged for mercy. “No, please don’t touch me. I’ll do whatever you want. Don’t hurt me.”

  Powerless to resist Mortef, she kept her hands on the young man.

  Mortef came up behind her and placed his hands on her head, and instantly she could feel power moving through her as if a firestorm was ripping through her body. She could feel the man’s emotions, his pain and terror as Mortef held her in his grip.

  She glanced up, saw herself in the mirror, and would’ve vomited if she had control over her own body. Her dark hair blew out away from her face as if the wind was blowing and her eyes were black.

  The man let out a final whimper and she felt the life drain out of his body. The hot wind was ice cold, and she started to shake. She felt like death enveloped her and all she heard was herself screaming.

  “That made me hungry.” Mortef dropped her and walked over to another one of the humans in the room.

  “No, no, no!” Another man cried and then his screams turned to moans.

  She scrambled behind a chair. She made the mistake of glancing over and saw the other man was hanging limply in Mortef’s grip. “I’m evil. I’m evil.” Rocked back and forth and desperately tried to picture her mom’s face. Instead, she saw her mom and father dying at her hands and she felt them die just like that man. “No,” she cried and closed her eyes tightly to try and hide from the horror she was living.

  When Mortef dropped the body, she heard his footsteps. “I don’t know why you are hiding. I didn’t make it painful for him. I could have, you know. Vampires who are feeding have a choice for their prey. Pain or pleasure. One day I will show you both. For now, I need you to keep your strength up for the next batch my coyotes bring us.”

  “No,” she whimpered and then felt the cold flow over her as the horrors of the room invaded her attempts to escape.

  “Fine, if you won’t do as I tell you. Let my soldiers have their fun for a bit. That should cool that attitude of yours.” He glanced at the coyotes in the room. “Fuck her all you like if Veer doesn’t get to her first. Do not hurt her though. I need her abilities.” His laugh followed him as he left the room.

  Hands gripped her and she fought as Mortef’s coyote soldiers tore at her clothing. She screamed and kicked until exhaustion made her limp. Just as she’d given in to the fact she was going to be violated in every way, the door kicked open and a huge man stood there. He snarled and his fangs and claws made it clear he was a Lycan. “Help me,” she whimpered.

  Once she knew she was safe, she could feel arms around her. Come here, Rachel. Hide with me. You’re far too special to break like this. Relief flooded her as the darkness and peace grew and the horrors in front of her faded.

  With a gasp, she opened her eyes. She put her hands over her face and wept. She hadn’t relived that day Mortef abducted her in a long time. She’d thought the dreams were finally gone.

  “Breakfast!” Anna called.

  Drying her tears, she climbed out of bed. She wished more than anything that she could tell Anna and her Lycan mates what had really happened, but she was scared. As much as she feared the evil inside of her, she had a strong will to live. If they knew, they might kill her to eradicate any threat to the pack. Plastering a smile on her face, she yelled back, “I’ll be right down.”

  Chapter One

  The setting sun filtered down through the thick foliage of the trees in the park two Vampires, Devon and Kieran, strolled through. It was a green oasis in the southern city of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

  Devon Kane strode with all the confidence of a Vampire who was heir to the largest coven in North America. His father had been the Overlord of the South Eastern Coven until he’d died while hunting with his Uncle Mortef seventy years ago. At the time, Devon was only twenty years old, a mere fledgling, so his uncle had taken over the coven with the promise of handing him his birthright when he was ready.

  Devon had been ready for decades, but Mortef always gave the Vampire Council a plausible reason why it was not the right time. For years, Devon had second thoughts about his uncle’s motives and the accident his father had, and a few short months ago, he’d gotten the confirmation that his uncle murdered his father and tried to kill him.

  Now was not the time to let his anger and need for vengeance rise though. Betrayal was a bitter pill, but he needed to keep his wits about him.

  Taking a cleansing breath, he forced his thoughts back to the lovely Rachel Dawson. Since meeting her, he’d had an intense attraction to her that made little logical sense. Perhaps it was the pull many fated mates felt when they met the one. Some believed there was one woman destined to be their one true mate. He could only hope and pray it was true. He forced his concentration back to the here and now. Quiet voices floated through the breeze as many others also enjoyed the park as dusk settled.

  Among the voices was his closest friend, Kieran Allen, a southern gentleman through and through. His voice chattered in the background as he regaled Devon with the story of his latest attempt at decorating. Devon laughed as he pictured the conflicting colors Kieran placed in his small apartment.

  “If she is more than just an infatuation, then you may not decorate our home.”

  Kieran stopped right in a ray of sunshine without so much as flinching. “To whom are you referring?” Just a short year ago, it would have been impossible for them to stand in the sunlight and carry on a conversation, as silly as Kieran was making it. Their skin was extremely sensitive to the sun’s UV rays. While they wouldn’t burn to a crisp, they would suffer painful sunburns, like a human who spent all day on the water with no sunscreen.

  Devon pointed his finger at Kieran’s smiling face and scowled. “You know full well who.” They’d both felt the same about her and talked about the possibility of seeing her at the club often.

  A warm, muggy summer breeze rustled the leaves and brought the scents of the oncoming night in gentle waves as Kieran’s laughter rang in the fragrant evening air. The hot, muggy air never bothered the Vampire who had been born and raised in the steamy city of Saint Augustine, Florida. Like himself, Kieran had only been able to enjoy the sun for the last year.

  Still amazed at the delightful feeling of the warm sun on his face, Devon stepped further into the rays of the sun and stood in place to enjoy the wonder of the moment. Every time was like the first time for him. He’d spent almost seventy years hiding from the sun. He’d never known how wonderful it felt to stand in the brilliant light and feel it warm his skin. “This is why we don’t drive if we can help it.”

  “Driving is overrated,” Kieran agreed. “Unless it’s cold. I hate walking in the rain and shit.”

nbsp; Devon glanced over at him. Kieran was the more lighthearted of the pair and brought light into his darkened soul. He would have drowned in darkness and probably died after confronting his uncle at a bad time without him. Kieran urged him to wait and bide his time. Now he was grateful he’d heeded his advice. He’d waited patiently until he learned of his uncle’s plans to murder a Lycan enforcer’s mate. He knew it was time to move then and he did. He not only picked the perfect time to leave the coven, since many strong soldiers followed him, but he’d gained an alliance with the Lycans.

  “It’s still amazing,” Kieran spoke directly into Devon’s mind as he shifted to the side just enough to allow for a group of ladies to pass them. When they decided to form a blood bond, fate showed her approval of their ancient ritual by allowing them to speak telepathically to one another. Only some bonded Vampires shared the unique ability to speak directly into each other’s minds. It was a valuable skill they appreciated when they wanted a private conversation, even among a crowd. They were able to talk freely among humans without fear of breaking the supernaturals law.

  Devon kept the conversation to their minds as two more hikers approached. It was too dangerous to speak aloud when humans were around. One overheard conversation could lead to dire consequences later on. History had proven time and time again that humans feared and hunted what they didn’t understand.

  It wasn’t just the Vampires that hunted innocent humans that had to fear death. Even peace-loving Vampires lost their lives to Vampire hunters and rogue Lycans who thought of them as an abomination. Unlike the myths, Vampires were not completely immortal. They could die if they lost their heart or head. There was no chance of life without either of those. Sometimes, it was easier to dust Vampires with a combustible dust witches made that burned with a supernatural heat. It burned bodies to a fine ash that no one could rise from.


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