Charlie: Northern Grizzlies (Book 4)

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Charlie: Northern Grizzlies (Book 4) Page 6

by M. Merin

  “The three of us?” I slowly reply, still attempting to process what I’m hearing; getting a nod from each. Turning away from them, I start pacing the room as they stay frozen in place, watching me while I try to sort this out in my head.

  Finally, I stop and crawl into the middle of the bed, pull the blanket over me and lean back against the wall.

  “Explain it to me. All of it.”

  Chapter 8


  Jake and I look at each other for a split second, then he spins to sit near her knees and I yank my boots off before sitting on her other side.

  “It’s something we’ve done casually in the past; but not casual with you. I don’t mean that. We want a real relationship…” Jake starts, disastrously.

  “Shut up, Jake.” Words I never thought I’d speak. “Slow down.”

  Reaching to take one of her hands, he looks at her and smiles. “Ask me anything, Charlie. I don’t know what to say, what’s too much,” He frowns in my direction. “We won’t lie to you.”

  She takes a deep breath, looking between us both.

  “So, you two hook up with one girl?” We both nod then I elaborate.

  “The first time it happened randomly; that was years ago when we served together. We just really enjoyed it. We’ve had separate experiences since then; it’s just for something long-term, you know, permanent; we always kinda thought we’d go it together.” She takes a deep breath and I know what her next question will be, but Jake beats me to it.

  “Nothing physical between Connal and I. Never been about that, I mean we aren’t going to freak if we accidentally cross swords, but we aren’t more than friends; brothers really,” Jake tells her. “I don’t know how to explain how it feels, but it really becomes about giving you more and more pleasure.”

  “And you’ve tried a long-term before?” She asks, studying her hands.

  “Once. It was less than two months and we ended it; she kept trying to put a wedge in between us. ‘No, do it like Jake does it.’ Or that kind of crap when the other wasn’t around.” I explain.

  “She ended up saying two was too hard for her to deal with, that she just wanted to be with me.” Jake picks up the story; it’s his to tell after all. “Couple nights later, I walk into the room to find her stabbing a needle through my condoms. Put her and the condoms in the hallway and she ran off with a trucker a few days later. I kept tabs on her just long enough to know I hadn’t gotten her pregnant.”

  “Wow.” Charlie breathes out. “Others would know…if I was with both of you.” She says more to herself than to us, frowning.

  “Again, we’ll protect you. We’ll keep it slow and as discreet as you want for starters. But behind closed doors, not anyone’s business what we do.” I insist. “No one here’s gonna judge you; not so long as we’re all respectful of each other.”

  “I would want a relationship, guys. Not just a hookup.” She says, continuing to stare down at her lap. “And we can wait a bit before we do everything?” She adds, hesitantly.

  “All at your pace, Baby Girl. We want to keep you happy.” As she frowns again, I add in. “Jake and I won’t touch anyone else. We’ll get tested, so you can be sure we’re clean, but we always keep it wrapped up.”

  “Oh!” She looks surprised and more skittish than when I kissed her. “I’m not on birth control. Umm.”

  “Charlie?” Jake questions at her uncertain expression. “What is it?”

  “Nothing, it’s just that I’ve never…” Jake and I lean back.

  “You’re a virgin?” I whisper and her face bursts out into a full blush before she nods and covers herself with her hands.

  “I just spent a really long time hiding, then with the courses I was in; well, I was the only girl and didn’t want the guys there talking about me or about them!” She adds the last part while indicating her very, very ample chest. She grabs a pillow a moment later and swats both of us as our eyes can’t seem to move from the damp shirt covering her tits.

  Laughing at us, she then pulls us closer.

  “I’m really tired and this is kind of a lot right now.” She starts.

  “Do you want us to go?” Jake asks, and I’m pretty relieved when she shakes her head.

  “Can we just sleep though?” Her eyes tentatively dance between us.

  “Yeah, shit, don’t know what I would have done if you kicked us out, Baby Girl!” I grin at her before walking towards the bathroom. “Don’t know if Jake mentioned it – my room is on the other side of the bathroom. Be right back.”

  Hauling ass, I change into sweatpants then wait on Jake, while he’s using the bathroom. Once I’m done in there, I eagerly slip into bed; Jake is already on one side of Charlie and she’s lying on her back, yawning.

  Jake leans over her to give her a thorough kiss and I reach for her hand, bringing it to my mouth. She giggles and flicks her eyes, looking shyly at me, her other hand is wound through his hair. I smile, and then lean in to nibble at her neck; it’s when my teeth reach her earlobe that a shudder runs through her again and she lets out a sigh.

  “Like that?” I needlessly murmur, moving over I kiss her swollen lips. Pulling back, I can see Jake gently rubbing her stomach and watching us with a grin on his face. “Get comfortable now, Charles.”

  I lie next to her, rolling onto my side, as Jake reaches over to turn off his lamp. Curling back to her, he starts talking about the coming day.

  “I gotta meet with Jasper in the morning. I’ll let Vice know I’m taking the day off. We’ll go shopping for some clothes, OK, Charlie?”

  “I have work. And the clothes Riley loaned me…” She whispers.

  “Nope, it’s almost dawn. You and I are taking the day off, Charles,” I tell her. “We’ll get some rest then we can all go shopping.”

  She nods, barely able to keep her eyes open. A moment later when her breathing has evened out, Jake whispers; “This’ll work.”


  My mind is moving too fast to sleep much the next few hours; but after finally sinking into a deep sleep, I wake up spooning Charlie. My cock is so fucking hard it’s painful and I lightly groan into her hair.

  “I hear you, Brother,” Connal whispers from her other side. I lift my head to see the blanket tented over his morning wood and Charlie’s head resting on his arm.

  “I gotta take care of things,” I whisper back, easing myself from the bed. She’s hasn’t moved, so I quickly grab my clothes and head out.

  Knocking on Vice’s door, he opens it widely when he sees me. I’m immediately hit with the smells of sex and weed, nearly knocking me backward.

  “Not working today,” I say, looking over his shoulder to the outline of a couple girls in his bed. “Be back tomorrow.”

  “You’re back early from your run anyway, not a problem.” He calls out to my back.

  Next, I knock on Jas’ office as I’m walking in. Flint is there, going over the books.

  “How was the run?” He immediately asks.

  “Good,” I respond. “Give this to Jasper?” I toss him the envelope from the run then turn to go.

  “Stop!” Flint yells. “Turn. Sit.”

  I want to growl in frustration but follow his commands.

  “What the fuck are you up to Jake?”

  “Motel burned down,” I say.

  “Yeah, four dead, no working fire detectors.” Flint looks at me appraisingly, before filling in the news I hadn’t yet heard and I’m nearly shaking all over again. I know how bad the fire looked last night, but that others died and Charlie could have, infuriates me all over again.

  “Charlie stayed there,” I say, by way of explanation.

  Flint pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jake, you know I respect you but this is one of those times I need extended sentences, paragraphs, even. Now tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  We stare at each other a moment.

  “Charlie is Connal’s new mechanic? The woman you two were talking about the other night?” He
says, getting me started.

  “Yeah. We brought her back here last night.” I explain.

  “She’s here now?” I nod in reply to his question. “Bring her down; I want to talk to her.”

  “No.” At Flint’s frown, I elaborate. “She’s sleeping, she needs it after last night.”

  “She’s in your room? Anything in there she shouldn’t see?”

  “Connal is with her.” I don’t want to say much more about that right now.

  “How long?”

  “We’re buying a house, will try to get in there later this week,” I respond.

  “You’ve known her a week and you ARE buying a house?” Flint says very slowly, looking dumbfounded his eyes suddenly widen. “Fuck, tell me she isn’t here against her will?”

  “What!? No, Boss.” I say frustrated. Then Jasper enters the room and I hope I’ll be spared more questioning.

  “Hey Flint, Jake. Emma said she invited Charlie to the dinner tonight?” He says as Flint moves from his seat.

  “Yeah, here’s the envelope from his run,” Flint starts. “Charlie’s upstairs in bed with Connal right now and they’re all buying a house together.”

  “What?” Jas looks surprised.

  “Took me ten fucking minutes to get that much from this closed mouth bastard, see if you can do any better?” Flint mutters, leaving the room.

  “So, um, the three of you?” Jasper asks, trying to keep a blank face.

  “Look, she was in that motel fire last night. We brought her back here and explained what we wanted to her. She seems open to trying something with us but doesn’t want attention over it until we’re all sure.” I fume, pissed I have to explain our business.

  “One of you two have to be with her while she’s here. I’ll put the word out that no one touches her. Get outta here.” Jasper concedes after a minute.

  “Thanks, Pres,” I say, striding towards the door.

  “And stop fucking with Flint! We all know you can talk.” He yells after me.


  As I slowly start to wake up, I stretch my back then my arms. Embarrassed by a wet spot under my mouth, my eyes suddenly snap open and I’m very much awake.

  “Morning, Baby Girl.” Connal drawls, wiping my drool off his arm.

  “I’m so sorry!” I squeal. The first time I sleep in bed with a man and, oh, God.

  Men. Two men! I look around for Jake. At least I doubt I drooled on both of them.

  “Shhh, give me some sugar to make up for it?” He grins wickedly, pulling me towards him. Even knowing my breath must be rough, I lean into him. Quickly pressing my lips to his, I then move my lips along his jaw and down his neck. Just as he’s pulling me closer, the door opens and Jake enters.

  “Sleeping Beauty just woke up,” Connal tells him without looking up.

  “Hmmm, I brought breakfast but you look better, Charlie.” Jake returns putting a bag and a drink holder down on the nightstand, he slides in behind me.

  “Oh! I’m starving,” I murmur, turning my head to smile up at him. He cups my chin and softly kisses my forehead, nose, and mouth.

  “Everything good?” Connal asks him after Jake tosses the bag on my lap.

  “Yeah.” He grunts, handing Connal a cup of coffee and me a bottle of water. “Baby, what do you like other than water? I’ve never seen you drink coffee.”

  “Water is good. Diet Coke sometimes and green tea when I don’t feel well.” I say, before taking a bite out of my breakfast burrito.

  “Noted.” He says with a mouth full of food. “We can meet the agent at the house for a final walk-through then go to the mall.”

  “Wait! You’re buying the tire swing house?” I ask with wide eyes, looking between Jake and Connal.

  “We are. Closing Wednesday.” He takes another gulp of coffee.

  “We want you with us,” Connal says, tugging a strand of my hair. “We want to try, the three of us; altogether, right?”

  “It’s just,” I slide to the end of the bed, to face them standing up. “I’ve never even been on a date and you want us all to live together?”

  “We took you on dates last week, Charlie,” Jake says, looking confused.

  “It doesn’t count as a date if the girl doesn’t know it’s a date, Jake! Connal!” My voice is getting louder. “Living together shouldn’t be the first step.”

  They look at each other, silently communicating. I turn away; grabbing the clothes and ace bandage, I storm into the bathroom.

  Another shower later, I slowly get dressed. My mind is buzzing with thoughts of how we could possibly make this work. And the thought that frightens me, what if I do go all in then it explodes. Logically, I know that could happen in any relationship, but then living and working with them makes it more intense and much more complicated. Especially with the humiliating fact, I barely have the money to stand on my own right now.

  I sigh and try to wrap my breasts with the ace bandage. The elastic is pretty shot and I finally give up, knowing there’s no way I can do this without help.

  Fastening the jeans and holding the towel against my chest, I finally open the door to face them.

  “Guys? I need some help,” Both of their eyes perk up when they see my nearly naked state; I hold the ace bandage up. “I can’t get this to stay up long enough to wrap it…”

  Chapter 9


  They look at each other and then each tries to push the other out of the way to get to me first; yelling that they’ll be the one to help me. Sighing, I just drop the towel, standing before them.

  I mean, they were going to see the girls at some point. They stand absolutely still with their jaws hanging down. It’s adorable. Then awkward.

  “Maybe you should both help me?” I innocently ask, enjoying my power trip. “You know? So I don’t have to go out without any support?”

  I slide between them, edging Connal back to give me more room; holding the end to one of my nipples, I hand the rest of bandage to Jake. He shakes his head then groans as I raise my arms over my head. He wraps the bandage around my back then hands it off to Connal, letting him wrap the side he’s on. Around and around they go until it runs out.

  At which point, my borrowed panties are completely wet and I can feel a boner pressing into each hip.

  “Fuck, Baby.” Jake finally groans. “No more of this, ok? I’ll buy you however many bras you want, but I hate to see them all smushed like this.” He says, tracing his hand down my back.

  “No way!” Connal disagrees. “I want them wrapped at the garage and when we’re here. No need for anyone else to know about…” He trails off, hopefully realizing how he sounds.

  “A couple bras and sports bras, maybe?” I suggest, hoping for a compromise. Reaching back for the T-shirt Riley sent sparks the next debate. It is too tight, even with my breasts snuggly wrapped. Connal goes to get one of his short sleeve work shirts. I gladly put that on over the T, tying it in front.

  With that, we’re off.

  “Guys? I do need some clothes that fit, but can we agree it’s just a loan?” I ask, sliding into the middle of the back seat.

  “Sure,” Connal says, grinning at Jake.

  “Absolutely.” Jake quickly agrees, winking at me in the rearview mirror.

  Hmmm. That was too easy.

  “And rent? I want to pay rent.” I push my next demand, getting dead silence in return. Connal turns to look at Jake full-on, the latter opens and closes his mouth several times before speaking.

  “How about, you put a few hundred a month into a savings account? When there’s an emergency expense, we can use that money towards the problem.” This idea earns Jake a slap on the shoulder and quick agreement from Connal.

  I open my mouth to lay out more boundaries but Connal cuts in.


  “Baby Girl, neither Jake nor I think you’re trying to use us or rip us off. We understand where you’re coming from with this. Let’s just not stress over it.” I reach back to hold h
er hand, stopping her from nervously picking a callus. So far we’ve agreed to a loan that we’ll never call in and the day that Jake has an emergency expense that his Trust can’t cover, we’re all up shit’s creek, but she doesn’t know about that.

  “The agent’s here already. Can we table this until we’re back in the car?” Jake asks, getting nods from both of us.

  Though I had meant to, I hadn’t been by to see the place yet and was pretty happy with it. Jake’s idea of using the second living space as our bedroom would not only save us from tripping over each other but leave plenty of room for any children that came along. We could shift our living areas around in the coming weeks when we made arrangements with Vice to handle the updates we wanted in different rooms.

  The walk-through quickly becomes a game of secret groping. It started with Jake or me ‘accidentally’ touching Charlie’s hotspots whenever the agent wasn’t looking; Charlie quickly joined in though, turning the tables on us. Our girl is a handful, in more ways than one.

  Charlie looks deep in thought as we drove away, staring out the window; her eyebrows knitted together.

  “You okay back there?” Jake asks.

  “Connal, we can’t mess around at the garage,” Charlie states out of nowhere. Leaning forward between the seats, she goes on.

  “I don’t want people to think I’m there because we’re in a relationship. Plus, it’s a lot of time together without Jake, so it isn’t fair to him. AND,” She continues, noticing I was about to talk. “If we break this off, I don’t want to be out of a job.”

  I wait to see if she has anything else to add.

  “I agree.” She smiles, happy with my statement and Jake grunts. “I really like that you’re worried about balancing everything with Jake because we will have like, fifty hours a week there. And you know the business. Shit could go seriously wrong if we’re not paying attention.”

  “But if I stop by for lunch, can we mess around?” Jake smirks at us, showing off his dimples that seem to melt her resolve. “Please?!”

  “Maaaybeee.” Comes her coy response.

  Hitting the mall, we pay close attention to her sizes in the first store we go to. After some everyday clothes and weekend wear, we hit the shoe store before we finally drag her into the lingerie shop. Entering, I clap my hands together and rub them in anticipation, drawing a frown from a nearby sales lady.


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