Charge: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 2)

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Charge: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 2) Page 9

by Stephanie West

  “Well as much fun as this is we need to find El Patron.” Trip said.

  “He’s probably cowering in the big house.” Marisol replied. She turned and started to walk through the door heading outside.

  Trip moved to stop her.

  “The other guards.” He warned with his hand on her wrist.

  “What other guards?!” Swain declared. “Dude they fried everyone else.”

  Trip looked at Marisol in shock.

  “Well you know a woman scorned and all.” Marisol laughed while her grandmother gave a broad grin.

  They emerged and Trip stared at the bodies laying about. Scratch his earlier thought Marisol was down right terrifying. He was glad he hadn’t pissed her off.

  As they approached the large hacienda a bullet ricocheted in the dirt nearby. Marisol glanced at it then threw up her hands. A scream registered from the veranda ahead.

  Trip watched in amazement as a shimmering wall of electricity wavered in front of them several feet from Marisol’s outstretched palms. Another bullet fired from a different location hit the electric field and exploded.

  Trip stood still, dumbfounded at Marisol’s abilities. She glanced over at him and her serious mien turned into a radiant smile before turning her concentration back to her task. Their group strutted towards the big house like some quirky version of the Mod Squad.

  “Dude what is it with you and Cain finding these freaky women?” Swain whispered to Trip. “Ow” Swain barked as Trip punched him in the shoulder.

  “Soon the clubhouse is going to be swarming with mind reading, lightning bug, little Shifters. I can see it now!” Wolf laughed as he teased.

  Marisol’s grandmother sidled up to MD and clapped him approvingly on the shoulder.

  “What breed are you son?” She asked as they mounted the stairs, ignorant or uncaring of the danger that lurked ahead.

  Trip loved the old woman immediately.

  “Leo” MD replied

  The old woman looked at his shaggy mane and nodded, it made sense.

  Marisol continued to shield them as they came to the locked hacienda door. El Patron was a fool if he thought this would protect him. Trip shouldered the heavy wood, pleased when the door jamb splintered and gave way.

  Marisol’s brow was dotted with sweat from exerting herself as their odd entourage entered to find El Patron pointing a gun at them.

  Trip growled. This man thought to threaten his woman.

  “Tonight you die.” Trip roared, the rumble reverberating from deep in his chest as his claws and fangs extended.

  El Patron looked upon his beast in horror as he emptied several bullets from his gun all the while backing away. It was a futile effort since Marisol’s neat trick protected them. Trip snarled as he stalked forward itching to tear the man limb from limb. Just as he reared back ready to strike Trip felt thin gnarled fingers on his arm and looked down.

  “She must do this on her own mijo.”

  As much as Trip wanted to tear the man’s beating heart from his chest and squeeze it in his fist, he knew Marisol suffered far worse at the hands of this man. She deserved her vengeance.


  Marisol was so glad that Trip was okay besides the bruises on his abused face. The relief she felt was indescribable. She looked at him in awe of his feral strength. She had seen Trip transform into the jaguar but seeing him standing in front of El Patron large, looming and bristling with fury sent a terrific thrill through her. Trip’s eyes flashed with malicious intent as he prowled towards the man his fangs and claws bared.

  Marisol was content to let Trip deal with El Patron, but her Abuela intervened insisting that Marisol seek justice for herself.

  Marisol shook with fury as she stared at the pendejo that killed her father and let such awful things be done to her for so many weeks. Not only had El Patron hurt her and her own, but he and his gang were responsible for countless atrocities.

  In that moment as Marisol stared into El Patron’s panic stricken yet calculating eyes she realized she did indeed need to do this, this ended here and now. The despicable evil man had tried to strip her of more than just her freedom, but her dignity and faith in her fellow man as well. Today she would show him the error of his ways.

  “You are not worthy of the flesh you walk around in.” Marisol bit out as the electric pulse arced from her hand and heated his gun.

  El Patron gasped as the pistol fell from his burnt fingers. He looked down in shock and terror at his blackened fingers, the charred flesh having pulled away exposing bone on several digits.

  “Please I can pay you.” The man grovelled as the horror of his impending fate dawned on him.

  “You have reigned terror down upon others and ignored their pleas. I will not lie to you. Your begging will do you no good. Your life and the evil you dish out ends today.” Marisol practically growled.

  She knew she could manipulate lightning but what about the other elements. Marisol thought of El Patron choking, drowning. She concentrated imagining water filling his lungs.


  El Patron’s eyes bulged as he clawed at his throat then lurched over and heaved a lungful of water out onto the tile floor, choking as he spewed.

  Marisol looked upon him with a savage expression. Trip had worried she was exhausting herself but clearly he was wrong. She needed no help in this.

  Marisol stared at the pool of water at the cartel leader’s feet. It frosted over and started creeping up his legs. El Patron swatted frantically at the forming ice crystals only to find his hands were shrunken and dry, the skin stretching and splitting open to expose the joint beneath. El Patron’s clothes erupted in flames as he dropped onto his hands and knees with a gurgled cry, overcome by everything Marisol threw at him.

  The group watched in awe and more than a bit of trepidation as El Patron writhed and fought the plagues that overwhelmed him. There was no saving the man, not that Trip would. Almost as quickly as it all started the bastard ceased moving, a disturbing contrast of burnt, frozen and mummified remains.

  Marisol gasped then collapsed in exhaustion. Trip caught her around the waist and swung her up in his arms.

  “Its done.” She looked up at Trip with tired eyes.

  “Yes beautiful it is done.” He kissed her full and deep, holding her tightly against him as she trembled.

  Trip had let Marisol finish El Patron off, she needed the closure, but it had expended her. Trip worried not only from the way she wilted against him, but he was also concerned that Marisol would relive this horror in her dreams. Already her eyes had taken on a haunted look that made Trip pull her tighter against his chest. Taking a life was no small thing.

  “Let it go beautiful.” Trip whispered into her ear.

  He cradled Marisol in his arms as they made their way out of the house heading for the old truck not far from the gate.

  The guys followed behind them in the SUV after setting fire to hacienda and warehouse. Marisol’s grandmother supervised making sure nothing remained of the diseased corpses.

  Two hours later after a brief stop to grab food Trip found himself traversing a dark mountain path. Marisol was tucked into Trip’s side barely keeping her eyes open as they followed the SUV holding Swain, MD, Wolf and Abuela.

  They parked high up at a turn off that held another car. Abuela got out of the vehicle with the help of MD. Trip pulled Marisol out and carried her even though she groggily insisted she could walk.

  “You want me to carry you.” MD suggested to Abuela even though she appeared sure footed.

  “No, I’m too old to be lugged around like a sack of potatoes.” She looked at her granddaughter. “Marisol expended a lot of energy today.” Abuela commented her eyes filled with love and relief.

  “Hey stop talking about me like I’m not here.” Marisol grumbled and wiggled to get down.

  “Tell me mija, why didn’t you use Pestilence on that horses ass?”

  “It creeps me out Abuela.” Marisol said as she shiv
ered by Trip’s side.

  It was nice to know that with all her wild abilities Marisol still found aspects of them disturbing. It was probably good to have a healthy respect for the amazing power she wielded.

  “Very wise child. That is the one that always must be burned or it will spread.” The old woman nodded in approval.

  Trip was still reeling from the things he’d witnessed as they came upon several small buildings. Abuela entered the first adobe dwelling surrounded by a large garden on the left of the narrow gravel road. Marisol ran her fingers over a large bloom as she passed. The house was bigger inside than Trip expected. There was an old wood stove for heat in one corner and numerous ancient looking trinkets dotting the walls. Abuela walked to a few lanterns and lit them, then went into the kitchen that was connected to the living room.

  Trip sat in a large comfortable chair pulling Marisol onto his lap. Abuela came back in with a basket of several beers. Oh man they looked refreshing after the day they’d had.

  “Thank you.”

  Trip cracked the cap off the sweating bottle surprised how cool it was till he remembered the old woman could turn things to ice on a whim. Trip handed it to Marisol then opened his own. It was cool and crisp as he tipped it back.

  “Well boys, mija, I am tired. It has been a trying day.”

  Abuela got up from her chair and kissed Marisol, then squeezed Trip’s hand and gave him a wink. Trip soaked up the look of approval she blessed him with. It made him feel something he hadn’t known since he was a child and knew the love of a family.

  “There is a spare room and the loft.” She said as she headed down the short hallway to her room.

  “So it looks like you didn’t need us for back-up after all.” MD commented as he tipped his beer to Marisol.

  “Visiting the motherland of tequila is never a wasted trip.” Wolf insisted.

  Marisol snickered at the man.

  “Well I hope Thomas isn’t too pissed.” Trip commented.

  They’d killed El Patron, but it hadn’t solved the cartel problem. Los Zetas would reorganize and be back in business, or another cartel would take its place in no time. But he wasn’t about to regret a single thing. The bastard got what he deserved in spades.

  Marisol may have come to his rescue but Trip still appreciated his brothers coming for him. It was another powerful emotion in a long line of strong emotions assailing him today. His brothers were his family and yet as he held Marisol on his lap Trip knew he couldn’t just let her go.

  “Those are some mad skills you’ve got. Next time I need a bike jumped I’m gonna call you.” Swain the club mechanic said to Marisol and she giggled.

  “I’m just as likely to fry it. I’m still getting a hang of all this.” Marisol said seriously as she wiggled her fingers.

  In response to her less than encouraging insight the guys eyes widened then they ducked as if she were waving a loaded gun. Marisol turned to Trip and gave him a sly grin. Trip nearly snorted the sip of beer he just took through his nose. Marisol was ornery and downright stunning.

  “You’re fucking awesome.” Trip chuckled as he nuzzled Marisol’s neck.

  “Maybe you two should take the bedroom.” Wolf wagged his eyebrows at Trip.

  “Good idea.” Trip mused.

  Trip picked up the gorgeous woman on his lap and carried her down the hall. Marisol was quiet as he entered the bedroom and set her down beside the bed before moving to lock the door. He’d been fantasizing about her the whole time they’d been separated. Seeing Marisol in action, like an avenging goddess had been hot as shit. Trip was hooked, bad. His hands itched to touch the amazing little woman.


  Marisol nearly collapsed onto the bed. She was so relieved they’d made it out alive. She’d been riding an adrenalin high and now the exhaustion practically consumed her. Her anger at those awful men had fueled her rampage with a white hot searing rage, much like the lightning she wielded. She didn’t even feel guilty for the lives she’d taken. Worrying about Trip and what her future held with a man like El Patron hunting her, had spurred her on. Only now was it sinking in that they could have died. Only now were the horrific images of what she’d done replaying in her brain. All joking aside the overwhelming reality of what had transpired made Marisol shudder as she looked down at her hands.

  Trip and his friends seemed in awe of what she was capable of but could he really accept someone with blood on their hands, someone capable of such frightening destruction. Could SHE accept what she’d done? After all of this and the threat of El Patron gone did Trip’s offer to take her with him still stand?

  The sound of the door closing broke Marisol from her morbid introspection. She glanced up and froze.

  Trip prowled towards her, the moonlight that filtered in through the windows glinting off his golden eyes. The desire she saw reflected there made her next breath catch in her throat.

  Trip’s stopped at the edge of the bed, and knelt down at Marisol’s feet. His hands smoothed up her calves, then thighs, massaging as he went. His fingers kneading the tension from her muscles. Marisol didn’t even realize she was so stiff.

  Marisol looked at Trip’s serious expression trained on hers, wondering what he was thinking besides his obvious interest. That’s when she noticed his injuries of just a few hours ago had all but healed. Marisol reached out and gently ran her finger over Trip’s cheek.

  “Amazing. You are almost healed.” She smiled at him. Trip leaned into her touch.

  “Not nearly as amazing as you were today, however we need to have a discussion about you putting that sweet ass of yours in the line of fire.”

  Trip’s eyes took on a note of feral intensity as he pushed Marisol’s dress up and gripped her bare behind. A sexy growl rumbled in his throat.

  “I won’t have you risking such a glorious behind in the future.” Trip husked as he kneaded her flesh. “Understood.” His grip tightened to emphasize his point.

  Marisol nodded seeing the flicker of concern in Trip’s eyes. In the end she’d held her own with her new found gifts. But even though she had her Abuela’s support she was willing to concede it had been a risky venture. Marisol understood his worry although if Trip asked her to promise not to do it again, she doubted she could make that promise.

  The fact that Trip seemed so concerned and spoke of the future made Marisol’s heart skip a beat. The way he stared into her eyes as if the sun rose and set around her and her alone, sent all the butterflies in her stomach into flight.

  Never breaking his gaze Trip’s fingers drifted to the apex of her thighs and he found Marisol wet and wanting. Trip pressed one hand between her breasts and pushed Marisol back onto the bed. He spread her legs then slowly traced her swollen folds before making small circles around her clit with his his index finger. The sudden cool breath he blew across her heated flesh making Marisol tremble.

  Marisol gasped and the corner of Trip’s mouth rose up with a devious grin.

  Trip slowly prowled up Marisol’s body his shoulders flexing as he moved over her. Marisol lifted her back so he could pull the dress over her head, leaving her completely naked to his worshiping gaze. His eyes left hers to roam her tanned flesh. It alone was enough to make her blush, but it was the way his penetrating golden stare returned to look into her eyes that made Marisol feel truly bare.

  Trip’s mouth descended and hungrily plundered hers. Their tongues twined tasting, exploring. Marisol returned his kiss with ardor, feeling braver than she had the first time they’d come together. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring so she wanted to make the most of this moment.

  Trip tasted pleasant with a hint of cerveza. Marisol nipped at his lip tugging at the ring there, as she twined her arms around his broad shoulders and pressed her breasts up into him, wantonly rubbing her stiff nipples against the rough fabric of his T-shirt.

  Too soon Trip pulled back and Marisol whimpered till he rose and started removing his clothes. She watched as he pulled his shi
rt off exposing his pierced nipples and tattoos. Marisol rose to her knees desperate to touch him. She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around one little nipple flicking the ring.

  Trip groaned.

  Encouraged by his pleasure Marisol moved from one small erect tip to torment the other, slowly peppering kisses all around the firm plane of his chest before laving, sucking then tugging at the piercing.

  Marisol’s hands explored Trip’s chest moving lower to the ridges and valleys of his muscled stomach. She felt them ripple as her fingers skirted his waistline.

  Trip unbuttoned and dropped his jeans. Marisol took the time to look at his exposed manhood. This time she didn’t look away in embarrassment. The way it jutted out proud from Trip’s body, long, hard and pulsing, gave her a thrill. He was that way because of her. That realization made her nipples and clit ache with a familiar need.

  The head of Trip’s cock was engorged with a thick crown. A line ran down along its base from stem to stern. The sight of him intensified the surge of wetness that poured from her core.

  Too nervous and unsure Marisol had never gotten the chance to let her hands wander his body. But now she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

  “I want you.” Marisol practically growled but instead she reached out and took hold of Trip’s large cock. The silky smoothness of his skin a contrast to the steel beneath. She could not close her fingers around him as she stroked. Marisol shivered at the recalled pleasure Trip gave her as he stretched and filled her. She felt more moisture slip down her thighs.

  Marisol wondered, Trip had enjoyed the way she had teased his nipples, how would he respond to her mouth on his shaft. He’d pleasured her in such an erotic and carnal way. Marisol practically salivated at the thought of returning the favor as she looked at his eager cock sliding between her fingers.

  Marisol placed tentative kisses down his stomach. She was encouraged when Trip groaned his stomach muscles rippling. When Marisol reached his shaft she hesitated. She’d never tasted a man before and she hoped she didn’t disappoint him.

  Marisol’s tongue peeked out and licked at his crown, tracing the piercing that still confounded her. Trip drew in a sharp ragged breath as she flicked it. Marisol’s lips stretched as they wrapped around his broad head. Trip’s strong hands tangled in her hair and gripped her head but he didn’t force her to accept more of him, just merely held on, massaging her scalp as he grunted his approval.


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