Finding Them [Riverbend, Texas Heat 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Finding Them [Riverbend, Texas Heat 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Marla Monroe

  The thought of having a baby hit him as he gently cleaned their combined release from her body. He hesitated for an instant and wondered if she was on anything or not. While he’d be tickled pink to be a daddy, the timing wasn’t right. They needed to cement their relationship first, and setting up the ranches would take a lot of time over the first year or two. They needed to talk about it.


  “How about a nap, baby?” he asked as he climbed back on the bed.

  She smiled but didn’t open her eyes as he cuddled up on the opposite side of Rollan. He liked seeing her satisfied and relaxed. It was the first time he’d ever seen her without worry etched between her eyes.

  “I’m going to check on things. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” Rollan said, kissing their woman on the cheek and winking at him.

  “Come get me if you need something,” he told his friend.

  “I’ve got it covered. You take care of our woman,” the other man said.

  Thorne listened as Rollan picked up his clothes and shuffled into the bathroom. Moments later, the door opened and he slipped out of the bedroom, making sure to close the door behind him. He would make it up to Rollan later. They needed to make sure they each had quality time with Sierra. They didn’t have to always be together with her. They would need alone time with her now and then.

  While they’d always planned to share their wife, the logistics had seemed so simple when they were just talking and planning. Now that it was a reality, it didn’t seem as easy. They needed to talk about it some more so that Sierra never had to wonder if they were okay with sharing her. She’d been around other families that were made up of three and even four people, so she wouldn’t be as new to this as they were.

  Maybe they might need to talk to someone who was already in a ménage relationship. He didn’t want anything to go wrong. Thorne decided he would talk to Rollan about it later. Maybe they could speak with Brody and Lamar and find out if there was anything in particular they should be aware of.

  “You’re thinking awful hard over there.” Sierra’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

  “Sorry. I was thinking about needing to go ahead and hire some more hands to work your ranch and help us with this one now. We’re going to be ready to add more cattle next month.” He smiled even though he didn’t think she could see him.

  “Your ranch now,” she said with a laugh. “I just work here.”

  He rolled over and pinned her beneath him. “Our ranch, Sierra. It’s ours. All of it is ours. Not yours, not mine, not Rollan’s. Ours.”

  She stilled beneath him. “I don’t understand.”

  “Baby. You’re ours now. When I told you that I wanted to be honest and not keep secrets, that’s what I was trying to tell you. We want forever with you, Sierra. Rollan needs to be here for this, but I want you to understand for now that we aren’t just screwing around with you, Sierra. This means something to us. I hope it means something to you, too,” he said.

  She looked up at him with something close to alarm, then it softened into a smile. “Okay. We need to talk about it when Rollan is around. And it does mean something to me. I care about you both so much. I would never have been intimate with the two of you if I didn’t.”

  Thorne smiled and kissed her before laying down again and pulling her back into his embrace. It wasn’t hard at all to soak up her presence and not regret a second of the time he might have been out working. It would still be there when he made it out there later. They weren’t on a timeline really, just eager to get the place going. They both had a good bit of savings earmarked for supplementing their first three years. Sure, they’d set it back some buying Sierra’s property, but it was well worth the investment. And now, they had the woman of their dreams to make up their family.

  He felt her body slowly relax against his as she fell asleep. She was at her most vulnerable like this, so she obviously trusted him. It gave him another boost to have her trust. He made a vow to himself to never let anything happen to her in his care. He knew Rollan would feel the same way.

  Instead of letting himself sleep next to her, Thorne stayed awake to watch her, drinking her up with his eyes and noticing little things he wouldn’t normally see. A small mole dotted her neck near her shoulder on the left and she had a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and the tops of her shoulders. He smiled at the way her lips puckered when she breathed out, though she didn’t quite make a sound with it. They were all things that most people would never notice about her, but he had. He was sure that when Rollan was able to spend some quiet time with her, he’d see the same things or more.

  Nearly two hours passed before Sierra stirred in his arms. When her eyes opened, she smiled up at him. It warmed his heart that she still seemed okay with the huge step they’d taken.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi yourself. Feel better?”

  “Ummhmm.” She stretched and yawned. “Bathroom.”

  He watched as she rolled over and slipped off the bed to pad completely naked into the bathroom and close the door. There was no snick of the lock. Again, that trust thing she had going on. He wanted to shout it to the world that his woman trusted him. He couldn’t wait for Rollan to have the same experiences. His friend needed the amazing high it would give him.

  Sierra opened the bathroom door and walked back to lean on the edge of the bed so that her face was inches from his. He liked how she smelled of them and the soap she’d washed her hands with. That she hadn’t immediately wanted a shower after their lovemaking earlier told him that all three of them would get along well. He loved inhaling their combined scents right now.

  “I’m hungry. I couldn’t eat breakfast and it’s after lunch now. How about I make us some sandwiches?” she asked.

  “Hmmm, I’d rather have you for lunch.” He nipped her nose before she squealed and pulled back.

  “Later. I’m hungry for food. Come on, Thorne,” she said.

  He laughed and play growled his way across the bed to lunge at her. Sierra squealed and raced across the room.

  “Come on, cowboy! Get dressed. I’m hungry,” she whined with a large grin on her face.

  “If you let me dress you first,” he teased back.

  She frowned at him, seeming to think about his offer. “Okay, but no fooling around. We can do that again later.”

  As he helped her dress, Thorne was content that everything was perfect in their world now.

  * * * *

  Rollan grinned as he walked into the washroom to clean up. The damn thing had been on his face ever since he’d gotten the text from Thorne to come eat. Sierra had made sandwiches for a late lunch.

  Once he’d washed up and toed off his boots, Rollan pushed through the swinging door that led into the kitchen to find Sierra with her hands on her hips and a scowl across her pretty face. What was going on? Thorne had his arms crossed over his chest and his stubborn look pasted across his.

  “Hey, guys. What’s up?” He strode casually across the room to sit at the table across from where they stood glaring at each other.

  “That asshole thinks he can tell me what to do. That’s what is wrong,” Sierra said between gritted teeth.

  “I’m not backing down on this, baby. You can manage the ranch, but no more working it like you’ve been doing. I already told you we’re hiring more hands to work here and over there. I’m sending one of my better men over there to be the foreman. You’re the manager, not a damn hired hand,” he said scowling even harder at her.

  “See what I mean? He’s telling me what I can and can’t do. I don’t need your permission, Thorne.” She stomped over to the door leading into the living room. “Enjoy your lunch. I’m heading home.”

  “Sierra! Get your sassy ass back in here, woman. We’re not finished, and yes, you do need my permission because you sold the ranch to us.”

  “Aw, man. You didn’t just tell her that,” Rollan said with a cringe. “What is wrong with you?”

�What did you say?” Sierra walked back into the kitchen with both disbelief and rage warring for dominance in her eyes.

  Thorne dropped his hands to his hips and looked up as if searching for patience. Rollan sure hoped he found some and managed to back himself out of the big steaming pile he’d just parked himself in.

  “Sierra, be reasonable. There’s no need for you to work like that anymore. We want you here with us as much as possible. You can manage things from here for the most part. The foreman will direct what needs doing out there,” Thorne said.

  “Reasonable? I’m not letting some ranch hand I know nothing about handle things over there until I’m satisfied that they are competent by my standards. And did you just tell me that since you are buying my ranch that you can pull rank over what I can and can’t do? What happened to it being our ranch?”

  “Hell. How am I supposed to fight with you when you use things I said against me?” Thorne grumbled, stomping over to the table and sitting down. “Come on, Sierra. Let’s eat. You were starving earlier.”

  Rollan hid a grin and watched as their woman blustered over the abrupt change in Thorne’s attitude. He was well used to the other man’s sudden shifts but Sierra had never been the victim of one before.

  “What in the hell just happened?” she yelled at him.

  Rollan tried to wipe the smile from his face but failed. “He just gave in temporarily until he can figure out a better way to fight. Roll with it, honey. You won for the moment, but enjoy it because he’ll regroup, and it will be on again before you’re ready.”

  “Bastard! That’s not how this is done. We fight until one of us, namely me, wins and then we have great make up sex.” She huffed out a breath and followed Rollan over to the table to sit down.

  “Hey, I’m all for skipping to the sex part now,” Thorne said with a grin.

  “I wouldn’t get all worked up over there, cowboy. It might be awhile before your horse gets ridden again.” She grabbed a sandwich off the stack she’d made and narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Whoa, Thorne. She’s got you there. I’ll wave at you when she takes me out for a run,” Rollan teased his friend.

  “You can both wave at me when I’m taking a run all by myself. You’re a team, remember? Not going to split you guys up. When one of you is in the doghouse, both of you are.”

  Rollan groaned along with Thorne. She was going to drive them crazy before it was over with. He smiled despite the threat, He’d love every minute of it, too. It would be fun to learn all about her little quirks and what buttons to push and which ones to stay far away from. Discovering every tiny laugh line on her face and helping her to make more would be the highlight of his days.

  “So, where are your ranch dogs?” she asked out of the blue.

  Rollan nearly choked around a bite of the delicious roast beef sandwich she’d made. Dog? Where had that come from?

  “Um, we don’t have any dogs,” Thorne said with a puzzled glance his way.

  “You have to have ranch dogs. Two are best, but you can get by with one. They help you keep up with the cattle and a good one can loosely herd them around the pastures so there aren’t as many strays. That’s why you really need two. You’d want to give them rest breaks where they aren’t always on alert for dangers or cows trying to sneak off to where the grass looks greener.” Sierra winked at Rollan before sipping at her tea.

  “Um, I guess we didn’t really need one. What about yours? We could share yours for now,” Thorne suggested.

  She frowned. “You’d overwork my dog like that?”

  “Well, no. Just until we found what you’re talking about.”

  “Besides, Redboy died last year and we didn’t replace him. We didn’t have the money then.” She turned sad eyes to Thorne before sharing it with Rollan.

  “Oh. Well we’ll need to locate someone who has some trained,” his friend suggested, still looking lost in the conversation.

  Rollan couldn’t help but grin. She was playing him like a fine musical instrument. If only he knew what was behind all of it. He had a feeling they were being maneuvered into something by a professional.

  “That’s a good idea. I know some people who have some for sale. We should go look at them Sunday. I’ll give them a call and find out what a good time would be,” she said with a smug smile.

  “Okay. I’ll leave it up to you then. Rollan and haven’t worked much with herding dogs. Most of the dogs we’ve been around only rode around in the back of the trucks and barked at everything,” Throne told her. “You’re saying these dogs really do work? I thought that went out with the ATVs taking over on ranches now.”

  “Maybe in some places, but here we do it the old-fashioned way. You can still use the four-wheelers if you want to, but I like riding a horse and watching a good herd dog handle the hard part,” she said with a chuckle.

  “So what brought this up?” Rollan asked. He wanted to know what was behind the dog issue.

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she reached for a second sandwich. He and Thorne were working on their third already.

  “Well, what made you ask about our dogs?” Rollan asked.

  “Oh, I was just wondering about what all you had here. We’ve got chickens and a milk cow there. Do you have those here?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

  She knew they didn’t. What was she up to? Rollan could hardly wait. It was bound to send Thorne off.

  “Don’t have them here. You can buy milk and eggs at the store,” Thorne said, still looking puzzled.

  “Yeah, and you can buy steak from the store, too. I like fresh milk and eggs. That’s why I have them over there,” she said. Then she got up and carried her plate and glass to the sink. “What about cats? You do have barn cats to keep the rats out of the feed, don’t you?”

  “Um, no, but I’m sure you have plenty at your place to share with us,” Thorne said with a frown. “If you want fresh eggs and milk then we’ll bring yours over here so you can have them.”

  “Then I won’t have them over there. You need your own, Thorne.” She frowned at him as if he wasn’t getting the point.

  Rollan wasn’t getting it either.

  “You won’t need them over there anymore, woman. You’re staying here now. This is your home. We’ll move them and you over here this weekend between going to look at damn herd dogs,” Thorne rumbled.

  “What do you mean ‘move me over’? I thought you were going to let me live on the ranch while I’m managing it,” she argued

  “Just what I said,” Thorne grumped as he stood up to carry his plate to the sink. “We’re going to move you and your zoo over here this weekend. You’re our woman now. We want you with us.”

  “Did you ever think it would be nice to ask me what I want?” she demanded, shoving her arms across her chest and glaring up at his friend.

  Rollan had a feeling this was going to be one hell of a fight. He didn’t bother getting up to put his plate in the sink. Either one of them would come get it while they were fussing or they’d ignore him and the plate to lay into each other. He couldn’t wait to participate in the make-up sex. He’d let Thorne handle the rest.

  “Baby. I told you we wanted forever with you. We want you sleeping with us and waking up every morning between us. I guess I thought you understood that,” he said, surprising Rollan.

  “I guess I need to hear it after the sex, Thorne. Men say a lot of crap when they’re trying to get into a woman’s pants and while they are still all revved up afterward. How am I supposed to trust that you didn’t just say what you thought I needed to hear in the heat of the moment? We’ve never even been out on a date, and here we are having sex and talking about moving in together. It’s kind of fast.”

  Thorne looked as if she’d punched him in the stomach. Rollan felt about the way his partner looked. Was she saying she didn’t want to move in with them? What the hell?

  “I thought you wanted us as a family, Sierra. Was that just talk then?”

Rollan could see that Thorne was getting all riled up again. He didn’t like where this was going one bit.

  “That’s not what I said, Thorne. I’m just saying that we haven’t really talked about it and you’re just assuming I’m okay with everything that you want. Maybe I need to talk about what I want some, too. You’ve been thinking about this ‘us’ thing longer than I have. I’ve been so mixed up with trying to figure out a way to save the ranch and not whore myself out for it that I’m a little blindsided by all of this. That’s all,” she told them with a frustrated expression.

  Rollan thought he could see tears in her eyes, but it could just be the lights in the kitchen. When she ran both hands over her face moments later, he wasn’t so sure about that.

  “I’m sorry, Sierra. I guess I thought you were right there with us. I guess I was thinking that you felt all the same things we did from the beginning.” Thorne leaned back against the counter and sighed. “What are you wanting to do, then?”

  “Talk. I just want to talk and get to know you guys before we move in together. I’m not one to try something out and if it doesn’t work out, move on,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Okay. We can do that,” he said looking over at Rollan as if to get his agreement. Rollan was all for anything that made Sierra happy.

  “I take it you don’t want to move in this weekend then,” Thorne said.

  “I’d like a week or two to get things straight in my head. I’m not saying I don’t want you and Rollan or that I’m not sure about my feelings for you both. It’s just that everything is moving so fast and I haven’t had time to process all the changes going on, selling the ranch, Dexter’s mess, or even who I am without being my family’s support system. Please understand.” Sierra looked as if she was about to burst into tears. It tore at Rollan’s heart. He’d give her anything to take that sad expression from her eyes.

  “Okay. Let me know when you’re ready to move in,” Thorne said, his expression blank. Then he turned and pushed through the door to the washroom. They heard the back door slam less than a second later.


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