Don't Judge

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Don't Judge Page 18

by A. E. Via

  Michaels looked like he wanted to argue some more, but they really didn’t have the time. Their target was only ten minutes out from downtown. If they hurried they could catch her. Michaels hand was on his waist when he nodded his head ‘yes’. Judge’s hand snaked around to the back of Michaels head, holding him to him a second longer before he finally let go. He’d wanted to kiss Michaels. Kiss him on his lips like he thought he’d he was getting tonight but didn’t. Kiss and show him that he meant something to him, what, he had no clue. But something.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  They were flying down the I95 at almost ninety miles per hour. His heartbeat was a hard rhythmic thud in his chest for a number of reasons. He was hoping this was it so he could be done with this assignment and move forward. Forward with Judge. He was also concerned that Judge still wasn’t confident in his skills. Proof was he was wearing a bulletproof vest… only him. Also, Michaels had given everything he’d had to Judge in that hotel room less than an hour ago. Sexed him harder and better than any other man he’d been with. He sincerely hoped Judge could feel it… he had to have felt it.

  Michaels held his cell in his hands, watching the girlfriend on the monitor. “She’s got to be headed back to the motel.”

  “Yep. He’s there already.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  Judge turned that pitch dark glare on him. “It’s a hunch.”

  Michaels believed in Judge’s hunches and his instincts. Knew him capable of doing his job. He just hoped Judge believed in him.

  They turned around and circled the hotel, checking for any signs of suspiciousness before backing into one of the parking spaces in the far back of the lot, where there wasn’t much light. The girlfriend was still in her car, she’d killed the engine but hadn’t gotten out.

  “I don’t like this.” Judge murmured. “Something’s off.”

  “I know.” Michaels agreed. As soon as he did, Bookem let out a low growl. He sensed something and he and Judge both scanned the parking lot. “I don’t want him to come out and jump in the car with her.”

  “True. I don’t want to chase her.”

  “We need her out of the car. So when he comes, he has to pause and look for her.” Michaels scratched at the itchy stubble on his face. “I’ll show her my badge and hold her in the office or something.”

  “Most likely they have a distress signal. I don’t want to spook her.” Judge stroked his beard while he thought. “Typically I’d take out the abettor.”

  “I got an idea.” Michaels said, looking back at Bookem.

  Michaels removed his vest and guns, opting for his plain t-shirt under an open button-down collar shirt. He walked around the hotel and came up on the other side of the girlfriend’s car. He gave her a friendly smile and wave as he casually walked by like he was taking a stroll. Just as predicted the girlfriend got out the car and followed him to a lit area by the office while Michaels squatted and rumpled Bookem’s scruff.

  “What a gorgeous animal.” The woman approached, her eyes lighting up the closer she got to him.

  “Thank you.” Michaels smiled. “You can pet him if you like.”

  “Can I really? He’s absolutely beautiful.” she beamed. “I love animals. I’m studying to be a vet, with a specialty in large breed K9s.”

  “Awesome.” Michaels turned on his best boy-next-door-smile. He discreetly looked at Judge and saw him getting in position. “What school are you in?”

  She was rubbing her hands down Bookem’s body as if feeling his bone structure. “Actually, I’m transferring schools now. Me and my fiancé are moving.”

  Michaels nodded his head in understanding but didn’t press for more answers, it was irrelevant anyway. Her plans were about to come to a screeching halt. He just needed her to stay focused on him. While the girlfriend fawned over Bookem, Michaels saw a man dip out of a dark room and jog towards the red car in the parking lot with a large duffle strapped to his back. He stooped and looked inside the empty vehicle before standing and looking around. Michaels ducked his head and squatted like her.

  “What’s his name?” She laughed when Bookem started licking her hand.

  “His name is Books.”

  She looked up at him with amusement. “You must love to read.”

  “I do.” Michaels winked.

  “Hi Books, hi baby. You are a strong fella aren’t you. So sweet. Look at you.” She was completely enamored and Michaels hoped he didn’t have to arrest her. Time would tell. She turned intelligent brown eyes up at him. “Danes are so big, but one of the gentlest breeds there is.”


  She stood and turned when her name was yelled. Michaels stayed squatting down, reaching behind him to pull out his weapon.

  “Baby, I’m over here.” She called out.

  Michaels kept his head down, peaking through his lowered lashes, watching Switch make his way over to them. His head was darting back and forth like he was nervous. Of course he was. When he got to them he kissed her quickly on her mouth. “You were supposed to wait in the car.”

  “Sorry. You were taking your time and I wanted to see the dog”

  “Of course you did. You and these dogs. I told you to stay in the car, that I wanted to leave -”

  Michaels stood and brought his gun out of hiding, cutting Switch off midsentence. “Don’t do anything stupid Switch and don’t piss me off more than I already am.” Michaels growled. He could see Judge closing in behind them and even though Switch looked like he wanted to make a run for it, Judge’s massive frame was right there to cancel out that thought.

  “Oh my god.” The girl clutched at her chest, backing up from a now snarling Bookem.

  “Mam. Don’t move!” Michaels barked.

  “Please don’t shoot.” She began crying. “We have no money.”

  Michaels was ignoring her, his eyes trained hard on Switch that was watching him back like he wanted to strangle him. “He doesn’t want money, Clarissa.”

  The girlfriend looked back and forth between them. “You know him?”

  Switch was eerily calm. “Yes. Detective Michaels and I go way back.”

  “Now that were all reacquainted, very slowly take off the bag, get down on your knees and link your fingers behind your head. You’re under arrest.”

  “Man, fuck!” Switch yelled. “Come on Michaels. I can’t go to prison.”

  Judge pulled out a pair of handcuffs, waiting for Switch to comply.

  “You made a deal with the DA, I’m here to make sure you honor that deal.” Michaels said. “Now get down!”

  The girlfriend was inching back. “Clarissa. I don’t want to hurt you, so stop moving, please.”

  “But I don’t understand.” Her hands shook against her chest. “What deal? What is going on?”

  It seemed the girlfriend had no clue who her fiancé really was, which would work out great for her. She wouldn’t be charged with aiding and abetting. She could go on and become a vet and hopefully learn from this experience and next time choose her boyfriends more carefully.

  Sirens were heard in the background. Right on time. Switch was slowly removing his bag. “I can make you very rich.” Switch said. “Both of you. I have over a half a million dollars. I’ll split that three ways, right now. Just let me go. I’ll never show my face in this country again.”

  Michaels came forward, ready to knock Switch the fuck out for insulting him. Judge quickly yanked Switch up and out of the way of fire. “I suggest you shut up.” Judge growled.

  Two patrol vehicles sped into the parking lot, coming to a screeching halt. Michaels had his badge high in the air, letting them know who he was. Judge stepped back and let Michaels handcuff their target and read him his rights. He frisked him down good, made sure Switch had nothing hidden anywhere that he could use on them later or any drugs on him. Even checked in his boxer briefs. Switch yelped and cursed but Michaels didn’t give a fuck. Everything was done completely by the book as God instructed. W
hile Judge loaded up their suspect Michaels went back to the girlfriend.

  “They’re going to arrest you.”

  She turned hysterical. “What! Why! I don’t even know what’s going on. I’ve been with Greg for eight months, he told me he got a great job in Rio and wanted me to go!” She hiccupped in between sobs. “Told me he wanted to marry me.”

  Michaels holstered his weapon. Clarissa wasn’t a threat. Just a used and confused woman that had been taken advantage of. He lightly put his hand on her shoulder and she fell into him, crying loudly against him. Her small frame shook against him and he tried to find a place to put his hands. He ended up patting her back lightly. “All you have to do is tell them what happened. Tell the truth, everything you know, and I’m sure you’ll be cleared.”

  “I’m so stupid.” She continued to cry. “I thought something was weird. Especially when he told me to bribe the clerk but I thought he was still hiding from his ex-wife. He said she was stalking him.”

  Michaels recognized the cop that was God’s friend. The man was big, filling out his dark blue uniform. Sharp green eyes looked him up and down then the woman still crying in his arms before he finally spoke in a surprisingly soft tone. “Your Lieutenant gave me explicit instructions regarding the drugs. I’ll photograph them and then do what he specified.”

  Michaels nodded his head ‘okay’. God has trusted this guy the entire time and he’s come through for them. Michaels had no reason not to believe him. Besides, he was glad he wouldn’t be responsible for transporting a quarter of a million dollars in coke with them back to Atlanta.

  Michaels extracted himself from the girlfriend and let the two cops take her. They loosely cuffed her hands in front and she started to wail all over again. “Just tell them what you know. When you’re let go, make sure you have no further contact with him. Go on with your life. It might not seem like it but this is for the best. You almost married a convicted murderer and drug dealer.”

  “Oh my god.” She whined, sniffling as they loaded her in the back seat.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  “This is bullshit, man! Let me the fuck out of here!” Switch yelled from the back of the truck. They were on their way back to their hotel to pick up their belongings and decided to go ahead and get back on the road to Atlanta tonight. They’d have to stop overnight to rest but at least they’d be out of Miami.

  “If you don’t shut the hell up, I’m gonna let the dog ride back there with you! He doesn’t like yelling.” Michaels threatened. Bookem barked and growled, the sound dreadfully scary in the confinement of the cab. The rest of the way to hotel was quiet.

  Michaels went in to get their stuff while Judge notified God of their progress and let Bookem out to stretch in preparation for the five hour drive up to Jacksonville. That would put them halfway, then only five more hours to Atlanta. Michaels threw the few items they had in the bathroom into their bags. Then his laptop and surveillance equipment. He also grabbed the food he’d purchased for breakfast, no reason to throw it away.

  He picked up his phone and called on of the two IT geniuses. When Detective Murphy picked up he could hear him typing away on his computer. “Hey smarty-pants. I need a two bedroom suite in Jacksonville. We’ll layover there around ten this morning.”

  “Got it.” Was all the man said before he disconnected the call. By the time Michaels hefted both of their bags on his shoulders, and did one final quick scan, his phone buzzed with a notification.

  Staybridge Suites

  Touchton Road, Jacksonville

  registered under your alias

  Michaels grinned. How the hell did those guys do that? Anything you needed was given to you, literally in an instance. Those two were absolutely indispensable to their team. On his way down the stairs he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. A man on the opposite side of the ice machine. He had his back to him so Michaels couldn’t see his face, but he wasn’t getting any ice. He had on dark jeans, and a black and white striped shirt. Tattoos were up his neck and arms. Michaels recognized the Bankhead gang sign on the back of his neck. This guy was from Atlanta. He looked over the railing at Judge, saw he was just putting Bookem back inside. He reached behind his back for his weapon but his hand was caught but someone that had snuck up behind him. Dropping the bag of groceries, he fought against the strong hold as the man at the ice machine closed in on him from the front. He could hear the loud roaring of Judge’s engine and then the squealing of tires. Michaels brought his foot up fast, kicking the man in the gut as soon as he was close enough. With his one free arm, he threw three rapid elbows to the man’s face until he let go and stumbled back against the rail. He didn’t wait for the guy to recover, he took off into the stairwell and down the short flight of stairs bursting out the door into the parking lot. Judge’s passenger door was right there. He threw their bags in the back and jumped in the front no sooner than the side door opened and the man he’d elbowed grabbed the door to keep Michaels from closing himself in.

  Bookem barked angrily against his window, clearly wanting out to take care of this guy too. Michaels punched the man in his jaw and took a couple body shots of his own as the man tried to yank him out of the truck. Judge grabbed the handle of his door, ready to get out and help. “No! Go!” Michaels yelled. Another punched to the man’s temple sent him backwards and Judge floored it.

  They cleared the parking lot and Judge flew out into the main road, almost clipping a light pole in the median. Thank goodness there wasn’t much traffic at almost five am. Michaels stuffed the big bags further behind them and got his gun out of his back waistband. He looked in the large side view mirror and sure enough there was a dark SUV barreling up the street toward them. “Punch it.”

  Judge looked in his side mirror and swore under his breath, stepping on the gas. If they could just get to the interstate, they’d be good. Too many state troopers on the Florida Turnpike to do a high-speed chase. Shots firing and hitting the back of the cab had Judge spinning off onto a side street. Switch was yelling and cursing them to let him out. Michaels turned and yanked his bulletproof vest out of his bag and draped it over Bookem, urging the dog to anxious dog to lay down as more shots hit against the back window. “Fuck.” Michaels ducked.

  “The windows are bulletproof.” Judge informed but the man still looked agitated.

  The windows may be bulletproof, but the entire vehicle wasn’t. Those guys could blow out the tires or depending on the weapons, the bullet could pierce the exterior. This was such bullshit. They didn’t even have the drugs anymore, but these dumb fucks didn’t know that. He wished he had a bullhorn so he could yell it at them.

  Judge’s big truck hit the potholes and dips in the road like a school bus. Michaels was bouncing high enough to almost hit his head on the roof. He held the ‘oh shit’ bar as Judge flew through the back street and took a hard left back onto the main road. The interstate was just up ahead. Looking in the side mirror again, the big vehicle was right on their ass and gaining speed. Fuck.

  Michaels readied his weapon and rolled the window down on his side, ready to take aim.

  “No! Put the window back up!” Judge yelled.

  “Keep driving!” Michaels was taking these assholes out. If they got on the side of him or Judge, a bullet could go through the door. Pointing his weapon out the window, aimed behind them, Michaels used the rearview mirror to guide him. His focus was on the vehicles tires. He fired twice, hitting the hood and the front grill. Judge was all over the place as he had to aggressively dodge a couple vehicles on the road. Shots were fired back at him and he had to quickly duck back inside. Shit.

  “What the fuck is going on? Y’all gone get me killed man!” Switch yelled. It sounded like he was kicking the siding and frankly it was pissing him off.

  “Shut up or I’ll drop the back down and let them have you.” Michaels yelled back. He checked the side mirror again.

  “Stay inside!” Judge barked at him. He was seething, his voice on the edge
of panic his tone far past the sound of furious.

  “Concentrate on driving.” Michaels shouted back. This was his job. Why the fuck was Judge not letting him do it? Cowering inside the vehicle like a pussy was not what Michaels was used to. Hell, it was frowned upon if you worked for God. Michaels checked the mirror again. They were still on them. Okay playtime was over. He put his entire arm out the window and aimed again. He waited this time, calculated the way Judge was moving, timed the swerves of the SUV behind them. He took in a deep breath and held it. Squeezing the trigger he hit the front tire twice, the car dropped down lopsided, the tread spinning off the tires and flying up into the air as the tire fell apart. Three more shots in rapid succession into the grill, enough to completely disable it. A couple shots hit the rear of the truck again, and one final hitting the side mirror that Michaels was watching from, shattering it and explosively sending large chucks of glass into his face.

  Michaels dropped his gun at his feet, hollering out in pain. He was catapulted back against the seat, holding his hand over the right side of his face. Judge yelled to him almost losing control of the vehicle.

  “I’m alright! Go!” Michaels yelled fearfully. His face felt like it was on fire. He could feel the blood dripping down his hand while he clutched the side of his face. He had no clue what type of damage was done. Since his hand was still clutched to his eye, he didn’t know if glass was in it or had cut it. The pain was too severe to tell at this point. Adrenaline was coursing through him blocking him from fully understanding how much, if any damage had been done.

  A rough hand was yanking on his shirt trying to turn him around. He grabbed at it, pulling Judge off of him. “I’m okay.”

  “Are you hit? Michaels!” Judge was not helping. Michaels was trying not to panic himself. He had no clue that if he moved his hand, would his eyeball fall out into his lap. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”


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