Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4)

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Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4) Page 22

by C. P. Mandara

  I put an impressive amount of speed into my platform heels and almost disappear in front of his eyes. My blood pressure, meanwhile, is going through the roof. This is what you signed up for. You knew what you were dealing with. How bad can it be? Really fucking bad, that’s how bad. This is why I haven’t been eating all week. The thought of being behind closed doors with Alain Dumortier is keeping me up at night.

  When the girls come at me this time, I pay them no attention. Stepping out of my thong, I let them do their thing. Whatever they put me in will be ridiculous, and sure enough, I am not disappointed. The black bra they begin fastening behind my back is mostly made of fluff and air, and it falls apart, peek-a-boo style, to expose my nipples. The panties follow the same idea, as they are of crotchless design, and there’s a pretty pink bow that dances right over my clit and a set of black beads that run through the middle of it. These will grind over my clit with every step I take and probably end up driving me insane. I’m guessing that’s the idea.

  There’s lots of excited chatter in the background, as the ladies tell me how wonderful I look, but I’m not in the mood for their pleasantries. I have to go back out there and face the music, and every time I stand in front of those two men, something bad happens. The urge to bolt is strong, but there’s nowhere to go. Besides, I’d be playing right into Alain’s hands. He’d have a reason to punish me then, and I can’t give him that.

  The ladies usher me back into the meeting room with little flaps of their perfectly manicured nails, and I brazen it out yet again. Holding my head up high, I can already feel my stomach sinking to the depths of hell as I take to the dais. The two men at the back of the room immediately ensnare me with their eyes, and there’s more excitement in this room than there is in the last ten minutes of a World Cup final. Something’s about to happen - I can feel it.

  Walking towards Alain this time, he indicates with his palm that I should visit James. “Sit on his lap, Sweets. Let him get a good glimpse of all you have to offer.”

  My smile is tight. Doing as asked, I splay my body across his outspread legs and put my arms on either side of his neck. They have to go somewhere for balance, and they feel safer up high. My face is now flushed, and James is well aware of the fact as he runs a finger down my cheek which is almost burning up with shame. I’ve done shit like this before, lots of times, but I’ve never been in love with the person in front of me. My body is hyper-aware of James and he knows it. My skin crawls with awareness and need.

  If that isn’t bad enough, his face dips towards my panties. My pussy is spread open wide, so everything is on display for him, and my face heats further. Now he will know I’m aroused, too. I want the floor to swallow me up whole. I’m looking at forbidden fruit here, and we both know it.

  James’s finger drops from my cheek, tracing a path down into my bra, to draw circles around my nipple. He then flicks the tip with his fingernail and I jump in his lap and whimper. Why is he torturing me like this? Is it payback for earlier? Or he is getting into character for our next three days together? The enormity of that prospect suddenly hits home. I’m going to be parading around mostly naked while his hands are all over me. My earlier ease around him has gone. Too much has happened since then.

  When his finger trails lower, across my abdomen, and heads straight for the open juncture of my panties, I want to scream. He’s going to leave me pent-up, breathless, and desperate for release. That same ache has been plaguing me for days, but he hasn’t tormented me like this.

  The halogen spotlights above bathe my body in soft, muted warm light, which flickers across my skin in amber waves and shadows. James’s finger wavers between them as it ventures lower, finally coming to rest on the little pink bow of my panties. My clit is throbbing painfully, less than a centimetre below it, but his finger stays where it is.

  “Beg me for an orgasm, Lois.” James straightens in his chair and his finger pulses on that little pink bow, reminding me of what’s on offer - except it isn’t. All he will do is toy with me. That’s all I have become for the men in here - a sexual plaything that they abuse at will.

  “Make me, asshole,” I grunt. As much as I want that orgasm, I’m not big on letting Alain watch. He’s revved up enough as it is, and the more fuel we pour on that fire, the quicker I find myself inside that twisted bastard’s room.

  For a moment, Alain looks shocked. “And here I thought you’d trained her, James. You must be slacking in your old age. That kind of behaviour won’t wash at Il Piacere.”

  Il Piacere? My brain switches into Italian mode. Is that the name of the place we are visiting? It sounds like it - because the English translation is roughly ‘Pleasure.’ It’s an apt name for a sex club, I guess.

  “Then why have you got us messing about with treadmills, weights, and sparring contests? We’ve got two days until we fly to Italy. You and I both know she isn’t ready.” James’s finger chooses that moment to dive inside my pussy, and I jump in the air, losing my grip on his neck and nearly falling over backwards before his hands shoots out to steady me. Shit.

  “A very good point, James. I’d figured you’d already be taking control of that side of things. I’ve never had to tell you to bring a woman to heel before.”

  “She’s not a submissive. She’s an assassin. There’s a fucking difference.” James’s voice holds an edge.

  “Even more reason to make sure she obeys every damn word you say. Looks like you’re going to be busy for the next two days.” Alain watches as James begins to finger fuck me. Resisting the urge to throw my head back and howl, I bite my lip and smother the noises I want to make. I am so damn wet. My body is readying itself for something it can never have.

  “I still want to watch you fuck her,” Alain says, in his deep, gravelly voice. It reverberates though me unpleasantly.

  “That’s not on the cards, Alain. It isn’t happening.” James sounds firm and I am thankful.

  Alain is not to be so easily dismissed, however. “We could trade, James. You have something I want, and I have something you want. That’s the way it’s always worked around here. You know that.” Alain is goading him, as he stands and walks around to the back of his chair. Placing his hands upon the soft black leather, he gives James a calculated look. “What do you want?”

  “Let’s start with what you want?” James doesn’t look at him as he talks, his focus is on me. Two fingers are now in my pussy, and I’m having a hard job following this conversation, but I know it’s important that I pay attention.

  Alain doesn’t take long to answer. “I want her down on her knees, while you fuck her face - hard. Make her cry, James. You know how I love that. Then I want to take her from behind while you watch.” He raises his eyebrow. It’s then James’s turn to lay his cards on the table. “So, what will you trade for that?”

  “No,” I whisper. I don’t want Alain anywhere near me, and James knows that. “No, no, no.” I shake my head, as two fingers become three and my breathing rate doubles. My hands are shaking, and my throat is dry. I can’t do this.

  James doesn’t even look at me, as he says, “If Lois loses tonight, I want to be the one to punish her. I’ll use the tank, as you’ve suggested, and you can watch, but I want to be the one to do it. We’ve only got two days left to get this problem sorted,” he then pointed between himself and me, “and the sooner we start, the better.”

  Alain nodded. “Done.” My lips were opening up in horror. What the hell was the tank? And what were they planning to do to me?

  “I’m not finished. I also want a three-day exemption from the no-fucking rule for our assignment. It’s a sex club and things are liable to get tricky if we don’t actually fuck.”

  “Not happening.” Alain shook his head firmly.

  “Then we don’t have a deal.” James took his fingers out of my pussy and smeared them upon my bottom lip, before thrusting them deep inside my mouth. My head lolled back on my shoulders as my eyes rolled around in pleasure. The things this man could
do to me, and he barely had to try.

  “Suck,” he commanded, and I did. My lips clamped tightly around his fingers and my tongue swirled gently, savouring the evidence of my arousal.

  “Good girl,” he said, and patted my head, before yanking a handful of my hair up high and pulling my body off him.

  Gasping, I was released as he got to his feet, and he then strode straight past me, aiming for the door. My body screamed in misery, but thankfully, my mouth didn’t follow suit.

  “We haven’t finished,” barked Alain.

  “Oh, I think you’ll find we’ll have,” said James decisively, and he tugged open the door and stepped through it.

  “Wait.” That single word was all it took for the world to slow down all around me. Seconds suddenly became hours, and I felt trapped as if my feet were suddenly rooted to the spot.

  My eyes latched onto Alain’s face, which was already lost in lust. He’d thought James would bow down to his demands, but when that hadn’t happened, the rug had been yanked from underneath his feet and the prize had vanished. He wasn’t a man who wasn’t used to dealing with disappointment. When he wanted something, he took it, but James knew how to play him.

  A sharp sigh escaped Alain’s lips, but his look was calculating. “You get to fuck her once more, but that’s it. One get-out-of-jail-free card. After you’ve used it, the normal rules apply. Take it or leave it.”

  “Done.” The single word was flat, hard, heavy, and it made me feel utterly humiliated. This was happening whether I liked it or not. No one was asking for my permission, and no one cared what I thought. I felt like a piece of property that was being bartered - inconsequential and worthless.

  “On your knees, Lois.” That voice. When James used that commandeering tone, I felt powerless to resist him. My teeth snapped shut as my legs collapsed underneath me, even against all of my better instincts. James had programmed me well. This man despised me yet had utter control over my body. How fucked up was that?

  I didn’t know it then, but I was about to find out.

  Chapter Twenty - James

  It had always been building up to this. I knew I would be required to break her the moment Alain threw us together, and he had now confirmed it. This was yet another reason I hadn’t wanted to drag Lois into this mess. She’d only been in this game a couple of weeks. She wasn’t ready. The poor girl was still recovering from losing her partner, and yet here I was, about to take her further down the rabbit hole. Scrap that. The kind of dark and twisted we were about to tackle didn’t feature in any kind of fairy tale I’d ever read. Il Piacere had a reputation in my world. One which I would never willingly have explored. It was about the ultimate power play, and the scenarios they unleashed against the poor submissives were cruel and unpleasant, to say the least. If you’d been in the game a few years and had one hell of a masochist for a sub who needed taking down a peg or two, well, that was one thing. Dragging a virtually untrained sub there was something else.

  It’s no worse than Carte Blanche. I rejected that thought almost instantly. It was, and it wasn’t, in different ways. It would require Lois to serve with old-school etiquette, which we hadn’t tackled yet, and she’d need to obey me to the letter or risk getting hurt. The trouble with Lois, was that she had a tendency to go off half-cocked all the time. A slip-up like that couldn’t happen there. It would make Adie’s cane marks look like love bites.

  Bringing my head back into the here and now, I watched as Lois sank gracefully to her knees, and thanked my lucky stars she wasn’t going to fight me over this. I couldn’t let Alain have her this evening. He’d destroy her. She was tough, but she wasn’t ready for him - would never be ready for him, if I were honest. If she had to face him in a room alone, she wouldn’t come out the same woman that walked in. Hopefully, I’d get her through it in one piece, but she wouldn’t enjoy the experience.

  Squatting down in front of her, I put a hand on either side of her head and tipped it back.

  “Open,” I tapped my index finger on her lip and let my eyes bore into hers. They were flat and emotionless, and they said fuck with me at your peril. Thankfully, she got the message. Her mouth opened.

  “Wider,” I barked. She jumped, a little taken aback at my tone, but did as I asked.

  “Better,” I said softly. “In the future, when I enter a room, I want to see you on your knees, with all of your holes available and ready to be fucked.” This is what they’ll expect at Il Piacere. That was the very least of what they’d expect, but we’d cross that line later.

  Her eyes searched mine. They said, ‘I can’t do this,’ and I knew she was about to voice those words, which is why I had her mouth open. Bending over to whisper in her ear, I murmured, “You can do this, and we have no choice. When I tell you to play with yourself, for fuck’s sake lubricate your ass at the same time, or you’ll regret it.” Her spine stiffened. She got the message. This was happening whether she liked it or not. “Imagine he’s Adie. Hold that vision in your head and don’t let it go. He will be rough, but if you’re wet enough and relax, he won’t hurt you. Make it sound like he is, though. If you want this over with quickly, that’s your trump card. Fucking scream the whole place down for all I care.”

  Pulling my head away from her ear, I grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back.

  “Tongue out,” I ordered, watching her lips closely. Lois swallowed tightly, and I knew that Alain was directly behind us. Grasping her chin firmly, I centred her attention on me and didn’t let my gaze waver. She stuck her tongue out.

  “Further. I need to rest my cock on it, Lois.” Her eyes fluttered closed, but when she opened them again, she’d done as I asked.

  “Good girl.” The words were slightly patronising. I was now firmly in ‘dominant’ mode and if she gave me any shit, she’d pay instantly, but I think she already knew that. “This is the way I expect you to present your mouth every time I enter the room, do you understand?” My grip on her chin lessened, and my fingers caressed the edge of her jaw lightly, to take some of the sting away. We had a long way to go in two days, and though we almost needed to be enemies for this, I didn’t want her to hate me.

  Her chest heaved in a lungful of air, and her eyes darted to Alain behind me. I shook my head. “Keep your eyes on me, and only me. Do you understand, Lois?” My fingernails dug into her skin until her eyes darted back to mine. She nodded once.

  “Now fold your arms behind your back, hands gripping opposite elbows and cast your eyes to the floor.” This time, she was quick to comply. Standing up, I admired my handiwork. Her cheeks were flushed, there was a bright stain of red crawling from her neck to just above her chest, and her arms thrust her tits out towards me. Her lips were glistening, her tongue was a deep pink and curled prettily as it pushed its way out of her mouth, and she was breathing as if oxygen was going out of fashion. She was nervous, excited, petrified, and aroused. The combination would be a toxic overload.

  “Spread your legs, Lois.” She obeyed instantly and pulled her legs as far apart as she could. The woman was a fast learner, and I had to suppress a smile.

  Standing up, I walked around her in a circle, examining her from every angle. The room had gone deathly quiet, and I knew she was running on adrenaline. The thought of Alain joining in terrified her, but he wouldn’t do anything crazy while I was around - not if he wanted me to run errands for him, anyway. The first five minutes would be the hardest. After that, I’d made sure she came like a steam train which would soften the blow.

  “Play with yourself, Lois. Show us that lovely tight cunt of yours, and how desperate it is to be fucked. Get those fingers good and wet, and spread yourself for us.” For a minute, I wondered if she’d freeze on me. She swayed from one side to the other, in a panicked haze, and I could see her floundering. Squatting down once again, I peeled her hands free from behind her back and placed them over her sex.

  “Spread yourself,” I commanded sharply. This seemed to have the desired effect. Her eyes
flickered up to mine, but I shook my head. It was the merest flick, but she understood because her gaze dropped to the floor once more. Pushing her hips out, she then scissored her fingers through her labia, pulling herself wide open so we could she how wet she was. Now she would be glad those eyes of hers weren’t focused on anyone.

  “Beautiful,” I murmured gently, encouraging her to continue. Keeping her head downcast, as the red stain on her neck got bigger, she began to push a finger inside herself. It was nothing more than a shallow little dip at first, but she became bolder when the silence stretched, and I didn’t interrupt her again until she was happily thrusting away.

  “Two fingers.” Lois responded far better to my dominant voice than my usual tone. It seemed to open up something within her, and she reacted with a primal urgency and need. I had a feeling she’d get wet just by hearing me order her around. I made a mental note to try it at some point.

  Lois was now losing herself in the moment. We’d erased Alain from the room, and providing she kept listening to my voice, I could take her somewhere else for the next few minutes.

  “Three fingers, put your thumb on your clit.” Lois complied, but with a little too much enthusiasm. If she continued on that vein, she’d come in the next thirty seconds, and that would be a disaster. “Stop.” She jumped at my raised tone, and her body and hands stilled instantly. “Good girl,” I said soothingly. “How do you feel?” I was stalling because I needed her to calm down a little. This would only work if she climaxed after Alain had penetrated her. If she did so before, it would hurt.

  Lois automatically looked up at me, but I pushed her head straight back down to the floor. “Answer me,” I said softly.

  “Strange. Excited. Hot. Scared. Awful.” The words all came out in a rush, and they were pretty much what I had expected. She was all over the place and with good reason.


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