Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4)

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Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4) Page 24

by C. P. Mandara

  “If I do this, Lois, I’m going to discover all your dirty little secrets - especially the ones you share with Alain. You know that right?” She obviously didn’t. Her shoulders stiffened, there was a moment's silence, and then she took off at a run. Perfect. That was all the incentive I needed. I loved the chase, and the hunt was on.

  Tearing after her like the world was on fire, I took a prudent second to wonder whether she had any weapons on her. With Lois, nothing was ever certain. Alain wouldn’t have left anything conventional about, but a fork in Lois’s hands could be deadly. Thankfully, there weren’t too many hiding places in the ridiculous underwear they had her dressed up in, so as long as she hadn’t stuffed anything inside her, we were good. I’d had enough experience with Lois to know that the next half an hour would be hard work, and her submission wouldn’t be taken, it would be earned. The thought sent blood cascading down to my cock in waves, and I couldn’t remember ever having been this turned on in the past. She did things to me that none of the women downstairs ever could. I didn’t have respect for them. Pity, perhaps, but not respect. Lois was a strong woman who could take on an army, given half a chance, and the thought of getting inside her head was the greatest turn-on ever. I hadn’t managed it yet. Anything I had dished out to this point in time had been met with resistance, bar our brief night after James had fucked me over, and that hadn’t been about submission. It had been straight-forward sex because neither of us had the energy for anything more. It had also been a statement to James, something along the lines of, ‘Fuck you, asshole.’ She had never given me her submission willingly, but today she offered it wrapped in a neat little bow, and those eyes - oh, those eyes. They looked like shattered glass, all broken up and bleeding inside. Today, that woman would hand me her soul on a plate and watch while I cut it up and ate it.

  Sprinting after her down the corridor, I slowly gained on her. Thankfully, my back was now returning to normal, and bar a few scabs and some fading bruises, I could now move mostly without pain. On a normal day, Lois would have been able to evade me for a while, but at the moment, her legs weren’t working properly. Whatever James and Alain had pulled on her in that room, she hadn’t liked it, and her body had gone to mush. I’d seen her trembling. It wouldn’t be long before I caught up with her, and I’d have to have a game plan ready when I did because that woman was not going to take it easy on me.

  What could I use to restrain her with? Patting my pockets as I ran, I sighed in relief when I found some nylon cord in there. I’d used it to tie up some of the girls earlier. That would do. I wasn’t worried about her legs just yet, but her arms were deadly and if I didn’t immobilise them quickly, I’d have one hell of a headache later.

  It didn’t take me long to figure out she was running for her room. I guess she figured if she could make it inside before I got my hands on her, she could lock herself in. That wouldn’t actually work, as I had a master key, but I didn’t want to risk letting her get inside, just in case she jammed a chair against the handle or wedged something in the bottom of the door frame. That meant I would have to make a running leap for her, or face the prospect of failure, and I was never good at that. Needing to get a little closer, before I took the jump, my feet propelled themselves forward as if they were trying to give Usain Bolt a run for his money. I had another twenty metres to knock the ball out of the park, or face having my afternoon of fun taken away from me. It’s amazing what you can do with the right incentives. Less than five metres away from her door, I was flying through the air, and I took her body to the floor effortlessly.

  She landed with a hard whoomph, as all the air rushed out of her body. I’d surprised her - good. Making use of that, I then jammed my knee into her back to keep her on her stomach and make sure she didn’t get too much air into her lungs. I didn’t want to see the opposite end of her before I’d got her hands under control. Even so, the woman was as slippery as her cunt was about to be in two minute’s time. Limbs were flailing everywhere as she tried to get me off her, but it wasn’t happening. When I finally got her left arm in my grip, I yanked and twisted it until she screamed.

  “That hurt, Lois?” I purred in her ear. She bucked underneath me like crazy, confirming that it did, and if her backside brushed against my cock one more time, I was going to embarrass myself. This needed to stop. Twisting harder, I waited until she screamed again, her body going rigid with pain. This gave me an opportunity to grab the other arm and force her wrists together. Encircling them in rope, I made sure that there was no way she was getting out of my handiwork, before I pulled her up to her knees. She was already trying to get to her feet, but if I let that happen, she’d just run again. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I slapped her face - hard.

  Watching the handprint bloom, like a splash of blood upon snow, I smiled. “Your ass is mine now, Thirty-Eight, and after I’ve whipped it, I intend to fuck it. What do you say?”

  “Fuck you,” she yelled back at me, struggling to get her long mane of hair out of my grasp. “Get off me.” She then sank her teeth so deep into my leg I hissed in pain. Slapping her again, I watched as her head snapped back as if stung, and she reeled from side to side as the force of the blow took hold.

  “Tsk, tsk,” I admonished. “Remember your manners. I believe the correct answer is, ‘Yes, Sir.’” I gave her hair another fearsome yank, but I knew I wouldn’t get anything out of her just yet. That would come later.

  “Have it your way,” I shrugged. Pulling her forward by the ponytail I’d created, I walked to her room and opened the door, dragging her inside with me. She needed to be contained within four walls and preferably tied to the bed. I had two lengths of rope left, and after I’d got her immobilised, I’d get some decent restraints in here. She wasn’t going anywhere until I’d finished with her. When I got her in the middle of the room, I slapped her ass with as much force as I could muster and watched as her cheeks wobbled. Repeating the action, on both left and right cheeks until she gasped, I then half-dragged, half-carried her towards the bed. When we were close enough, I threw her on it, face first, and took a handful of her hair in my teeth, which left my hands free to tie a length of rope between her wrists. Not the most glamorous of ways to get the job done, but I wasn’t taking any chances. As it was, the little bitch still managed to headbutt me so hard I saw stars, but by then the work was done. Dragging the final length of rope up over the bed, so her arms were painfully suspended above her back, I tied the length off to the headboard, rather thankful that the rope was long enough. That would keep her out of trouble for now.

  Standing back to survey my work, I said, “Still want me to hurt you, Lois, or have you changed your mind?” My little goddess looked incredible with her limbs shaking, chest heaving, and thin beads of sweat trickling down her body. My dick had no idea what to do with itself. How did this woman manage to rewire my brain, when no other girl had come close? What was her secret?

  “Fuck you,” she panted, and I could tell the adrenaline overload was getting to her. Too bad. Things were about to get worse before they got better.

  Leaning over her body, pinning her back to the bed as my cock rested against her ass, I reached underneath her face and wrapped a hand around her neck. I could feel her pulse rocket as she realised what was about to come next, and the beast inside me roared.

  “You will be mine in just a few moments time, and you’re going to beg for it, Thirty-Eight. Now say, ‘Thank you, Sir,’ or I will squeeze, and I won’t stop until you pass out. After you pass out, I will get my knives out and carve something quite creative into your back.” I meant it, too.

  “And after that?” she whispered, quiet as a dove. The fight seemed to have left her in a rush of air, and I could feel her body becoming more fluid beneath me and far less rigid. She was beginning to accept her fate.

  “After that I’ll whip you, just to give you a little idea of what I went through. Believe me, you haven’t felt anything like it.” Lois then began to tremble all over. I cur
sed inwardly for my stupid mistake. “Not like Alain. I’m not that much of a monster. Just enough to show you how much it hurts. Calm down, Lois.” I stroked the soft flesh of her throat, running my fingers along her jugular in soft, soothing lines, while my cock pressed up against her ass.

  “And if I obey? What then?” Her head twisted sideways as she tried to look at my face, but I pushed it back down again, my grip around her neck tightening.

  “If you obey, I’ll take it easier on you, but not much. You’re the one who has to take a chunk out of James. I don’t care either way, Lois. It’s your choice.”

  There was a distinctive pause. “Do you even want me to obey?” Lois let out a long breath of air as she thought about her options.

  I sighed and ran my hand over her bright pink butt. “Since when do you care what I want, Lois?” My finger tapped itself in staccato bursts against her left cheek.

  “I don’t know what I want any more, Adie. I’m so confused,” she whispered.

  I shook my head. Join the fucking club, I thought, but I said, “I’ve beaten three girls to a pulp today, Lois. I feel like a fucking monster. None of them deserved what I dished out, but you do. I don’t really care how you take it, as long as you take it, and I need to come as much as you do.” Thrusting two fingers between the apex of her thighs, I sighed. I could have swum down there she was so wet.

  “What’s my best chance of getting an orgasm?” I should have been mad at Lois. Scratch that - I was mad, but I laughed anyway.

  “Are you seriously trying to make a deal with the devil?” I was a little incredulous. This woman never ceased to surprise me.

  “Absolutely. How do I get my orgasm?” Lois wiggled her ass to let me know she was serious. A silence fell between us. “If it’s not even a possibility, just say so, Adie. I know the score.”

  “You came less than twenty minutes ago, Lo. Call me a liar.” I could smell the scent of her orgasm from where I was standing, and it enraged me. I wanted to be the one between her legs. I also knew she’d pick up on the fact I’d finally called her by her name, which meant we weren’t on the same terms we were just a minute ago. Something had changed. I didn’t know what exactly, but it had.

  She sniffed. “You’re not a liar, but it wasn’t a good climax. I need intense pain and a decent orgasm. You can deliver that, and yes, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Anything I want?” My eyebrows lifted as a plan formed. Lois was high on adrenaline and endorphins. I could use those in my favour.

  “Anything,” she confirmed. I smiled. This would be more fun than I thought.

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Lois

  I didn’t know why I was fighting. This was what I wanted. This was what I’d asked for. Adie could deliver the perfect orgasm, gift wrapped in pain, and I’d come screaming. It would take my mind off all the other shit that was muddying my thoughts, and the last thing I wanted to think about right now were my feelings towards James and the crap Alain was going to do to me later.

  “Anything I want?” his voice was soft, dark and seductive. It draped itself around me like dark chocolate and spun sugar, and the taste lingered.

  “Anything,” I whispered. I felt drunk. My head swirled with a current that threatened to take me under and thinking clearly was impossible. This might have been both the best and worst idea I had ever had.

  “You do everything I say, and we have a deal, Lo.” I could feel Adie’s breath over my back, and it sent spikes of electricity up my spine.

  “Are you going to put a plastic bag over my head or stick your knives into me?” I was only half joking. I was almost positive Adie had done all of that before and then some.

  “Not if you play nicely, no.” Strangely enough, Adie sounded as if he meant it, and though I had no reason to trust him, I did.

  “Then we have a deal.”

  He slapped my ass so hard, I gasped. “Probably just as well because as soon as I tie your feet up, you won’t be able to put up much of a fight, anyway.” The bed shifted higher as he took his weight off it and stood up. “I’m going to get a few bits and I’ll be back shortly. Meanwhile, you are not to move a muscle, no matter how much those arms hurt. If you do, I’m coming back with the largest tangerine I can find, a plastic bag, and some knives.”

  I snorted with laughter. “Don’t mention tangerines while in Dom mode, Adie. It ruins the mood.” The tension that had surrounded us diffused a little and morphed into something more friendly.

  “Tangerine, tangerine, tangerine,” he purred, as the door opened and then swiftly shut behind him. I shook my head, grinning, before whimpering as the pressure on my arms increased. This session would be hell on wheels, and that said something about me, because I was desperately looking forward to it.

  Thankfully, Adie wasn’t gone long. When the door opened again, he strode up to me and yanked on the rope that held me, just to make sure I hadn’t pulled a number on him again.

  “I’m behaving,” I said dryly.

  “Makes a fucking change.” Shoving his knee in between my legs he then spread them wide apart. I yelped as the strain on my arms became worse, panting between gritted teeth.

  “You said to make it hurt,” he said silkily, as he slid a hand up over my ass and towards the middle of my back. His touch was light, but it sent fire all through me.

  “I didn’t think you would tear my arms in two to achieve that objective,” I said grimacing, but I’m game if you are.”

  “Relax. I’ll make you a little more comfortable in a minute. Although I’m not your biggest fan at the moment, I’m not going to dislocate your shoulders - although I will do, if I have to protect James from my brother.” Taking a thick, Velcro cuff, he then fastened my left leg to the bedpost, before making short work of the right. Testing them for strength, I soon figured I wasn’t getting out of them in a hurry.

  Rolling my shoulders, to relieve some of the tension, I said, “We’re on the same page, believe it or not, and I know you don’t, but you will.”

  “You’re very cryptic today, Lois. I have a feeling this session will be fun.” He then scraped his fingernails down the soft flesh of my right butt cheek, and I let out a gasp.

  While his touch was wonderful, I figured I should make something clear right from the outset, so I said, “I’m not going to tell you anything. Pull out your whole damn arsenal - see if I care.” Adie was well aware that if I didn’t want to share something, there was no way he could wrench it out of me. He tried on numerous occasions, and no matter what he’d pulled out of the bag so far, I’d remained mute. Adie wasn’t the type of man to back down from a challenge, though. I had no doubt he would pull out all the stops today, as he did his best to get me to spill.

  “Fighting talk, Lo. Do you have any idea how much that turns me on?” I didn’t, but I suspected I soon would. Meanwhile, Adie had unbound my hands from the ridiculously uncomfortable position they were pinned in, and after unravelling the rope, fastened them with more Velcro cuffs in a ‘V’ shape, straight out in front of me. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Better?” Sitting down on the bed beside my head, he stroked my curls gently and breathed in the scent of my hair. His face suddenly turned serious.

  “Alain made me break three girls this morning. I’m not talking about a spanking, either. I broke them into little tiny pieces, and it will take weeks, if not years, for them to recover from some of the shit I’ve pulled.” His voice was a murmur in my ear, and I knew he didn’t want any ears listening in on this.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, and I meant it. I wouldn’t have wished Adie’s life on my worst enemy and I didn’t understand how he’d coped with it for so long.

  “It would have been better if you’d let me die. I can’t go through this again.” The fingers that had so delicately stroked my hair a moment ago, then took a strand and tugged sharply.

  “Don’t you fucking start,” I hissed. “We need all three of us to take that asshole down, and even then, it’s a long shot.
Get a fucking backbone and some balls.”

  Adie laughed. “And here I thought you were working for the enemy. That’s what I admire about you, Lois. You never give up.” He pressed his lips to my neck and bit down gently. “So, back to the job at hand. Do you want the paddle, the crop, or the whip, Lois?”

  I let out a lungful of air I hadn’t been aware I was holding. What did I want? Pain. I wanted pain. I also wanted to know what Adie had gone through last week, pinned to the whipping post, with his brother reigning supreme against him. I was an empath, and I needed to feel a little of what he’d gone through. Now the idea had been planted in my head, I wanted it.

  “The whip,” I whispered. “The same one Alain used on you.” I felt him stiffen beside me and saw him shake his head.

  “No, Lois. That’s more pain than you can deal with. Trust me. You need to be able to move this evening, and if I do that to you, you might as well just fall over and ask him to hit you.”

  “I’m going to do that, anyway,” I said. “Right now, I just want to feel what you felt.”

  “Believe me when I say you don’t. You won’t last more than two strokes without screaming.” Adie was now standing beside the bed with his arms folded across his chest. As usual, he looked incredible, and I wanted to eat him, although I knew that was not on the cards.

  “Try me. If I can’t take it, you can stop, but I want to know. Besides, you like tears. If you want them, this is how you’ll get them.”

  His lips flattened. While he knew he was being manipulated, there was also fire in his eyes. “This is a bad idea.”

  “Maybe it’ll get me to talk,” I said, goading him.

  “If James sees welt marks on your back, he’ll kill me.”

  “James doesn’t care whether I live or die, Adie, and he’s your best mate. He won’t kill you. Besides, he’s not going to see them. I’ll cover them up.”

  There was a long silence where neither of us moved, me mostly because I couldn’t, and Adie was frozen solid with indecision.


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