Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3)

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Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3) Page 10

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Choose me,” she murmured under her breath, not nearly loud enough for anyone to hear, yet he straightened as if he’d caught her impassioned plea. She itched to cross the stream and go to him, to burrow her nose in his neck and rest her cheek against the heavy thumping beat of his heart, to know he was hers, for now and for all time.

  “Stay close while I go and hunt. Kirk’s request of Cherub applies to you as well. We’re on the enemy’s land, and even as beautiful and serene as it currently is, MacKenzies could still be lurking anywhere.”

  “That I’ll never forget.” Mayhap he needed a reminder that she too could hold her own in the wilds of Scotland. “Go hunt. I’ll do the same and see if I can beat you with my catch.”

  “You’re challenging me in a hunt for game?” He grinned, his lips lifting so sinfully.

  “Aye, I am and this is a game I know well. First to return with food for the evening meal, wins the game, the winner being permitted to choose their prize.”

  “A prize within reason.” A touch of worry flittered within his tone, which only made her smile sinfully back at him.

  “Are you worried I’ll win and claim a prize beyond what you can concede to?”

  “Hell, yes.” He turned and marched back toward the trees, glanced over his shoulder at Cherub. “Stay with her.”

  “Of course. I’ll watch over her, Alec. Never fear that I willnae.” Cherub hooked her arm through hers and tugged her into the woods. “Sheesh, men. Our mates can get quite fanatical over our safety at times. Just warning you.”

  “I appreciate the warning, but I wish for him to get fanatical over me.” She gestured toward a tree just off the trail. “I’ll tend to my needs first. I’ll be but a minute or two.”

  “Take as long as you need.” Off in the other direction, Cherub bounced then snuck behind a thick copse and called out, “I cannae wait to see who wins this challenge.”

  Neither could she. She rose from behind the bushes then set to work. From a tall pine tree, she collected a ropy length of ivy hanging from one of the lower branches then chose the perfect sapling within the underbrush that would whip up nice and fast when attached to a noose snare. Father and Ronan had taught her how to catch a small creature in various ways, and all with naught but what the forest provided. When out camping, the three of them always competed to see who could catch their dinner the fastest. She smiled, the memory one that lifted her heart even as it brought a tear to her eye. “I’m coming for you both,” she whispered to her kin, her promise one given from the depths of her heart. “My life willnae be worth living without you in it.”

  A sound fact.

  She continued setting the trap, hammered twigs into the ground then fashioned the noose and draped it over the top before tossing a smattering of dry leaves as a finishing touch to camouflage it.

  “Oh, that’s perfect.” Cherub rubbed her hands together as she joined her. “I’ve never been able to set a snare. They’re tricky little things.”

  “It needs one more adornment.” She searched within the bushes and grinned as she found exactly what she was after. She plucked a ripe berry from the scrub then set it carefully on top of the trap as bait. “We must leave this now and wait to see if a critter triggers it.” She pulled Cherub into a hug. “Thank you for bringing me here, for ensuring this search began.”

  “You’re the one who convinced Alec to join us. Come.” Arm hooked through hers, Cherub wandered with her back along the trail toward the stream.

  At the edge of the woods, Kirk knelt within the lush grass partially protected by the umbrella of the canopy high above. He dug a small pit, set some river rocks around it then pulled the stringy bark off a log. He struck flint with his dirk and coaxed the sparks to life then as the fire crackled, he added twigs and wood until it blazed.

  Cherub plopped down onto the grass next to him, pulled her skin from her bag and sipped.

  Annella collected her own pouch, now empty since she’d drunken from it throughout the day. She crouched at the water’s edge, filled it up with fresh water and took a swig as the setting sun’s golden-red rays glimmered across the sparkling waters before her. There was naught more beautiful than a sunset or sunrise and she adored how the sky flickered with a multitude of colors, from pink to apricot to dusky blue before going completely black. She and Father and Ronan had watched countless days come to an end, as well as new days dawning. Rarely had they spent one apart. Her heart heaved as the pain of her loss intensified. Each day that now passed was another in which they’d been taken even farther from her, another day she couldn’t claim back.

  Aye, she wished only for a lifetime of sunrises and sunsets with them, a lifetime of laughing, training, and hunting, of never being without her loved ones.

  A soft snap dinged from the direction of her snare and she dropped her pouch on top of her bag and strolled along the trail toward it. Dinner was caught and the small moment of joy lightened her heart a touch. She removed the rabbit, returned to the water’s edge and skinned and cleaned it, rose and halted as another snap dinged from somewhere deeper within the woods across the other side of stream. Alec too must have caught his prey, although far too late to win their bet.

  “It appears we’ll eat well this eve.” Sitting cross-legged on the grass, Cherub fluffed the navy skirts of her riding habit and raised her hands to the flames, while Kirk continued to build their fire higher.

  Smoke wafted all about and the stars high above came out to play, one twinkling bright, then another and another until the sweeping blackness of the night sky glittered with an array of sparkling diamonds. “Even though we’re on the enemy’s soil, I still cannae halt my love of this land.”

  “Neither can I.” Cherub leaned back, her hands propped on the grass behind her as she tipped her gaze toward the heavens above. “Even though I’ve traveled far and wide over the centuries, visited almost every land on this Earth, I’ve still never been able to stay far away from my homeland for long.”

  “Scotland is in your blood.” Kirk sank one hand into Cherub’s long golden locks, palmed the back of her head and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “This is the home of our ancestors, land we’ve spilt blood over, land we’ve fought for and slaved over.”

  “And this is the land we were born on, no matter what century that might have been within.” She joined Cherub and Kirk, chose some of the sturdy sticks Kirk had set to one side and created a spit for the rabbit, threaded the meat into place and set it to cook over the fire. “This is the land I intend to die on as well. Never will I be taken beyond Scotland’s shores.”

  “Here, here,” Kirk murmured with a nod. “As said like a true Matheson.”

  A cackle of noise sounded from farther downstream then Alec rounded the corner. He splashed through the shallows swinging a goose by its hind legs in one hand, a rabbit in his other. Barefoot and with his pants rolled up to his knees, his boots dangling by their laces over his shoulder, he sat on the bank and cleaned the goose and rabbit, his observant gaze moving from his catch to hers cooking over the fire. Aye, in the depths of the wild, her mate was clearly in his element, just as she was in hers. She loved being out here with him, even though their mission was one that squeezed at her very heart and soul.

  She wandered away from Cherub and Kirk, plopped down onto the grassy bank next to him, rubbed a hand along his forearm where he’d rolled the cuffs of his black tunic to his elbows and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “How are you feeling? Is your head still sore?”

  “You mean from that tiny fall I had this morn?”

  “Aye, from when my bear pushed you over.”

  “Well…” She spread one hand over his leg, gave his upper thigh a gentle squeeze. “You wouldnae even need to ask me that question if we had the merged link of the mind.”

  “For that we’d need to complete the bond.” A gruff answer.

  “I’m willing to do so if you are, and my head is fine, any ache I felt at the time now well and tr
uly gone.” Reveling in touching him so freely, she tickled her fingers up and down his leg. “I also won the challenge.”

  He glanced at Cherub and Kirk over his shoulder, their heads close together as they quietly talked, then he eyed the cooking meat again. “I noticed, but I returned with double the catch. Does that make a difference?”

  “None whatsoever, and the prize I claim is an easy one for me to choose.” She touched a finger to his chin, turned his gaze fully toward hers. “After our mission here is done, I want you to take a day all to yourself and do whatever you most desire, whether that be hiking, fishing, sleeping in a pool of sunshine near your favorite stream, or climbing a mountain. Promise me that you’ll do so. I wish for you to relax and set your worries aside, even if only for a short time.”

  “You make it sound as if I’m the one who just won that challenge.”

  “Nay, I won, because during that day you do as you please, you must take me with you.”

  “I see.” He leaned in, touched his nose to hers, and murmured, “I vote for lazing in the sunshine.”

  “I vote for climbing a mountain.” Giggling, she rose to her feet, motioned toward the fire. “Come and set your meat to cooking. I’m starving, and I also need my rest. I have much to do this night while everyone else seeks their sleep.”

  “I’ll watch over your body while you’re gone.” He stood with his skinned catch in one hand and gestured for her to move ahead of him.

  “Thank you. I’d like naught more than to have you guarding my body.” She returned to the blazing fire, sparks shooting into the air and sizzling bright. Across from Cherub and Kirk, she sat, tucked herself in close to Alec as he skewered his meat onto sturdy sticks and propped them over a metal rack he pulled out of his satchel and set over the flames. He turned her roasting meat over, ensuring the meat cooked evenly on all sides.

  As the skies darkened even further overhead and the coolness of the night descended, she pulled her plaid from her sack and wrapped it around her. She always felt the cold far more than her fellow kinsmen ever did, no doubt because of her smaller size.

  Alec fastened the ties of his black leather jerkin together, eased in behind her, his legs either side of hers as he pressed the breadth of his chest to her back and wrapped his arms around her. His heat pulsed through and she gladly leaned back against him, allowed his presence to comfort and soothe her. Being near him, particularly after his bear had been around most of the day and he had not, warmed her deep inside.

  “Sometimes, one can be alone even though surrounded by others.” She looked at him over her shoulder. “Do you ever feel that way?”

  “More often than I should.” He tugged the blue silk ribbon from the end of her braid and pocketed it, unraveled her hair then with his hands fisted in her tresses, tipped her head to one side and nuzzled her neck. “We’ll always have each other.”

  “Aye, but in what way exactly?” She stretched her neck, giving him greater access and hoping beyond hope he’d take the bait.

  “The only way that counts. I will ensure you remain safe from my beast, and you won’t sway me otherwise.” He nipped her ear then licked over the mark he’d given her. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m famished and I wouldnae mind some of your chocolate since the meat isnae yet cooked, that’s if you’re willing to share.”

  “Sure. Help yourself.”

  “Thank you.” She snagged his satchel from beside him, foraged for the chocolate and grinned as she grasped her prize. Carefully, she broke one square off and held it against his lips. “For you, my mighty bear.”

  “I can see right through your ploy, Annella.” He plucked the square from her hand and slid it between her own lips. “Your form of temptation isn’t going to sway me this time, only my bear’s submission to my needs, will.”

  “His submission to my needs would be even better.” She sucked on the chocolate and moaned as its creamy decadence danced on her tongue and slid down her throat. She shuffled around so she sat sideways on his lap, hooked one arm around his neck and burrowed her face deeper into his hair, his silky black locks brushing her nose and cheeks and his deliciously warm and fresh pine scent wrapping around her. Not only did she wish to carry his mark, but also his intoxicating scent deep within her. Aye, mated they were, the man she’d been gifted with the only one she’d ever desire.

  “I love holding you close.” Alec twirled a lock of her curly hair around one finger then watched it bounce as he released it. “Your hair is so beautiful, so pale it shines like liquid gold in the firelight. I want to see your hair lying across my pillow every night. I need you to know that.”

  “You truly do?”

  “Aye, even if that means I have to sleep on the settee while you’re lying between my sheets.” He leaned forward, set the sticks of cooked meat to one side to cool. “Not that I just issued an invitation. I simply needed you to know I’ll always be here for you.”

  She sighed, while across from them, Kirk picked up one of the cooled skewers and fed Cherub, the two of them cuddling and chatting with Kirk’s plaid wrapped snuggly around them.

  The succulent meaty aroma of their dinner wafted all around and Alec selected one of the sticks of cooled meat, tore off a chunk and slipped the morsel between her lips. “When you visit me, I want you to agree to that arrangement.”

  “On one condition.” She plucked a piece of meat from the skewer for him and popped it between his own lips then licked the smear of juice from her fingers.

  “What’s the condition?”

  “You feed me chocolate each night afore I fall asleep in your bed.”

  “That would be dangerous.” He slid another cube of meat into her mouth, then one into his own and they continued to eat until her belly was full and she shook her head when he offered her more.

  “I’m done. You eat the rest. I need to rest and see if I can find Father and Ronan within the dream realm.” Yawning, she slipped off his lap, wished Cherub and Kirk a good night then curled up in her plaid, the warmth of the blazing fire washing over her.

  “I’ll take first watch.” Kirk clapped Alec on the back then tipped Cherub onto her side and tucked his plaid around her.

  Cherub cupped Kirk’s cheek, ran her fingers back and forth over his stubbly jaw then yawned and closed her eyes. “I’m exhausted and far more than usual. Good night, all.”

  “Wake me when you want to swap out.” Alec nodded at Kirk then shuffled in behind Annella, his chest to her back as he wrapped his plaid around them both. He doubled her layer of warmth then gently, he slid her hair over her shoulder and dropped a soft kiss on her neck. “Don’t travel too far from me this night, my annoying sprite.”

  “I never will. Sweet dreams, Alec.” Hopefully hers would be sweet too.

  * * * *

  Alec waited as Annella’s breathing slowed, the night sky above blazing with a myriad of stars while across the fire, Cherub lay bundled within Kirk’s plaid and Kirk sat next to her, his nose to the air and gaze alert as he scanned their surroundings. Alec would be able to scent any possible intruders too, even as he slept. His bear prowled right under his skin, his fierce need to protect Annella and ensure none of them came under any surprise attack, strong.

  No one would harm his chosen one and survive it if they ever tried to touch her.

  He rolled her over so she faced him, tightened the plaid wrapped around them both and kissed the tip of her nose and both cheeks in the near dark. She murmured in her relaxed state and wriggled closer, her tiny hand sneaking in under his tunic and fanning out over his chest. Even though she’d made her position clear, that she wanted to complete the bond and for them to join together in all ways, he couldn’t, not unless he was assured of her safety around his aggressive bear.

  Her eyelids fluttered and her body went suddenly limp, her hand slumping within his tunic. Tendrils of wispy-white swirled around him, glided over his lips then dissolved into nothingness. She was gone, now far from him within the dream realm a
nd he sensed her leaving to the depths of his soul.

  Holding perfectly still, he waited as her breath blew softly over his neck, her heartbeat slowing under his palm pressed between her breasts. Gently, he stroked her leather-clad backside, tucked one of her legs in between both of his and fully aligned their bodies until not one inch of them remained apart. They touched from head to toe and nothing had ever soothed his bear more than being able to hold her this close.

  With his nose buried against the soft skin of her neck, he licked the mark he’d given her, one that had already begun to fade. How he longed to bite her again, to stamp his mark on her flesh and ensure she held his brand. Both he and his bear wanted her, needed her, longed for her. She was everything they’d ever desired, ever hoped to have but never imagined would be possible.

  “Annella.” He murmured her name in her ear even though there wasn’t a chance she’d hear him. “Never think that I don’t want you, because I do. I want to bury myself so deeply within your body that neither of us will know where I end and you begin. I wish I had the courage that you do, the trust, faith and belief that joining together is the right thing, only there is nothing that would pain me more than if I ever hurt you.”

  For a month she’d been visiting him in his dreams and he’d come to know her well during that time, had shared his thoughts and who he was even though he’d grumped and grizzled as well. She’d done the same with him in little ways, not that he’d ever believed she was real. Now, being with her this day, had brought such comfort and joy to his very soul. What if he took that next step, which she clearly wished him to do and gave himself over to their bond and all that it entailed? She’d chosen him, told him very bluntly that she had. His bear might have knocked her to the ground this morning but he’d quickly taken a strong position and maintained his guard over her. Then she’d left her physical body and come to him, forgiven his bear and brought him such hope by her actions. His bear had rolled over onto his back and pleaded for her touch. None of that he could deny.


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