Stunt: Hollywood Bad Boy Romance

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Stunt: Hollywood Bad Boy Romance Page 10

by Savannah May

  A gush of something I've never felt in my life floods through my veins – excitement, love, ecstasy, joy, success. It's nothing short of thrilling. Everything I’ve dreamed of.

  “Seriously?” I don't know whether I dare get excited in case he's jerking me around.

  “Yeah, maybe we can do a little love scene together, huh? Don't look so surprised. Just think of the boost to your career to have a make out session with a huge movie star like Knox Templeton.

  Er, hallo. He's in the room you know. You're sitting right inside his skin.

  It's freaky how he speaks of himself as a separate entity.

  “Thank you so much,” I'm gushing harder than ever. But I can't help it. The thrill needs to expel or I'll burst. “I don't know what to say. This is amazing, incredible. Ohmigod I'm so excited.”

  “There you go, Babe. Don't say I never do anything for you. When you make it big time you can tell Entertainment Tonight that you owe everything to Knox. I'm just out of tequila, can you slip into Truan's dressing room and bring me a bottle?”

  I know he isn't supposed to be drinking on this production. Or at least that's the rumor. But I can hardly refuse after what he's done for me. I do as he says, crossing on the steps to the trailer with another girl, who I'm certain is from the extras pool. For a moment I'm scared that he's going to give my part to her. That I'll lose it again, see it slip through my fingers like the first time, when Emily Jayne nixed me for the role.

  But the girl ignores me and when I return with the bottle Knox wants, stashed in my bag, I'm primly shocked to see her on her knees. between his splayed legs. Her head bobs vigorously, taking his length all the way in. She's trying not to gag as he clasps the back of her head to thrust deep into her throat.

  His head is tipped back, eyes closed in deep ecstasy but as I open the door, the metal squeaks and he jolts up, guilty. Without missing a beat he reaches out for the bottle, removes the lid and chugs back almost half.

  I can't get out of there fast enough.


  To say I'm shocked when they call my name and yank me out of lock-up is an understatement.

  “Your girlfriend spoke up for you this time,” the detective snarls. “Said she was with you the night of the incident.”

  Jenna told the cops she was with me? The same night she huffed me off?

  “Don't think this gets you off the hook though. You're only going out on recognizance because Lowebloom has a lot of pull in this town. You finish that fucking film and I'll see you right back here, pretty boy.”

  They kick me out to the curb like they're doing me a favor and I'm fucking over the moon. She believes me. She trusts me enough to get me out of there and hasn't yet written me off as criminal scum.

  I go home and shower the fucking grime from lock-up off my body before I have to dash to the studio. My bedroom at Knox's place has been overturned but I don’t give a shit. I don’t have anything of value that anyone would want to steal.

  The only precious thing in my life right now is Jenna Golden. I've been given a second chance. Now that I'm free of that shit hole I can focus my energy on convincing Jenna that I'm not the a-hat she thinks I am. She's gonna realize I have the best intentions toward her.

  I said best, I didn’t say pure.

  Oh no, pretty sexy Jenna's going to come apart at the seams by the time I'm done with her. She's going to lose that uptight correctness and learn to explore the wilder woman I see hovering within. I'm going to make sure she submits to the needs her body is clearly displaying and that she's completely unaware of. She's going to be lying under me begging me to give her more, until her mind detonates with a fucking apocalypse of pleasure.

  That in a nutshell is what I've got planned for Jenna Golden.


  By driving like a maniac through LA traffic, weaving in and out between stalled vehicles on my bike, which could get me arrested all over again, I manage to make it to the set for my call time.

  Only to discover the director is still fooling around with the camera angles for the take before mine. So it's all about the waiting, as usual. The best use of time is checking up on Jenna, who hasn't appeared yet on the set. She must be doing her sexy secretary thing in some of the offices.

  I grab a coffee at the craft services table and shake my head as I realize I’m scanning the crew like a fucking radar passing over every ten seconds. My target is nowhere to be seen however.

  It's ridiculous what this girl does to me. Not only a stirring in my dick every time I think of her. There's also this weird leap in my chest at a hint of possibility that she might pass by. When just the sight of her long lashes fluttering above her soft pink cheeks gets me this frazzled, the fact that I'm falling for this girl is becoming more obvious.

  “What scene are they setting up?” I ask the third AD. when he dashes up to the table for a caffeine sugar boost.

  “New love interest. Added last night,” he garbles through a mouthful of doughnut before making a dash back to the set.

  Oh great, some girl Knox fucked and then finagled a part for so as to get rid of her without revenge posts all over the internet. When the girl walks on the set to be positioned for lights and camera before they call for the star, I almost shit myself. She almost doesn’t look like the same girl.

  She's wearing a slutty outfit that admittedly makes her steaming hot body even more fuckable. A shirt open and tied beneath her luscious tits that I'd like to suck all the way to the back of my throat before sliding my cock between the soft flesh. And tiny shorts that barely reach her hip bones in the front or her thighs in back. Her round butt cheeks are half exposed for everyone to gawp at. I'm half incensed and half mad with hunger to fist them.

  She's put on a completely different persona from the Jenna that plays the uptight but sexy as fuck secretary every day. Now she's gonna be a biker ho to Knox's club president. That alone pisses me off enough that if I wasn't required on set, I'd head to the gym and slam my fists into the bag like I want to pound out his fucking face.

  I already know she's an actress but somehow it never stuck in my mind. It's not a problem until it comes time that she's doing a scene with that fucker.

  And why her?

  When did she get her big break, plucked from obscurity and made into an overnight star? More likely this is one of Knox's fucking mind games. What did he promise her? If he laid one finger on her, he's a dead man and I don't give a shit if that means I rot in jail the rest of my fucking life.

  My mood softens a little, just seeing her and realizing this is her dream coming true. I want her to have everything she dreams of and only wish one of those things was me. She's nervous but only I can tell that, because she's a real pro. She's listening to direction, turning this way and that while they set up the lights and figure out how to give Knox the best angles.

  A new love interest scene.

  My blood surges hard in my veins again and lights fire off in my brain. If he touches her, even if only for the fucking cameras, I'm going to kill him.

  I can't catch her eye. Which is fine because much as I want to give her some encouragement, I get that she's focused on the direction, anxious not to fuck this up. And anyway she can't see out into the dark with the lights blasting her into the next world.

  So I breathe deep to calm myself and take a long drink of her sexy thighs disappearing beneath the frayed denim. Fuck, they are so biteable. The delicious flesh right at the top inside of her leg drawing toward her honey sweetness. I inhale and imagine the aroma of her succulence, how her juices would taste on the end of my tongue as I probe between her lips. I waited too long to make Jenna mine. I should have claimed without mercy instead of wasting time trying to show her I'm not as bad as she thinks.

  If Knox has stolen her, the fucker is going to pay big time.

  They call for the star and while they wait for his highness to roll along, make-up appear to powder Jenna and add more of that red stuff to her cheeks. All that fakery is t
he last thing she needs. She's stunningly beautiful without it but she submits so perfectly to the artist, without the usual whining or posing that goes with being a starlet, it makes my heart leap. She's ripe for submission.

  The third assistant director brings Knox from his trailer and he arrives on set with his entourage trailing behind like a flock of lambs. Minus one, who instead is waiting in a reversal of tradition, like a bride at the altar and now trembles as her decisive moment approaches.

  “Alright, Kitten?” Knox greets her, which sets my teeth on edge and my spine bristling. I can't hear her response as Alaine, the director, steps in to give them their motivation and all that shit.

  Quiet on set.

  Roll camera

  And action

  Knox seems to have a mini fit as he gets into character, then stares into her eyes with an intensity I don't care for. What went on the last seventy two hours while I was in lock-up? Jenna's gazing up at him with a wide-eyed adoring stare barely concealing the lust coursing through her limbs.

  If she looked at me that way, I'd tear those tiny fucking shorts down her thighs and drive my cock so deep inside her she'd feel it in her throat as she squealed.

  “Don't think I'm a good guy, Marisa. I ain't the kind of dude that can give you a pretty little house in the suburbs.”

  “I don't want that Trey. All I want is you.”

  “And you're gonna take me how you get me. Because your perfect lips are sending out an invitation that I can't refuse. And once they connect to mine, all fucking hell is gonna break loose.”

  “Please Trey. Just take me however you want me. I'm all yours.”

  Fuck who writes this shit?

  I don't remember that scene from the script. When Knox clasps her face in his palms and covers her mouth with his, it's all I can do not to rip over there and knock the asshole to the ground. Instead I stand there with my blood bashing at the inside of my skin and watch him force her lips apart to steal a real, rather than celluloid, kiss. And she isn't resisting.

  She's surrendered her body, almost melting against him, pressing her gorgeous fucking tits into the bastard's chest like she wants to mold hard to his body. I can't fucking watch except my gaze is riveted to the scene. There's total silence all around, no one's moving so much as a pinkie.

  This is magic. And she's making it with him.

  It fucking rips me in half to see how she's giving it all back to him and more. He threads his fingers into her silken hair and tugs her head closer into his mouth for a deeper kiss. She slams her hand across his shoulder as though the force of his desire almost knocked her over.

  Okay, cut. I've seen enough of this shit. Even the audience is gonna be sighing and thinking, 'Just get a room'.

  He doesn't release her though. And she's not making any moves to break the kiss. In fact when he scoops her waist with the length of his arm to bend her backward, she arches higher to lift her tits to him.

  I am rooted to the spot, mesmerized by her passion and hating that it doesn't belong to me. The tension in my muscles is literally painful and it requires every last molecule of self control I never knew I had to keep from overturning the entire fucking food table and punching out ten innocent bystanders.

  “Cut.” At fucking last Alaine wraps it.

  For an instant Knox hesitates, as though he intends to keep her in his grasp. I turn away and slam my cup on the table, ready to overturn the whole spread. Moments later, I feel a slap across my deltoid. I whirl around ready to deck the asshole that touched me right now.

  “Hey, waddaya think of the new scene, Sis?” Knox asks. Grinning a huge smug smirk as he passes the snack station heading to his trailer. That self control almost falls flat on its face.

  “Interesting. You're taking the character in a new direction,” I bite out through a jaw so rigid it won't open.

  “Yeah it's great isn't it?” he smarms, “I wrote it myself last night.”

  “Wow, you're writing now?” Better than the pastimes he generally indulges in after shooting wraps for the day.

  “Listen, dude, can you bring me something?” he gets up close to gnarl into my ear.

  I can see the old desperation in his eyes as he pulls back and searches my face, getting close to begging.

  “I dunno, Sis,” I say, despising his manipulation. “I'm kinda on shaky ground here right now, gotta behave myself.”

  “You better believe it,” some dude in a flashy gray suit appears beside us.

  He shakes hands with Knox and I realize the guy is the studio lawyer. The big dude, not from the army of middle men that exists to make shit go away. What's he doing here? He turns to me.

  “Just dropped by to make sure we're all good,” he says in that tone that makes you feel like a naughty five year old. “Under the terms of the release deal, you'll remain under Knox's responsibility and go nowhere other than his house or the studio lot. We good?”

  “Yeah, we're good,” I grit out.

  The two assholes slap me across my bicep like we're all buds then the legal ass asks to speak to Knox in private. At least that relieves me from having to procure some booze for the fuckhead. But what I'm most concerned with is that being confined to quarters is going to prevent me from taking care of Jenna.

  She's disappeared from the set while I was in discussion with the two idiots, meaning I missed the opportunity to get up close and explain what the fuck is going on with my messed up existence.


  It's taken about an hour to get the lipstick off. Some special color dye the make-up lady put on my lips that wouldn't cover the star's face with red sticky goop, making him look like a baby after feeding time.

  A runner comes to my tiny dressing room as I'm about to start on ungluing the ridiculously long lashes from my eyelids. I feel like a furry animal is jumping onto my cheek every time I blink.

  So that was my debut scene. I don't know whether they'll write in another to lend some credibility or whether it will be spliced in just to give Knox another sexy time. I think it's written into his contract he gets a certain number of close-up kisses in a movie because that's what his fans demand.

  So much for my big break. Now I get to strip off this stereotypical biker bitch outfit and go back to being a go-fer. Maybe I won't even be in the movie at all. One of the assistant directors told me thirty per cent of takes are cut from the final product. I'll be the girl whose discovery ended up on the floor.

  Strangely enough I'm more worried about Truan and when they'll release him. If it takes three weeks before the approval to visit comes through, how long will it be before he gets out? I have to stop being concerned about him though and when he does return, it's going to be strictly business. No way I'm going to let myself become hooked into his seductive orbit. No matter how delicious he is.

  He's bad news.

  “Excuse me Miss Golden,” the runner at the door is suddenly all deferential, calling me 'Miss' instead of 'hey, Jenna'.

  “What's up, Riggs?” I say and am grateful to see him relax.

  I don’t want the crew to think I'm going to turn all bitchy just because I shot a scene with Knox. I am definitely not planning on becoming Emily Jayne mark two.

  “You're needed on set,” he informs me and I groan.

  “Seriously, after I just spent an hour getting this goop off my face. I'll have to go to make up to get it put on again.”

  “No, you look fine,” he says and turns slightly pink. “I mean, you aren't going to shoot. They just need to, um, run over something.”

  “A rehearsal?”

  “I guess. It's in studio thirty-seven. Do you need me to show you?”

  “No, it's okay thanks. I'm going to quickly change out of this slut costume first. I should be good to find the way.”

  “Okay, Jenna, good luck.”

  “Thanks, Riggs. And thanks for coming to tell me.”

  I slip out of the shorts, which should be called shorters because I swear half my ass cheeks are hanging b
elow the hem. If I'd been directed to bend over during the scene, the entire crew would have caught a glimpse of my buried treasure. Shit, the entire world. Ohmigod, I'm going to be in a movie that millions of people will see.


  Everyone back in Comfort is going to see me on the big screen. On Entertainment Tonight. In People Magazine.

  And then I discover that my clothes aren't in the closet where I left them. My bag too. I'm not worried that they've been stolen. These transient dressing rooms are for day players. One of the runners will have moved my stuff to clear the space for someone about to arrive for their call. But now I'm keeping everyone waiting, so I slide the teeny shorts back up my legs and head out to find studio thirty seven.


  I have to ask a couple of security guards, who are on patrol checking for tourists that slip their bus ride for a solo discovery tour. Hoping to get up close with a live movie star. They direct me and eventually I reach studio thirty seven all the way on the other side of the lot.

  When I step inside, a tremble shakes my knees because there's no one around and these huge studios are kind of creepy without the hustle bustle of a full crew. Then I notice a bath of golden light glowing over top of the backdrop scenery that doesn't reach all the way to the roof. The director, or maybe the assistant, must be on the other side, waiting for me to run over a scene.

  I locate the door finally. Difficult to find as the back of the scenery is all painted black with only one small marker to indicate the entrance. When I pull it back, my eyes squint against the flood of light covering an endless desert.

  For a moment I'm beset by confusion, thinking this is a set for a war movie. Until I remember that the final scenes of our production are going to be shot on a beach in Mexico. Maybe they've decided to shoot on set instead of going on location. Which is kind of a drag as I was excited to go out of the US for the first time in my life.

  I jump back in shock when a man wearing a white turban, carrying a snake charmer's basket appears at my side. Then I notice the giant pyramid behind him.


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