Stunt: Hollywood Bad Boy Romance

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Stunt: Hollywood Bad Boy Romance Page 14

by Savannah May

  We're stopped at a light.

  “How did you know where I was?” I murmur, my voice shaking.

  He looks over his shoulder and his palm covers the side of my thigh with a comforting steadiness. I immediately feel more stable just having him touch me like that. And a tug of something else drives deep between my folds. My pussy twitches and tries to thrust forward in the seat, closer to his perfectly round butt cheeks.

  “I've been to that same warehouse many times to pick up deliveries for Knox,” he says bitterly. “I told him I'd kill him if he ever sent me there again.”

  “I guess I don't have to ask what kind of package I was meant to pick up,” I say. “He told me it was for his mother's birthday.”

  “Asshole. He doesn’t have a mother. You'd think the douche came into the world direct from hell but his mother was a real society dame. Bit cold in her emotions but she definitely didn’t bring him up to use people like this. She died a few years back.”

  “Why does he lie to me?”

  “I don't think he can help it. Perhaps the line between reality and make believe has become completely invisible to him.”

  “Why does he pick me for his dirty work?”

  It crosses my mind that Emily Jayne has something to do with this. Seeing as she never wanted me on the set at all, she might be annoyed that I'm working for Knox.

  “I'm not sure but this may have something to do with me.”


  What does he have to do with any of this? Does everyone need to make everything about them in this town?

  “Perhaps he's trying to piss me off because he knows I care about you.”

  Wait. You care about me?

  After everything that's happened recently he has feelings for me?

  I'm starting to wonder whether what he told me was true and it was Knox in the wardrobe department all along. Or did Truan just come out here to rescue me so as to convince me of that. He's certainly bad-mouthing his benefactor and sure, the way Knox treats me is appalling. I won't forgive him this time. But that doesn't mean I should suck up every little thing anyone tells me.

  I'm thinking maybe everyone in Hollywood has very little relationship with reality. I'm not going to fall under any more spells that render me senseless to what's going on. I don't need to be in that kind of danger ever again.

  If it was Knox in the wardrobe department, then I need to know whether he was aware that it was me, his assistant, and that's why he turned out the lights or was he under the mistaken impression that I was Emily Jayne. I need the answer right now. Except the landscape tells me we're getting close to Santa Monica where Truan intends to drop me at home.

  “I don’t want to go home,” I say against his ear next time we stop at a light.

  “Sweetheart, you must be exhausted. You don't need to go back to work,” he tells me.

  Ever the dominant but this time it doesn't irritate me. In fact, I like that he steers me. He never gets it wrong.

  “Please I don't want to be alone.”

  “What about your roommates?” he replies.

  “You're going to make me beg,” I murmur. “I want to stay close to you.”


  No, she doesn't need to beg. Not this time. Not over this. I much prefer to keep her with me.


  If I had a place, if I wasn't under this fucking parole style curfew, I'd never let her out of my sight again.

  As it is, there's no way I can take her back to the pool house at Knox's manse. But there has to be a better alternative than the pyramid. I wheel the bike around in a U-ey and this time she doesn't shriek at me and tell me I'm a law-breaking dickhead.

  I pull up the bike on location and lift her carefully off the back, making sure to slide the skirt all the way down her sexy long thighs. She shivers a little and tugs my jacket around her. It swamps her like a cape.

  “True, man, everyone's been looking for you,” One of the runners comes over as soon as he sees me carrying my girl across the back of the set. “They were talking about calling the cops.”

  That brings me up short. Jenna curls up in fear. On my behalf I guess, because only she knows where I'm going if the cops show.

  Where am I going to put Jenna to keep her safe?

  The only places I can think of with beds for her to rest are the star's trailers, or the tiny closet with a cot for the runners to catch an hour of sleep, like junior doctors on similar endless shifts.

  “I'm okay,” she says like a brave girl. “You go do your thing.”

  “Nope. Not leaving you until I know you're okay.”

  Then Alaine calls “cut” and all hell breaks loose when the rumor reaches him that I'm back.

  With a twitch of my head I call Jake, one of the biggest security guys on the set. He moves immediately and I deposit Jenna into his tree stump arms.

  “She's had a shock,” I tell him, minimizing the deets. “Take her up to Rocco's new set so she can rest there for a while. And don't let any fucker intrude until I get there.”

  I watch him lurch away with her in his arms, gazing back at me wide-eyed. With her Goldilocks hanging down she looks for all the world like the heroine being stolen away by the ape in the King Kong movie. I can't bear to see her receding from my protection but I gotta take care of some shit and I won't be there for her at all if I don't get it done.

  I stride across to the director's chair and find Knox under the lights. When I took off to get Jenna instead of sticking around for my stunt, Alaine must have switched around the shot list and substituted the pretty boy close-ups with Knox. He's being primped by hair and make-up, so Alaine must be going for one more take. The asshole never can get it right in one. I head straight toward him and don't break stride when I hear Alaine screaming at me.

  “Where the fuck were you, you asshole. You cost my production hundreds of thousands of dollars disappearing off set like that. You are done. No excuses. You are -”

  I feel the hush fall over the crew behind me like water dousing hot coals, the instant my fist hits Knox's jaw.

  He yelps as he falls back off the high stool and the make-up girl moves to the side in complete horror. He's down, the little pussy. He won't get up and come at me. He lies there half cowering, mostly in absolute shock that it was me. His lowly sidekick scapegoat and minion finally grew a pair to take him out.

  “I should have done that years ago,” I grit out as three go-fers rally around to help him up from the ground.

  As he starts yapping about lawyers and jailhouses I turn my back on him and head over to Alaine, the director. Knox is taken to his trailer, hobbling all the way, not missing the chance for best-supporting actor as the invalid.

  “Are you fucking insane,” Alaine screeches. “You decked the star of my movie. He's spoiled now.”

  “Nah, he's been spoiled his entire life,” I snarl.

  “You're nothing but a problem. You're finished in this business.”

  “Actually I just saved you from far worse problems,” I tell him. “Your precious fucking star is screwing every girl on set, drinking and doing drugs. He just sent his P.A. to pick up the stash he needs to keep going. You can thank me for saving her before she was gang-raped. That the viral publicity you're looking for?”

  “Jesus, shit.” Alaine palms a forehead plant of despair and his assistant directors press in behind his tall chair, hovering like bees. “What am I gonna do?”

  “You do what you need to do,” I tell him, referring solely to my own situation of course, because I could give a shit about completing Knox's star vehicle which was meant to return the douchebag to fame.

  “Send me down if you feel like some revenge. As far as I'm concerned I'd do the same thing over.”

  Alaine truly is a great director and always pulls out a solution to a problem. He rises from the ashes of hopelessness now and gets out of his chair. He has to climb down, being barely more than five feet tall and heads for Knox's trailer. He hooks two fingers a
bove his shoulder at me, indicating I should follow.

  “I never wanted this drugged up loser on my movie,” he says. “It was part of the deal getting it made that he star. This is on the fucking studio, but it's gonna ruin me.”

  He yanks open the door to Knox's trailer. Then immediately slams it shut, turns and walks away.

  Knox rips the door back open, zipping his pants.

  “Alaine, dude, I can still do my close ups. I'm fine. She's just making me up. We don't have a problem.”

  “We do have a big fucking problem. Its name is Templeton.”

  Alaine scouts around.

  “You,” he says prodding his finger at one of the young runners who leaps to attention at being noticed, “Bring me Kendall the Third.”


  I think I must have passed out in Jake's arms as he carried me off the set. I wanted to stay close to Truan but I guess he could see I'd reached the end of my ability to prop either my eyelids or legs up by sheer willpower for one more moment.

  When I come around, I find I'm lying on a large round bed in a strange, almost twilight room. The first thing I'm aware of is the lush thick fur under my fingers. I stroke my palm across it, loving the luxurious teddy bear pelt. Then I feel the warmth on my back and am so happy that Truan's with me. I wiggle into him until I'm nestled into his strong torso wall and press my ass into his steel.

  He moans, like he's just waking up as well and pulls me in closer, cupping my breast and tugging out my nipple so my pussy enlivens. I writhe deeper against his solid pole and arch my back to thrust against him.

  I'm wide awake now that he's here and we're on this plush bed. I roll over and straddle his thighs, requiring the usual wiggle of the snug skirt up my legs. And as usual, he watches with half-lidded eyes as my pussy lips come into view, barely covered by my small underwear.

  “What happened to your face?” I lean forward and stroke the side of his jaw. The low light casts shadows around the make-up that appears to be covering a bruise.

  “Ohmigod, did one of those goons hit you? This is all my fault. I'm so sorry.”

  I lie down on his chest where he usually loves to hold me and caress my hair. But now he shifts as though uncomfortable and urges me back to sitting where he can play with my tits.

  Something isn’t right but my body demands to connect with Truan so desperately, my mind loses all ability to focus on what that is. He's fiddling with the buttons on my shirt. He must be tired still because he usually has that expertly under control.

  “Talk to me, Baby,” I plead. “Are you okay? Did the stunt go okay? Was Alaine mad?”

  He nods and then yanks on the button stretched tight by my mounds pressing against it so it pops off.

  “Yes what? You're okay or Alaine was mad?”

  It's frustrating how he's keeping his lips tightly sealed.

  He shrugs and continues to pull at my clothes.

  “Why won't you talk to me?”

  I climb off him to lie at his side again. Something is definitely wrong and it's about time I started listening to my gut reactions. His arm is trapped beneath me and the hand squeezes my breast and tweaks on my nipple through the lace.

  It's strange how my body has suddenly stopped responding to him. I've lost all the hunger that was forcing itself through my core so avidly moments ago.

  “I love your tits,” he growls low. “If you lived in my house I'd keep you naked 24/7.”

  I'm already tearing myself away from him, but he holds me caged with his strong arm.

  “Don't run away, little Kitten. Let me stroke you.”

  “Let go of me Knox. I know it's you by your voice. And only you call me Kitten.”

  Truan never uses that slightly denigrating moniker. He has no need to.

  “You are my Kitten,” knox moans. “The way you kissed me today, I know there's something huge going on between us.”

  “There really isn't. That wasn't you I was kissing.” I assure him.

  “Sure it was.”

  “No, it was Truan.”

  “My double. See, I could tell you were hot for me from the day you started as my girl.”

  “I'm not your girl. And if I was, you'd never have sent me into danger.”

  “Oh yeah, do you have my stuff, Kitten? Hand it over.”

  “No I don’t have your goddamn stuff. And I was nearly raped and murdered trying to get it.”

  “That sounds rough,” he says.

  His face collapses into bewilderment but I'm sure it's because he needs to get high rather than any regret over what he did to me.

  “I still want you, Kitten,” he suddenly announces. “I told Alaine I want you to be a big part of the final scenes of the movie.”

  “I'm not interested,” I tell him, slapping his hand away from me. “You don't get to buy me off this time. And I'm totally disillusioned with the man I used to adore.”



  I walk off the set, leaving them to this current drama that's clearly going to take hours to unravel. Like everything on the set takes an age. I'm done with this shit and before they take me away again, I'm going to make sure Jenna's okay and taste her sweetness one last time.

  I arrive at the closed set and find Jake outside guarding the door.

  “No one bothered her?” I ask, before heading inside.

  “Only Mr Templeton.”

  “What?” I rage. “I told you not to let anyone near her.” My fists are solid balls of clenched fire, ready to strike.

  “He said she had a package of his,” Jake squeaks. “I heard her saying earlier she had to collect something urgently so I thought it was okay.”

  “Fuck,” I shove the door open, ready to fucking kill the bastard.

  If he's laid his fingers on her, if he's fucking pretending to be me to – it doesn’t bear thinking about. I don’t care, he is shredded meat now.

  “Sorry, Dude,” Jake says, following me into the gloom. “He's the star, and she works for him. I could hardly refuse.”

  My eyes adjust to the gloom and I see Jenna kneeling on the bed as far away from him as possible. My gaze takes in her shirt, ripped open, missing a button so the tops of her delicious breasts are spilling out.

  “What the fuck?” I'm across the room by her side in a flash. “Did he touch you?” I howl.

  “I didn’t lay a finger on her,” Knox interrupts. “I want my gear.”

  “You,” I jab my finger at him, using all my might not to slam his face into the ground, “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Answer me,” I tell Jenna, who shakes her head no. “Sure?”

  “I'm fine. He was more interested in his drug parcel.”

  “Fucking douchebag.” I round on Knox.

  “They're looking for him,” Jake says, pressing the Bluetooth earpiece as though to hear more clearly whatever is being said. “They want him on set right away.”

  “Yeah, let's go,” Knox says, anxious to get away from me before I rip him in two.

  “Just one thing before he goes,” I say, throwing Jake a look so he gets my meaning.

  Jake with his arms strapped over his chest, slowly toe by toe, turns around to face the wall and I deck another swipe across Knox's face.

  He groans as he goes down. Then gets up in a wild fury.

  “You are done, buddy. I'm turning you back in to the cops for this. You're finished. You too, kitten,” he snips at Jenna, before taking another hook to the other jaw that sends him reeling.

  “You do not get to threaten her,” I roar.

  “Truan, stop. Please stop,” Jenna screams.


  I'm terrified that he'll be sent away forever and all because of me.

  Thankfully Jake turns around and peels Knox up off the floor.

  “You okay boss?” he asks. Although I think he's asking Truan rather than Knox.

  “You saw that,” Knox shouts. “He hit me. Twice. Unprovoked and unjustified.”

  “He hit y
ou?” Jake says, as comical a straight man actor as they come. “I wasn't looking. I didn’t see a thing.”

  His lines are as stilted as though he were reading them off a cue card but they do the job.

  “Now you're really in trouble,” Knox snarls venomously at his double. It's truly bizarre watching the two of them raging face to face, like a split screen scene in a scary movie.

  “I don't give a shit. Do your worst,” Truan growls at him, low and dangerous but completely in control.

  “No one gets to hurt her,” he continues, right up in Knox's grill. “Not physically, not psychologically, not emotionally. If I see one more tear fall down her pretty cheek that isn’t one of ecstatic joy, I'm coming to give you another pounding.”

  Knox disappears out of the set with Jake at his shoulder. He's complaining to the silent bodyguard all the way into the distance, until we can't hear his moaning any longer.

  “Are you okay, Sweetheart? What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. Other than offer me a starring role in the final scene.”

  He groans and sinks to the bed. Making me laugh as I move toward him to lower and straddle my legs around his thick thigh.

  “I told him to stick it where the sin don't shine,” I whisper as I grind lightly onto his solid muscle.


  “Hmm.” I moan as I unzip the skirt impeding me from straddling him as I'd like and shimmy it down my thighs.


  She bends to step out of her tight skirt. My dick immediately springs to salute watching her sexy round ass cheeks reveal themselves. I clearly recall them pink and tender under my hand as I spanked her inside the pyramid and I want her tipped up for me again. Gasping and quivering as I bring my palm down, slapping across her firm sumptuous flesh.

  As soon as she's stepped free, I grab her arm and pull her back onto me. Her thighs splay as wide as they can go as I spread my legs with her on top so I can get a better view of her open pussy. She's already soaked through her panties as the fabric is darker around her entrance. I desperately want to thrust my fingers beneath the material and into her dripping pussy but I also want to enjoy her tease. Her white shirt is open so her lacy bra is visible as well as the tops of her stupendous breasts.


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