The Highlander Series 7-Book Bundle

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The Highlander Series 7-Book Bundle Page 138

by Karen Marie Moning

  “No, Drustan and I thought of that,” Gwen insisted. “If the person was one you met as a result of turning dark, like—oh, say, gee, Chloe—the same thing that happened to me should happen to her. She’d be sent back to her own time the moment she succeeded in changing your future.”

  “Chloe goes nowhere without me. And she doesn’t know. You didn’t tell her, did you?” The tension was back again. He’d been so caught up in seeing his brother again, so relieved to be accepted, that he’d forgotten to warn Gwen to say naught to Chloe of his plight.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Gwen hastened to assure him. “It was apparent she knew very little, so I kept the conversation light. We talked about college and jobs mostly. Who else have you met in this century that we might send?”

  “No one. It wouldn’t work anyway. There are things you doona know.”

  “Such as?” Drustan probed.

  “I’m no’ the same man anymore. I suspect that even if someone went back and warned the past me, and the past me didn’t break his oath, what I’ve become would still exist in the here and now.”

  “That’s impossible,” Gwen declared, with the firm conviction of a physicist having weighted her proofs both valid and true.

  “Nay ’tis not. I tried something very similar. Shortly after I broke my oath, I went back to a time before the fire, hoping to cancel myself out. To see if the past me might cause the dark me to cease to exist.”

  “The way things occurred when I took Gwen back into the past,” Drustan said thoughtfully. “The future me ceased to exist because two identical selves couldn’t coexist in the same moment in time.”

  “Aye. I even managed to carry a note to myself through the stones, so the past me would know to move you from the tower. But the canceling hinges on two identical selves.”

  “What are you saying?” Drustan demanded, hands clenching on the arms of his chair.

  “When I went back, not only didn’t the future me cease to exist, neither me did. I watched myself through a window for hours before fleeing again. He never disappeared. I might have strolled in and introduced myself.”

  “ ’Tis wise you didn’t. We must be ever wary of creating paradoxes,” Drustan said uneasily.

  Gwen gaped. “That’s not possible. According to the laws of physics, one of you would have to cease to exist”

  “You’d think after all she experienced with me, she wouldn’t be so hasty labeling things possible or impossible,” Drustan said dryly.

  “How could it be possible?” Gwen demanded.

  “Because I am no longer the same man I was. I’m different enough now with these ancient beings inside me, on some elemental level, that my past self did not conflict with who or what I’ve become.”

  “Oh, God,” Gwen breathed. “So even if we sent someone back, and they changed the past . . .”

  “I doubt it would have any effect on me at all. What I am now, seems to exist beyond the natural order of things. ’Tis possible it may cause some negative effect we can’t even imagine. There’s too much we doona understand here. I fear creating multiple moments in time for no good purpose. Nay, my only hope is the old lore.”

  Drustan and Gwen exchanged an uneasy look.

  “ ’Twas a clever idea,” Dageus reassured them. “I can see why you considered it. But I’ve given this matter endless thought and my only hope is to discover how they were imprisoned in the first place, and reimprison them. ’Tis why I came. I need to use the Keltar library. I need to examine the ancient texts that deal with the Tuatha Dé Danaan.”

  Drustan sighed gustily and raked a hand through his hair.

  “What?” Dageus’s eyes narrowed.

  “It’s just that we were so certain our idea would work,” Gwen said miserably.

  “And?” Dageus pressed warily.

  Drustan rose and began pacing. “Dageus, we no longer have those texts,” he said in a low voice.

  Dageus lunged to his feet so swiftly that the chair clattered to the floor. Nay—it couldn’t be so! “What? What say you? How can we not have them?” he thundered.

  “We doona know. But they’re not here. After reading Da’s letter, I decided to research the Tuatha Dé Danaan to discover aught I could about the mythic race, in hopes of discovering a way to cast them out. That’s when Christopher and I found that we’re missing a great many tomes.”

  “But surely some of the volumes I need are here.” He began naming the ones he was specifically seeking, but at each title, Drustan shook his head.

  “That’s inconceivable, Drustan!”

  “Aye, and it nigh seems deliberate. Christopher and I suspect someone intentionally removed them, though we cannot discern how it might have been done.”

  “I need those texts, damn it!” He slammed his fist against the paneled wall.

  There was a moment of silence, then Drustan said slowly, “There is a place—or should I say a time—they can be found. A time both you and I know our clan’s library was fully extant.”

  Dageus smiled bitterly. Right. And just how was he going to explain that to Chloe? Ahem, lass, the tomes I needed aren’t here, so we’re going to have to go back in time and get them? He snorted. Would nothing be simple? It seemed she’d be learning more about him, whether he was ready to tell her or not.

  “I could go for you,” Drustan offered. “Just long enough to get what we need.”

  “Then I’m going too,” Gwen said instantly.

  “Nay!” Drustan and Dageus both snapped at the same time.

  Gwen glared. “I will not be left behind.”

  “Neither of you will be going.” Dageus halted that argument before it built steam. “We have no guarantee that the Tuatha Dé Danaan didn’t plant other dangers in the in-between. Any Keltar who opens a bridge for personal reasons is at risk. No Keltar but I will be opening any bridges to another time. I’m already dark. Besides, what one brings into the stones at one end doesn’t always show up on the other end. I lost several heirlooms when I came through last time.”

  Gwen nodded slowly. “That’s true. I lost my backpack. It went spiraling off into the quantum foam somewhere. We can’t risk trying to bring the books through.”

  “Can you open the stones safely? What will the use of magic do to you?” Drustan asked cautiously. To Gwen, who hadn’t been privy to their earlier conversation, he explained, “When he uses magic, it makes the … er, ancient ones stronger.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t go,” Gwen worried.

  Dageus exhaled dismally. All his hopes were pinned on those Keltar texts, and he’d wasted as much time as he dare. “If what you say is true, and the tomes aren’t here, I doona have a choice. As for the magic, I’m more concerned about what Da might do to me. I’ll deal with the darkness somehow.”

  “We’re clan, Dageus,” Drustan said softly. “Da would never turn his back on you. And the timing couldn’t be more fortuitous. The spring equinox is but a few days hence—”

  “ ’Tis no’ necessary,” Dageus cut him off. “I can open the stones any day, at any hour.”

  “What?” Drustan and Gwen exclaimed together.

  “ ’Twould seem our esteemed benefactors withheld significant portions of knowledge from us. The stones can be opened any time. It but requires a different set of formulas.”

  “And you know these formulas?” Drustan pressed.

  “Aye. Because those within me do. Their knowledge is mine.”

  “Why would such knowledge have been withheld from us?”

  “I suspect they intended it as a deterrent to keep a Keltar from opening a bridge through time rashly. One might entertain the notion—say, if one’s brother died—to go through the stones that very day and undo it. But if one was forced to wait until the next solstice or equinox, one might have endured the worst of the grief by that time, and decide against it.” Dageus’s voice dripped self-mockery.

  “How long did you wait?” Drustan asked quietly.

  “Three moons, four
days and eleven hours.”

  No one said anything for a time after that. Finally, Gwen shook herself, and rose. “While you two discuss this, I’ll go prepare a room for Chloe.”

  “She sleeps with me,” Dageus said in a low growl.

  “She said you weren’t sleeping together,” Gwen said evenly.

  “Christ, Gwen, what did you do? Ask her?”

  “Of course I did,” Gwen replied, as if she couldn’t believe he’d even ask such a silly question. “But aside from admitting that much, she wasn’t exactly forthcoming. So, what is she to you?”

  “His mate,” Drustan said softly.

  “Really?” Gwen beamed. “Oh!” She clapped her hands delightedly. “I’m so happy for you, Dageus!”

  Dageus pinned her with a forbidding stare. “Och, lass, are you witless? ’Tis no’ a time for celebration. Chloe doesn’t ken what I am and—”

  “Don’t underestimate her, Dageus. We women are not as fragile as you men like to believe.”

  “Then put her in my room,” he said evenly.

  “No,” Gwen said just as evenly.

  “You will put her in my room.”

  Gwen tipped her chin up and fisted her hands at her waist, staring him down. For a moment, Dageus was reminded of Chloe brandishing one of his own blades at him, and wondered how such wee women could be so unafraid of men such as he and his brother. Remarkable, but they were.

  “No, I won’t, Mr. Big Bad and Dark,” she said. “You don’t scare me. And you’re not bullying me, or her, into anything we don’t want.”

  “You shouldn’t just go about asking people if they’re sleeping with each other,” he hissed.

  “How else was I going to know where to put her?”

  “By asking me.” He glowered but she showed no signs of budging, so he turned to Drustan for support.

  Drustan shrugged. “My wife is lady of the castle. Doona be looking to me.”

  “She’s safe here, Dageus,” Gwen said gently. “I’ll put the two of you across the hall from each other. She can share your room if she chooses to.”

  As Gwen slipped from the library, she cast a last glance over her shoulder at the two magnificent Highlanders. She was both elated and deeply troubled, elated that Dageus had come home, troubled by what was yet to come. She and Drustan had been so certain their idea would work, they’d not thought beyond it.

  Now Dageus was going to have to go back into the past. Open a bridge through time and search the old lore. She didn’t want to let him go, and knew Drustan didn’t either. But there wasn’t much choice. She intended to try to cajole him into waiting a few days, but harbored little hope on that score.

  Even without the benefit of her husband’s Druid senses, she could feel that Dageus was different. There was something violent in him. Something barely contained, on the verge of exploding.

  She arched a brow, thinking that, though she would never tell her husband so, Dageus was even sexier dark than he’d been before. He was raw and primal and something about him made a woman’s every nerve stand up on end.

  Her thoughts went to the woman upstairs. If Chloe had any sense at all, she mused, she’d be sharing his room tonight, and for however many future nights they might have.

  Not only was refusing a Keltar male’s bed a difficult thing to do, but it was a criminal waste of a woman’s time, in Gwen’s opinion. Drustan was an extraordinary lover, and with all that raw sexual heat Dageus was giving off, she had no doubt he would be too.

  Long ago, in another century, she’d watched Dageus sit on the front steps of the MacKeltar castle in the gloaming, staring at the night sky. She’d recognized his loneliness—she’d been lonely once too—and had made a vow to help find him a mate. It seemed he’d found her himself. The least she could do was help him win her. The debt she owed Dageus MacKeltar was enormous.

  She tucked her bangs behind her ear, smiling faintly. She would have to let slip a few comments to Chloe about Keltar expertise and stamina. As well as imparting a few other bits of hard-earned wisdom when the time was right.

  Hours later, Dageus followed Drustan abovestairs. They’d talked long into the night and soon it would be dawn.

  After Gwen had left, he’d told Drustan about the attack on Chloe’s life, and the words her strange assailant had said, then filled him in on the few references he’d found about the Draghar. Unfortunately, Drustan had been as baffled as he. They’d bandied about possibilities, but Dageus was getting blethering weary of possibilities. He needed answers.

  “When will you be leaving?” Drustan said, as they reached the end of the north corridor and prepared to part for their respective chambers.

  Dageus looked at Drustan, savoring the sight of his brother alive, awake, and happy. Though he’d like to spend more time with Drustan and Gwen, now that he was on Scottish soil again, he couldn’t afford further delays. Chloe was in danger, and his time was growing short. He could feel it. He suffered no doubt that another attack would come, and didn’t know if the Draghar, whoever they were, could follow them through time. If they were part of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, they could follow them anywhere.

  “On the morrow.”

  “Must you go so soon?”

  “Aye. I doona ken how much time I have.”

  “And the lass?” Drustan asked carefully.

  Dageus’s smile was icy. “She goes where I go.”


  “Say no more. If she doesn’t go, I doona go.”

  “I would protect her for you.”

  “She goes where I go.”

  “And if she doesn’t wish to?”

  “She will.”

  • 14 •

  “ ’Tis time, Chloe-lass,” Dageus said.

  “Wh-what do you mean?” Chloe asked warily. “Time for what?”

  “It occurs to me that mayhap I’ve no’ made my intentions clear,” Dageus said with soft menace, stalking toward her.

  “What intentions?” Though Chloe was determined to hold her ground, her cowardly feet had other plans. Traitorous little ninnies, they took a step backward for each step he took forward.

  “My intentions about you.”

  “Oh, yes, you have,” Chloe assured him hastily. “You want to seduce me. You’ve made that crystal clear. Any clearer would require an X rating. I’m not going to be just another one of your women. I’m not made like that. I can’t leave my panties beneath a man’s bed to be swept out with the trash. That’s why I’m still a virgin, because it means something to me and I’m not going to toss my virginity at your charming feet just because you’re the most gorgeous, fascinating man I’ve ever met and I happen to like your last name. Those are not good enough reasons.” She nodded her head to punctuate the rush of words, then looked horrified by what she’d admitted at the last.

  “The most gorgeous, fascinating man you’ve ever met?” he said, his dark eyes glittering.

  “There are oodles of gorgeous men around. And dusty, boring ancient texts are fascinating too,” she muttered. “Stay away from me. I’m not going to fall for your seduction.”

  “Doona you even wish to know my intentions?” he purred.

  “No. Absolutely not. Go away.” Her back struck the wall and she stumbled a little, then folded her arms across her chest and scowled up at him.

  “I’m not going away. And I am going to tell you.” He rested his palms against the wall on either side of her head, walling her in with his powerful body.

  “I’m waiting with bated breath.” She faked a delicate yawn and examined her cuticles.

  “Chloe-lass, I’m going to keep you.”

  “Keep me, my ass,” she snapped. “I don’t agree to being kept.”

  “Forever,” he said, with a chilling smile. “And you will.”

  “Argh! Can’t I just not dream about that man one freaking night?” Chloe cried, rolling over in bed and pulling the pillow over her head.

  He was on her mind incessantly when she was awake. She didn�
��t think it was so much to ask to be able to escape him in her dreams. She’d even dreamed about him when she’d dozed on the airplane! And all the dreams had been so intensely detailed that they’d seemed almost real. In this one, she’d been able to smell the spicy man-scent of him, to feel his warm breath fanning her face when he’d informed her he was going to keep her.

  As if!

  What did her dream Dageus think? she brooded irritably. That such a barbaric, utterly Teutonic declaration would melt her to her toes?

  Wait a minute, she thought, backtracking mentally—it had been her dream, which meant that it wasn’t what he thought, but apparently what she was subconsciously thinking about.

  Oh, Zanders, you are so not politically correct, she thought dismally.

  It had melted her. She’d love to hear such words from him. One teeny declaration of that sort and she’d be stuck on him like superglue.

  She sat up and flung the pillow across the room in frustration. The Gaulish Ghost in New York had been fascinating enough, but the glimpse of emotion she’d seen last night when he’d been reunited with his brother had made him even more dangerously intriguing.

  It had been one thing to think of him as a womanizer, a man not capable of love.

  But she couldn’t think that anymore, because she’d seen love in his eyes. Love that she wanted to know more about. She’d glimpsed depths to him that she’d convinced herself he didn’t have. What had happened between the two brothers to make them so estranged? What had happened to Dageus MacKeltar to make him so tightly guard his emotions?

  She was doing it—wanting to be the woman who got inside him. Dangerous want, that.

  She hugged her knees and rested her chin atop them, brooding.

  A significant part of the blame for her dream, she thought peevishly, could be attributed to Gwen. Last night, after Chloe had finished showering, Gwen had brought a dinner tray to her room. She’d stayed while Chloe had eaten, and the talk had turned, as it was wont to do when women got together, to men.


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