Torment (B.A.D. Inc Book 1)

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Torment (B.A.D. Inc Book 1) Page 14

by Angel Devlin

  Chapter Twenty-One


  My fingers drum against the armrest as I wait for the door to be opened. I’m sure the princesses are expecting to find one limo waiting for them outside their penthouse, but after pulling a few strings, I convinced production that they needed to arrive separately to up the excitement. I made sure to confirm that Mia would be in the last of the three vehicles and I arranged to be waiting in the back for her.

  Smoothing down the fabric of my tux trousers, I fidget restlessly as my impatience wains. I could have looked at her Insta feed to get my fix, but knowing the real thing will be much more breathtaking, I refrained from opening the app.

  Tonight’s launch party beggars belief. The production team hired a castle in Windsor to hold it. It’s red carpet, black tie, the whole shebang. Only the best for the Park Lane Princesses, I guess.

  I undo my bowtie and loosen the first few buttons as I wait. I’ve got plans for this journey too and none of them involve being clothed. Unclipping my waistband, I pull out my rock-hard cock as the clock shows that they should be here any second.

  I’ve been the man I never wanted to be this past week or so. Acting the part of the perfect, dedicated and caring boyfriend. I thought I’d hate it, but Mia actually makes it quite easy. She’s not demanding or controlling in a way I’ve always expected a girlfriend to be. Seeing her is quickly becoming the best part of my days and I fucking hate to admit that. I’m allowing myself to get swept up by the incredible sex and managing to push aside the reason I started all this in the first place. It’s not for a happily ever after, that’s for fucking sure.

  The door’s pulled open right on cue and I suck in a breath knowing that realistically anyone could poke their head inside right now and find me with my cock in my hand. I blink, steeling myself ready to be caught, but the gasp that fills my ears tells me the right person has just stepped inside.

  I pull my eyes open and stare at her. My chin drops as I take in her beauty. She looks incredible.

  “Has anyone told you that you look like Cinderella?”

  “Has anyone told you that fondling yourself in public transport is illegal?”

  “A limo isn’t public transport, Mia. Now are you getting in here or do I need to call for Karla to finish this job?”

  She blanches at my words but quickly lifts up her giant gown and climbs in.

  “What exactly are you expecting to do with me wearing all of this?” She gestures to the blue princess dress that’s covering her sinful curves.

  “I have a number of ideas.” Her eyebrow quirks. “But first I need your mouth. It’s been over twenty-four hours since you made me come and I’m fucking dying over here.”

  A blush hits her cheeks, but she moves over nonetheless, her hand reaching out to take over from mine.

  A hiss passes my lips as she squeezes gently and slowly starts moving. She had to film late last night, and I had a shit ton of work to do seeing as I’d been bunking off to spend time with her.

  I stare down at her, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest and my temperature soaring seeing as I’m sitting here in a fucking tux. Her bright red lips part before the heat of her mouth makes my entire body lock up as the sensation sweeps through me.

  “Fuck, Mia.” My fingers twitch to thread into her hair, but I know I can’t. Some poor hair stylist probably spent all afternoon working on that. I should at least let her arrive before fucking her up.

  My hips lift from the bench seat, needing more from her. Needing everything.

  “Hands and knees.”

  She follows my demand almost instantly, and in only seconds I have the mass of her dress around her waist revealing her full arse.

  “Fuck me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you knew I’d be here and dressed for the occasion.

  I take in her stockings, garter belt and tiny G-string, my release edging that much closer just from the sight. With her looking forward, I get the perfect opportunity to snap a few more images. I don’t bother asking for permission anymore, she thinks it’s my thing and allows me to take my fill, although I’ve noticed she tries her best to keep her face out where possible.

  With a handful of images of her luscious arse on my camera roll, I drop my phone back into my pocket and shrug out of my jacket.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, Mia. You’ll be walking around that event knowing exactly who you belong to.” She groans at my words. “You’ll be able to feel my cock as if it’s still there. You’re going to be so full of me that you’ll hardly be able to think straight when you’re meant to be schmoozing with all the guests.”

  “Deacon, please,” she pants, her chest already heaving without me having to touch her.

  Placing my finger at the top of her G-string, I run it down the scrap of fabric, delighting in the wetness when I get towards her pussy.

  I growl in approval. “Always so wet for me, princess.”

  “Always,” she agrees.

  Tucking my finger under the flimsy fabric, I tug, the sound of ripping fabric fills the enclosed space before I tug them from her body and throw them on the seat beside us.

  “Deacon,” she gasps in horror. “I didn’t bring a spare pair.”

  “Good. As you walk around tonight you won’t be able to forget this.”

  I thrust forward without any warning and fill her to the hilt. My hands find her hips and I pull her back into me so there’s no space between us.

  “I don’t care what A-lister makes a play for you tonight. You’re mine. You got that?” I pull out, only to slam back in once again.

  “Yes,” she answers, but it’s too quiet.

  “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.”


  “Yes,” she cries as I hit her as deep as possible. Her walls rippling around me, making it hard to focus on words. “Yours. Only yours.”

  “Good. Don’t you fucking forget it.”

  I slam into her over and over until she’s screaming my name and squeezing my cock almost painfully as she finds her release. Her cries of pleasure are the final straw. My balls draw up as my orgasm slams into me. My cock twitches as I fill her with everything I have, ensuring she feels the evidence of what happened here for hours to come.

  With a smug smile on my face, I pull out of her, zip my trousers up and collapse onto the seat while she’s still on her hands and knees fighting to catch her breath. I pass her her panties to clean up.

  “You all ready to launch this show?” I ask once she’s found her way to the seat beside me.

  “After that? Not in the slightest. I have been told that I’ve got a very luxurious suite to stay in tonight though. I’m ready to break that in.” She turns to me, a salacious twinkle in her eye.

  “Looking forward to it, sweetheart.” Leaning forward, I press my lips to her temple and breathe her in for a second. Our time together is drawing to a close. Something is going to happen soon, and it will trigger my next move. I just wish I knew what it was and when it would occur. We could have hours, days, or weeks. With how comfortable she feels leaning against me, how well the curves of her body fit into mine, I’m worried that the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to pull the plug.

  “Are you okay? You’re really tense.” Her eyes continue to hold mine, searching for something she’s never going to find. Our connection may have grown considerably since our first meeting, but she by no means knows me. She might think she does, but the man she sees is a lie, an act, one designed to cause the most pain when the time comes.

  “I’m good. Just pissed off I’ve got to share you with others for a few hours when I could have you in every room of that suite you mentioned.

  Mia spends the rest of the journey fixing her slightly messed up hair and make-up and in almost a blink of an eye we’re pulling up to a very well-lit castle. It sits high up on a hill and with the spotlights directed at it, can be seen for miles I’m sure. There’s a long red carpet leading into the en
trance, cars and people everywhere. Lights of the pap’s cameras flash hoping that they’ll get the money shot of the girls, or any of the celebrities invited tonight. Little do they know that those golden photos already exist and they’re of the princess herself in every single position these guys can imagine.

  Something uncomfortable twists in my stomach as I think about other guys imagining Mia laid out waiting for them like she does for me.

  As planned, her car is the last to pull up. We sit and watch as Liberty and Karla exit their limos and get blinded by flashes and have a million and one questions thrown at them. They both lap up the attention and eventually have to both be moved on by security so my girl—my girl?—can join them.

  “Wish me luck.” She turns to me, her face tight with anxiety. She’s not a natural at this like her best friend and it once again makes me wonder why she ever agreed to it in the first place.

  “You don’t need it. You’ll knock their socks off. Just be you.”

  Grabbing her hand before she moves to the exit, I pull her knuckles to my lips and give her a sweet kiss, not wanting to ruin any of her make-up. “Be good. I’ll find you later.”

  She nods, but the door is pulled open and the noise from outside cuts off any chance of me being able to hear if she replies. In a second she’s gone and the door’s being slammed shut behind her. They’re not expecting anyone else to be inside, so they didn’t even glance in.

  Hitting the button for the privacy screen, I lower it and bark my orders through to the driver.

  He follows my instruction and once we’re out of sight, I climb out and thank him for his discretion with a more than generous tip.

  I’ve attended plenty of these kind of events before, but this one is definitely a cut above most. They’ve taken the royal theme quite literally. There are ice sculptures, champagne waterfalls, and diamonds on every surface available. The waiters walk around with trays of expensive alcohol to please even the most discerning of attendees.

  I grab myself a whiskey and do the rounds. I briefly talk to a few people and secure a good few leads for future interviews—the benefit of having exclusive rights to this party tonight and the girls involved.

  I eventually find Jack, Oliver, Tyler, and Ant propping up the bar. Walking over, I try to erase concerns over Mia from my face and be the hard arse Deacon King they all know and love. These four know me better than anyone in the world and will spot weakness in me from the get go. So far no one’s questioned me, but I know the time’s coming. Mia and I can only keep this quiet for so long when our friends are so close.

  “What the fuck are you lot doing? You should be mingling, getting our names out there.”

  “Chill the fuck out, boss. We’re just having a breather. Plus, we’ve been here damn near two hours already; where the fuck have you been?” Tyler goads.

  “Otherwise engaged.” I wink and all four of them groan.

  “Who do we need to stay clear of tonight?” Jack says with an over the top eye-roll.

  “No one. The coast is clear.” It’s not entirely true. If I find one of these motherfuckers hitting on Mia there will be some serious consequences, but I can hardly warn them about that.

  “Oh look, here they come. The princesses.”

  “They look like Disney rejects,” Jack barks.

  I cast my eyes over the three of them. Mia is up front, with Karla and Liberty flanking her sides, both with pissed off expressions at not being front and centre. Mia hates it as everyone turns their way. The set of her shoulders and the hint of a frown-line between her brows confirms it.

  “Aw, you’re just jealous,” I say with a laugh.

  “I call Snow White,” Ant announces. “Ty, who you bagging tonight?”

  “Uh… I’m good. You go for it though.”

  “Wait a fucking minute,” Jack says, holding a hand up to stop anyone saying anything else. “Did Tyler fucking Ward just turn down a woman? Something you’re not telling us?”

  “Nah, just not feeling the princess vibe tonight. They look like high fucking maintenance.”

  “Never said anything about marrying them. Just thought you’d want to get your crown jewels wet is all.”

  I study Tyler as his face begins to get redder. His eyes dart around the room as if he’s looking for someone before he finds mine and panics. He’s hiding something. It’s written all over his face. I wink at him to let him know I’m onto him, but I won’t goad him tonight. I’ll wait for a more private time to get all his secrets out of him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  As I exited the car post-orgasm I’d felt so mellow and satisfied for a split-second until the flash of what felt like a million cameras hit my face and then I couldn’t wait to get inside. However, I’d been directed on how to face the press for my picture and being an Insta girl I knew my best angles, so I pouted and smiled away and then made my way indoors. Once inside there was a photoshoot with the other two girls. I’m directed to stand in the middle, no doubt due to Deacon making me the main feature of the magazine now. I see the looks worn clearly on Karla and Liberty’s faces. They both yearn for the spotlight. Them dressing me in Cinderella colours couldn’t be worse really. It adds to the impression that I’m the breakout star and they’re the ugly sisters. My shoulders drop with relief when the shoot wraps and we’re told to go mingle for thirty minutes before they screen the first episode. I keep watching Deacon as he chats with his work colleagues, not being able to help myself watching his interactions, especially with Jack, the editor. I wonder how exactly he got to know all of them, because he says he doesn’t do commitment and yet he’s known these people for a long time. Trusts them. I feel a stab of envy towards them.

  “Okay, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to take your seats, the premiere screening of the first episode is about to take place.”

  I’m nervous, hoping it all looks okay. I’m also wistful and sad as my mum and stepdad gave their apologies, it being too much of a public space for them.

  Liberty takes the seat at my left-hand side. “If you don’t want to make it glaringly obvious, you both might like to quit the constant eye-fucking.” She whisper-shouts. I ignore her but make a note of the fact that I need to be more conscious of my behaviour in public.

  The first episode is shown. The show starts with a snapshot of each princess, done like an Insta style feed, introducing us all and our place in society. Karla’s feed is shown first, then mine, then Liberty’s and I note Karla’s smile, obviously pleased she got top billing, something for which I am thankful. There’s a photo of my mum, but as I requested it’s from her heyday as a beauty queen and there’s a photo of her with my father showing the legacy I come from. However, as the programme starts the main focus soon becomes the appearance of my ex and then his new girlfriend showing up. The programme makes out that Liberty has been kicked out of her current home for wild behaviour and as a good friend of Karla’s she moves in with us. Of course I’m not impressed as the rumours are my ex had an affair with her and so it starts, the love triangle. Karla is barely seen from then on out except to name drop royals and charity events when we meet up as well as the flirtation with the club DJ.

  But no one can deny its viewer gold and although the invited audience are biased there’s an actual standing ovation as the credits roll.

  “Fucking hell.” Karla says as we stand at the side of the producer who makes a thank you speech. “I think this is going to be epic. I just need more lines.”

  Everyone breaks away to enjoy the celebrations and I find myself introduced to a tall man with wild red curly hair, freckles, green eyes and a cheeky grin. Roscoe Freemont, apparent new actor on the block, is tipped for future Oscar stardom, and has agreed to appear in the last episode as a love interest for Karla.

  “Thank goodness. Because she didn’t click with the DJ guy and she’s really keen to bag a main storyline for the next season,” I tell him. As I see Liberty watching us, I decide to give Roscoe a big, b
eaming smile and flick my hair a little.

  “Well, my supposed big break doesn’t actually release for another twelve months so if I can become a little more well known in the meantime that’s fantastic. And Karla’s not hard on the eye, so I reckon it’s not going to test my acting skills too much.”

  I laugh as if he’s said the funniest thing ever. I feel the buzz of my phone in my bag and root around for it as Karla comes over to steal Roscoe.

  Deacon King: Do you have any idea how much I want to come over and knock that fucker out?

  I look around and find him watching me from the edge of the room. He looks like a fallen angel. A sullen look on those chiselled features, his arms are crossed over his chest and his expression is pinched.

  I text him back.

  Mia: Liberty is suspicious. I need to work the room a little. I need to flirt more with other men and look at you less.


  Deacon King: No you fucking don’t, or I won’t care what anyone here thinks or sees. I’ll fuck you in the middle of the dance floor to stake my claim.

  My heart beats faster.

  Mia: Claim? I beg your pardon.

  Deacon King: Oh did I not make it clear? You. Are... MINE.

  Mia: Alpha arsehole.

  I turn my back on him and go to work the crowd some more, paying particular attention to the males of the room.


  Deacon King: How about I suggest Roscoe Freemont isn’t the star attraction of the final episode, but I am? New love interest of Karla, hmmm, tempting.

  My head snaps around and he’s standing talking to Karla and Roscoe, his phone in his hand. I watch him type.


  Deacon King: Make your excuses and be in your suite in the next ten minutes, or I’ll go to Karla’s.

  Envy twists at my gut. It’s a cheap shot that he’s still using Karla against me in this way. I watch as she laps up the attention of two blisteringly good-looking men.


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