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Heartthrob (Bennett Brothers Series)

Page 11

by Ahren Sanders

  “I should kick your ass for not giving me a heads up.”

  “If I told you anything, I’d miss this.” I lean in and sweep my lips across hers.

  “I can’t believe they chose me! I’m going to Boston!” She squeals, waving her hands in the air and jiggling against me.

  “We’re going to Boston,” I correct her.

  “We’re going to Boston.”

  “It’s quite an opportunity. I’m proud of you.”

  “Back at ya, Dr. Bennett.”

  “Did Evie give you a rundown on what to expect?”

  “Long days on my feet, countless hours in a training room, and team exercises with cut-throat bitches and assholes?”

  “Think she covered the essentials, but you’re going to be introduced to some of the most cutting-edge treatments and technology currently being tested.”

  “What about you?”

  “Exactly the same, except I’ll be with self-absorbed bitches and assholes with entitlement syndromes.”

  She scrunches her nose at my description. “That sounds awful.”

  “It’s not that bad. I’ve done this a few times and can typically spot the down to earth doctors right away. Seeing as two other pediatricians from our hospital are attending, I’ll know some familiar faces.”

  “And you’ll have your protector if anyone gets any ideas.”

  “I’ll have my protector.”

  Something catches her eye, and she peers over my head, her breath hitching. “Is that Champagne?”


  “Don’t you have to go to work?”

  “I’ll have coffee, the champagne is for you.”

  “Save the champagne for us.”

  I walk to the table and sit, adjusting her in my lap, and hand her an envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it.”

  She takes out the paperwork and reads through, her eyes growing wide. “We’re staying in a suite?”

  “We are.”

  “And we’re staying extra days?”

  “Seems like someone knows how to read.”

  She swats me with the papers. “Don’t be a smartass. I didn’t even know I was going to be allowed to stay with you.”

  “Where the hell else would you stay?”

  “I figured they’d put me in a room with another nurse or something.”

  “First of all, we’re talking about one of the top children’s hospitals in the country. This isn’t a micro-budget trip. You’re a professional, not a college kid on a beach weekend where everyone piles in a room. Second of all, no way in hell would you stay anywhere but with me.”

  “Testy, testy.”

  “Did you really think I’d let you room alone?”

  “Maybe? Remember, this is my first time. You’ve done this plenty.”

  “This time, I think it will be much more enjoyable.”

  “Once again, you pulled the boyfriend card and went to Evie to request my time off.” She scowls, but it’s hard to take her seriously with the sparkles on her face and glitter now sprinkled in her hair from last night.

  “Didn’t go behind your back, just sped up the process of getting it arranged.”

  “Very presumptuous of you.”

  “Are we going to argue about this?”

  She chews on her bottom lip, lowers her eyes back to the itinerary and then to mine. “No, we’re not going to argue.”

  “Good because I want a kiss, then I want to fuck you before I leave you in bed and go to work.”

  “Presumptuous.” Her voice dips low and raspy.

  I skim my hands up her arms, over her shoulders, around her neck, and fist my fingers at the back of her scalp. “If I pull theses sticks out of your hair, are we both going to be covered in unicorn fairy dust?”

  Her lips split wide, and she reaches up, yanking them out, and glitter spills down on us. “Oops.” She eyes the mess. “Guess I went a little crazy at the party.”

  “You know, it took me almost thirty minutes to wash this off in the shower when I got home earlier.”

  “This time, it will take half the time. I’ll help.”

  “Let’s go.” I haul her up, knowing I’ll be covered in glitter when I leave.

  Chapter 11


  Brinley lets out a little baby sigh, never opening her eyes, and I snuggle her closer, kissing the top of her head.

  “We have the pack n’ play in the car. Shaw can grab it,” Bizzy tells me for the second time since the baby fell asleep.

  “We’re good. Maybe in a bit.”

  “She’s a doll, and she looks comfortable in your arms, Claire. You’re a natural.” Sharon Monroe, Grace’s mom, tells me. I can’t miss the longing in her eyes as she stares at the baby, and I know she’s out of her mind excited about Grace and Nick having their child.

  “She’s going to be an incredible mom,” Bizzy pipes in.

  Red-alert signals fire in my brain when I catch the hopefulness in her voice. “Back that train up, Biz. Motherhood is way out on my horizon.”

  “Of course, you’re getting married first,” she says matter-of-factly as if this is an event happening soon.

  I should have expected this. Grace and Bizzy have been dropping innuendos since Mathis and I moved in together. “Give me time to breathe. We just started cohabitating seven weeks ago.”

  “I know! That’s more than enough time.”

  “Lay off.”

  She opens her mouth but Sharon speaks up. “Do you want to get married, Claire?”

  Sharon Monroe is a classy lady. She’s the true definition of a matriarch. When Grace’s grandmother passed away, tons of responsibility fell onto Sharon’s shoulders with their southern heritage and traditions. Grace’s dad, Carl, is the mayor of their small town, and Sharon is the perfect mayor’s wife. She’s strong, wise, kind, and full of love. Another awesome trait is she knows how to bust balls when needed. The men in her life rarely test her because underneath all the kindness is a ferocious tenacity. Grace inherited a lot of this, which is one reason I love her like I do. You get an abundance of sweet mixed with sassy, and if you piss her off, stand back because she’ll cut to the core. Hence, leaving Nick and going to Greece for almost a year when he fucked up.

  “I do, Sharon. But it’s not on the top of my priority list right now. Mathis and I hit a rough patch and found our way to a good place. I’m happy with the way things are.”

  “I can understand that, and I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason. There’s no doubt in my mind you and Mathis will be married when the time is right.”

  “Please don’t get married until after the baby comes and football season is over,” Grace begs.

  I don’t have time to answer her when the sliding glass doors open and Mathis, Nick, Carl, and Grandpa Roy come inside.

  “Where’re Shaw and Brayden?” Bizzy looks beyond them to the patio.

  “We’ve done our part to wear the kid out. Now, Shaw’s trying to get him to sleep,” Grandpa Roy answers.

  “Ahhh. I love it when both the kids nap at the same time.”

  “What are y’all talking about in here?” Nick goes to kiss the top of Grace’s head and stands behind her.

  “Mathis and Claire’s wedding,” she answers nonchalantly.

  I hold my breath, waiting for the terror to hit Mathis. Instead of going pale, breaking out in a sweat, or freezing in horror, he pops a grape in his mouth, locks eyes with me, and announces, “We’re going to Vegas. No need to plan anything.”

  Outside of Bizzy’s gasp, a silence settles over the room, my heart thundering in my chest.

  He continues to chew. Calm, casual, and completely unaffected. I can’t tear my eyes from his, letting his announcement filter through my mind. He crooks an eyebrow, waiting for me to respond.

  “I can do Vegas.” I decide in that instant that Vegas is exactly where I want to get married.

  “Vegas will be spectacular,” Bizzy chirps. />
  “After the baby is born,” Grace interjects.

  “When’s that baby due?” Mathis doesn’t look at her, holding my stare.

  “Twenty-five weeks.”

  “Can’t make that promise.”

  Grace lets out a little cry, and I break our stare, snapping my eyes to her.

  “Claire, you have to hold off. I’ll never forgive you if I miss your wedding.”

  I glance back at Mathis, whose lip is quirked to the side. A loud slapping sounds and I jerk in my seat, my attention slicing to Grandpa Roy.

  “Doesn’t anyone else see the travesty happening here?” His southern, deep voice booms through the room, and I’m surprised Brinley doesn’t wake up.

  “I hardly consider this a travesty, Roy,” Sharon replies cheerfully.

  “My beautiful Claire is transforming before my eyes. What happened to my snarky, sarcastic spit-fire? She is becoming do-mest-i-cated! Cuddling sleeping babies, talking about weddings, moving in with this bozo.” He jerks his thumb in Mathis’s direction. “I see my talk with your dad didn’t get very far. Should have bought him a shotgun. Hell, even I couldn’t rile him outside. Cool as a cucumber. Pretty boy over there froze like a scared jackrabbit, but Dr. Bonehead didn’t break a sweat.” He finishes on a huff, and I blink a few times trying to process all that he said.

  I barely hear Shaw join us but notice him smirking as he goes to Bizzy’s side. Apparently, he heard the rant and clearly enjoyed it.

  When I refocus, all eyes are on me. I think quickly, trying to come up with an explanation that will prove I’m not the wretched ‘domesticated’. “Grandpa, I think we should break this down. I’m cuddling a sleeping baby because she’s my goddaughter and I leave next week for Boston. She’s going to miss me tremendously. I moved in with Mathis because it is a logical decision based solely on finances. You wouldn’t believe how much money I’m saving by shacking up with a ‘doctor’.” I use my index finger to air quote the title doctor, which gets a few under-breath chuckles. “If you listened correctly, you heard us talking about getting hitched in Las Vegas… the City of Sin.” This time, I drop my voice to a low, smoky tone, trying to sound sinner-ish.

  Grandpa’s eyes light with amusement, his lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Glad to hear you’re watching out for your future by saving money, even if you do have to live with this lug. And I suspect those Vegas weddings aren’t even valid, so that’s a good thing.”

  “Probably not, I’ll be married by a man wearing an Elvis costume in a small, hideously decorated chapel, and strangers will be my witnesses. Not exactly romantic.”

  “Yes, I can see how that may be appealing.” Grandpa Roy is now full-out smiling, enjoying our usual wit.

  “As for my dad, he did take your advice to heart. He showed up, motioned for Mathis to follow him, and they disappeared for an hour. My mom assured me there were no firearms involved, so I let them hash it out. When they returned, they reeked of whiskey, and Dad hadn’t killed him. Lastly, Mathis is laidback. It’s nearly impossible to rile him.”

  “That’s not exactly true. Claire knows how to push his buttons. Last time she made him angry, he handcuffed her to him for three days,” Bizzy adds, and Mathis drops his chin to his chest.

  “You did that?” Grandpa sounds impressed.

  Mathis tips his head sideways, raises his eyes to Roy, and nods. “I did.”

  “Maybe you’re not such a bonehead after all.”

  Grace breaks first, her girlie giggle filling the room. Sharon and Bizzy crack next, joining her in hilarity. I shoot Grandpa Roy a loving glance, knowing he’s happy for me and this is his way of showing his approval.

  “Now that we’ve established I haven’t gone soft, why don’t one of you lazy-ass men get me the pack n’ play where I can set Brinley down. I need to help Prego pick out furniture and bedding.”

  “Give her to me. I’ll put her in Nick and Grace’s room with Brayden.” Mathis comes to me and carefully lifts her out of my arms, cradling her in his own.

  I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from showing emotion at the delicate way he holds his niece. Bizzy catches my eye and winks, indicating that she knows what I’m thinking.

  “If you women are going to be hen-pecking over baby furniture and a bunch of useless shit, I’m going back to the patio. Pretty boy, you got any beer out there?” Grandpa directs his question to Nick who is completely unfazed at his reference.

  “In the cooler,” he answers, settling in the chair next to Grace.

  “One more thing,” Roy looks between Nick, and Grace and I brace because his gruff shell softens, “I’m buying the furniture. You pick it out, whatever you want. When you’re ready to order it, I’m paying.”

  “Roy, that’s not necessary—”

  “Nick, I know you’re a multi-millionaire and I respect that. We aren’t having a discussion about this and mulling over it until it pisses me off. I’m buying my first great-grandchild their furniture. Grace may be your wife, but she’s always going to be my Peach Princess. My little Kayla is going to get the best, and I’m going to give it to her.” At this, he turns and goes out on the patio.

  I know it’s coming… Wait for it…

  The first sign is the sniff, then the quiet sob. Grace’s eyes swell fast, and in a second, she’s in Nick’s arms mumbling about how much she loves her grandpa. Sharon’s smiling, her own eyes wet, as are Bizzy’s. Shaw places his hands on her shoulders and massages affectionately.

  Everyone knows that if Nick and Grace have a daughter, they’re naming her Kayla after her grandmother. According to Grace, when they shared this fact with him, he immediately declared they were having a girl. She’s convinced he’s doing everything short of a séance to bless them with a daughter.

  The sting hits my eyes at the same time my throat begins to clog.

  Dammit! Weepy wimpsters strike again.

  I quietly excuse myself, motioning to the restroom, and escape the emotional scene. Mathis is coming out of the bedroom, and when he sees me, he freezes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s that problem I have. That one I can’t seem to stop. Grandpa did something incredibly touching, and now the waterworks are flowing. I think it’s contagious.”

  “What can I do to cure this problem?” His lips are twitching again, finding humor in my predicament.

  “Make it stop. Give me a pill or a shot. There has to be a medical diagnosis.”

  He slides his arms around my waist, clasping them at my lower back and stepping close. “I’ve told you there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, but if you’re looking for a distraction, we can sneak into the guest room.” He thrusts his hips to mine.

  “Normally, yes, but Carl and Sharon are staying there.”

  “Hmmm, that is a problem. How about this then?” He shifts where I’m pressed close and my chin rests on his chest, my face tilted to his. His blue eyes grow warm, piercing into mine. “Our Vegas wedding is not going to be in a shady, hideously decorated roadside chapel with strangers as witnesses. There will be no Elvis marrying us, and it will be legal, valid, binding, and one-hundred percent legit.”

  My knees wobble, and I grip the bottom on his shirt to remain standing. “No Elvis?”

  “Not a chance.”


  “Bizzy got the beach. Grace got the peach orchard. My woman is getting glitz, glamour, and fireworks that light the sky. Something so extravagant, so incredibly bright and wild, so one of kind—exactly like her.”

  “Spectacular,” I repeat Bizzy’s words.

  “Spectacular,” he agrees.

  That damn stinging hits my eyes again, and I squeeze them to push it back.

  “You have to stop because if Grandpa sees me in this state, I’ll definitely lose my badass credibility.”

  “Roy’s enamored with you. He scared me more than your father. Shaw, Carl, and Nick took great enjoyment in his drilling me about my intentions. There’s no way you’d los
e credibility with him.”

  I open my eyes and the expression of love on his face is overwhelming. “I love you.”

  There’s a flash of surprise before he crashes his mouth to mine. Our tongues tangle together, and I slip my hands under his shirt and slide them up over the muscles of his back until I’m clutching his shoulders for support.

  A throat clears behind us, and I break away to find Shaw glaring at us. “What’s your problem?” The question comes out hoarse.

  “My babies are in that room, and the way you two were going at it could have gotten out of hand.”

  “We weren’t going to sneak in there and have sex on the floor!” I protest.

  He crooks an eyebrow and moves his gaze to Mathis who is lightly shaking against me, and I realize my hands are still gripping his shoulder, his shirt bunched up.

  “Fine! We’ll behave.” I drop my arms and glare at Shaw.

  He spins to leave then calls back over his shoulder, “In case you two need to release some of that sexual tension, the guest bathroom has a very sturdy vanity.”

  Mathis’s head falls to my neck, and I burst into giggles. Then I make a note to remember that for next time.

  I sit across from Lora, biting my tongue as she stares in horror across the cafeteria. Inside I’m seething, but I can’t do anything about it. She’s fighting back tears as she watches Clint shamelessly flirting with a nurse we know well. The woman is a hospital floater, filling in where necessary, and tonight, she happens to be on our floor. She’s red-headed, busty, and a complete bombshell.

  Lora is beautiful, but she’s an understated beauty. Quiet, somewhat shy, super sweet. Her strawberry blond hair is naturally curly and always done meticulously in a bun, braid, or twist. She’s put together, never complains, and the kids love her. The woman Clint is flirting with is a man-eater. She’s openly carried on relationships within the hospital, not hiding her sexual prowess.

  Lora just shared with me that she slept with Clint yesterday, repeatedly. The way she told the story, they spent almost all day going at it, him completely into her. Tonight, he hasn’t looked her way.

  Fucking dick.

  “Lora, let’s head upstairs,” I say softly, taking her uneaten salad and covering it with the lid.


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