The Pike Chronicles: Books 5-8 (Pike Chronicles Space Opera Book 2)

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The Pike Chronicles: Books 5-8 (Pike Chronicles Space Opera Book 2) Page 78

by G. P. Hudson

  “You mean she was bragging?”

  “Yes, Admiral. Something along those lines. She seems to believe that she and I are engaged in some form of competition.”

  “What about the rest of the fleet? Is she on board those ships too?”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “Then she might destroy those ships as well.”

  “She cannot. I took the precaution of spreading my program to all vessels in the Dvorkan fleet. Once I realized her intentions, I prioritized taking control of the Engineering sections on the remaining ships.”

  “Can you kill the Dvorkan AI?” said Emperor Kriss.

  “I can, but there is no longer need. She has terminated her program while we’ve been having this conversation.”

  “Diabolical,” said Kriss. “Do we know if she has access to any other systems anywhere else in the Empire?”

  “I believe it is safe to assume that she does, although I would say that would not include systems on Dvorkan Prime, as I’ve already accessed those. I would advise a full security audit of all the Empire’s systems. For optimal results, I advise that you allow me to perform that audit. I can remove the AI from wherever I find her, and close any security holes I discover in the process.”

  “You want me to give you access to all the Empire’s computer systems? That is absurd.”

  “It would be the optimal approach,” said AI. “If you try and remove her presence yourselves, you may not fully eradicate her program. You also run the risk of further retaliation. If she controls key infrastructure systems, she can cause widespread chaos and destruction.”

  Kriss rubbed his temples in frustration. “And you believe you can avoid that from happening?”

  “Not necessarily. She may still retaliate against you. But I can move through your systems in a faster, more efficient way. She would have far less opportunity to react.”

  “I don’t know if I can give an AI access to our systems,” said Kriss.

  “Technically, an AI has already obtained access, Emperor,” said AI.

  “Why don’t you give it some thought,” said Jon. “AI can purge your systems of the alien AI, and protect them too. This might be a good show of faith. If we want to ally, and you want our technology, perhaps you could agree to give AI access to your systems in return. If we’re going to be friends, we have to trust each other.”

  “I will consider your request,” said Kriss.

  “That’s all I ask. Right now, the important thing is to end this battle. AI, I assume communications are back up?”

  Yes, Admiral.”

  “Emperor, I suggest you broadcast immediately,” said Jon.

  Chapter 42

  The commanders of Jon’s fleet looked back at Jon, Emperor Kriss, and Miira. Jon had warned Kriss that his fleet consisted of more than just humans so that he wouldn’t be too surprised when he saw his first Diakan and Freen. After addressing the Central Command fleet, Kriss could put an end to the battle between the two Dvorkan forces. With the Dvorkan AI purged from this system, and the fighting over, it was time to get everyone up to speed.

  “After much discussion, Emperor Kriss has agreed to an alliance with the UHSF,” said Jon. “We are still working out the details, but from this point on, we will work together to defeat our common enemy, the Erinyie, and their allies. The Empire represents a powerful ally in this region of the galaxy. To ensure that they remain powerful, I have agreed to give them the shield and jump system technology.”

  “Admiral, I must object,” said General Tallos.

  “I expected nothing less of you, General,” said Jon.

  “What is to stop the Empire from turning on us once they obtain our technology?” Tallos continued. “We should move slowly. Give them the shield technology, but hold back the jump system until they prove themselves.”

  “I understand your concerns, General. The Emperor has agreed to give AI access to the Empire’s computer systems. All of them. As we speak, AI is moving through the various networks, purging the Empire’s systems of the Dvorkan AI’s presence. She is also securing the Empire from further intrusion. AI will remain in the Empire’s systems. She will do so as protection, but also as a security guarantee.”

  “My apologies, Emperor,” said Tallos. “I am greatly impressed by your consent to this.”

  “Thank you, General Tallos,” said Emperor Kriss. “It would have been inconceivable before recent events. What I have come to realize is that the Empire has grown soft, and complacent. We have looked back to our Age of Glory, and used it for nourishment, oblivious to the dark realities surrounding us. We can no longer believe ourselves superior. The Empire must compromise to move forward.”

  “You will undoubtedly encounter resistance from your Empire’s elite,” said Tallos.

  “I have anticipated this response. The challenge will be to uncover those corrupted by the enemy as opposed to those who simply seek their self-interest. The former we will purge, the latter we will placate.”

  “You are a worthy ally, Emperor,” Tallos said bowing his head slightly.

  “Thank you, General. From what the Admiral has told me of the Diakans, that is high praise.”

  “The reality is that for this alliance to work, the Dvorkans need the jump system,” said Jon. “Our two civilizations are so far apart that an alliance would otherwise be of no benefit. Even with the jump system, it would still take a week for one side to reach the other.”

  “A holy portal would bridge this distance in an instant,” said Commander Booch of the Freen.

  “Are you talking about a jump gate, Commander?” said Jon.

  “The Foreseen is most wise,” said Booch.

  “Unfortunately, no gate connects our two civilizations,” said Jon.

  “Yes, we have observed the holy portals in this region of your galaxy. They were built long ago by true believers.”

  “You mean the Antikitheri?”

  “The portals are built to praise the gods. The sacred knowledge is for the benefit of all.”

  “Wait a second,” said Miira. “Are you saying that the Antikitheri did not build the gates?”

  “The portals are built in their name,” said Booch. “The knowledge is sacred. Only true believers are permitted access to the teachings.”

  “That explains why all the sources say that the Antikitheri built the gates,” Miira said with awe. “This changes everything.”

  “Let me get this straight,” said Jon. “Are you saying that the Antikitheri did not build any of the gates?”

  “The knowledge is a gift from the gods to the worthy,” said Booch. “The gods do build portals. You passed through one that connected our two galaxies.”

  Jon suddenly realized what Booch meant. “The Freen are true believers, are they not?”

  “We are,” said Booch.

  “Was the sacred knowledge shared with the Freen?”

  “We proved our worth. We were gifted the sacred knowledge.”

  Jon leaned back in his chair in shock. “You know how to build a jump gate.”

  “The Foreseen is most wise.”

  “Incredible. We can link our space with the Empire. How long will it take you to build a gate?”

  “We cannot.”

  “Am I missing something? I thought you just said that you know how?”

  “That is true. But the portals are holy, and these beings are unbelievers.”

  “You’re wrong,” Kriss said emphatically. “I believe in the Antikitheri, and I am the Emperor. I embody all Dvorkans, therefore if I believe, the Empire believes. They merely need to be educated.”

  Booch studied Kriss with those black beady eyes. “You would bring the faith to your species?”

  “I would,” said Kriss.

  “I am uncertain of this. You believe, but you do not worship. None of you do.”

  “We worship in our own ways,” said Jon, trying to salvage the situation. “I am the Foreseen, am I not?”

  “Of that, there is no
debate,” said Booch.

  “Would the Foreseen ally with an unworthy race?”

  Booch hesitated. “I do not believe so. The Foreseen is wise.”

  “I consider the Dvorkans to be worthy. We need them to fight the darkness. Connecting our two civilizations with a holy portal is vital to defeating the darkness. Surely you must see that.”

  Booch became quiet, seemingly weighing everything he had heard. “We trust in the Foreseen’s wisdom,” he said finally. “We will bless this space with a portal.”

  Chapter 43

  “You should stay,” said Emperor Kriss. “What will you do among the humans? You would be alone. Alien to them. We are your own kind.”

  Miira smiled at the handsome young Emperor, as they walked along the Freedom’s corridors. Taymati guards followed a discreet distance behind them. “The humans have been kinder to me than Dvorkans have ever been.”

  “Not anymore,” said Kriss. “You found the Antikitheri. You are the Empire’s foremost expert on them. The Empire will soon discover that the Antikitheri are real. You will be the most respected scholar in the Empire. No one will dare ridicule you, and anyone who ever did will sorely regret their actions.”

  “That does sound appealing, but I gave my word to the Admiral.”

  “He will understand.”

  “It’s not just that. Admiral Pike believed in me when nobody else did. He listened to me. He allowed me to become a member of his crew. Gave me a new home simply because I asked. Because of him, I saw the Antikitheri with my own eyes. I owe him a great debt. I cannot abandon him.”

  “You wouldn’t be abandoning him. You are his ambassador to the Empire, are you not?”

  “I am.”

  “The way I see it, an embassy is required to maintain relations.”

  “You might be right.”

  “Of course I’m right. I’m the Emperor. That makes me infallible,” Kriss said jokingly.

  “I still want to accompany the humans to their space. I want to see their worlds. Experience their culture. How can I represent them if I don’t understand these things?”

  Kriss took Miira’s hand into his. She gasped in surprise and pulled it away.

  “I’m sorry,” said Kriss. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “No, you didn’t offend me. You just surprised me,” she said with a shy smile.

  Kriss reached out and held her hand again. This time she let him.

  “Go if you must. But you will be missed,” said Kriss.

  Miira felt as though she had lost her voice. She wanted to speak, but couldn’t find the words. With great effort, she forced herself to respond. “I don’t understand.”

  “What is there to understand?”

  “Why in the stars the Emperor is behaving this way?”

  “The Emperor likes you, Miira.”

  “But I am just a merchant’s daughter. A scholar. Certainly nothing resembling nobility.”

  “Nonsense. These are old, outdated ideas. Do I look old to you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Things need to change, Miira. The Empire lives in the past, and that has left it unprepared for the future. A beautiful, brilliant woman like you should never have been disrespected. But the Empire will change. This I promise you.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “Many will resist. It will not be easy. But I fear that dark times are coming. The sooner we all accept that reality, the more prepared we will be. And the sooner you return, the more prepared I will be.”

  Miira swallowed hard. What was happening? Why was the Emperor behaving like he had a crush on her? He could have anyone in the Empire. What did he see in an awkward scholar like herself? Things were not happening the way they should. It wasn’t that she minded the attention. She was attracted to the Emperor. The experience just left her feeling unbalanced.

  They walked without speaking for a time. The Emperor still held her hand and smiled at her from time to time. The silence felt comfortable. Thankfully, the Emperor wasn’t one of those people who always felt the need to speak. He knew how to enjoy an experience, and not ruin it with nonstop babbling. She appreciated that and took advantage of the moment to take in everything about the man. In this quiet moment with this handsome young man, she felt happy.

  She wondered if she was making a mistake going back with the humans. Should she stay behind instead? When would she get a chance to return to the Empire? To the Emperor? What if things went badly and she couldn’t return?

  “Once the Freen build their transit point, it will be much easier to travel back and forth,” said Kriss, as if he had been reading her mind.

  “Do you believe that they can do what they say?” Miira hoped the Freen could do it but now realized that she had placed a lot of faith in the word of these aliens. What if they had been lying? What did they know about the Freen anyway?

  “I do. They are an odd species. Nonetheless, they have proven themselves to be exceptional engineers. Their shield technology is incredible. If they say they can build a transit point, then I see no reason to doubt them.”

  “I hope so. Building a transit point seems an insurmountable task.”

  “Yes, it does. That will change once they build it, however. Once we see it built, it won’t seem out of our reach anymore. If we could only learn how to accomplish such a feat. Knowledge like that could usher in a new Age of Glory.”

  Miira looked at the Emperor with concern. “Would you use it for conquest?”

  “No, of course not,” the Emperor said with a smile, relieving some of her worries. “The Empire has been limited in its expansion by the transit point network. Now, we will have access to the human jump system, and the Freen transit points. I understand there is an extensive transit point network accessible through human space. Imagine the possibilities. The sharing of knowledge, and mingling of cultures. The impact on trade and commerce along would be staggering. Once we overcome the dark forces pitted against us, our potential will be truly limitless.”

  “Do you believe we can overcome them? The Dvorkan AI? The Erinyie?” The mere thought of their powerful enemies left Miira unsettled.

  “We have no choice, Miira. Failure is not an option. Fear not. We will prevail.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. I’m infallible. Remember?”

  Chapter 44

  In the days that followed, AI blazed through the Dvorkan systems, rooting out all instances of the Dvorkan AI’s presence. In doing so, she uncovered a treasure trove of evidence implicating many high ranking Dvorkans in the plot to assassinate Emperor Kriss, and take control of the Empire. Kriss dispatched his Taymati, and the men responsible were taken into custody and charged with treason.

  As news of the conspiracy broke, a state of shock swept through the Dvorkan population. The Emperor took the opportunity to inform the populace of all the threats facing them. They learned of the conspiracy’s link to the Dvorkan AI’s assault on the capital, and the human intervention that foiled it. They discovered that the mythical Antikitheri and Erinyie were, in fact, real, and the link between the conspiracy and the dark forces of the Erinyie.

  The Dvorkans also learned that they were now allied with the Humans, committing them to the war against the Juttari. In return, they were the beneficiaries of incredible new technologies, which included the jump system, and the Freen shields.

  The Empire convulsed with shock and excitement at the overwhelming events. Some hailed it as the onset of a new age of glory, while others prophesied the coming of an apocalypse.

  Emperor Kriss placed new, more trustworthy generals in charge at Central Command. He passed a decree further increasing the Taymati’s numbers and bestowed greater powers to General Kiith.

  The Taymati were also the first to have jump systems and shields installed on their ships. Jon sent teams of engineers to make the initial conversions, and to train the Dvorkan engineers on how to do the rest. With that task accom
plished, the Dvorkans could independently retrofit the rest of their ships.

  The Freen, for their part, quietly went to work constructing the new jump gate. Jon watched in awe as work on the massive structure got underway. It reminded him of his former Chief Engineer Singh. The man responsible for creating the jump system, and the jump bombs. He couldn’t wait to see his reaction to all this.

  Knowing Singh, the man would take the knowledge, and find some other unbelievable way to use it. The man was a genius, of that there was no doubt. So long as he didn’t fall back into insanity, his mind could come up with extraordinary achievements.

  The Freen also informed Jon that the work could only partially be completed in the Empire, as a team would be required in human space to finish the connection. That was something Jon hadn’t considered, but it made sense. It just meant that they would have to wait longer than expected for the gate’s completion. Once finished, however, it would be a game changer.

  They would have a direct connection to the Empire, as well as the colonies. Add to that the established connections to the Diakans, and their network of gates, and things were looking pretty good. Earth would become a hub for interstellar travel, allowing access to several, densely populated regions of the galaxy. It would be a boon to the war effort. If they could ever put an end to this war, Sol would become a galactic crossroads with limitless potential. In the here and now, however, those were just dreams.

  All in all, Jon was pleased with the progress, and his new ally, Emperor Kriss. The Empire would be a formidable friend and an asset in the fight against the Juttari and Erinyie. The trip had been fruitful. But, he had stayed in Dvorkan space much longer than he expected and had grown anxious to return home. After retrofitting enough Taymati warships with shields and jump systems, the time had come to get underway.

  “All ships in the fleet are reporting jump ready, Sir,” said Commander Henderson, from his station.

  Jon stood on the bridge of the Freedom, staring at the viewscreen, and the capital of the Empire, Dvorkan Prime. Beside him stood Miira Kev, looking as nervous as ever.


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