Angel Ink

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Angel Ink Page 22

by Siobhan Muir

  Oh, good glory, I’d never thought I’d like a man to talk dirty to me, but every time Michael did, it turned me on more and more. I wriggled my hips in front of his nose and he gave me a dark chuckle.

  “My lovely minx, do my naughty words turn you on?”

  I whimpered. “Yes.”

  “Brilliant.” He dipped his head and slicked a swath across my nether lips. “I’d love to feast on your hot cream, but while I do love when you come on my tongue, I have different plans for you.”

  He pressed his face to my core and used his thumbs to spread my vulva apart. His tongue painted hot wet lines between my nether lips and delicious sensation flooded through me. I threw back my head and moaned as he sipped on my sensitive flesh with feather-light flicks of his tongue. The teasing caresses made me both want them to go on forever and to immediately become firmer.

  “Sweet glory, Michael. I need you. I need your cock inside me.”

  He hummed against my pussy, amusement and arousal in his tone. “You need my cock, you say. How badly do you need it, Haley? How badly do you want it?”

  “I want it so bad. I need you inside me. Please, Michael. Please give me your cock.” I’d never begged for a man’s dick before in my life, but I’d never wanted anyone’s dick as much as I wanted Michael’s in that moment.

  “Aw, love, when you beg so sweetly, how can I resist?”

  He pulled away and crawled back up my body, kissing as he went. When he positioned his cock between my nether lips and met my gaze, he gave me a smile and leaned forward just enough to split my vulva with the smooth head.

  “Wait, Michael.”

  He froze. “What is it, love? Have I hurt you?”

  I shook my head and offered him a shy smile. “When you make love with me, show me your wings. I want to see them around us when you fill my pussy.”

  He tilted his head a moment, considering me with his brown eyes, his lips curled in a half smile. “You mean, like this?”

  His wings came into view as he slowly pushed his dick into my tight pussy, and wonder hit my mind. The pleasure of his thick, smooth shaft filling my core mixed with the beauty of those silver-black wings draped around us and I was lost.

  “Is this what you wanted, Haley?”

  “Glory, you’re so beautiful and you feel so good.” I wrapped my legs around his thighs and squeezed my inner muscles on his shaft. “You’re making all my fantasies come true.”

  “Oh, yes?” He slowly pulled out and pushed back in with a long smooth glide. “Tell me your fantasies, Haley.” His voice sounded even but as I squeezed my pussy again, he groaned and shivered though he didn’t change his pace. “Your quim is so hot and tight. But you’re not getting out of telling me your fantasies.”

  “I had a fantasy of being fucked by an angel with his wings around us.” My words ended on a moan as he pulled his cock out and stroked my clit. “Oh glory.”

  He smiled as he thrust in long, measured strokes, filling my pussy completely with his hard flesh. I squeezed him again, but he didn’t change his rhythm, inexorably driving my arousal and need higher.

  “I’m happy to shag you, love. But I won’t be rushed.” He grinned as I flexed my inner muscles. “I promised slow and deep, and I always deliver on my promises.”

  I gasped and whimpered as he made love to me, his arms cradling my head as he stared into my eyes. I couldn’t look away, drawn to the love, serenity, and desire in his gaze. My heart opened for the first time since I connected with Jeff, and I realized Michael was as much my one-and-only as I was his.

  “I love you, Michael.” I didn’t know where the words came from, but I meant them from the bottom of my heart.

  “Do you, now?” He lost his smile. “You know that you’re my one-and-only, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, and you’re mine.” I squeezed my pussy again and this time he lost his amusement. “I need you, Michael. I need you so much.”

  “Then you shall have me.”

  I expected him to thrust into me hard and fast, but he set his jaw and kept up his slow, hypnotic, deep rhythm. My arousal kept building like a tsunami, relentless and powerful. My nipples hardened against his inked chest and I rocked my hips to get more friction on my clit. His eyes blazed with the same light I saw at the warehouse, but instead of being frightening, the light seared me in warmth, comfort, and welcome. I fell into it and into the best orgasm I’d ever experienced.

  “Oh, Michael, yeessssss!”

  He grunted and stiffened above me as we both toppled over the precipice of ecstasy and flew into the cosmos of pleasure. My heart shot out with my mind and opened in a swirl of brilliant light. For just a moment, I could see the future – a long, strong relationship, with love, friendship, children, and family. We’d grow old together, though how that worked with his angelic disposition I didn’t know, and I’d be his forever.

  Then everything faded back into the present moment and I realized he’d rolled onto his side to keep from crushing me. But his cock remained in my pussy’s tight grip and I really didn’t mind.

  For a few moments we lay together in silence, feeling the love and physical pleasure coursing between us. I could almost sense his satisfaction and contentment with our lovemaking.

  Correction: I can actually feel his satisfaction and contentment.

  It was true. Instead of assuming or inferring Michael’s pleasure, it ricocheted through me like an echo of my own – a masculine echo with a decent dose of swaggering pride. An “aw yeah, look at me. I made her happy” sort of emotion.

  Holy shit! Amazement and amusement cascaded through me like the fall of multicolored hair, the strands of each intermingling. On the one hand, his satisfaction made me laugh because he wasn’t wrong. But on the other, how the hell could I feel his emotions?

  “That answer is simple, love.”

  “What? What answer?”

  “To your question.” He nuzzled my neck below my jaw.

  I blinked. “Can you read minds now?”

  He snorted softly. “I always could do that if I chose. But now, with you, some of your thoughts are very loud. Or rather, very emphatic. You can feel my emotions because we’re bound as fated mates, as I felt the first time I saw you.”

  “From the first time, at the shelter.”


  “Even though we never spoke and I didn’t see you.

  He chuckled. “Yes, even so.”

  I sighed and laughed a little in disbelief. “I really am living in a paranormal romance novel.”

  He rumbled another sound of amusement. “Would you wish it any different?”

  “Nooooo. I like right where I am.”

  I wriggled and tightened my pussy muscles around him again. He groaned and thrust his hips a little in response, and I sighed happily. I could have easily stayed there forever and not thought about the world outside his little cabin. But there were two things I’d have to do once the euphoria wore off.

  First, I’d have to get my story straight about Backlog, the Concrete Angels, and the deaths of the federal agents who’d come before.

  And second, I’d have to tell Jeff about who Michael and Samurai really were.


  “Hmm, yes love?” He’d snuggled me closer to his chest and draped a wing over me. It was sexy as hell.

  “I’ll have to tell Jeff who you really are.”

  Time and sound stopped in that moment. I swore he stopped breathing and the world held completely still.

  “You can’t, Haley. You signed a contract.”

  I nodded. “I know. But he’s my only family. And he’s starting to get interested in Samurai. He needs to know why I’m suddenly going freelance and moving in with you, sequestered from everyone.”

  “You’re not sequestered from everyone. You’ll be free to come and go as you please. You must take this seriously, Haley. That contract is inviolable.”

  I nodded again. “I know, but Loki said I could tell one trusted family mem
ber, and that’s Jeff. That was in the contract, too.”

  Michael sighed. “Just remember, you’re putting him in danger by telling him. If he chooses to say anything, Loki could take action against him. Think long and hard before you decide to let Jeff in on our secrets.” He wrapped his arms tighter around me and nuzzled my neck again. “And no matter what you decide, I will always have your back, even in opposition to Loki.”

  I raised up on one elbow to look down on him. “Seriously? Didn’t you sign some sort of loyalty contract?”

  He smiled up at me. “I did. But I had stipulations as well, and one of those was understanding that should I choose someone for my heart, he or she would be my top priority. Even against the club.”

  My jaw dropped. “Did you know you would meet me when you joined the Concrete Angels?”

  “Oh, I had no idea when or where I’d meet the one who filled my heart. But it seemed like a wise precaution when dealing with someone like the Norse god of Mischief.”

  I laughed at his smug smirk. “You wily angel. You gave yourself an out.”

  “Bloody right, I did. One has to when one deals with Loki.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” I chuckled as I settled back down into Michael’s arms. “And that should tell you all you need to know about the Concrete Angels Motorcycle Club.”

  “Actually, I need you to know one other thing, Haley.”

  “What’s that?” I opened my eyes and met his gaze.

  “That I love you. You have won my heart and that’s a feat that rarely happens.” He stroked my face with his hand. “I’ve known love, but nothing like what I feel for you. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this much love. But it’s clear I can.”

  I gave him a tremulous smile as he leaned down to brush his lips across mine. “How about I show you what other kinds of love you can feel?”

  “Well that sounds like a challenge. What do you have in mind?”

  I grinned as I rolled over on top of him, straddling his hardening cock. “You’re a biker. How ’bout you give your woman a ride?”

  “It would be my absolute pleasure.” He slid into my slick sheath balls-deep and sighed. “Let’s ride.”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I parked my Subaru outside the rest stop and waited a few moments as I took a look around. Nothing moved except the grasses in the field beyond the parking area and a pair of abandoned shoes tied by the laces to the cross tree of a sign post. They weren’t even a matched pair. Another car sat a few spaces from mine but the driver must have already been in the building.

  It’s gonna be okay. It had been my mantra for the last month since I’d signed the contract with the Concrete Angels. But it had taken me that long to find the courage to tell my cousin about it.

  Jeff hadn’t arrived yet and I had to pee, so I pushed out of my car and headed for the doors. The cold wind knifed through my jacket and scarf, and I shivered. It might be sunny outside, but the heat didn’t start until at least April, and we were in the middle of March.

  I pushed through the doors and hurried to the bathroom, hoping Jeff wouldn’t be long. I should’ve probably kept him in the dark about the Concrete Angels and just how inhuman they were, but he’d come to know them and trust them, and that was a lot for Jeff.

  I finished in the bathroom but stayed in the foyer of the rest stop. I couldn’t quite face the wind again. I scanned the parking lot and found Jeff just pulling in, his bright red SUV appearing like brilliant poppy in a sea of brown grass. He’d thought I was nuts to meet at a rest stop, but most folks wouldn’t travel at this time of year. Less likely to be listeners.

  And glory knew, the story I had to tell would recommend me for the Arkham Asylum.

  You only end up in Arkham if you’re insane.

  The definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. But this time, it pertained to something so different, so completely outside mainstream thinking that folks might just come to the same conclusion. I hoped Jeff knew me well enough to know I wouldn’t be having him on. Not about this.

  I tucked my hands under my armpits as I watched Jeff park. The other people who’d been there when I arrived had returned to their car and drove out ahead of him. The sun glinted off his hood, blinding me for a moment, and I swore I saw a flash of Michael sitting on his bike just at the edge of my view. But I blinked, and when I looked again, only Jeff remained in the parking lot.

  You’re imagining Michael ’cause you’re scared to face Jeff.

  Correction, I was scared I’d lose Jeff when I told him about the Concrete Angels.

  He pushed into the open foyer and waved, his expression worried. I’d been cryptic when I called him and he probably feared the worst. He’s not wrong.

  “Hey, Jeff. Thanks for coming.” He wrapped me in a hug and I closed my eyes, taking what comfort I could.

  “Not a problem. What was so urgent that we had to meet at a random rest stop?” He pushed me back and scanned my face.

  I was struck at how beautiful he was with clear light-brown eyes, golden brown skin, dark hair and full lips thanks to his mixed race heritage. He stood a good six inches taller than me with a sleek, athletic frame and shoulders slightly broader than mine. We could’ve been siblings as we shared the same eye shape and wide mouth, and as far as I was concerned, we were.

  “I gotta tell you something and you have to hear me out before you label me as crazy or insane or off my rocker, okay?” I led him over to one of the picnic tables they’d installed inside to allow travelers shelter from the wind. I sat down facing the door to keep an eye on people coming in and waited for him to join me.

  Jeff raised his eyebrow but settled at the table across from me. “What’s going on, Haley? First you want to drive out here to this random rest stop. Does this have to do with the Concrete Angels? You already know I thought you were crazy for spending time with them.”

  “Yeah, you did until you met Sam and Talon, and now you love them.”

  Jeff blushed and glanced out the windows at the parking lot. “Love is a strong word.”

  I opened my mouth to ask more about that, but I was only stalling and pulled my curiosity back under control.

  “Okay, this is something so big and so out there that I need you to promise me you’ll tell no one. Not even family or lovers.”

  He snorted. “I don’t talk to family since they disowned me and I don’t have a lover.” But his voice suggested there was a ‘yet’ at the end of his sentence.


  “Jeff, I need you to promise you’ll tell no one.”

  He tilted his head and the humor left his face. “Okay, okay. I promise. What is it?”

  I gathered my courage with a sigh. How did I present the news that people around us weren’t human? Even thinking it made me question my own sanity and I’d seen Torch shift into a real, fire-breathing, winged dragon. And Sam had turned into a giant fox.

  “Just spit it out, Haley.”

  “The bikers of the Concrete Angels MC aren’t human.” I bit my lip after the words came out in a rush.


  Oh, glory, he’s gonna make me say it again.

  “They aren’t human.”

  He snorted. “What, are you saying they’re aliens?” He smirked, but I shook my head as my heart sank. He wouldn’t believe me.

  “No, not aliens. Not like from outer space. They’re inhuman, other, mythical even.”

  He looked at me like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. When I didn’t grin or laugh, he frowned.

  “You’re being serious.”

  “Yes. Very serious. Why do you think I had you meet me way the hell out here to talk about this?” I threw my hands out. “They’re not all human.”

  “How do you know they’re ‘not all human’? They told you?”

  I shook my head. “They didn’t have to. I saw them when they threw off their hum
an disguises.”

  “Oh, come on, Haley.” Jeff rose to his feet and paced to the window. “Human disguises? We aren’t in some sci-fi flick or a fantasy story. This is real life. Mythical creatures don’t exist.”

  Little did he know. I didn’t say anything. What if I’d made a mistake telling him? I had my reasons for doing so, but if he wouldn’t believe me, I’d wasted the effort to bring him into the new world I’d discovered. I rubbed my chin and studied the little flecks in the plastic table.

  “Think of it as New Year’s Evolution.”

  “What?” He turned to stare at me.

  “New Year’s Evolution – a shift in the year matching a growth in understanding.” That sounded wise and pithy, right?

  “But it’s March, not even close to New Year’s.”

  I shrugged. “The time frame isn’t important. This is a new year, a new beginning and a whole new understanding for us. It’s evolution of perspective and like it or not, we can’t go back to not knowing.”

  I stopped talking and waited to see what Jeff would say. It was a lot to take in, and it totally destroyed what we thought we knew of the Concrete Angels Biker Club. Well, normal biker clubs.

  “Why are you telling me this?” He sat back, his mouth drawn tight.

  I shrugged, trying to dispel my unease. “I know you liked Samurai and Talon, and they treated you with respect and kindness.” I shrugged again. “I wanted you to know what you’d be getting into if you kept up with them. And I didn’t want to hide this from you. I, uh, accepted a position as their inhouse PR writer.”

  “You’re quitting the Bugle?” He blinked.

  “Not exactly. I’m going freelance as an investigative reporter.” At least, I would be as soon as I got this conversation over with. “Look, I probably shouldn’t have told you about the bikers, but you’re my family. The only one I have left that I can trust, and it’s a secret I didn’t want to carry alone.”

  Jeff bit his lip and raised his gaze to mine. “You shouldn’t have told me. What if I was too scared to accept it?”

  “Are you?” My voice sharpened.

  He grimaced and gave a one-shouldered shrug, his gaze sliding away. “I don’t know. They’ve been really nice to me, and I do like Sam and Talon. But what you’re telling me is so fantastic and out there, y’know? How can you be sure they aren’t having you on?”


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