Wicked Times Two

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by Tina Donahue

  Wicked Times Two

  Tina Donahue

  Wicked Delights series, book three.

  She’s through with love and just wants to have some wicked fun.

  Burned by her cheating boyfriend, Jasmina is finished with the thought of “forever” with any guy. That fairytale doesn’t exist. From now on, protecting her heart and letting pleasure rule is her motto.

  She has the perfect men in mind—Noah and Kyle, two of the hottest cops in town. They handled an altercation at Wicked Brand, the tattoo parlor she manages. When they come back to get inked, watch out.

  Deliciously virile, Noah’s ready to play. Kyle’s on board too, loves the thought of a threesome. Jasmina’s ready to try it all—submission, bondage, spanking…no strings or regrets.

  Sensuous days roll into steamy nights driven by desire, enhanced by yearning the guys hadn’t expected and Jasmina can’t deny.

  What began as a sensual adventure could turn into so much more, but only if she’s willing to take the chance and let down her guard a little.

  Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

  An adult contemporary romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Wicked Times Two

  Tina Donahue


  To my fans…you make writing a pleasure.

  Author Note

  From the moment I introduced Jasmina in Wicked Takeover, I liked her. Cheery and good-hearted, she’s the kind of friend everyone wants. When her boyfriend cheated on her in Wicked Seduction, quite a few readers told me how badly they felt for her. I knew things would get better in Wicked Times Two and couldn’t wait to write this part of her story.

  Chapter One

  A threesome. Exactly what Jasmina Reyes needed to get out of her dating funk. Who better to get her juices flowing than Noah Guzman and Kyle Loring? The poster boys for badass.

  Her pulse ticked up as they approached Wicked Brand. She leaned against the counter, forgetting her work, zeroing in on them like a lust-seeking missile.

  Both men were in their early thirties, seriously tall—six-three if they were an inch—their shoulders broad, hips narrow, muscular thighs and arms the stuff of female wet dreams. They were also cops, alpha to the core, authoritative, assured. The freaking jackpot.

  She craned her neck to see better. Kyle and Noah had stopped outside the display window of the parlor, profiles to her, their attention on someone or something down the street. Thankfully, none of the artists was currently inking clients in the front area. She had a decent view of two of West Palm Beach’s finest.

  Her belly fluttered. Her gaze prowled.

  They’d ditched their uniforms in favor of jeans and tees. Noah’s shirt was black, Kyle’s navy. The cotton hugged their powerful biceps and flickered over their torsos with the muggy breeze, giving a hint of their sculpted pecs and abs. Jasmina pushed to her toes to check out the lovely bulges behind their flies, but couldn’t see around the dumb chair in front of the window that the artists used to ink clients. Sinking to her heels, she inched up her gaze.

  Wind played with Kyle’s honey-blond hair, short on the sides and the back, longer on top, the thick locks grazing his surprisingly dark eyebrows. Sooty lashes framed his hazel eyes. His bronze complexion made him seem golden all over, his masculine features sexy as hell.

  Noah was pure sin, almost too handsome to be real. His greenish-gray eyes were intense and somewhat brooding, his olive-toned skin darkened by days in the sun, his wavy black hair long enough to invite a woman to run her fingers through the tresses as she captured his mouth with hers.

  If forced to choose between them, Jasmina would beg for the chance to have both. Each man radiated danger, the kind only a bad boy could project, yet also protection, as if they’d treat a woman with respect in bed no matter how wild things got.

  Waves of warmth rolled through her, along with curiosity as to why they were in Northwood Village. The touristy enclave of West Palm Beach didn’t seem like the type of place they’d frequent on a day off. She pictured them at the beach or a sports bar, possibly a gym as they worked on their bods and eyed the babes.

  Unless they were here to get a tat…

  Noah inclined his head in greeting, followed by Kyle, their expressions pleasant and welcoming. Unfortunately, they weren’t looking in her direction.

  Tor, one of the ink artists, joined them, back from lunch with his girlfriend Marnie. Months ago, Noah and Kyle had arrested Marnie’s former boyfriend Ethan for assaulting her…and then attacking Noah and Kyle when they’d arrived to stop Ethan. Bad move on Ethan’s part. He’d ended up in jail, facing no end of charges and a trial. Had the bum broken out? Had Kyle and Noah come here to warn Tor?


  None of them looked grim. Tor’s smile was wide enough to produce his signature dimples. The guys shook hands and chatted, their voices too low—Selena’s Captive Heart playing too loudly in here—for Jasmina to catch what they discussed. Maybe she should go outside, see what was up and say hi. Casually though, not as if her heart was whapping against her chest and perspiration was rolling down her spine.

  She hadn’t even had a full conversation with Noah or Kyle yet and already she was losing control.

  Time to get real. They probably weren’t even free. They’d certainly been attached at Lauren’s wedding, the last time Jasmina had seen them. At the time, she’d caught Kyle and Noah sneaking peeks at her and had done the same with them but hadn’t made a move since they’d been with dates. No way would she ever horn in on another woman’s territory. Wasn’t cool. Jasmina had been on the receiving end of a cheating jerk and wouldn’t do the same to anyone else.

  Okay, something had happened or been said since the guys were now looking super-serious.

  Noah and Kyle regarded Tor for a long moment then exchanged a glance with each other that told her zip, both men wearing neutral expressions like typical cops.

  She pushed to her toes again. Noah looked over, trapping her with his gaze. Her legs went watery. Kyle glanced next, further pinning her to the spot. A flash of heat burned her face.

  Tor said something to the guys she couldn’t hear. Selena was still wailing away, the customers’ noisy conversations adding to the din.

  Kyle turned back to Tor and so did Noah. Jasmina sagged against the counter, winded, as though having run several blocks. Crud. Why’d they have to come here today, providing a glimpse of heaven she wasn’t able to enjoy.

  Sighing, she tried to get back to work but couldn’t concentrate on the staff schedule and ended up booking two artists for the same client. After deleting the second staffer’s name from the online calendar, she snuck a glimpse at the window. The guys had moved slightly to the right, cutting off part of her view of Kyle.

  No way. She leaned to the left, bumped into something and turned quickly.

  Lauren, who owned the tattoo parlor, stood shoulder to shoulder with Jasmina, studying the guys as she munched on her PayDay candy bar. In the early stages of pregnancy, Lauren couldn’t get enough peanuts…at least this week. Earlier in the month, she’d craved ice cream until the cold treat suddenly made her nauseated. The scents of popcorn, ranchero sauce and chocolate also sent her bolting to the bathroom. The staff had learned to be careful with the food they brought in for lunch, dinner or snacks. Lauren wasn’t only a great boss but a friend too. No one wanted to see her suffer.

  Working her tongue around her mouth, Lauren pointed at the window. “What are they doing here?”

  Noah turned again, glancing at Jasmina. Kyle followed. This time, Tor looked too.

  Lauren cleared her throat. “Ah, something tells me their visit isn’t about Ethan’s upcoming trial.” />
  No kidding. Why were they staring at her? Wait. They weren’t any longer, had turned away again. She muttered an oath.

  “Whoa.” Lauren leaned in, studying Jasmina.

  She edged back. “What?”

  “Are you interested in one of them?”

  Jasmina shrugged, cool as could be despite the sweat clinging to the small of her back. “They’re great-looking guys.”

  “They?” Lauren’s blonde eyebrows crept up. “As in both of them?”

  She gestured to the front window. “You tell me which one is best. See if you can. I dare you.”

  Lauren bit into her candy, chewed once and stopped abruptly. “Oh crap.” Her face went quickly ashy, making her hair seemed even blonder, eyes a deeper blue.

  Uh-oh. “Having trouble with peanuts and—”

  “Don’t even say the words.” Her cheeks puffed out with a stifled belch. “Oh hell—here.”

  After shoving the half-eaten candy into Jasmina’s hand, Lauren raced down the hall to the bathroom.

  Once she’d tossed the bar into the trash, Jasmina brought up her computer spreadsheet and keyed in PayDays-peanuts-caramel so she and the rest of the staff could avoid bringing those items into the parlor for a while.

  The front door swung open.

  Kyle and Noah strode inside, wearing their cop authority like a second skin. Even the tap of their leather sandals on the tile floor had Jasmina’s head spinning. Fighting dizziness, she turned from the computer, drawn to them like a bee to nectar.

  Tor moved past the guys quickly and reached her first.

  She ignored him, catching a whiff of Kyle’s fragrance. An intoxicating mix of cedar, suede and musk. Gripping the edge of the counter, she fought hard against taking another sniff, not wanting him to think she was weird or needy.

  God, the image of him crawling over her brought a smile.

  He grinned in return, the gesture easygoing yet cocksure.

  She liked that.

  Noah brought up the rear, his scent ambrosia to a woman who hadn’t had sex in months, a spicy mingling of tobacco, musk and leather. One thousand percent male, like his smile. Knowing and confident, the same as his gaze.

  Her face prickled with heat. So much for playing things cool. “Hey. What’s up?”

  Kyle rubbed his fingers over his mouth. To stop his smile? Maybe.

  Color darkened Noah’s cheeks.

  Hmm. She had to keep from leaning over the counter to check out the prizes between their legs or asking if they were still tight with the women they’d brought to the wedding. “Is everything going okay with the trial? Ethan didn’t bust out of jail, did he?”

  Kyle laughed. “Nope.”

  “He wouldn’t dare,” Nathan said.

  Their voices rumbled more than she recalled, the huskiness seeming to originate deep within their bellies, making hers quiver. She would have asked why they were here if not for Tor. He remained to the side, as a chaperone would. Supervising the conversation?

  She turned to him. “Can I do something for you?”

  He shook his head. “I’m good.”

  “Awesome.” She slapped on a smile and gestured past him to the waiting area. “Your client will be glad to hear that. He’s ready to get inked.” She leaned in. “He’s the elderly man wearing the bright-orange shorts. Nice guy.”

  She gave Tor the work order with details of the tat the man wanted. A 3D design of a zipper on his left pec, the fastener opened to show his late wife’s face inside, smiling at him from his heart. How sweet. If only all guys were loyal to the ones they were supposed to love.

  Right, dream on.

  With the forever-after fantasy in her rearview mirror, Jasmina was ready to cut loose and enjoy herself—not once but twice. Wicked times two. She turned back to Noah and Kyle.

  They regarded Tor, who lingered for a few seconds before collecting his client, Ward.

  “Hey, I’m Tor Avana.” He stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here. Hope I’m not too old for this.”

  “Not at all,” Jasmina called out. “Go for it.” She gave him a thumbs-up.

  He laughed softly.

  “This way.” Tor gestured for Ward to take a seat in the front chair.

  The poor man stopped dead. “You’re going to tattoo me in public?”

  “Sure.” Tor clamped Ward on his shoulder. “It’ll be fun.”

  “Oh no, please.” He waved his hands in front of himself. “I wouldn’t want anyone except Sheila seeing this old body.” He lifted his droopy shoulders. “She loved me. She didn’t mind how I looked.”

  Wow, what devotion. Jasmina’s throat tightened. “It’s okay. Tor can ink you in his workstation in the back. Totally private.”

  Tor gave her a look. She gave him one right back. What was going on with him today?

  As he ushered Ward down the hall, Tor kept glancing over his shoulder at her, Kyle and Noah. Checking up on them?

  Jasmina recalled when she’d first started to date. A big thing, given she was the baby of the family, not to mention the only girl with six brothers. Even with those daunting odds, her mom and dad had been pretty cool about the whole thing, trusting their daughter to make the right choices, not to be a pushover for anyone.

  Tor, on the other hand, behaved as though she needed a keeper when she was around guys.

  She turned to Kyle and Noah, wanting to lick their bristly throats and slip her tongue into their heavenly mouths. “Something bothering Tor?”

  Kyle lifted his brows slightly before his expression grew friendly and warm again. Noah didn’t react at all, clearly the more reserved of the two.

  Would he be the same in bed or would he release his pent-up desire by getting down and dirty, making a woman squeal in delight, the same as she felt Kyle would do? What in the world would their passion be like unleashed at the same time?

  Her blood raced.

  “You’d have to ask Tor,” Noah said.

  And leave them? Not a chance. “As long as nothing’s wrong with the Ethan thing, I’m good.”

  “Everything’s on schedule with him,” Kyle said.

  “Wonderful.” She took both of them in. “Enjoying the summer?”

  They chuckled.

  Little wonder. They were perspiring as badly as she was, theirs from the outside temperature. A few minutes in the sticky July heat was enough to wilt steel. Oddly enough, their reddened faces and beads of moisture near their hairlines had her picturing them during sex. She pressed against the counter, wanting to get closer to them.

  Their gazes dipped south to her boobs. Thanks to their attention and the chilled air pouring down from the AC vents, the tips of her nipples were mega hard, poking against her white tank top.

  Kyle tapped his thumb against the glass counter. “Ah…”

  Her mouth went dry at his hesitation. Definitely out of character. Was he nervous to ask her out? If he was, then why would he do so in front of Noah? Unless they wanted to know if she’d be up for a threesome like she’d fantasized.

  Her head swam.

  “I’d like to get a tat,” Kyle said.

  Noah nodded. “Me too.”

  She stared then stopped herself from sighing in disappointment. “Sure thing. You looking to get a girlfriend’s name inked on your arms, pecs, shoulders…?”

  Noah rested his elbow on the counter, sending a wave of his fragrance toward her. “I’m not seeing anyone special.”

  She locked her knees to keep steady, forcing herself not to stare at the dark hairs dusting his forearm.

  Kyle dragged his thumb over the glass, much as she imagined he’d do with her nipples. “Me either.”

  She held back a squeal of delight and waited for them to ask her status.

  A second passed…then another. No question. Surprised, she cleared her throat to break the awkward silence. “Let’s get you guys started. Any idea what kind of tats you’d like?”

  They took in her eyes, mouth and che
st again.

  Call her crazy but they didn’t seem to be here to get inked. Why not simply pop the question and ask what she was doing tonight or any other evening? Neither of them were the shy type, judging by how they kept raking their gazes over her.


  She recalled their conversation with Tor, the way they’d kept looking at her. What had he said to them?

  “What do you have?” Kyle asked.

  “Have?” She shook her head.

  Noah’s gesture took in the place. “In terms of designs.”

  Apparently they were going through with what she guessed was a ruse—an excuse to approach her—rather than coming right out and telling her the real reason they’d come there.

  “You’re sure you guys want a tat?”

  Kyle stopped stroking the glass. “Why?”

  She opened her mouth but didn’t comment, afraid of being wrong about them. Maybe they actually wanted to get inked and simply stared at all women’s faces and boobs as they had with hers. Who knew? They surely weren’t giving up anything, treating her like a suspect rather than a potential lover. Ordinarily, she wasn’t the kind to play games. Being direct seemed smarter and less time consuming. Her ex-boyfriend Brad had changed her philosophy. She wasn’t ready to be brutally honest about how she felt or what she wanted only to get steamrolled again, especially by two of the hottest guys in this area.

  “Look at the walls.” She swung her hand in the direction of the one nearest her. “All the shots are of Tor’s or Van Gogh’s work.”

  Noah and Kyle checked her out again before heading for the photos.

  She rested her hip against the counter, drinking in their tight asses. “Keep in mind the tats will hurt.”

  Noah looked over to her and down, followed by Kyle. They took in her cut-offs, thighs, calves and finally the tat on her left ankle, a 3D design of a red ribbon tied in a bow. The ends trailed over the top of her foot, reaching the edge of her low-top sneaker.

  “Cute tat.” Noah grinned.

  Kyle smiled widely then sobered. “Hurt huh?”


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