Wicked Times Two

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Wicked Times Two Page 5

by Tina Donahue

  “Of course you will.” She stroked his fingers.

  Warmth rolled up his arm, past his chest to his groin, washing away a lot of the pain.

  “I’ll lube your back later.” She traced his thumb. “That should help.”

  Couldn’t hurt. Once they were naked, everything would be more than fine.

  “Kyle?” She turned to him and stroked his thumb. “How do you feel?”

  He lowered his bottle to the table. “Like I got tased or injected with acid. I don’t think Van Gogh likes me.”

  “He’s artistic. No one can figure him out. So you feel bad?”


  “No more macho man?”

  He shook his head.

  “Guess I’ll have to lube your chest then, huh?”


  Smiling, she leaned back in her chair. “Don’t either of you worry. When I promise to take care of someone, I do. What did Tor tell you guys about me?”

  Noah blinked at the quick change in subject. Kyle went still as a statue.

  Jasmina regarded them with an even harder look than when she insisted they eat. The kind of stare cops used when interrogating suspects.

  Clearly, she expected an answer and the truth.

  Noah cleared his throat. “He said your guy cheated and hurt you badly.”

  Embarrassment flashed in her eyes. “He did.” She lifted her shoulders. “But I’m over him now. I want to have fun. That’s all. Nothing else. Ever.”

  Wow. Listening to her was like hearing himself or another guy explain the facts of dating to a woman. He should have been crazy happy that she didn’t want strings or complications. Of course, having her use him and Kyle to get over someone else certainly soured whatever enthusiasm he might have had. “You don’t even want to be friends with us?”

  Her features went slack. She touched his arm. “Oh yeah. Of course. Always.” She stopped running her finger over his wrist and eased her hand away. “But that’s all.” She regarded him and Kyle. “No pressure, okay? From you guys either. Nothing’s exclusive. We can all move on whenever we want. Tonight might end up being the sum total of our experience. Sound good?”

  Surreal actually. He’d often imagined saying the same thing to women but hadn’t, afraid they’d kick him in the balls. Faced with mindless sex—what he’d wanted for so long—wasn’t as great as Noah had thought. He wasn’t certain he even liked what she’d proposed. Hell, where was the romance? This was like haggling over prenups to prepare for an expected divorce before even exchanging vows. Why bother going through with the ceremony? Where was the passion?

  “You’re frowning.” She leaned in, studying him. “You don’t agree?”

  “Are we only here tonight because you’re horny?”

  Kyle choked on his beer. Noah slapped him on the back.

  “Stop, I’m good.” Kyle pushed his hand away.

  Jasmina lifted her shoulders. “Aren’t you horny?”

  What the fuck kind of question was that? Of course he was—he was a damn guy. Came with the territory. However, women were supposed to better than men, have some depth, empathy, emotions. He sensed Jasmina did but was putting on her macho act, trying not to get hurt. Fine. He’d play along. Whatever made her comfortable.

  “Absolutely.” He dug into his steak rather than her. “Hungry too.”

  “Wait.” She slid her baby-soft fingers beneath his chin to his throat.

  His hair stood on end.

  “Taste.” She eased her fork to his lips. “I think you’ll like.”

  The beef and sausage had nothing on her hand sliding down his neck. For a moment, he had to remember how to chew and swallow. After he had, he leaned into her touch.


  God, he wanted everything no matter how bizarre tonight was turning out to be. “Yeah.”

  She turned to Kyle. “You too?”


  His voice was husky from booze, arousal or both. He cleared his throat.

  “Good.” She smiled. “Give me a sec, okay?”

  Kyle nodded amicably.

  She faced Noah. “Scoot back but don’t lean into the chair.”


  “Your back will hurt if you lean against the chair. So sit up straight but scoot back.”



  He pushed away from the table, the legs of his chair scraping the hardwood floor. With the grace of a panther, Jasmina left her seat and settled on his lap, tucking her foot behind his calf, cupping his face in her indecently soft palms. “This is more.”

  He inhaled sharply at her lips gliding over his, exploring, lingering. With the ease of a woman who knew what she wanted, she speared her tongue into his mouth.

  A growl tore from deep within him, lust shooting to the surface, threatening to overwhelm. He cupped the back of her head to keep her close and wrapped his arm around her waist to make certain she couldn’t escape. Not for the rest of the fucking night. No—longer. To hell with what she’d said. This wasn’t going to be over quickly or easily, not until they both had their fill.

  Time to show her how romance should work and what he wanted.

  He pushed her tongue out of his mouth and filled hers, his kiss uncivilized, demanding, expecting her to suckle and pull him deeper inside.

  She obeyed. Hell, she surrendered, melting into him, sliding her fingers through his hair. Lewd, hungry noises tore from him, from her too, neither of them holding back. He cupped her breast, thumbing her pebbled nipple through her top and bra, wanting both off, her stripped bare, beneath him, on top, any way that worked.

  He angled his head to get closer, burrowing his tongue more deeply, savoring her clean taste, the damp heat of her mouth.

  Too soon, she broke free, gulping air as hard as he was.

  He growled. “Come back here.”

  “Definitely. In a sec.”

  She slipped off his lap, staggered to regain her footing and turned to face Kyle.

  He shoved back his chair, eyes rounded, muscles tensed for whatever she planned to give him.

  This was better than being in a porn film. Finally, a woman who cut through the BS to what made the world spin. Kyle opened his arms, welcoming Jasmina into his embrace. She straddled his legs, ever mindful of leaning against or touching his poor chest. Hell, as far as he was concerned Van Gogh could have shot him full of Drano if the pain led to this.

  Giving her no chance to catch her breath, Kyle claimed her mouth, thrusting his tongue between her precious lips.

  She moaned hoarsely, a guttural sound making the hairs on his nuts stand at attention. Wanting more, he deepened his kiss and cupped her boobs, squeezing gently, hard then carefully again trying to gauge what she liked most.

  Jasmina kept pushing her breasts into his hands and wiggling her ass, straining to get her cunt closer to his cock.

  Okay then, she didn’t prefer gentle or rough, seemed to love both. What a miracle she’d turned out to be, needing sex as badly as he did with the added delight of wanting to be his and Noah’s friend. How sweet was that? Her worrying about their hurt, easing their pain, promising to lube them.

  Groaning like a man having a religious experience, he sank his tongue deeper, adoring the heat and flavor of her mouth. And her skin—wow, a rose petal wasn’t as delicate or fragrant. She smelled of need and spring mornings when hope was at its best, making you believe anything was possible. No more regrets or disappointments.

  Best of all, she got him, dismissing his macho act, encouraging him to be human, not expecting what other women had simply because he was a cop. Too many of his dates had seemed to think flying bullets didn’t scare him, that a crazed druggie was nothing to worry about, and being called pig or grandpa by snotty teens was no big deal.

  Those women hadn’t wanted a real man but a fiction created by romance writers or directors of X-rated films, their heroes able to chew nails and spit tacks, screw for hours without going soft
, never needing sleep or understanding.

  Right. Super Dick.

  Jasmina was different.

  He thumbed her nipples, relishing how she moaned around his tongue, the sound telling him how satisfied she was.

  Her pleasure meant everything. He’d always considered himself a generous lover, making certain his dates came before he did, treating them with respect. However, after the good times were over, he’d bugged out quickly.

  Not with Jasmina. These next hours wouldn’t be the end but the beginning of a journey he had to take, with them learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses, celebrating both, finding a place to call home.

  As friends. Nothing more. Precisely what she’d said.

  He turned his head to the other side, testing the angle to see if he could get closer, deeper.

  Jasmina tore her mouth free, panting like a dying man.

  Hell, he hadn’t been ready for them to part. He dove in for more.

  She kissed him a moment longer then pulled away again, trying to catch her breath. “Not enough.”

  “Well hey, give me time.” He held on to her. “We just started.”

  Noah frowned. “Same here.”

  “No. That’s not what I meant.” She pressed her hand against her chest and swallowed hard. “I want everything you guys have ever done with women. You’re in charge now. I’ll submit. Bring it on.”

  Chapter Four

  Neither of them moved or commented. On the street, Bruno Mars’s Uptown Funk blared from a car stereo, the bass super high, rattling the windows. Her refrigerator kicked on. The air-conditioning unit shut down.

  Noah and Kyle exchanged a surprised glance, their impassive cop façades falling away. Jasmina guessed none of their girlfriends had been as direct as she was.

  With so many older brothers, she’d learned to speak her mind or get bulldozed by their raging testosterone and mistaken belief that they knew what was best for their baby sister.

  None of them had ever come close.

  Noah stood, his chair tottering from the sudden movement. Her heart caught. He couldn’t be leaving. Kyle sure as hell wasn’t going anywhere with her on his lap holding him down. Noah stalked toward them, the tap-tap-tap of his sandals matching the thumping of her pulse. He looked enormous, even taller than usual. She lifted her face.

  He exchanged a glance with Kyle.

  Before she could turn to him, Kyle pushed her straps over her arms, tugging down her top and bra, exposing her breasts more easily than she ever had. Her areolas puckered further from exposure to him, Noah and the coolish air, the tips so erect they stung. Warmth crept up her chest. Before she could look at her partial nudity, Noah settled his hand on her throat, his palm calloused and hot, his expression fit for a Dom. Uncompromising. Randy as hell.

  He swooped down and claimed her mouth, filling her with his tongue, the stubble on his cheeks rasping her skin, his fierce kiss demanding she endure the slight sting. All choice was gone. She belonged to him now…and to Kyle.

  Kyle cupped her breast and latched on to her nipple, suckling hard.

  She dug her fingers into his biceps and wrapped her arm around Noah’s thigh, needing them as anchors to keep from tumbling to the floor. The room lurched wildly. Her ears rang. Pulling in a deep breath proved impossible, reducing her to puny snatches of air.

  A small price to pay for these staggering moments.

  Noah’s spicy scent mingled with Kyle’s cedar and suede, their musk enhancing both fragrances. A pulse beat deep within her pussy, her soft folds drenched with desire. Kyle dragged his tongue over the tip of her nipple, suckling gently, seductively, setting the pace like the master he was. No need to rush. Her body was his to use as he desired.

  Noah too. He claimed her other breast, circling her nipple with his thumb, fingers squeezing. His growl filled her mouth, the same as his tongue, his lips vibrating with the sound. Kyle grunted and cupped her ass, fingers digging into her cheeks. Another rush of moisture bathed her pussy, its scent obvious, confirming her need to have them inside her, filling, stretching, possessing.

  Kyle bit her nipple playfully. She arched her back, confirming her approval. Noah released her breast. She moaned in dismay, the noise muffled by his tongue. He kissed her harder, deeper, plucking at the band holding her hair, the elastic studded with red plastic flowers. Even though he was a big guy, he wasn’t heavy-handed, taking care to undo her ponytail without hurting her scalp.

  Freed, her hair tumbled past her shoulders, swaying across her back. Noah tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her mane, his hand crushing the tresses. On a grunt, Kyle released her breast, lifted his head and blew out a sigh. His prominent Adam’s apple bobbed with his swallow.

  She licked his bristly throat.

  He laughed.

  Noah suckled her neck.

  Giggling, she settled her hand on Kyle’s fly and grinned like a wild woman at the mother of all erections—harder than stone, hotter than the sun. She pulled her arm from Noah’s thigh and cupped the precious cargo between his legs. Another whopper, identical to Kyle’s.

  How lucky could one girl get?

  She caressed both of them firmly yet carefully. “I want more. Now. This minute.”

  Noah pulled back and arched one dark eyebrow. “I thought this was our show.” He turned to Kyle. “Isn’t that what she said?”

  “Damn right. In here, she’s our sub.” He grinned wolfishly and leaned close until the tips of their noses touched. “That means we call the shots, baby.”

  She stroked his nuts through the denim, loving his pleasured gasp, then pressed her face to Noah’s belly, blowing air on his tee. “Okay.”

  Noah’s abs rippled with his laugh. “Okay? That’s how you answer? You’re supposed to say, ‘Yes, Master’.”

  “Hmm. Hardcore…I like that.” She ran her thumbnail over his balls.

  He shot to his toes, wavered and came down hard, his heels smacking the floor. “Enough of this shit. I want you naked, now.”

  “Same here.” With his hands cupping her ass, Kyle pushed out of his chair, easily handling her weight before setting her down.

  Dizzy with lust, she teetered slightly, her boobs jiggling. “Naked, right—I mean, yes, Masters.” She curtsied.

  Kyle’s shoulders shook with laughter.

  Noah lowered his head but couldn’t quite hide his grin. “You’re supposed to bow down. What kind of a sub are you?”

  “Hey, hey, hey, I’m trying. Give me a break. I’m a virgin, all right?”

  Both men stared, the color draining from their faces, amusement gone. “You’re what?” Noah asked. “Are you serious?”

  “Sure.” She lifted one shoulder. “I’m a virgin at BDSM.” She gave them a sly smile. “You didn’t think—you couldn’t have thought I meant…”

  Noah turned to Kyle. “She needs a spanking.”

  He nodded. “Badly.”

  Now they were talking. “Turn me over your knees. No, hold it—cuff my wrists to the footboard between the slats.” She gestured to the bedframe she’d bought at Goodwill, perfect for a Dom’s games. Who would’ve thought? “Tell me to lift my ass and be obedient…or else. Are you going to use your hands or a strap?” She frowned. “I only have one belt but it’s too wimpy to work for this.” She studied their clothes and moaned. “You guys didn’t wear belts. You didn’t come prepared at all.”

  Noah leaned into Kyle. “So much for our running the show.”

  “No shit.” He planted his hands on his lean hips and frowned at her. “Do you mind?”

  She lifted her hands in appeasement. “Sorry—wait.” She held her fists to her heart and bowed from the waist. “Sorry, Masters.”

  They snickered. Her heart swelled with a ton of affection for both of them. God, they were fun to be with, too easily crumbling her nonchalance, and this was only their first night together. She had to chill or risk no end of grief when things were over. A foregone conclusion. All of them wanted the same. Te
mporary fun for a few days, weeks, months at the most.

  Determined to live the dream, she threw them a sidelong glance. “Want me to strip for you? Slowly? Fast? A little bump and grind? Just asking. I need guidance here.”

  Kyle and Noah turned to each other, their expressions unreadable once more. On a cue she couldn’t see, they suddenly crowded her, their heat undeniable, their power and lust the ultimate turn-on. Kyle pulled off her top, tossed the garment behind him. He unhooked her bra like an expert, ditching it too. The underwear landed on the seat of Noah’s chair.

  He’d dropped to one knee at her side, unfastening the metal button on her cut-offs, sliding down the zipper. With his thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and thong, he dragged both to her ankles. Whew. Even if her clothes had been on fire, she couldn’t have stripped as quickly. She clutched Kyle’s shoulder and lifted one leg then the other so Noah could pull her shorts and underwear past her sneakers.

  He stared at her fluffy bush that was on a level with his luscious mouth. To her surprise, he didn’t bury his face in her curls but rather pressed her thong to his face, sniffing the damp crotch.

  All the spit in her mouth dried up, arousal making her pussy mega-wet.

  Kyle cupped her mound and ass, sliding his hand down her slick cleft, easing one finger into her channel. She went to her toes. He slipped his other hand down the furrow between her cheeks, finding her anus, probing the tight ring. Her breath stalled. She pushed higher.

  “Get her sneakers,” he said to Noah. “I have a good hold on her.”

  No kidding.

  His thumb grazed her nub.

  She let out a rough moan.

  Kyle pressed his face to her neck. “Quiet, until we say so.”

  “Speaking of which.” Noah slipped off her right sneaker and tossed the shoe aside. The rubber sole clunked against the floor. The left followed, making even more noise. “How much can they hear downstairs in the shop?”

  Alice’s sound system played a moldy oldie about going up, up and away in a beautiful balloon. “Listen. Can you hear that?”

  The guys’ sighs said they could and neither of them seemed to like the musical selection any more than Jasmina did.


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